

28 Uppsatser om Aristotle - Sida 2 av 2

"Att äga och inte ägas" : en intersektionell analys av hur muslimska kvinnor upplevelser sig representerade i svenska medier

With examples from a single classroom situation, several educational moments show what goes on between the teacher and the student. The teacher?s responsibility in the learning process is, with a gesture frozen in the air of the moment, to lead and follow the student in her tentative efforts at seeking knowledge. Initially, it is an attempt to shed light upon the "not yet seen" with a certainty that the student herself possesses the capacity and the aptitude to reach greater insight and clarity in her understanding. The Validation/Feil Method presented in this instructional situation illustrates how best to communicate with elderly people suffering from Alzheimer?s dementia.

"Var är Emma!?" : En essä om integrering av barn med problematik i skolan

This essay contains two stories that reflect the reality I face as an educator, as well as a reflective discussion about my self-perceived dilemma. The dilemma reflects a classroom situation where I as an educator have trouble dividing my focus, my focus is either put on entire the class or on the child with special needs. Through this self-perceived situation I have started to question how children with special needs find their place in the school today. I discuss how I can handle and look at the unique situation that occurs when meeting this child.Terms like integration, inclusion, segregation, social rights and the expression "a school for everyone" will be discussed in this text, as well as how we can connect these terms and expressions to the problems I find in the school system?s way of handling children with special needs.I also highlight my dilemma from different ethical perspective.

Det ännu icke sedda : ett undervisningsexempel från äldreomsorg

With examples from a single classroom situation, several educational moments show what goes on between the teacher and the student. The teacher?s responsibility in the learning process is, with a gesture frozen in the air of the moment, to lead and follow the student in her tentative efforts at seeking knowledge. Initially, it is an attempt to shed light upon the "not yet seen" with a certainty that the student herself possesses the capacity and the aptitude to reach greater insight and clarity in her understanding. The Validation/Feil Method presented in this instructional situation illustrates how best to communicate with elderly people suffering from Alzheimer?s dementia.

En elev som till slut exploderar : En vetenskaplig essä om praktisk kunskap vid problemskapande beteende

This scientific essay starts in a story where you get to follow me in my work by three situations with creative problem behavior at the special school where I work. The story culminates in a dilemma where I ask myself questions about how I look at my actions and my thoughts about the student. I break down and put these thoughts into three questions: What is my student's perspective and how will it affect my actions? How can I explain my actions and attitude of the student from ethical perspective? How do my practical knowledge look like in the narrative situations and why do I act like I do?My approach is to get answers to the questions by the reflection of the text itself, the reflection group and supervisors, as well as through literature that I find relevant to the issues. The process is like a pendulum motion between text, reflection and new understanding.I look at my situations based on psychological theories about the treatment of persons within the autism spectrum of problems creative behavior.

Kan den praktiska kunskapens teori hjälpa en präst att vara i sitt esse?

This essay describes how the author gradually gets a deeper understanding for his profession and the development of his professional skills, attitude and practice. The essay contains two main narratives representing examples from the author´s occupational practice, and through those narratives he tells how his practice alters and develops. These stories are also the basis for considering different aspects on how to get good models for practising a profession when you are a beginner, and how to manage ethical dilemmas. The starting point is when the author in the beginning of his career as a rural pastor is visiting a seriously ill parishioner at a province hospital. The course and the outcome of this call is surprising the young pastor, and the author tries to analyze the background to the outcome and assesses several possible explanations for the result of his call. The narrative is used to examine the attitude, the professional skills and the social and existential context for the author at that time. The patriarchal patterns in the parish are illuminated and questioned. In the second part of the essay the author investigates what will happen when pastoral cure transforms to psychotherapy, and how the author deals with phenomena in the therapeutical process such as idealization and secondary traumatization. On basis of texts written by among others Ingela Josefson, Fredrik Svenaeus, Christian Nilsson and Ulla Ekström von Essen the author seeks explanation for the development of his practical knowledge. With references to philosofers as Plato, Aristotle, H.G.

Jakten på det nya : tankeexperiment och idéer i ett föränderligt vetande

Det här är en vetenskapsteoretisk uppsats med problemformuleringen hur kan vi förstå nytänkande, mänskligt resonerande och vetenskaplig utveckling ur ett retorikvetenskapligt perspektiv? Arbetet sker utifrån temat det nya, som i ny förståelse av tillvaron. Jag motiverar retorikens relevans i uppsatsen genom att definiera retoriken som en lära om och förmågan att förstå tillvaron. Retorikvetenskapens plats och relevans för problemformuleringen tydliggörs genom att visa hur retoriken kan förstås i relation till några kända och betydelsefulla fysiska teorier och tankar från Einstein och Galileo. Jag inleder min studie med Gärdenfors kognitionsforskning och Castoriadis förståelse av skapandet av nya idéer.

Jakten på de optimala lösningarna : En vetenskaplig essä om förskollärarens ansvar och yrkesetik

Swedish childcare has undergone radical changes in the last 15 to 20 years. It has evolved from kindergarten to pre-school, in other words, gone from simple childcare to an active learning environment with the child as the center. Official documents, such as the pre-school curriculum and other guide documents, define the role and work ethics of the pre-school teacher. In my thesis I argue that it is essential to have an ongoing and continuous discussion at pre-schools on the practical applications of these frameworks and ambitious goals.What do you do when you simply cannot give every child the individual time they should have according to rules and regulations? How do you stay an active and present pedagogue in today?s pre-school with large classes and heavy workloads? How do you establish a common professional work ethics within a pre-school so that all children are treated equally? In my scientific essay, I examine these issues based on a real-life situation: Ellen in the hallway.A pedagogue must continuously make balanced decisions based on rules and regulations, on life- and work experience which, in many cases, contradict each other.

Varför tvivlar jag? : En essä om att omsätta vetenskapliga teorier med praktisk kunskap

This essay is about the development process I have undergone during my experience-based preschool teacher education. I write about my internal process, about how I as a childcare worker go from assertiveness and believing in myself into fighting doubts, thoughts and feelings as a preschool teacher. The purpose with this essay is to make the difficulties with managing new knowledge and practicing it in real life visible, and at the same time overcome your uncertainty in a new professional role. The essay is based on two stories from my professional life where I, in the first one portray my actions and behavior as a childcare worker and in the second one as a preschool teacher. Based on my stories I try to answer questions as what does the individual learning process look like when going from one professional role to another in the same profession? What impact does theoretical knowledge have on practical knowledge?I have used reflection and writing as methods for my paper.

Att arbeta med webbaserad sfi-undervisning : Sfi-elevers syn på internetbaserad undervisning som komplement till lärarledda lektioner

What are the basic thoughts formulated in the Heraclitean fragments? A cosmology, a philosophy of nature, the idea that all can be reduced to a single substance? There is always a risk that Heraclitus is fitted into a thought pattern he doesn?t belong to, if we ? from our present horizon ? focus on continuity in an attempt to frame his thinking as part of an overall progress, running from the so-called pre-Socratics to Aristotle, in the history of philosophy. If we picture the dawn of Western civilization as an early development of scientific thinking, built on a gradual and continuous growth of knowledge, we will easily go astray as we try to discover the Greek origins of philosophy. Assuming, for example, that the readings of Heraclitus as a natural philosopher have come to a dead end, can we approach the fragments from a different angle?The aim of this paper is not to give a systematized reading of all the remaining fragments of Heraclitus, but neither to necessarily contradict the various interpretations that emphasise how these shattered remains reflect a coherent philosophy.

Solär Tragedi : Herakleitos Fragm 94

What are the basic thoughts formulated in the Heraclitean fragments? A cosmology, a philosophy of nature, the idea that all can be reduced to a single substance? There is always a risk that Heraclitus is fitted into a thought pattern he doesn?t belong to, if we ? from our present horizon ? focus on continuity in an attempt to frame his thinking as part of an overall progress, running from the so-called pre-Socratics to Aristotle, in the history of philosophy. If we picture the dawn of Western civilization as an early development of scientific thinking, built on a gradual and continuous growth of knowledge, we will easily go astray as we try to discover the Greek origins of philosophy. Assuming, for example, that the readings of Heraclitus as a natural philosopher have come to a dead end, can we approach the fragments from a different angle?The aim of this paper is not to give a systematized reading of all the remaining fragments of Heraclitus, but neither to necessarily contradict the various interpretations that emphasise how these shattered remains reflect a coherent philosophy.

Family or State? Communitarian Perspectives on Economic Responsibility for Unemployed Youth

At the beginning of the 21st century, youth unemployment is paid attention to by the Swedish government and media. A grand part of the unemployed youth live at their parents´ house because of economic reasons contrary to their primary goal to be able to make their own living. It can be argued that the young unemployed´ s social citizenship is inferior to working citizens´ social citizenship. The thesis will not deal with suggestions on practical solutions, but rather seek for theoretical answers to whether the responsibility for the young people referred to should be a responsibility of the State or of the family. Communitarianism is a relatively young theory which is interesting for this thesis because it sheds light on the dichotomy individual - community.

Polyarki och demokrati. En idéhistorisk studie av Robert Dahls demokratiteori

Since the nineteen-fifties, the American political scientist Robert Dahl (born in 1915) has been one of the most prominent democracy theorists in the world. In the book Politics, Economics, and Welfare, he and his colleague Charles E. Lindblom in 1953 introduced the notion of polyarchy as a denomination for the incomplete democracies of the Western world. Linguistically speaking, this notion was formed in connection with the ones already existing in the philosopher Aristotle's (384-322 B.C.) comparative teachings on government. Later, it has become apparent that the notion of polyarchy has already been in use by other authors, such as Johannes Althusius (1614) and Sir Ernest Barker (1947).Robert Dahl has been active at Yale University (in New Haven, Connecticut, USA), and is regarded as one of the foremost representatives of the political-science discipline known as pluralism.

En museilärares perspektiv : ett pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete kring Skansens samiska informationsprojekt 2004-2006

Denna studie är en beskrivning av ett pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete kring det samiska informationsprojekt vilket jag varit ansvarig för inom ramen för mitt arbete som museilärare på Skansens Visningsavdelning. Projektet omfattade tiden 2004-2006. Aktionsforskning handlar om att utveckla och förändra en verksamhet men också att skaffa sig kunskap om hur detta går till och vad som sker under arbetets gång. Det viktigast verktyget inom aktionsforskningen är reflektionen. Jag har reflekterat över vad som kännetecknar mitt museipedagogiska synsätt och utifrån detta studerat övriga synsätt i projektet och deras relation till varandra.

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