

720 Uppsatser om Archive guide - Sida 8 av 48

TV4 Nyheterna - samma eller likadana runt om i Sverige?: hemligheten bakom de olika lokala nyhetsredaktionernas arbete i Sverige

Uppsatsens syfte är att ta reda på hur TV4:s lokala nyhetsstationer skiljer sig runt om i landet. Jag har studerat TV4 Malmö, TV4 Göteborg, TV Luleå, TV4 Stockholm och TV4 Karlstad. Frågeställningen har varit: Hur skiljer sig TV4 Nyheternas lokala nyhetssändningar ifrån varandra i form av bildspråk, struktur, val av nyheter, intervjupersoner och programledare? Metoden som har legat till grund för min uppsats är Television monitoring guide. Jag har tittat på fyra olika sändningar på respektive nyhetsstation på TV4:s hemsida och antecknat fakta utifrån Television monitoring guide.

Du är inte ett varumärke. En kritisk guide till personliga kommunikationsplaner.

Uppsatsen problematiserar begreppet "personligt varumärke" med avseende på personlig identitet, intersektionalitetsperspektiv och moraliska perspektiv. En mall för en kommunikationsplan utarbetas för den som har, eller vill bygga upp, ett eget personligt varumärke..

Att uppleva rum - ett utforskande projekt om rumslig gestaltning

This project in an in depth exploration about the basics of creating space in the form of an experimental investigation using my own perceptions as reference. Within a method, especially outlined for the project using descriptive words of opposites, my interpretation of the words has been formed into models of rooms. Four workshops with restrictions and rules acted as a platform for the striving towards the aim of a wider understanding of how space can be experienced. Through analysis I have formulated the different parameters influencing space itself and my perceptions of it. During the project a language for visualizing the interpretations of a room has been further evolved.

Drömplanen blev en mardröm En studie om Framställningen av Norweigian och varuvärkesexponering i svensk media under Boeing 787:s kris

Executive summaryThe aim of this study is to examine how the favourability and brand exposure of Norwegian has been damage by their supplier, Boeing 787:s, problems concerning the aircraft Dreamliner. The theoretical framework underlies the content analysis that has been used to operate the study. In total the empirical data rise up to 623 articles that has been collected and analysed from the media archive Retriever. Compares to before and after Boeing 787:s problem with the Dreamliner, the results indicates that the favourability of Norwegian in the Swedish media landscape during the problems was negatively affected. The results also show that there was no increase in brand exposure for Norwergian during the problems.

Liftarens Guide, från bokstäver till sifferkod

I min uppsats har jag gjort en intermedial adaptionsanalys av Douglas Adams roman The Hitchhiker´s Guide to the Galaxy och Hammer and Tong´s filmatisering med samma titel. Den teori som främst legat till grund för min analys är Roland Barthes strukturalistiska teori om de narrativa funktionerna, och jag har även använt mig av forskaren Brian McFarlane som har vidareutvecklat Barthes teori för att anpassa den för adaptionsstudier när roman blir film. Jag valde att fokusera på de narrativa funktioner som Barthes benämner som kärnfunktioner, vilka är de som utgör berättelses grund. I och med kärnfunktionerna och deras potentiella förändringar studerade jag även hur romanens tema blivit påverkat av trasformationen. Min frågeställnig var följande:? Vilka kärnfunktioner finns i romanen?? Vilka kärnfunktioner finns i filmen?? Skiljer sig kärnfunktionerna åt och i så fall på vilket sätt? Jag tittade även närmare på katalysatorerna och sättet de förankrar berättelsen i den fiktionella världen.

Tidernas Midsommarvaka : En studie av Hugo Alfvéns rapsodi och tre olika inspelningar som historiska källor

Rami Kangas: Tidernas Midsommarvaka. En studie av Hugo Alfvéns rapsodi och tre olika inspelningar som historiska källor. [A Midsummervigil of all times. A study of Hugo Alfvén´s rhapsody and three different recordings as historical sources.] Uppsala: Musikvetenskap, 1999. C- uppsats (60 p).This essay has two purposes.

Starkare varumärke genom användande av sociala medier : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Volkswagen Sverige

Problem-definition: How companies work with social media to strengthen their brand equity and what other purposes might lay behind this usage.Purpose: How Volkswagen Sweden use social media in order to strengthen their brand equity.Method: Qualitative case- study of Volkswagen Sweden where a number of respondents will be interviewed with the help of a semi structured interview guide.Theories: A number of theories in the field of brand equity and communication theory will be used in this paper, some of these theories are, Post-model, Social technographics ladder, brand equity and word of mouth.Empiric: A semi-structured interview guide will be shaped from theory and answered through interviews with people who have knowledge within the field.Conclusions: Extracted from the results the research members has identified a number of important factors that business should consider when they work with social media or planning to. They have also answered how business can strengthen their brand equity with social media..

Män som förskollärare - pedagog, pappa eller presumtiv pedofil?

The purpose of this thesis is to explore whether male kindergarten teachers perceive additional expectations from their surroundings (such as co-workers and parents). Furthermore, we aim to understand and explain how these expectations are related to gender norms and hierarchies in society, that is social constructions concerning what men and women should do and be like. In addition, the thesis aspire to understand and explain how these constructions relate to more specific social constructions about sexual molestations in kindergarten contexts and explore how these discourses influence male kindergarten teachers in their work including which strategies they use in order to cope with them.How do male kindergarten teachers perceive additional expectations from their surroundings?How do male kindergarten teachers perceive the effects and consequences of the social constructions about sexual molestations in kindergarten contexts? Do they use coping strategies in order to attend to the expectations projected on them, and if so, what kind of strategies? The thesis is based on a phenomenological approach and conducted through interviews with six male kindergarten teachers. The interviews were directed with an interview guide in hand while allowing for spontaneous input from the interviewee.

Konstruktion av infästning till dysa

The goal of this thesis is to design an attachment between a duct and a pod. A pod is what could be compared to an outboard engine for larger vessels. The pod is placed on the outside of the ship?s hull and can rotate 360 ?. A duct is a large steel ring that can be placed around the propeller on the pod to increasethe propulsion force of the ship in lower velocities.

Från granskare till guide : om medborgarjournalistikens och deltagarkulturens påverkan på svenska journalisters professionella identitet

Title: From inspectors to guides: how citizen journalism and participatory cultureaffect the professional identity of Swedish journalists (Swedish title: Från granskaretill guide: om medborgarjournalistikens och deltagarkulturens påverkan på svenskajournalisters professionella identitet).Number of pages: 44 (48 including enclosures).Authors: Towe Bengtsson and Matilda Källén.Tutor: Amelie Hössjer.Course: Media and Communication Studies C.Period: Fall 2011.University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Informatics andMedia, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The goal of this paper was to answer how citizen journalism andparticipatory journalism as well as an increasing range of information today haveaffected the professional identity and professional lives of journalists. In addition tothis, study how journalists today respond to these changes.Material/Method: The study is based on Deuze?s theories about journalistic ideals,Jenkins? theories about convergence culture, and on theories about professionalizationand de-professionalization based on Nygren, Wiik and Torstendahl?s theories. Thestudy is based on eight interviews with professional journalists, four employedjournalists and four freelance journalists. The results are analysed based on a broadtheoretical framework.Main results: The results of this survey show that the role of the professionaljournalist is extremely complex, with a strong ideological basis that fundamentallyinfluences the journalist's view of the profession and of him- or herself.

Television i allmänhetens tjänst : en studie av public service-begreppet

Title: Television in the Service of the Public - a Study of the Public Service Concept(Television i allmänhetens tjänst - en studie av public service-begreppet).Author: Daniel FärnstrandAim: To describe the ideals, or principles, that the Public Service Ideology or concept of Pub­lic Service is based upon. The two main questions the paper aims to answer are thus:· Which principles should, according to the theoretical norm, guide Public Service activity?· Which principles guide Public Service television in Sweden today, according to the actual guidelines for the Public Service organization SVT? Method / Material: A study of relevant literature is carried out. Further, the actual guidelines for SVT are summarized. The normative guidelines are then also summarized, and a compari­son is made between this summary and the actual guidelines for SVT.Main results: Although a comprehensive definition is hard to find within the theoretical frame­work, a summary of the theoretical ideal is carried out.

Kundklubbar som en försäljningskanal - en studie om kundklubbar kan användas av Bergsala AB som en försäljningskanal

The purpose of this thesis is to explore whether male kindergarten teachers perceive additional expectations from their surroundings (such as co-workers and parents). Furthermore, we aim to understand and explain how these expectations are related to gender norms and hierarchies in society, that is social constructions concerning what men and women should do and be like. In addition, the thesis aspire to understand and explain how these constructions relate to more specific social constructions about sexual molestations in kindergarten contexts and explore how these discourses influence male kindergarten teachers in their work including which strategies they use in order to cope with them.How do male kindergarten teachers perceive additional expectations from their surroundings?How do male kindergarten teachers perceive the effects and consequences of the social constructions about sexual molestations in kindergarten contexts? Do they use coping strategies in order to attend to the expectations projected on them, and if so, what kind of strategies? The thesis is based on a phenomenological approach and conducted through interviews with six male kindergarten teachers. The interviews were directed with an interview guide in hand while allowing for spontaneous input from the interviewee.

Det riktiga Kenya och orientaliska Tunisien : En diskursanalys av Lonely Planets guideböcker om Tunisien och Kenya

Presentations of Oriental people as subordinated the West and their ideals was one way for Europeans to expand and keep control over their colonies in Africa during the nineteenth- and twentieth centuries. France and Great Britain controlled their colonies in different ways which has led to diverse legacies. Today, tourism is a source of revenue for former colonies, such as Tunisia and Kenya, and tourism also helps to spread knowledge and images of distant countries. A guidebook is one way that knowledge of other countries and people are spread to travelers. During history, images of distant people were based on a colonial discourse in which the west was seen as superior; but is that still the case? The purpose of this paper was to analyze how Tunisia and Kenya are presented in the Lonely Planet guide to Tunisia and the Lonely Planet guide to Kenya to investigate if they are constructed through a colonial discourse, and to see if there are any dissimilarities on how they are presented.

Mediadatabas med webbgränssnitt för hembygdsförening

Throughout the years the Swedish local history societies have collected a large quantity of material, consisting of photos, documents and items, among others. As the society has become more computerized, the need has increased for these collections to become digitalized. This is a way to make their media more easily accessible to the general public, but also to easily be able to archive and preserve for example photos and videos electronically.This thesis concerns itself with the work we have done for the local history society of Nyed in Molkom. The task set before us consisted of creating both a website for the society, and a reliable database from witch the website draws its information. This project allows anyone with administrator privileges to upload new files and any additional information.

Resande för eremiter : Att frångå den mänskliga interaktionen i turismindustrin med hjälp av tekniska hjälpmedel

Resandet idag har tagit nya former. Människor reser idag under kortare och fler perioder än vad de gjorde förr, vilket har medfört att planeringen innan, till och under resan blivit kortare. Turisten idag får vidare förlita sig på diverse tekniska hjälpmedel såsom Internet och GPS för att snabbt få information om resmål och destinationer. I och med de kortare planeringstiderna samt de kortare reseperioderna har turister inte längre alltid möjlighet att planera in guidade turer med en mänsklig guide. Till turistens undsättning i problemet finns idag förinspelade ljudguider som exempelvis kan användas genom att ringa upp ett specifikt nummer på en mobiltelefon.

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