

720 Uppsatser om Archive guide - Sida 5 av 48

Munhälsan hos äldre på ett serviceboende i Kristianstad - en munhälsobedömning samt en enkätstudie

The aim of our study was to examine the oral health status using an oral assessment guide, ROAG, among elderly people in a block of service. Another aim was to evaluate the elderlys perception of there own oral health using a questionnaire. The study were undertaken at a ward in Kristianstad, with 39 caretakers. 21 caretakers participated in the study. The assessment of the oral health status was done on the same individuals (n=21) who answered the questions in the questionnaire.

Revidering av rockdatabas

Svenskt Rockarkiv is an organization located in Hultsfred, Sweden. Its goal is to collect and document the history of Swedish rock music. The archive contains several types of documentation, such as audio recordings, photographs, posters, video recordings and books representing Swedish rock music history. In order to store information about the audio recordings in the archive, Svenskt Rockarkiv uses a SQL Server 2000 database and a client application written in Microsoft.NET C# and Windows Forms. The purpose of this degree project is to audit the database and windows client, since the organization has needs of new functionality.

Folkbibliotekspolitik i Göteborg under slutet av 1940-talet: En ideologianalys

The aim of this Master thesis is to delineate the ideology behind the public library politics in Gothenburg, during 1945-50. The study is an archive survey. To be able to account for the public library politics in Gothenburg during the period, the author has studied documents in the archive of the public library board in Gothenburg. The description of the politics is the source for the research papers analysis. The thesis principal issue, is on what ideological basis the public library politics has been formulated in Gothenburg, during the period of interest? The concept of ideology is defined as a coherent system of norms and values.

Digital kompetens : för individens frigörelse eller för marknadens behov?

Eskilstuna Folkhögskola is located in Munktellstaden in Eskilstuna. The school has two separate buildings with entrances that are difficult to find. By having two separate buildings, and to be in an area where there are rules and guidelines for the area's environment, makes it difficult to guide visitors to the school premises.The purpose of my research was to examine how to guide visitors to the school, and how to increase understanding that the school's various buildings are connected.Through practices such as site analysis, interviews, I found that the guidelines are not adapted to the current situation that is established in the district.Through theory and empirical material I have produced a design proposal to facilitate Wayfinding to Eskilstuna Folkhögskola. This is presented as a landmark and a clarification of the schools entrances and signage..

Grön marknadsföring : En guide till grön framgång

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze green marketing and green brand building from a managerial perspective, with the intention to create an implementation guide for companies in the Swedish consumer market.  The essay is based on a qualitative approach with a mixture of inductive and deductive elements. We have interviewed five people with close links to green marketing. We have during the study identified a number of touch points to be particularly important in the process of incorporating green marketing. These findings are presented in full in chapter five. We have found that the framework of green marketing is established during the company?s choice of green strategy.

Hotell Rwanda - Ett pedagogiskt verktyg eller historieförvanskning?

The purpose of this essay is to analyse the movie Hotel Rwanda from a didactic point of view using the movie?s use of history and historical culture as the main analytical tools. We also intend to problematize the use of movies in teaching focusing on the teaching guide from the Swedish film institution concerning Hotel Rwanda. We choose to work with a qualitative method. The reason why we decided to work with a qualitative method is the intention, as mentioned before, to analyse the movie using the tools we described earlier.

Trycksatta huvudvattenledningar : Guide för material och schaktfria metodval vid åtgärder av vattenledningar

Detta examensarbete har utförts på uppdrag av Johan Lundberg AB som har haft ett behov av att det tas fram en guide vid åtgärder av vattenledningar. Åtgärder kan innebära nyläggning, utbyte eller renovering av en vattenledning. Syftet med rapporten är att ta reda på om ett visst material eller metod kan användas till vattenledningar, få fram för- och nackdelar med dessa material och metoder, både för installationsfasen och för driftsfasen. Detta görs ur ett långsiktigt tekniskt, ekonomiskt och miljömässigt perspektiv. Rapporten innehåller en faktadel med tänkbara material och schaktfria metoder och sju stycken intervjuer med ledningsägare har genomförts och en sammanställning av dessa intervjuer presenteras i kapitel 5.3.

Den försvunna sången - En studie av en rekonstruktionsprocess

Title: The lost song. A study of a reconstruction process. I was asked by the daughter of the Swedish composer Svea Welander (1898 1985) for help to reconstruct a now lost song for voice and piano originally composed by her mother, where the melody of the song was used in the second movement of her first string quartett. The song was composed in 1955, words by Wilhelm Ekelund. My aim has been to describe the process of reconstructing the song.

Extra, extra läsvärt? : Vad användare säger om förmedlingen av skönlitteratur på folkbibliotek

Mediation of fiction for adult users in Swedish public libraries is a subject which has been little studied from a theoretical perspective. The motivation for this thesis was based on this realization, and the opinion that actual library users too seldom get their voices heard in library and information science-research. The thesis analyzes interviews with seven library users in which they have been asked to talk about the librarys work with mediating fiction. The answers are analyzed using a discourse analytic approach to see how the librarys work with mediating fiction is constructed in the users talk.Two main discourses are identified, one authoritative and one neutral. In the authoritative discourse librarians are talked of as experts who have the knowledge to guide users to the ?right? literature.

Bevarande av webbplatser : En kartläggning bland statliga myndigheter i Sverige

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate if Swedish agencies preserve their websites according to the Swedish archival legislations and guidelines. As a theory the OAIS Reference Model (Open Archival Information System, developed by US Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, CCSDS) has been used as a model to show how important it is to develop strategies for public digital information which has to be preserved for long term. The ingest function in the OAIS Reference Model demands that files are prepared for long term preservation and requires that the digital information fulfils established technical requirements.In the study the Swedish National Archive and their advices about preserving websites to archivists on the Swedish agencies are being studied. To control if the agencies meet the requirements for their management and preservation of their websites a survey was sent out to investigate if Swedish agencies preserve their websites. According to the survey result, 84 of 113 agencies preserve their websites in some way. If the technical requirements really was met could not be verified in this thesis, the results was relied on the responses from the authorities.

"Konflikter är utav ondo" -eller?En studie om konflikter och konflikthantering inom en kvinnodominerad arbetsmiljö.

In the early 1860´s, the author and opinion former Fredrika Bremer made a large donation of books to Högre lärarinneseminariet, which is the first governmental institute for higher education of women in Sweden. The aim of this thesis is to describe the collection of donated books as well as to extract information regarding Bremer's international network of contacts, her views on women's education and her relation to Högre lärarinneseminariet. Furthermore, the aim is to highlight the unique relationship between Fredrika Bremer's private collection of the books and the library of Högre lärarinneseminariet from a gender perspective. A handwritten list of the 321 titles constitutin the donation has been preserved in the seminar archive and three quarters of the books have been re-discovered in a bookcase at Årsta castle. The donation is characterized by its double origin as stamps and personal dedications remain as permanent traces in the books.

Handbok för nyanställda utan lantbrukserfarenhet som bokför lantbruksföretag i LRF Konsult AB :

LRF Konsult AB is a Swedish company with over 135 offices. During the time 2006-01-01 to 2008-06-16, 397 persons were recruited. New people will continue to be employed and because of that a need for consistant information for the recruits has been noted. The essay question is what a handbook should include to guide a newly recruited person. The newly recruited person that is referred to works at LRF Konsult AB with farming companies. The answer to the question is that it depends on the needs the employee has.

Var är svänget? - En undersökning av hur afrokubanska musiktraditioner kommer till uttryck i Ñico Rojas musik

The purpose of this study has been to examine how Afro-Cuban musical traditions and concepts are integrated in compositions for solo guitar by the Cuban guitarist and composer Ñico Rojas and how this can be expressed in the performance of his music by a classical guitarist. For this purpose a guide to Rojas music, which is included in this report, was written based on literature about Afro-Cuban music. Then a classical guitarist learned to play a piece by Rojas with help from the written guide. The result was examined using recordings of the guitarist's interpretations and an interview with him. The conclusion is that different aspects of the Afro Cuban musical tradition are present in Rojas? music, but that the concept of the clave was the most useful aspect for the classical guitarist that interpreted the music of Ñico Rojas in this study..

Lokaliseringsbaserade tjänster : En användar- och kontextcentrerad kartläggning av LBS

Location-based services (LBS) contains of services helping users of finding positions of themselves or other objects. LBS applications can present information in varies types of ways, these could be threw speech, text, geographic symbols, photos etc. Not many studies have been done to examine the aspects of LBS communication and there is a demand for user and context centered mapping.The purpose of this report is to present a model for the development of user and context based services. The model will give guide lines of recommendations when implementing LBS. The different technologies that support LBS will also be noticed.

Ett förlorat kulturarv? : Digitala personarkiv ? problem, lösningar och framtid

This thesis has focused on digital born personal archives; how they are different from analog paper archives and possible ways to overbridge these differences. It is also studied how archivists and librarians are dealing with digital archives, what they think about new proactive solutions when collecting private papers and collections and positive and negative effects with this way to work. The thesis is delimitated to only private collections and digital created material. It do not concern digitized material or electronic documents in government or business organizations.The challenges in digital curation and administration are discussed in aspect of the Records Continuum Model. The empirical material is also put in relation to research in Personal Information Management and identity theory.

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