

720 Uppsatser om Archive guide - Sida 6 av 48

Kommuner & Facebook : Hur hanteras regelverket kring allmänna handlingar?

The aim of this one-year master thesis in archival science was to examine how municipalities take regulations concerning public records into account when they use Facebook. Another aim was to examine the involvement of archivists, registrars or similar staff in the management of the regulations. Since Swedish archival theory and practice has a close connection to the application of these regulations, such an examination was hopefully going to reveal tendencies of importance for archival science. The method used to collect information was a web questionnaire and the result was based on answers from 21 municipalities with an official Facebook page. The questionnaire showed that six of the municipalities regarded documents originating from their Facebook page as public records.

Ledarskap på bibliotek En studie av tre högskole- och universitetsbibliotek

This essay is about leadership in libraries within the academic world, i.e. leadership in research libraries. To place our survey in a context we begin the theoretical review with a chapter about organisation theory. We dont think its possible to separate the leader from the organisation so we wanted to describe the organisation and its effect on the leadership. The next theoretical section is about leadership research.

Kantavskiljare ? En guide för hemträdgården

Kantavskiljare används vid olika behov i trädgården och kan ha en viktig roll. För att undvika framtida problem så som oförutsedd skötsel eller gräsrötter som envist tar sig in i rabatterna, kan detta förebyggas genom att innan tänka igenom olika aspekter och behov.   En sammanställning över tillgängliga kantavskiljare saknas, därför blev syftet att göra en sådan för att lättare hitta rätt kant för ett visst tillfälle. Sammanställningen ska sedan kunna användas av till exempel trädgårdsformgivare och andra intresserade privatpersoner som hjälpmedel. De frågor jag hade som mål att besvara i arbetet var: Vad finns det förkantavskiljare att välja på? Vad har dessa för egenskaper? Vad är viktigt att tänka på vid val avkantavskiljare?   Resultatet blev en redovisning av femton olika kantavskiljare, både mer utförligt och i en överskådlig tabell.

Hemskickade från Norge : en undersökning av de personer som skickades hem innan unionsupplösningen

Between 1814 and 1905 Sweden was in a union with Norway. During this time the two countries collaborated in many ways but there were also several differences between them. Swedish people went to Norway, often to find work, and this essay aims to examine who they were. An archive in Värmland, which people returning to Sweden during the years 1894 to 1903 were registered in, gives information about these people. From this we learn that they were mostly men in the ages 15 to 44 and they came from all over the country.

Vägen mot en guideapplikation : Designförslag till en guide i kulturhistorisk miljö

Detta projekt har skapat en design till en applikation, vars mål är att få människor i närnatur och samtidigt möjliggöra för dem att lära sig mer om den kulturhistoria denna natur har att bjuda.I projektet har designen till en guideapplikation för användning i miljö med kulturhistoriska arv undersökts och tagits fram. Projektet är en fallstudie och använder ramverket Minnesmark som en grund för designen.Designen är framtagen genom att använda en målinriktad designmetod och designprocess av Goodwin(2009). Med detta menas att personor och scenarier har varit de främsta verktygen för att generera krav till designen. Krav baseras även på ramverket Minnesmarks möjligheter och begränsningar. Vidare krav kommer även från intervjuer med två olika guider.En första design; en prototyp, utvärderades av åtta personer för att förbättra designen.

Slottsholmen på Svaneholm : en fallstudie om en historisk park- och gårdsmiljö och hur den kan ha tett sig under 16-1700-tal

The park at Svaneholm is a place, the history of which is very little known today and the needfor better knowledge has been the cause of this investigation. The essay is primarily limited tothe time from late 17th century up to the end of the 18th century and takes stand on profoundinvestigations in accessible map-and archive material. The results presented show a manorhill, which during the course of a hundred years was subject to several changes and in bigparts consisted in other than park/garden.Burman related to the manor hill containing a cowshed, a large dam and a parterre garden isix quarters and it is plausible to think, that this establishment generally was built as producedon the plate.In the 18th century the construction is being changed, they go on building at the cowshed andin 1707 there are totally 268 livestock on the farm. In 1723 the garden is represented in amuch bigger scale than on the plate from the 1680:s, but it is not possible to tell, whether it isnew or not.Parts of the parterre garden is remaining during the whole of the 18th century, for the leastuntil it is being squared, but on two of the squares there was built a riding-groundMoreover the cowshed burnt down and was only partially reconstructed.The image given by the archive material is at the same time variegated. The inventory list ongarden tools from 1726 gives an image of gardening more directed to growing and pathshuffling, while the possibilities of keeping the parterres were fewer (e.g.

Hovjuvelerare W. A. Bolins AB företagsarkiv

This examination paper is an account for the author?s work to arrange and registrate the business archive and business records of court jeweller W. A. Bolin AB from 1916 until present day, and a part of the one-year Masters Programme in Archival Science at the University of Uppsala. Problems that have been encountered are treated, as well as motivations of the decisions made during the process.

Kulturarv för framtiden : En diskursanalys av mötet mellan arkiv och bibliotek i en nationell strategi för digitalisering

The aim of this study is to examine if library and archive will meet professionally in digitization projects. The study has been conducted as a discourse analysis in accordance with the methods of Norman Fairclough, professor of Linguistics at Lancaster University. The texts are seen as linguistic and semiotic elements of social events that can be analyzed as parts of the social process ? discourse. The relationship between events and structures in society will be part of the social practice.The basic data derive from five public documents collected from Swedish government agencies.

Open Archives Initiative om "öppna arkiv" och den sociala kontextens betydelse

There is an ongoing evolution in scholarly communication. The traditional way of communicating scholarly results through scientific journals is beginning to be replaced by other means of dissemination. One new channel for scholars to communicate their results is digital publication in so-called open archives. An open archive is a kind of full text database, where a scholar may archive/publish his or her articles, as a complement or a substitute to publishing in scientific journals. There are discipline-oriented archives and institutional archives.

Backpackers informationsanvändning: ett sociokulturellt perspektiv

The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine the information use among Swedish backpackers, both prior to departure and while travelling. The questions posed in this study are; which artefacts did the backpackers use, in what way were those used as tools of mediation within their social practice and how does a presumptive interaction between backpackers and information sources appear? The empirical material consists of interviews, held with eight backpackers, concerning their information use. The interviews reveal that a number of information sources are being consulted. The most commonly used sources identified in the empirical material are guide books, advice from other backpackers, fiction, TV programmes and periodicals.

Idunas äpplen. Fredrika Bremers bokdonation till Högre lärarinneseminariet

In the early 1860´s, the author and opinion former Fredrika Bremer made a large donation of books to Högre lärarinneseminariet, which is the first governmental institute for higher education of women in Sweden. The aim of this thesis is to describe the collection of donated books as well as to extract information regarding Bremer's international network of contacts, her views on women's education and her relation to Högre lärarinneseminariet. Furthermore, the aim is to highlight the unique relationship between Fredrika Bremer's private collection of the books and the library of Högre lärarinneseminariet from a gender perspective. A handwritten list of the 321 titles constitutin the donation has been preserved in the seminar archive and three quarters of the books have been re-discovered in a bookcase at Årsta castle. The donation is characterized by its double origin as stamps and personal dedications remain as permanent traces in the books.

Förrotation till omrörare

The primary function of a mixer is to keep a fluid in constant motion. All mixing applicationsrequire varying degrees of small-scale turbulence and bulk flow. The performance of asubmersible mixer is measured by the thrust that it produces, while the strength of the bulkflow is dependent on the total amount of installed thrust.In a mixer, the fluid quickly flows past the propeller, and as a result, the current is mainlyaxial. The fluid will also obtain a rotating velocity, or a swirl, though this is significantly lessthan that of the propeller. During the process, the total amount of energy increases in the formof static pressure and kinetic energy.

Digital guidning på campus Alnarp : tekniska lösningar för riktad information till olika målgrupper

Today digital guides are most frequently used by the museum and tourism industries. They are also used for education purposes. They make it possible to distribute information and have it easily accessible. In addition to written information they add sound, pictures and videos which lift the whole impression of the visited place to a higher level. A variety of systems currently in use today have been evaluated.

Introduktion av Open Source som arbetssätt

In early January 2010 the authors participated in a meeting with the chief engineer for a company in which a central part is manufacturing of printed circuit boards (PCB). At this meeting it emerged that the machinery and production methods have changed substantially since the early 1990's. The spreadsheet for preliminary production time calculations by the company is today based on conditions from almost 20 years ago. The company has over the years been trying to adjust the spreadsheet template. The result of these adjustments has filled it with historical residue, something which makes the template difficult and time consuming when the primary user tries to handle it.The purpose of this study was to help the company increase its accuracy in the representation of the production times for the different PCB-based products by developing a new costing model based on an already existing but inadequate spreadsheet template. The company also expressed the wish that the new costing model would be less time consuming to work with.The methods used to achieve the goal are interviewing, participatory observations and meetings with relevant persons. The data obtained were analyzed using the theory on PCB production and visualization of data.

Interaktionsfrämjande faktorer i IT-stödd distansutbildning

This thesis focuses on interaction in netbased education. The purpose being to increase awareness about what promotes interaction in netbased education through understanding and categorizing the students? opinions . My method is qualitative with a phenomenographic approach. I have conducted a netbased survey with 21 respondents who have completed a netbased course.

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