

637 Uppsatser om Archaeological wood - Sida 30 av 43

Torkning av flis med restvärme : Metoder för att sänka återledningstemperaturen

The purpose of this study has been to evaluate whether a Low temperature bio-mass dryer could be integrated with the local district heating system in Malå. The aim is to increase the thermal efficiency of the cogeneration plant in Malå, by lowering the temperature of the cooling medium. Another benefit that comes from this is improved combustion efficiency at the power plant, since drying the fuel causes an Increase of the heating value.Simulations has been made in Excel, and with use of linear regression, to find out if it is profitable. Data for this purpose has been supplied by the power company Skellefteåkraft and furthermore SMHI.The result of the Calculations shows that a very efficient bio-mass dryer is needed, if yield of investments should be made possible. An Investment of 4,27 Mkr, in a dryer, could at a such criterium return 60000 kr/year, if the price of the biomass is 190kr/MWh.

Analys av fiberlängdsfördelning hos gran (Picea Abies) och tall (Pinus Sylvestris)

Tree fiber lengths controls properties like strength and smoothness in paper and other wood products. For forest researchers it is of interest to be able to determine the fiber lengths in standing trees. Mo?rling et al. (2003), among others, have developed methods to estimate fiber length distributions in standing trees without damaging them.

ALTERNATIVA ASFALTSBELÄGGNINGAR : Möjligheten att använda icke petroleumbaserade bindemedel

This report investigates the possibility to use non-petroleum based adhesive (biobitumen) in asphalt. The main reasons for replacing bitumen are the fact that oil prices are rising, the threat of peak oil and the fact that the asphalt industry is becoming more environmentally friendly.The main purpose of this report is to investigate whether there are any non-petroleum based adhesives on the market. If so, how can they be used? The questions covered are:? Are there any other alternative asphalt coatings available?? Can bio-oils be used in asphalt?? If the bio-oils can be used, what are the details their properties?? How does a cold climate affect the bio binders?? What is the Swedish asphalt industry?s opinion about bio asphalt?The project was concluded through literature studies, consultations with people in the asphalt industry and through several interviews.The conclusion of this report is that there are some existing non-petroleum based adhesives on the market. They are mainly used for bike paths, sidewalks and parkareas.

Inventering av trädbränsleaskor : en sammanställning av spridningsbar aska i södra Sverige

I takt med ökande intresse för uttag av grot så ökar också intresset för återföring av aska tillbaka till skogen. I rapporten utreds hur mycket återföringsbar aska som produceras av förbränningsanläggningar. Arbetet begränsas genom att endast förbränningsanläggningar med större kapacitet än 10 GWh träbränsle per år tas med . Dessutom sker en avgränsning geografiskt till att endast ta med anläggningar placerade söder om en tänkt linje mellan Karlstad och Stockholm.Datainsamlingen för förbränningsanläggningarnas askmängder har gjorts både med telefonintervju och enkätundersökning. Totalt har 107 förbränningsanläggningar tillfrågat.

Ikea Loves Wood : Kommunikation vid en CSR-relaterad kris 

Alltfler fo?retag drabbas av kriser som kan ha?rledas till ett oetiskt fo?rfarande. Da?rmed blir det intressant att underso?ka kopplingen mellan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) och kriskommunikation. Syftet med uppsatsen a?r att underso?ka hur ett fallfo?retag har kommunicerat vid en kris relaterad till CSR.

Anaerob rening vid StoraEnso Skoghalls Bruk

An analysis of a specific application of anaerobic wastewater treatment at a pulp and board mill, Stora Enso Skoghall, was carried out. A literature study was done and effluent wastewater from CTMP pulp production was analyzed. The analysis consisted of a broad constituent analysis and an anaerobic treatment trial. Results from these test where used to calculate the treatment effectiveness and resulting energy potential at the mill.The literature study and constituent analysis showed that toxicity of the water to be treated, due to wood extractives and sulphur content, was of concern. Detoxification chemicals targeting these constituents where used in the anaerobic treatment trial.

Dödsgott med käk i kistan : En GCMS- och FTIR-analys av kermik från ett vikingatida gravfält i Alsike hage, Alsike sn, Uppland

This paper deals with the connection between food and burial habits during the late Iron Age in present-day Sweden. The archaeological material used in the study consists of 16 potsherds from a burial site at Alsike hage, Alsike parish, in the province of Uppland in east-central Sweden. On these potsherds have been conducted FTIR- and GCMS-analyses, in order to see what types of food have been deposited in the burials. Furthermore, the result of the GCMS-analyses has been compared to contemporary material from both burial sites and settlement sites, in order to establish whether differences between the compared materials exist. The analyses show that there are differences between the material from burial sites compared with the material from settlement sites, but not any particular differences between the material from different burial sites.

Kloridhalter i gran utmed en depositionsgradient för havssalter :

The knowledge of the chloride content and its fluxes and patterns in trees is insufficient. Increased knowledge would be desirable, one of many reasons is to be able to more efficiently meet the problems that the substance causes in the pulp industry. The purpose of this study was to examine and describe the chloride concentration of Norwegian spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) in the south of Sweden. Furthermore the aim was to be able to predict chloride concentration from readily measurable site factors.

Föryngring av tall med och utan skärm på Gotland

Föryngringen av skog på Gotland har historiskt sett varit problematisk under lång tid och i dagsläget används främst markberedning följt av plantering av tall. Förutsättningen för föryngring under skärm samt naturlig föryngring under fröträd som föryngringsmetod har studerats i denna rapport då det råder brist på skriftliga sammanfattningar om dessa båda metoder. Föryngringsmetoderna studerades genom fältstudier på 16 lokaler och intervjuer med verksamma inom branschen på Gotland. Naturlig föryngring visade sig ha viss framgång på norra Gotland samt fungera väl på nordöstra Fårö. Förutom på Fårö visade emellertid föryngring med markberedning och plantering bäst resultat.

Fornföreningen Fibulas museum : Svårigheter med att rekonstruera en plats

Fornföreningen Fibula on the Aland Islands contacts the author because its members want to create a museum.The purpose of this two years master?s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies is to shed light on what a museum really is. The research question I have answered is ?what is a museum and is this what Fibula really wants in their reconstructed Viking village??. Based on interview material, ethnographic field studies, relevant research in the subject and documents from Fibula, I have answered the research question.

Bräkanden från förr : att skilja får från getter utifrån kv. Apoteket 4-5 i Visby

To differentiate between bones from sheep (Ovis aries) and bones from of goats (Capra hircus) is a long lasting challenge for zoologists, archaeozoologists and osteologists. Especially considering archaeological remains which are often found fractured and poorly preserved due to taphonomic processes. Zeder & Pilaar?s (2010) and Zeder & Lapham?s (2010) methods of species differentiation has shown promising results when used on bones from modern sheeps and goats. This paper aims to evaluate these methods by exerting them on excavated bones from kv.

Brygder och besvärjelser : En arkeobotanisk studie av medicinalväxter och den medeltida staden Nya Lödöse

The study of medicinal plants is a popular subject that, at least in the archaeological sciences, has met a lot of criticism due to the lack of physical data. It is problematic to distinguish the medicinal plants from local flora since many herbs that were used often could be found in the nearby vegetation.  The purpose of this essay is to archaebotanically analyze samples from the medieval town Nya Lödöse and compare the data with a previous analysis from the site and a literature study. The herbs meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria), lady?s mantle (Alchemilla sp.), sweet gale (Myrica gale), hop (Humulus lupulus), common tormentil (Potentilla erecta), St. John?s wort (Hypericum perforatum), henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), catnip (Nepeta cataria) and motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) have been selected for closer analysis since they occur with frequency in the historical medicinal texts and in previous analysis made on the site.

Metoder för att undersöka effekterna av naturvårdshänsynen i skogsbruket efter den nya skogsvårdslagen

In 1994 a new Forestry Act was accepted in Sweden. One of its aims was to raise the consideration for preservation of biodiversity. Since this happened over 15 years ago there is now an interest in analyzing if the law has been effective in its purpose. In this study methods suitable for analysis are being investigated. The study contents a pilot study of methods for five parameters that can validate if the law has been followed.

Tonala skillnader mellan ett tryckande stall och ett limmat stall. : -hos en bouzouki

SummaryI have a great interest in bouzoukis and since I, during my education in guitar making, mainly have focused on building bouzoukis and other traditional folk instruments, I have chosen the bouzouki as the object of my degree project.In connection to the making of these instruments, I started to consider the construction of the bouzouki and why the bouzouki has such a characteristic sound.One of my theories is based on the fact that most bouzoukis are made with floating bridges instead of glued pinbridges. Do these types of bridges differ from each other tonally and if so, how much and in what way?To receive answers to my questions, I have built two identical bouzoukis with different types of bridges, one with a glued pinbridge and one with a floating bridge. I have been very precise in the making of these instruments, giving them the exact same dimensions and using material from the same piece of wood. This to make sure that the instruments should be as exactly alike as possible.After finishing the making of the bouzoukis, I arranged for a sound test where I let musicians play and listen to the instruments.

Gäddan & fisket i Ringsjöholm : en osteologisk metodstudie i säsong & bevarande

This paper presents the results from an osteological method study of the Ringsjöholm fishbone material. Ringsjöholm is located in Scania, southern Sweden and is 14C dated to 5960-5200 B.P. The aim of this paper is to critically analyse methods used on fish bone material in estimations of season. Three different approaches were used to estimate the fishing season at the Ringsjöholm settlement; 1) identified species, 2) size estimations of the pike based on Enghoffs (1994-95) regression formulae of os dentale, and 3) growth rings of the pike vertebrae.The identified species and the size estimations of the pike points to the fishing being active both during spring and summer. Growth rings analysis of the pike vertebrae didn?t give any quantitative results because of fragmentation.

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