

637 Uppsatser om Archaeological wood - Sida 29 av 43

Kiviksgraven : analys av dess historia och framtid sett utifrån bevaringsfrågor

This essay focuses upon the Kivik monument and its conservation difficulties, since its discovery at 1748 until modern time. The Kivik monument is found in southeast of Scania, and dated within the Bronze Age period. The perspective of the conservation on the monument has merely been on the monuments inner cist of stone and the rock carvings on the cist-slabs. When the monument was first archaeological examined at 1931, its sizeable cairn (75 m in diameter) had almost vanished and the cist was sheltered by a casing of concrete and metal roof. Between 1932 and 1933 the monument has undergone a large-scale restoration, and this criticized restoration resulted in a low antiquarian value with the responsible authority.

Allt utom byn Sökandet efter en vikingatida by i sydöstra Blekinge, med områdena runt Järrestad på Österlen och Sorte Muld på Bornholm som jämförelsematerial.

The purpose of this essay is to see if villages or bigger settlement locations can be found in south-eastern Blekinge during the viking age. There have been many archaeological findings from this period in Blekinge, for example grave findings, ring-forts , old roads and ancient harbors. But no evidence of a village has been found yet. If south-eastern Blekinge is compared with the area surrounding Järrestad on Österlen in south-eastern Skåne and the area surrounding Sorte Muld on Bornholm, many likenesses can be seen. In this essay, the findings in Blekinge will be used as different components when the three areas are compared with each other.

Vivesholm : djurbenen belyser den gotländska medeltida borgens husdjurshållning samt husgrundernas användningsområden

The castle Vivesholm is located about two miles north of Klintehamn on the west side of Gotland. The castle was built around year 1395 and burned down in the end of the 14thcentury. Around the 17th and the 18th century the castle was re-used. However, the emphasis on its use is during the middle ages.This paper aims at getting an insight in the animal husbandry at Vivesholm by analyzing the osteological material. The analysis revealed that bones from sheep/goat were more common than bones from cattle.

Marknadsundersökning av Södra skogsägarnas medlemmar inom Gislaveds verksamhetsområde

This study is done on behalf of Södra skogsägarna in the autumn of 2012. The main purpose of the study is to get an explanation to why some of the members are passive in their forestry, and how Södra can stimulate them to become more active. To achieve this a questionnaire study was conducted on the members of Södra in the community of Gislaved. The result of the study shows that there are many different factors that influence whether the forest owner is active or not. Examples of those factors are timber prices, the forest owner's objectives and the forest owner's financial situation. The main goal for the forest owners in the survey was to obtain high economic result and to increase the standing timber volume for the next generation.

VAD ÄR VÄL EN DAG PÅ SLOTTET? Ett möte mellan design och museipedagogisk verksamhet

The project objective was to make parts of our cultural heritage available as a resource for learning, by developing the pedagogical activities on a medieval castle, that today functions as a museum. I also wanted to explore the role of a designer in a process that aims to develop the interaction between schools and cultural institutions.By a selection of objects and locations in the castle, illustrations with accompanying texts were made, which through the children?s imaginative ability may bring them to a historical scenario. This resulted in a working material that supports the children?s activities and reflections during their visit to the castle.

Nu jagar de papperslösa : En kvalitativ diskursanalys om massmedias framställning av Reva-projektet och polisens arbete

The purpose of this essay, ?Now they are chasing paper-less - A qualitative discourse analysis of mass medias depiction of the Reva-project and the work of the police?, is to analyze how mass media portrays the Reva-project and polices work with the project. The basis for the essay will be eight selected newspapers. The Reva-project implies collaboration between the Police, the Swedish Migration board and the Swedish Prison and Probation Service within the border police. The aim of the project is to enhance the efficiency and the execution of the border police work, in accordance with the government?s target.

I mellanrummet. : En hermeneutisk studie i musikalisk gestaltning

Fornföreningen Fibula on the Aland Islands contacts the author because its members want to create a museum.The purpose of this two years master?s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies is to shed light on what a museum really is. The research question I have answered is ?what is a museum and is this what Fibula really wants in their reconstructed Viking village??. Based on interview material, ethnographic field studies, relevant research in the subject and documents from Fibula, I have answered the research question.

Bränsleoptimering av befintliga brikettpannor

Intresset för biobränsleproducerad energi har ökat i takt med att kunderna blivit mer miljömedvetna. På grund av detta har efterfrågan på briketter ökat samtidigt som träindustrin har haft det svårt i en sviktande konjunktur. Därför har ett examensarbete utförts i samarbete med E.ON Värme Sverige AB där undersökningar på bränslebyte i pannor avsedda för torra bränslen till fuktigare, stamvedflis har utfört.För denna undersökning har begränsningar införts på övre och undre effekt i form av uppehållstid och slutförbränningstemperatur. Intervallen är enbart beräknade på stamvedflis med 30 och 40 % fukthalt.Undersökning visar att det går bra att elda stamvedsflis i briketteldade pannor utan att emissionerna ökar så pass mycket att villkoren för anläggningarna överskrids om lasten hålls inom vissa intervall. Det möjliga effektintervallet ökar med minskad fukthalt på bränslet.Undersökningen har visat att det är bränslets kvalitet som är den mest begränsande faktorn..

Ideologisk inverkan på SAB:s klassificering av arkeologiavdelning J

The Swedish Library Classification System, known as the SAB-system, can be viewed as a product of the cultural and social norms and values in Sweden during the time in which it was created and subsequently reviewed. The main purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine the archaeology section J in the SAB-system, in order to observe if values and norms within this discipline had any impact on the Swedish Library classification system. Our intention is therefore to verify any correspondence between the choice of topics and hierarchical structure of that section, and the values and norms that ruled the Swedish society during the 20th century at large but with particular emphasis to the academic discipline of Archaeology. At the present, Archaeology is often disputed as a value-free interpretive science.

True wood

I arbetet med en stol har jag utgått från det ursprungliga i trä. Min vision har varit att bevara och lyfta fram materialets inneboende och primära egenskaper.Jag har formulerat en bild av detta:-En gåtfullhet ligger som dagg över stolen och speglar den magi man kan finna iskogens träd.Min tillverkning bygger på en ärlig utformning gentemot trädet. I vårt nutida Sverige med masskonsumtion av möbler glöms materialens ursprung bort. På grund av det högteknologiska raffinerandet av materialet döljs tillverkningsprocessen. Jag vill visa materialets ursprung och låta brukaren förstå att trä har varit levande.

Urvalsdesign för SCB:s undersökning av föetagens ekonomi

Tree fiber lengths controls properties like strength and smoothness in paper and other wood products. For forest researchers it is of interest to be able to determine the fiber lengths in standing trees. Mo?rling et al. (2003), among others, have developed methods to estimate fiber length distributions in standing trees without damaging them.

Fjärrvärme - ny lokalisering av kraftvärme i Enköping

The municipality of Enköping is presently working out a new layout plan for the town of Enköping and new residences are planned in the harbour area. Because of these plans, the municipal energy company ENA Energi may have to move its location from the harbour to another part of the city.The aim of this degree project is to investigate the possibility of building a new CHP plant in another area of Enköping. The future demand on district heating and infrastructure at the new location have been projected. A new CHP plant has been dimensioned and economic analyses concerning the project have been made.Results show that the future demand of district heating in Enköping will differ a little from the present needs. In 2030, the district heating production is expected to be c.

Vindpark Vänern : Fundamentteknik och Logistik

An analysis of a specific application of anaerobic wastewater treatment at a pulp and board mill, Stora Enso Skoghall, was carried out. A literature study was done and effluent wastewater from CTMP pulp production was analyzed. The analysis consisted of a broad constituent analysis and an anaerobic treatment trial. Results from these test where used to calculate the treatment effectiveness and resulting energy potential at the mill.The literature study and constituent analysis showed that toxicity of the water to be treated, due to wood extractives and sulphur content, was of concern. Detoxification chemicals targeting these constituents where used in the anaerobic treatment trial.

Ritens aktörer : En studie över rituella utövare i Sydskandinavien under bronsåldern

Mainly focusing on the big picture regarding the research concerning the religious sphere in Bronze Age Scandinavia, the research field has been missing out on the smaller picture. The results have a tendency to produce a picture where the big landscape monuments, social structures and cosmology appear in the foreground. This essay is a comment to this phenomena and a methodological and terminological discussion regarding the way in which we as archaeologist?s works with questions about religion and rites. The main task though is to make an attempt in trying to identify the ritual performers and to answer the question whether it's possible or not to do that.

Om matematikundervisningens svåra konst. Ett sätt att undervisa abstrakt bevisföring

Tree fiber lengths controls properties like strength and smoothness in paper and other wood products. For forest researchers it is of interest to be able to determine the fiber lengths in standing trees. Mo?rling et al. (2003), among others, have developed methods to estimate fiber length distributions in standing trees without damaging them.

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