

2708 Uppsatser om Applied and experimental psychology - Sida 52 av 181

Dödens vara eller icke-vara i individens vardag : Om individuella och kulturella uppfattningar om människans förgänglighet

Though death and mortality is an inevitable part of our lives it seems like both the society with its culture and the individual in some way repress death. This study was set to explore how and why the individual holds back thoughts on his/her own death and in which way society affect the individual?s repression of death-thoughts. Using a hermeneutic approach I have interviewed five informants about death and thoughts about death in everyday life. Also for the analysis of the empirical material a hermeneutic approach was used, and the works of Bauman, Giddens, Heidegger, Fromm and May served as a theoretical starting point.

Ytans djup : Visuell ikonicitet i den grafiska konstformen lyrik

This thesis revolves around an obvious fact: printed (or otherwise two- or three-dimensional) poetry is always and inevitably visual. By analysing a representative selection of poems, including conspicuously experimental and image-like poems as well as examples of more conventional poetry, the thesis points out that visual iconicity is an equally inevitable consequence of the visuality of printed poetry. The analysis applies terminology relating to iconicity and intermediality (presented by Lars Elleström, whose theoretical basis is the semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce) to the selected poems, while avoiding making too specific interpretations, in order to maintain a discussion of the ever-present phenomenon of visual iconicity as such, and not just the individual examples.Rather than introducing visual iconicity specifically to confirm more or less specific interpretations of poetic texts, this method of approaching poems as two-dimensional works of art is what this paper mainly aims to propose, as a productive starting point for literary analyses in general; as is concluded in the theoretical framework by Elleström, the actual modal and iconic properties of printed poetry contradict mutually exclusive dichotomies such as verbal/visual and text/image. While indirectly visually iconic poems tend to have a wider range of possible interpretations at the outset, the existence of iconic potential, however, does not depend on any specific interpretation..

La Russie douze points - En studie i Ukrainas identitetspolitik

After the fall of the Iron Curtain the European Union was challenged partly by an institutionalized organization of the union, as well as by a socio-psychology awareness concerning the meaning of the European Union. The increase in European integration has generated a political collaboration where national understandings in identities are constantly being exposed for reconstruction. This results in a collective European identity where states are united in diversity.National identities are created when boundaries are set up in a relation to other states. In these identity constructions there are thoughts and questions raised such as who we are and who we are not. Ukraine and the European Union has, during a long time, had diversified preconceptions concerning who has been the others.

Konsumentreklam som skapar framtidsutsikter - En kvantitativ studie om hur ökad annonsansträngning i konsumentreklam skapar bättre framtidsutsikter för annonsörens anställda

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how consumer advertising has an effect on other groups than the intended, the so-called extended audience of advertising. Previous research shows that consumer advertising can influence investors and employees of a company as well as affect the attractiveness of a company as a potential employer. In addition, research shows that more perceived cognitive effort in advertising results in positive signaling effects for consumers. This study aims to further build on these concepts in order to gain additional understanding of how consumer advertising can influence extended audiences. More specifically, it examines if more (versus less) effort in advertising can improve the future prospects on the labor market for an employee of the advertising company, by looking at recruitment consultants as an extended audience.

Demokrati och Statskapacitet i Latinamerika

This thesis, drawing from several empirical investigations, reaches the conclusion that there seems to be a positive correlation between the level of democracy and the level of state capacity in Latin American countries. This correlation is explained by a hypothesis derived from Rational Choice theory. With some important caveats, this conclusion is then applied to the discussion about democracy as a form of government. Within democracy, the thesis also offers an insight into different electoral systems and its possible implications, mostly on a theoretical level. The thesis only exists in swedish as of yet..

Trender i ämnesval hos magisteruppsatser inom kunskapsorganisation 1995-2005 : en innehållsanalys

The aim of this study is to establish whether there are any specific trends in master theses concerning knowledge organization. To identify the past and current trends a method of content analysis has been applied to 110 theses over a time period of ten years. The results of this study show that there is an increasing interest in subjects concerning for example the evaluation of retrieval effectiveness in search engines on the Internet. A subject which was popular in the late 1990:s was information technology and its different applications. This subject has since that time decreased in popularity.

Språklig återkoppling i spontana dialoger

I denna uppsats undersöks språklig återkoppling i målstyrda spontana svenska talade dialoger. Syftet med studien var att undersöka förhållandet mellan språklig återkoppling och typen av angränsande talakt samt att studera prosodins roll för återkopplingens tolkning. Tre dialoger på sammanlagt ungefär 22 minuter analyserades. Språklig återkoppling definierades som en verbal interindividuell signal, som är en reaktion på en talares yttrande och som har ett visst syfte, från lyssnare till talaren i ett samtal utan att lyssnaren gör anspråk på turen..

Självskadebeteende hos tonåringar : En studie rörande förekomsten av självskadande beteende hos ungdomar i årskurs nio, i relation till kön, självkänsla och grad av mindfulness

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka förekomsten av självskadebeteende hos tonåringar, om detta skiljer sig åt mellan könen och om samband kan uppvisas med självkänsla och mindfulness.128 elever i årskurs nio från tre skolor besvarade frågeformulären Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale samt Mindful Attention Awareness Scale.Resultaten visade att 65,9 procent av deltagarna skadat sig själva vid åtminstone ett tillfälle, och 41,4 procent vid flera tillfällen. Det förekommer ingen signifikant skillnad mellan könen. Hos flickorna korrelerar självskadebeteende med låg självkänsla och låg grad av mindfulness. Pojkar som skadat sig själva många gånger uppvisar lägre grad av mindfulness än övriga pojkar. Resultaten indikerar att det troligtvis finns flera olika anledningar till att ungdomar skadar sig själva..

Dikesavståndets inverkan på såtid och skörd

All arable land in Sweden need a proper drainage for an effectively agriculture to take place. Of all arable land in Sweden, about 50% is naturally drained and 50% need artificial drainge. More than half of the tile drained area is in need of new drainage or renewed drainage. A good drainage improves farming and crop growth and increases the opportunity to achieve a high and safe harvest level. Future climate change and agriculture size rationalization will increase the need for good drainage. In this paper, two trials with three drainage distances, performed at Lanna experimental station, were analyzed using a mixed linear model.

Leka lära leva : En studie i inomhusmiljöns betydelse för små barns lek och lärande i förskolan

Our aim in this work has been to redesign ModernFamilies and make a user-friendly interface for people with aphasia. The focus has been to identify general issues they might face while using different technology and applications, in order to find better alternative design for ModernFamilies, with a focus on usability. To approach this issue, we used a qualitative method. Our study includes several interviews and observations preformed in conjunction with the AGNES project (AGeing in a NEtworked Society) and speech therapists. Aphasia requires simple design that in the same time gives them support to understand and use technology and different applications.

Uppsatsreferenser i svenska doktorsavhandlingar i arkeologi 1972-2002. En teoretisk diskussion och en bibliometrisk undersökning

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

"Att utnyttja de andras kompetenser är det värdefulla". En professionsteoretisk undersökning av personalens kunskaper i en mångspråkig biblioteksverksamhet

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

Social rekrytering ur arbetssökandes perspektiv ? en känslomässig upplevelse.

Ur ett arbetsgivarperspektiv visar tidigare forskning en alltigenom positiv bild av rekrytering via sociala medier, vilket kan förklara dess ökade popularitet. För en arbetssökande däremot kan social rekrytering upplevas som ett hot mot integriteten, eftersom personlig information exponeras för arbetsgivaren. Syftet med denna enkätstudie var därför att öka kunskapen om arbetssökandes inställning till och emotionella upplevelse av social rekrytering utifrån demografiska aspekter. Resultatet från de icke-parametriska testerna visade på en något ambivalent inställning, men med positiva förtecken. Ett samband framkom mellan upplevd nytta och den generella inställningen, men även ålder hade en inverkan på attityden.

Att förändra sin livsstil genom Fysisk aktivitet på Recept

Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad det innebär för den enskilda individen att få fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR), samt om deltagande i en FaR-grupp stimulerar till självständig fysisk aktivitet. Även vad som gör att individerna utnyttjar sina recept samt hur beteendeförändringen, att bli fysiskt aktiv, upplevs har undersökts. Fysisk aktivitet på recept innebär att man ordinerar fysisk aktivitet i syfte att förebygga och behandla sjukdomar. Studien genomfördes under våren 2006. Tio deltagare i FaR-grupper remitterade till en idrottsförening från en vårdcentral i Skåne och de tre ledarna för grupperna intervjuades.

Imitation som intervention : En behandlingsstudie om hur Intensiv Imitation påverkar samspel och kommunikation hos en flicka med Rett syndrom

Rett syndrome is a congenital neurological syndrome, which in the classic phenotype only affects girls. The symptoms include lack of speech, stereotypic movements of hands, dyspraxia and mental retardation, and these symptoms lead to communicative impairments. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the intervention method Intensive Imitation affected interaction/communication and initiative in a girl with Rett syndrome. The design of the study was a Single Subject Experimental Design with a three-week long intervention period where the girl participated daily in 30- minute sessions of Intensive Imitation together with the test conductor. Interaction, communication and initiatives were observed and analyzed before (Baseline A), during and after (Baseline B) the intervention period.

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