

829 Uppsatser om Anxiety symptoms - Sida 16 av 56

Huvudhalscancer och livskvalitet : Patientens skattning av livskvalitet innan och efter strålbehandling

Introduction: Each year 1200-1300 patients are diagnosed with head neck cancer. Treatment that involves radiotherapy can cause severe side effects for example trismus that affects quality of life.Purpose: To study health-related quality of life in patients who have undergone radiation treatment for head and neck cancer and participated in a intervention group who received training intended to prevent trismus or in a control group who received standard treatment.Method: This is a prospective study in which data is collected from 66 patients participating in a randomized study aiming to evaluate a training program to prevent trismus. Thirty three participated in the intervention group and thirty three in the control group. Both patient groups assessed health related quality of life (HRQOL) with EORTC QLQ C30 and QLQ-H&N35, at start and end of the radiation treatment, and at 3 and 6-months after completing radiation treatment.Results: There is no difference between the intervention and control groups regarding symptoms, functional status and global health, except for intake of nutritional supplements.  For both groups almost all scales measuring HRQOL deteriorated under the radiation treatment. However, 3 and 6 months after end of radiotherapy HRQOL had improved and had returned to the baseline values.

Bärarskap av meticillinresistent Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) hos svenska hundar :

During the last years, meticillin resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) have caused an increasing number of infections in Swedish dogs. MRSP is resistant against a majority of the antimicrobials available for dogs in Sweden, making it difficult to treat the infection. Our knowledge of the bacterium is limited, making it hard to handle infected dogs in a proper way. The aim of this study was to investigate for how long time dogs, who have an infection caused by MRSP, become carriers of the bacterium. Other factors like treatment with antimicrobials, the correlation between clinical symptoms and carriage, common diagnoses and institutionalization where also looked upon.


I nyligen publicerade (2008-2013) vetenskapligt granskade artiklar i ämnet matematikångest, har i första hand artiklar som behandlar gymnasiet och högskolan studerats. Sökningen av litteratur har skett i två databaser, Summons och ERIC, med hjälp av boolesk sökning och ämnesord. Fyra frågeställningar har använts vid läsningen av litteraturen. I orsaker till problemet, II är matematikångest ett könsrelaterat problem, III finns det lösningar på pro¬blemet och IV aktuella metoder för att mäta matematikångest. Orsakerna till problemet har studerats utifrån medicinska orsaker eller känslomässiga och kognitiva orsaker.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy för musikalisk prestationsångest : att lära sig leva med prestationsångest genom ökad psykologisk flexibilitet

Musikalisk prestationsångest (MPA) är ett vanligt förekommande problem bland musiker och kan i vissa fall omöjliggöra en karriär som musiker. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att utvärdera en 5 sessioners behandling med Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) för MPA. Resultatet är lovande, 7 av 8 deltagare fullföljde behandlingen och flera deltagare fick förbättringar på såväl ACT-relaterade mått som på mått för MPA. Resultatet motiverar vidare forskning om ACT för MPA..

Allt har förändrats men ändå ingenting

Everything has changed, yet everything is the sameUsually, there is no reason for people to think about death or illness, although it is a highlynatural part of life. Most people live in health without major problems. When something does happen, people assume it will be at the end of their life and then it will be a natural part ofgrowing old. Yet some will get the notice or the feeling that something is not the way it should be, it can be something they can live with or they may have to face death.The work concerns the body?s fragility and feelings about human vulnerability.

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder vid cancer hos barn - en litteraturstudie

Every year 300 children in Sweden are diagnosed with cancer, but through research and successful clinical work 70 % of the children survive their cancer. Aim: To illuminate nursing care of children with cancer. Method: The study was carried out as a general literature study through systematic review and analyse of 18 scientific articles. Result: The analysis resulted in five themes: Support, play as a psychological assistance, alternatives to alleviation of pain, nutrition and relieving symptoms of fatigue.Conclusion: It is important that the nurse has knowledge about the children and their family?s experiences when dealing with a cancer illness to provide the children with adequate care.

Den synliga övervakningens effekt

The purpose of this essay is to explain which factors influence the disciplinary effect of visible constant surveillance on the people under surveillance. In order to do this we have used recorded video from a tv-show called Big Brother, which is characterized by this kind of surveillance. In addition, an open-ended interview was performed with one of the participants from the show. We have, based on a number of theoretical assumptions, as well as reflections from the interview, precisely defined expected symptoms of the participants, that would indicate when the disciplinary effect was low respectively high. Our observations and analysis allows us to conclude that the disciplinary effect of surveillance in many situations is counteracted when surveillance is constant, leading to relatively low levels of disciplinary effect in Big Brother..


Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka och beskriva manliga patienters uppfatt- ningar av kateterisering och hur det är att, tillfälligt i samband med ett operativt urolog-iskt ingrepp, få och bära kateter. Studien genomfördes genom kvalitativa intervjuer av tio patienter på en vårdavdelning. Materialet från intervjuerna bearbetades och analyserades med en fenomenografisk ansats och detta resulterade i fem kategorier: Vikten av ett gott bemötande, Informationen före operation har stor betydelse, Obefogad rädsla för smärta, Betydelsen av val av material, Tryggheten och relationen till medpatienter i samma situation..

Kan pepparmyntolja lindra symptom vid IBS?

Sahlgrenska Academy at University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Can peppermint oil relieve the symptoms of IBS?A systematic reviewAuthor: Caroline Månsson and Linn RamströmSupervisor: Fredrik BertzExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 23, 2013___________________________________________________________________________Background: An estimated 7-10% of the world population suffers from Irritable BowelSyndrome (IBS), a disease that greatly affects the daily life and the quality of life of the afflicted.The total annual health care cost of IBS is around 1280 billion Swedish crowns. IBS ischaracterized by abdominal pain/discomfort in combination with diarrhoea, constipation, or acombination of these. The etiology is unknown but it is believed that there are several factors thatcome into play. The disease cannot be cured, but there are ways to alleviate the symptomsthrough a variety of medicinal preparations and dietary treatment.

Avslappning och massage i omvårdnadsarbetet. En litteraturstudie om hur avslappning och massage kan befrämja hälsa.

The purpose of this literature review is to gain knowledge of how a nurse can relieve a patient´s suffering and promote a patient´s health on his/her own without pharmacologic aid. The method is a literature review based on 10 scientific articles. The study is influenced by Antonovskys view of health. The result showed four clear themes: (1) reduced anxiety / worry and physiological effects, (2) well-being and quality of life, (3) steps towards self-care and (4) relations. Relaxation and massage proved to have calming and pain-relieving effects.

Survey of Fusarium species on yellow onion (Allium cepa) on Öland

It has been observed by both onion producers and a plant protection advisor on Öland (an island off the east coast of Sweden) that basal rot is the largest contributory factor to reduced onion quality and yield. Basal rot is mainly caused by species of Fusarium fungi. The aim of this study was to: a) investigate which species of Fusarium that can be found in onion produced on Öland, b) describe the symptoms caused by the different Fusarium fungi found and c) explore, through interviews with the onion producers on Öland, the mechanisms that may be involved in the observed increase in basal rot.Onion bulbs (Allium cepa) were sampled on two occasions. In total 181 onions from 11 different fields were analysed. In addition, eight onion producers were interviewed.

AD/HD och känslomässigt undvikande : En naturalistisk pilotstudie om effekten av ISTDP för vuxna med AD/HD

Bakgrund: AD/HD innebär en funktionsnedsättning med kärnsymptom som ouppmärksamhet, hyperaktivitet och impulsivitet. Personer med AD/HD har också ofta problem med känsloreglering. Intensiv dynamisk korttidsterapi (ISTDP) syftar till att hjälpa patienter till ökad förmåga att uppleva komplexa känslor genom att medvetandegöra dem. Terapiformens utgångspunkt är att många patienters problem skapas av känslomässigt undvikande och den betonar värdet av upplevelse av känslor i terapirummet.Studien syftade till att undersöka effekten av ISTDP på symtomen hos patienter med AD/HD som ett komplement till sedvanlig medicinbehandling. Frågan var om behandling riktad mot känsloreglering påverkar den globala symptombilden för personer med AD/HD.Metod: Studien är en naturalistisk pilotstudie med sex patienter som fick 10 sessioners behandling med ISTDP.

The laboratory rat : improved welfare for mothers andpups through breeding in an enriched environment?

Maternal behaviour is crucial for the development of the rat pups? behaviour and stressresponses later in life. There are numerous studies evaluating the effects of the dams?behaviours on the pups, but not many addressing what can be made for wellbeing of the ratdams when breeding. Few studies have addressed the question of how the commonly usedrearing environment effects the dams? behaviour and in the long run how it effect the ratsreared to become our research models.

Riskfaktorer för förlossningsdepression samt förebyggande åtgärder ? En litteraturbaserad studie

Introduction: Approximately one in eight women suffer from postpartum depression, which can affect them for a period of weeks or even years. Postpartum depression does not only affect the mother, it also has a negative influence on the rest of the family. Postpartum depression can also lead to negative consequences for the development of the infant. It is an illness that is still considered a taboo, a fact that makes it hard to identify among women who are affected. Aim: The aim of the study was to examine cases where there is a connection between social economic status (SES) and the presence of postpartum depression.

Identitetsskapande mammor : på gott och ont

This is a qualitative social psychology study, which aims to describe how mothers with 1-2 year old children develop their identities, seen from Symbolic Interactionistic perspective. Five young mothers have been interviewed, through qualitative interviews and self reports. Through this data I have attempted to establish how these women develop their identities when they have been mothers for 1 or 2 years. The conclusions I have drawn is that the identities change radically with becoming a mother and all respondents take different decisions outfrom their identities as mother. There seems to exist a need of more knowledge about how to bring the identity of a woman and a mother together and create a new entity.

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