

829 Uppsatser om Anxiety symptoms - Sida 15 av 56

Livskvalitet hos personer med cancersjukdom inom palliativ vård

AbstractBackground: Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide and accounted for 7.6 million deaths, about 13% of all deaths, in 2008. Several factors can affect patients' quality of life such as physical and psychological symptoms, relationship to people around and the environment. In palliative care professionals need to have good knowledge in order to improve patient quality of life and to give them as good a life as possible in the final stages of life.Aim: The purpose of this overview study is to describe the experiences of quality of life in patients with incurable cancer.Method: We conducted an overview study that was based on ten scientific articles. All articles are qualitative studies, from the year 1995 - 2011, and are from Sweden, Finland, UK, Canada and the USA. Qualitative analysis was used to group the various themes and subthemes for overview study purpose.

Pedagogisk intervention vid audiologisk rehabilitering med hjälp av en textbok. En randomiserad kontrollerad studie.

Hearing is considered to be the most important sense for the communication between people. Several studies have shown that hearing loss can lead to deterioration in quality of life, reduced social activities, feelings of alienation and hence the increasing incidence of depression symptoms.An early audiological rehabilitation is a prerequisite for proper communication among people with hearing loss. Knowledge has been shown to be of great importance and structured learning and individually targeted approach can be expected to facilitate the audiological rehabilitation.The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of an educational effort for people with hearing loss where the effort was made in the distance within the audiological rehabilitation and was followed-up by professional phone support, through a randomized controlled study.The study group consisted of 69 hearing aid users who were randomized by an independent person into two groups, an intervention group and a control group. The intervention group (n = 33) had access to the book "When the sounds are weaker - on hearing and hearing aids". The group received weekly topic-based information related to the different chapters of the book, in five rounds.

Mätning av barns oro vid undersökning eller behandling på sjukhus

Att barn kan vara oroliga vid sjukhusvistelse har framkommit i flertalet studier. Oro kan påverka smärta och tvärtom. Minnen av smärta kan skapa oro. För att bedöma barns oro finns ett par instrument. Ett av dessa är State Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC-S), en enkät med 20 påståenden, där barnen får fylla i hur de känner sig.

Skattning av prognostiska faktorer för gradering av smärtans komplexitet hos patienter i behov av multimodal smärtrehabilitering inom två vårdnivåer.

AbstractPURPOSE: The aim of this study was to describe and compare possible differences regarding selected prognostic factors for disability between patients with non-specific chronic pain who were about to start a multidisciplinary treatment program (MMR), either within primary care (MMR1) or hospital care (MMR2).METHODS: The study had a descriptive and comparative cross sectional design. Eighty-nine patients were recruited consecutively when they were about to start their team treatment (50 in MMR1,39 in MMR2). The measurements were; Evaluation of self-reported self-efficacy for eight daily activities (STIVA-8), The Pain Belief Screening Instrument (PBSI) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).RESULTS: The study found some significant differences between the answers from patients in MMR1 and those from patients in MMR2. For instance, patients in MMR2 estimated lower self-efficacy according to STIVA-8 than patients in MMR1. Also, there were fewer low risk patients and more high risk patients in MMR2 than in MMR1 regarding pain intensity according to PBSI.

Anestesisjuksköterskans lugnande förhållningssätt i mötet med vaken patient som visar tecken på oro: En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Patienter som står inför ett operativt ingrepp upplever ofta oro och stress i den perioperativa miljön. Oro förbrukar stora mängder energi som kan ge sig uttryck i huvudvärk, irritabilitet, olust och vanmaktskänsla. Tidigare studier har dock visat att anestesisjuksköterskan har genom det goda mötet möjlighet att lindra patientens lidande i dessa situationer. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva anestesisjuksköterskans lugnande förhållningssätt i mötet med vaken patient som visar tecken på oro. Åtta kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med anestesisjuksköterskor som har minst fem års erfarenhet av perioperativt vårdande.

Begomovirus prevalence and diversity in the TYLCV resistant tomato cultivar Shanty in Nicaragua

Every year begomovirus infections cause severe constraints to the tomato production in Nicaragua. Extensive yield losses are followed by large economical losses, both for the country and the single farmer. During recent years the use of begomovirus resistant or tolerant tomato cultivars has increased in Nicaragua as an effort to improve yields. Still, begomovirus infection is a large threat to the tomato production. Therefore, ongoing work in Nicaragua is focusing on finding new, better, begomovirus tolerant or resistant tomato cultivars.

Syringomyeli hos hund

The canine population has during it?s time with humans gone through at least 2 major genetic bottlenecks, the first when it was separated from the wolf, and the second when it was divided into different breeds. Among other things, this has lead to the accumulation of unwanted genes, such as genes causing disease in dogs. One such inherited disease is syringomyelia, which has proven to be more common than expected, especially in certain smaller breeds such as the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Syringomyelia in dogs is often a secondary condition caused by the malformation called occipital hypoplasia.

Proteinkvalitet och biogena aminer i ensilage ? effekt på mjölkkors hälsa & foderintag

The aim of this paper was to explain protein degradation in silage and protein quality and biogenic amines in silage and their effects on the health of the dairy cows. After harvest-ing, the plant proteases degrade the proteins in the plant. The protein degrades to different fractions with different digestibilites in the rumen. Fraction A contains non- protein nitro-gen which is peptides, free amino acids and amines. True protein is in the fraction B and is further divided into three subfractions depending on their solubility.

Fastställande av referensintervall för fibrinogen i plasma hos friska föl :

Establishing a reference interval for plasma fibrinogen in foals Fibrinogen concentrations were analysed in EDTA preserved blood plasma samples from 34 thoroughbred foals born in 2001 and 2002 at one stud farm. The foals were between 0 and 240 days old at the time of the sampling, and there were 19 fillies and 12 stallions in the group. The foals were examined for clinical symptoms of disease and their body temperature was measured before blood was sampled from the jugular vein. From totally 156 blood samples, 31 were selected as originating from clinically healthy foals, and used to determine a reference range for thoroughbred foals. Samples originating from foals showing clinical symptoms of disease or an abnormal body temperature at the time of sampling, were classified as coming from unhealthy animals.

Man kom så knäckt, trasig till kropp och själ Föräldraperspektiv på barnets deltagande i stödgruppsverksamhet

Support group activities for children with mentally ill parent´s, without a parallel parent group, is by far the most common form in Sweden. The activities have primarily focused on increasing the frequency of the protective factors around children. Of course, parents and the families are also influenced of children´s participating in these activities. Most studies examining support group activities for children from the child's perspective. The experiences of parent?s perspective have not been well studied.

Beteende eller sinnessjukdom? : Psykiatri och behandling vid Mariebergs sjukhus mellan 1930-1950

This paper is interested in Swedish psychiatry during the period between 1930-1950,localized to Mariebergs hospital in Sweden. The purpose of this paper has been to testSjöstroms evidence of the pattern that he used to create three analytical concepts, roughlytranslated to; morally educative discipline-treatment, the production process and the idealinstitution citizen. Sjöström motivates that his concepts gives insight into one aspect of thepsychiatric expansion between 1860-1960 as well as creates an understanding of psychiatryas an institution. The source material for this paper has been patients' medical notes writtenby the chief physician of the institution. Via a method which mainly different from Sjöstromin its selection, categorization and more thorough presentation, this paper has seen the samepatterns which Sjöström has created his three concepts from.

Traditionella växtbaserade läkemedel. : Är Echinacea och Ginkgo terapeutiskt verksamma?

SummaryHerbal remedies have been used for many years to alleviate various symptoms. They were used in ritual acts to reassure the Gods and as medication. Plants as rhubarb and ginseng were used in China long time ago. The Egyptians had knowledge of herbal medicine such as aloe, myrrh and henbane, 1550 BC. The father of medicine Hippocrates used a large number of herbal medicines, and had many theories on the subject.Different parts of the plant can be used to extract the active ingredients.

Tre metoder för diagnos av mastit i fält :

The objective of this work was to evaluate and compare three field methods for detection of mastitis, California Mastits Test (CMT), DeLaval cell counter DCC (DCC) and FMA2001 Farm Milk Analyzer (FMA2001). Furthermore, to investigate at what cell count level clinical symptoms of mastitis are seen, and finally to check if the clinical findings and cell counts could be related to bacteriological findings. DCC and FMA2001 are new analytic instruments to be used on dairy farms for detection of mastitis. CMT has been a widely used cow-side-test of milk quality in mastitis control efforts, but it cannot be used for estimating cell counts in scientific studies or investigations. Two hundred and eight quarter milk samples from 52 cows were analysed with DCC and CMT, and 168 of these samples with FMA2001. Microbiological examination was done on 38 milk samples with CMT scores of 4 and 5.

Språkängslan i främmandespråksklassrummet: En litteraturstudie om språkängslan i kommunikativ språkundervisning

Syftet med uppsatsen är att se vad forskningen om språkängslan säger om vad språklärare kan göra för att skapa en låg nivå av ängslan och därmed ett bättre klimat för språkinlärning i ett kommunikativt klassrum. Uppsatsen är forskningskonsumerande och bygger på tidigare forskning om språkängslan i främmandespråksinlärning.Avstamp tas i det kommunikativa klassrummet, som förespråkas i styrdokumenten för dagens svenska skola, och som bygger på kommunikation. Sedan presenteras olika affektiva faktorer som kan påverka främmandespråksinlärningen i denna kontext. Därifrån belyses vad språkängslan (language anxiety) är samt vilka metoder som använts för att mäta det. Dessutom ges olika perspektiv på relationen mellan språkängslan och främmandespråksinlärning samt vilka konsekvenser språkängslan har för elever i främmandespråksklassrummet.Utifrån forskningen presenteras även en, av författaren till uppsatsen skapad, modell för hur man som språklärare kan minska och hantera elevers språkängslan i främmandespråksklassrummet.

Barn och ungdomars hälsa - En enkätstudie om hur elever upplever sin skolmiljö i relation till sin psykosociala hälsa

Den psykosociala hälsan bland Sveriges befolkning blir allt sämre. Undersökningar visar att mellan femton och fyrtio procent av befolkningen lider av oro, nedstämdhet, sömnbesvär och trötthet. Den största ökningen har skett i yngre åldrar med i stort sett fördubblade andelar. Då skolan utgör en central plats i barns och ungdomars liv är det viktigt att den är välfungerande och arbetar för att främja elevernas hälsa. Syftet med studien var undersöka hur eleverna på en skola i Helsingborgs stad upplevde sin skolmiljö i relation till sin psykosociala hälsa samt om skolans hälsofrämjande arbete påverkade elevernas upplevelse av hälsa i positiv riktning.Datainsamling har skett genom enkäter till alla elever i årskurs 4 ? 9.

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