

485 Uppsatser om Anti-devices. - Sida 2 av 33

Bättre användarupplevelse med responsiv webbdesign

The use of mobile devices has increased dramatically in recent years and the development of newtechnologies has made it difficult for developers to know what screen size and device the visitor isusing. This has resulted in the fact that today there is a problem with the interface for web pages onmobile devices. They are not adapted to the flexibility required for the interfaces to be recognizedon various mobile devices. Instead of developing two separate web pages, where one is designed formobile devices and one for desktop and keep them both continously updated, responsive webdesign simplifies the work process. Responsive web design is a flexible and dynamic interface thatadapts to mobile device and screen sizes.

Synkronisering med SyncML

The last couple of years the use of mobile devices such as mobile phones and PDAs has increased tremendously. Most of the these devices have their own protocols for synchronising data and this has given rise to a need for a standard synchronisation protocol, SyncML. This thesis compares this protocol against the existing ones. The comparison shows that the preferred choice is SyncML. Also an application using SyncML has been developed.

Optimization of Lentivirus Production for Cancer Therapy

Vectors based on lentivirus backbones have revolutionized our ability to transfer genesinto many cell types. Lentiviral vectors integrate into the chromatin of target cells and do not transfer any viral genes causing vector replication. Both of these features arecommonly used in gene therapy and have been used clinically in individuals sufferingfrom cancer, infections and genetic diseases. It has been discovered that T-cells can be genetically modified to be used as effective weapons against cancer: therefore virus mustbe produced to deliver the gene of interest into the T-cells. In this project, lentiviralvectors have been produced to transfer the gene coding for a chimeric antigen receptor(CAR) which is directed to CD19 on B-cells.

Hörapparatbärares upplevelser och erfarenheter av tekniska hörhjälpmedel i offentliga lokaler

To be able to feel a sense of belonging, people need to have the possibility to take part of the information from the society. Hearing-impaired don?t have the same possibility as hearing people when they want to take part of the information, therefore they don?t get the same benefit. This contributes to a feeling of not belonging and a sense of limitation in different social occasions. Therefore the society needs to be accessible to everyone regardless disability.

Elitutbildning: en strategi för erkännande? - En studie om anti-diskrimineringsstrategier bland juriststudenter med ursprung i Mellanöstern

Samtidigt som svensk forskning visar att individer med utländsk bakgrund blir utsatta för diskriminering och stigmatisering så väljer allt fler ungdomar ur denna grupp att högskoleutbilda sig och visar en benägenhet att välja elitutbildningar. I denna uppsats undersöks om det finns ett samband mellan vetskapen om, eller erfarenheter av, diskriminering och elitutbildningsval. Den metod som används är semi-strukturerade intervjuer med fem kvinnliga och fem manliga juriststudenter med ursprung i Mellanöstern. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är sociologen Erving Goffmans teori om stigma, sociologen Michèle Lamonts teori om destigmatisering och socialfilosofen Axel Honneths teori om erkännande. Resultatet visar att juriststudenternas föräldrars erfarenheter av diskriminering och egna erfarenheter av exkludering har lett till en hög studieprestation där elitutbildningsvalet kan ses som en anti-diskrimineringsstrategi.

Terapeutiska antikroppar vid tumörangiogenes

Maligna tumörer är något som drabbar såväl djur som människor över hela världen. Därför har stora ansträngningar lagts på att kartlägga mekanismerna bakom en av nyckelparametrarna för tumörtillväxt, tumörangiogenes. Studier har visat att tumörcellerna själva kan inducera neovaskulatur genom ökat uttryck av pro-angiogena faktorer, så som endotelial tillväxtfaktor och angiopoeitin-2. Anti-angiogenesterapi, i form av olika antikroppsderivat, riktar sig fram för allt mot de signalvägar som involverar pro-angiogena faktorer i ett försök att stävja tumörens tillväxtresurser. Idag används främst monoklonala antikroppar, var för sig, tillsammans eller i kombination med kemo- och/eller strålningsterapi. Tyvärr är anti-angiogenesresistens är ett växande problem, troligen relaterat till både adaptiva och inbyggda resistensmekanismer hos de tumörceller som behandlas.

Drogbudskap i antidrogkampanjer och musikrelaterad media : En kvalitativ studie om ungdomars upplevelser

Drug related messages in antidrug campaigns and music related media -A qualitative study about young people?s perceptions Youth are exposed to both promotional and critical drug and alcohol messages in their daily media consumption. The purpose of this study is to examine how youth perceive anti-drug campaigns and drug-promoting messages in music-related media. The empirical material consists of qualitative data, including a focus group and two individual interviews, consisting of youth between the ages of 18 and19. One main finding is that young people perceive anti-drug messages differently, yet they are virtually unanimous about what makes such messages effective.

Förväntningar på Framtida Mobila Tjänster

Today?s society is very focused around technology and something that is very popular is the usage of mobile devices such as Smartphones or Tablet computers. One of the reasons why these devices are so popular, is because of the large amounts of services or ?apps? that they can provide for the user. They can do a lot of things that makes everyday living easier for the users.The focus of this study is to find out what kinds of mobile services the users of these devices are expecting and/or wishes to see in the future and what is required to be able to develop and use these services in a good way.We started of the study by searching for earlier studies on the same or similar subjects.

Kriminaliserad kärlek : En studie av HBT-personers situation och rättigheter i Uganda utifrån ett heteronormativt perspektiv

LGBT people, in Uganda, have since the colonial time been in a vulnerable situation. When the President signed the ?Anti-Homosexuality Act? into law 2014 all forms of same-sex relationships became criminalized. The time after the law passed have been characterized by an increased homophobia and further violence against LGBT people. These are seen as deviants since they do not live according to the social norms, that the right thing to be is heterosexual.

De grundläggande förmågornas inverkan på militära och polisiära anti-terrorist operationer

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om de grundläggande förmågorna är relevanta även i en anti-terrorist operation, då förmågorna hittills varit ett begrepp inom mellanstatliga konflikter. För att besvara detta används två frågeställningar:? Är de grundläggande förmågorna relevanta för denna typ av operationer?? Vilken eller vilka av de grundläggande förmågorna låg till grund för framgång/misslyckande i operationen?Studien genomförs som en jämförande fallstudie där fyra operationer av militär och polisiär karaktär analyseras utifrån de grundläggande förmågorna. Data erhålls genom textanalys av historiska skildringar som avhandlar respektive operation.Resultatet av studien visar att de grundläggande förmågorna är relevanta för anti-terrorist operationer och tillämpningen av dem kan bestämma utfallet av operationen. De förmågor som låg till grund för en lyckad eller misslyckad operation är verkan, skydd, und/info och ledning..

Åtkomst till affärssystem i mobila enheter - För- och nackdelar

The purpose of this study was to investigate the reason behind thedecision by a company regarding the desire to use mobile access to theirERP-system and to discover whether this will involve any loss offunctionally in comparison to using the ERP-system on a computer atthe office. In addition, the pros and cons involved in using mobiledevices for accessing the ERP-system will also be examined. Semistructured telephone interviews were conducted with companies whicheither used or did not use mobile devices in relation to their work. Atelephone interview was also conducted with a consultant who isworking with the implementation of ERP-systems and mobile solutions.The survey showed that companies with staff working in the field assellers, service personnel and construction workers want to gain directaccess to their ERP-system so as to be able to act directly and takedecisions, to have the ability to provide more efficient order processingand to send out invoices more quickly. Those companies which have notopted to use mobile devices at work within this field are those whichare unsure of the connection to the Internet and the capacities availablewithin cellphones.

Politecast : ett nytt kommunikationsprimitiv för trådlösa sensornätverk

Wireless sensor networks have the potential for becoming a huge market. Ericsson predicts 50 billion devices interconnected to the Internet by the year 2020. Before that, the devices must be made to be able to withstand years of usage without having to change power source as that would be too costly. These devices are typically small, inexpensive and severally resource constrained. Communication is mainly wireless, and the wireless transceiver on the node is typically the most power hungry component.

Klämtar klockan för Klippans kommun? En studie i rasism och antirasism

The subject of the essay is about a society called Klippan and the existing conflicts there between an active racist group and some youths with foreign heritage. The essay also concerns issues like racism, its effects and how it is expressed at different levels in a society. Futhermore we discuss how a community can prevent 'subtle' racism and open declared racism and how to work in a racist manner. We also talk about which role the immigrant youths play in the conflicts and how their behaviour can be understood. Another perspective that is discussed is which aspects can affect individuals to join an active racist group and which factors can make them leave such a group.

Barnsligt lätt att hitta rätt? En observationsstudie om hur barn navigerar mobila applikationer

Children?s use of mobile devices is constantly increasing and has become very popular withchildren as young as toddlers. Schools in Sweden have made large investments to expand theuse of information technology (IT), and the use of mobile devices in preschools is already acommon support tool for learning. Children?s use of IT is a relatively new phenomenon,which means that is it also a relatively new area of research.

Utveckling av mobiltelefonapplikation för kommunikation i ad-hoc nätverk med Bluetoothteknik

The purpose of this thesis is to develop an application for mobile phones that simplifies communication. The company Doberman wanted to look at possibilities to develop such an application that uses Bluetooth? technol-ogy to communicate in ad-hoc networks. The aim has been an application to run on mobile phones in which you can send messages and files to other devices and also add a user profile with personal information to share with others. The communication will take place in temporary networks created when Bluetooth enabled devices is in range of each other.The market for mobile phones has grown rapidly over the past years and is still growing.

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