

485 Uppsatser om Anti-devices. - Sida 13 av 33

Geografisk information på mobila webben

Web pages are visited through a variety of different devices with varying screensizes. One method for adapting web pages to this variety is called responsive design. Geographical information, often in the form of embedded maps, is common on the web. The combination of responsive design and geographical information has been shown to lead to interaction problems and is therefore assumed to need special considerations. This thesis examines this combination and investegates how presentation of geographical information can be adapted to responsive web design.

Att göra eller inte göra : Hur kontroll och nyfikenhet påverkar regelverket på Facebook

This paper is a literature study on search engine optimization (SEO) considering the leader of the search engine market: Google. There´s an introductory background description of Google and its methods of  crawling the Internet and indexing the web pages, along with a brief review of the famous PageRank algorithm. The purpose of this paper is to describe the major important methods for improved rankings on Google´s result lists. These methods could be categorized as on-page methods tied to the website to be optimized or off-page methods that are external to the website such as link development. Furthermore the most common unethical methods are described, known as ?black hat?, which is the secondary purpose of the text.

Ny världsordning, nya utmaningar? En teorianvändande studie om förhållandet mellan USA och Europa sedan Kalla krigets slut

In this thesis I discuss and analyse the relationship between USA and Europe since the end of the Cold War. Many authors claimed that the Soviet threat was the glue that kept the continents together. Now that threat is gone and new challenges have risen. In what way has this relationship been influenced by the new challenges this new era stands for? By doing a case study and by using two quite different theorists, John Mearsheimer an offensive realist and Joseph Nye who is a liberal institutionalist, I?ll try to show how for example September 11, anti-amerikanism and NATO can be explained and understood.

Elasticitetsmodulen i en kalkstabiliserad vägterrass : en fältstudie

Stabilization of subgrade is an internationally common technique to improve the characteristics of a soft soil. Improving the stiffness and bearing capacity of the subgrade enables the pavement to be designed with reduced depths of subbase and basecourse aggregates. This makes the stabilization technique both economically and environmentally interesting. Both natural and stabilized soils have high inherent property variability that should be considered when the characteristic value is derived. By analyzing the spatial variability in stabilized and natural subgrades it is possible get the parameters needed for reliability?based modeling of soil properties.

Världens bästa mamma - en visuell anti-dikotomi

Sammanfattning svenska. Med mitt examensarbete undersöker jag hur jag genom design och visuell kommunikationkan bidra till att synliggöra den mentala konflikt som skapas av de förväntningar ochkrav som både yrkesrollen och moderskapet innefattar.Jag har arbetat med schablonmässiga objekt vars estetisk hänger samman med antingenyrkesrollen eller moderskapet. Genom ett urval av olika kontrastfulla objekt från detvå rollernas materiella omgivningar arrangerar eller visualiserar jag olika situationer medhjälp av bilder. I bilderna gestaltas den mentala konflikten i fysisk form genom de olikaobjekten. Den slutgiltiga lösningen kommer att presenteras i ett utställningsformat somi sin helhet binder samman det visuella arbetet men som också associerar till innehålletsom bilderna kommunicerar..

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av hjälpmedelsuppföljning

Syftet med studien var att beskriva arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av hjälpmedelsuppföljning. För att besvara syftet valdes en kvalitativ metod för datainsamling och analys. Tolv verksamma arbetsterapeuter ingick i studien. Inklussions- kriterierna var att arbetsterapeuter som deltog skulle vara verksamma legitimerade arbetsterapeuter, förskriva hjälpmedel och ha yrkesarbetat under minst ett år. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och en intervjuguide användes som stöd vid intervjuerna.

Låsanordning med induktiv laddning för elcyklar

This thesis has been adjusted because some parts are classified, some sentences might have been changed. Electric bikes are a convenient mode of transport, a good choice when long distances or tough slopes can be an obstacle.The goal of the project was to create a prototype on a locking mechanism with an inductive charger for electric bikes.The idea behind the project was to develop a user-friendly locking mechanism, where the bikes would be charged inductively when they were locked. To implement the project facts about induction, battery charging and locking devices was needed to be acquired. Circuits for induction charging were created and a lock device was constructed. A microprocessor was used to control the entire system.A prototype was designed with a locking device and an inductive charger fixed in a bike rack.The entire project became very wide which resulted in that not all of the parts of the project could be completed.

Rysslands påverkan på den vitryska demokratiseringsprocessen

This thesis sets out to investigate three questions, first, how the Belarusian democratization process has progressed since the country?s independence in 1991 to the year of 2006. Second, how the relationship between Russia and Belarus has progressed during this time and third, if and how Russia has affected the democratization process. The study has been conducted through qualitative method, mainly using books and articles as sources of information. It has been found that the democratization process in Belarus has evolved in a negative direction ever since the presidential election of 1994.

EMC - Elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet

Enligt kommunikationsmyndigheten PTS finns det cirka 10miljoner mobiltelefonabonnemang endast i Sverige. Telefonerna innehåller operativsystem där det tillåts mängder av olika sorters program. I och med att Apple 2007 introducerade sin iPhone exploderade marknaden för så kallade Nomadic Devices. En telefon som mer är tänkt att fungera som någon form av handdator. Dessa telefoners utformning och funktioner möjliggör för utvecklare att ta fram mer avancerade program än man tidigare sett för mobiltelefoner.

Ett krig - tre sidor : En kritisk diskursanalys av Irakkriget i brittiska, svenska och amerikanska medier

Will the discourse in a country effect the way an event is presented in the media? And will the event be presented in similar ways in different countries? These are the questions my paper aims to answer. By using critical discourse analysis I have analyzed the reporting of the Iraqi War in three big newspapers; one from USA, one from Sweden and one from Great Britain. The results show that the discourse in each country play a big part in how the news get presented in the media, and this is shown in how the news gets reported. The three countries had three different views on the same war.

Ny förpackning för Renat Brännvin åt Vin & Sprit AB

The purpose of this degree project is to come up with a new package to Renat Brännvin for »Vin & SpritAB« and make the product more attractive on the market of bars, restaurants and hotels. The commissionhas included to decide the material of the package, whether it´s possible to manufacture the productand to make an estimation of the costs.The conditions that »Vin & Sprit AB« set up was to make the product attractive to a younger targetgroup, in this case people from 20 to 40 years old. As Renat Brännvin is considered to be a product of firstclass it´s of great importance that the package reflects the look of a premium product.At first we looked at the history of the company »Vin & Sprit AB« and Renat Brännvin. We decidedthat the package schould consist of a bottle, glasses and a device used when serving the liquor. To getinspiration before sketching we studied different kinds of bottles, glasses and serving devices.

Civiliserade nordbor och primitiva främlingar : En kritisk diskursanalys av journal- och förfilm i folkhemmets Sverige

This essay examines a small selection of Swedish newsreel and documentary short films, primarily travelogues, produced shortly before and after the second world war. The general aim is to expose differences in the representation of ?The Other? and the ?ethnic Swede? by applying a critical discourse analysis. The purpose is to illuminate how the material positions the latter as the norm and then contextualize this with xenophobic currents that had developed up until the middle of the twentieth century. Theoretical and methodological framework is drawn from the field of cultural studies as well as the nonfiction film.

Sverigedemokraterna - En retorisk studie

The Sweden democrats are a political party that has had a time of success duringthe last year. However many people believe them to be a racist party, in contrastto how they view themselves and their political message. How is it possible thatthe views of the same party differ to this extent, it seems to be a large ambiguityin their message. Rhetoric is a tool that everybody uses in some way or anotherand can be crucial to how a political party is perceived by people. Can thereforethe use of rhetoric be a factor that has contributed to the different perception of theparty and if so, in which way?With the help of theories such as semiotics, classical rhetoric and antiestablishmentstrategy, different texts, such as motions, and pictures published bythe Sweden democrats can be analyzed to find ways they use rhetoric.In the analysis it was obvious that they used rhetoric, even though therhetorical quality differed between the leading persons in the party and the peoplewho represented the Sweden democrats in the local government.

Mobil handel, tillit & sociala medier : En kvalitativ undersökning i hur sociala medier påverkar tillitsskapandet i samband med mobil handel

Our consumption habits are today under development and alteration. The market for mobile commerce is increasing, as well as the use of social networks with mobile devices. This relatively new approach to online shopping requires that retailers adjust to new strategies related to trust issues. The purpose of this study is to examine how social networks affect the establishment of trust between retailers and customers in mobile commerce. We investigate what kind of strategies retailers apply in order for consumers to gain trust in the mobile environment.

Reformation of the credit rating industry - Is there a need?

The credit rating industry is a complex and fascinating industry. Its history stretches back more than 150 years and has gradually increased in importance. During its history the dynamics of the industry have changed. The extended-principal-agent model was developed by synthesizing different principal-agent-relationships into one model. This model provides a holistic understanding of the credit rating industry and illustrates the interdependence between the different relationships.

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