

485 Uppsatser om Anti-devices. - Sida 12 av 33

AFK : chatt- och SMS-språk på väg in i klassrummet?

The new technology brings new opportunities for the language. The language, which is used when chatting or messaging, is full of linguistic devices, which facilitates writing and saves time and space. The purpose of my investigation is to find out if the chat- and- messaging- language is affecting the students' way of writing in school.To find out about this I have examined 79 essays written by students in grade 9 during the national test 2006. I have also to found out if the occurrence of these features differed between boys and girls. In addition, I have let the same students who have written the essays answer questions regarding their chatting- and messaging- habits.The conclusions I have attained through my investigation shows that 58 % of the students are using features which are typical in chat and messaging language.

Pansarvärnshelikoptrar : Ett instrument för manöverkrigföring?

Mellan år 1987 och 2000 fanns ett beväpnat helikopterförband inom arméflyget. Dessa två pansarvärnshelikopterkompanier användes för att bekämpa stridsfordon. Efter nedläggningen har Sverige inte haft en helikopter med beväpning för annat än egenskydd.Uppsatsen syftar till att utifrån William S. Linds teori om manöverkrigföring utvärdera om pansarvärnshelikopterkompanierna framgångsrikt bidrog till att besegra motståndaren.Det framkommer att pansarvärnshelikopterkompaniernas taktik väl stämmer överrens med Linds teori vilket pekar på att bestyckade helikoptrar är ett mycket användbart instrument inom manöverkrigföringen.  .

Sökmotoroptimering : Metoder för att förbättra sin placering i Googles sökresultat

This paper is a literature study on search engine optimization (SEO) considering the leader of the search engine market: Google. There´s an introductory background description of Google and its methods of  crawling the Internet and indexing the web pages, along with a brief review of the famous PageRank algorithm. The purpose of this paper is to describe the major important methods for improved rankings on Google´s result lists. These methods could be categorized as on-page methods tied to the website to be optimized or off-page methods that are external to the website such as link development. Furthermore the most common unethical methods are described, known as ?black hat?, which is the secondary purpose of the text.

?Anti-vertigo-systemet behöver kalibreras? : En undersökning av Bamsetidningens läsbarhet i förhållande till målgruppen

Learning words have shown to be a very crucial part of learning a second language and the one most important factor to make pupils with Swedish as a second language succeed in school. To make sure that all pupils get the right conditions to learn from all subjects and their entire content a wide vocabulary is necessary. Even so it is found that there are shortcomings regarding this kind of teaching in Swedish schools.Through interviews and observations of two teachers that teach pupils with Swedish as a second language, and also with a short reading test for the pupils, the possible strategies that these teachers use for learning words have been studied. The result shows that the teachers are using several strategies and that they are actively working with transmitting these to the pupils, but there are some areas that need developing..

Palestinsk terrorism under Osloprocessen

Denna uppsats behandlar ämnet terrorism under Osloprocessen, som varade under i princip hela 1990-talet. Vi har valt att undersöka denna terrorism ur ett relativt avgränsat perspektiv. Vi vill se på ämnet ur ett orsak och verkan perspektiv, och detta gör vi genom att analysera fram de konsekvenser som Israels hantering av den palestinska terrorismen gav. För att utkristallisera ett mönster i Israels anti-terroristpolitik har vi applicerat en handfull olika teorier, som behandlar olika former av terroristhantering, på händelserna under i Mellanöstern under Osloprocessen. Huvudtesen formas av att vi ställer inkludering och exkludering av terrorister, i fredsamtal, mot varandra och försöker pröva deras för- respektive nackdelar..

Könsförvirring : En narrativ studie av normbrytande genus i barndomen

This essay deals with non-normative gender expressions during childhood. I?m using narrative theory and methods to analyze autobiographical narratives. My questions are:What strategies does the non-normative person use to deal with his otherness?Using the methodological analysis tool ?turning point?, where are the turning points in the narratives? Are their any common turning points in the various narratives?Where is the responsibility placed in the narratives for that someone does not fit in by the adults/ staff at the school/kindergarten- on the non-normative person or at the surroundings?The experiences are interpreted through theories and concepts from queer theory and gender theory.

Konstruktion av snabbkoppling för elektropolering.

Lansen Technology develops and sells alarm systems. The communication between the system devices are wireless. The radio protocol used by the system is developed by Lansen with the purpose to be energy efficient. The alarm systems target groups are individuals, businesses and government agencies. The current system is installed, configured and controlled from a control panel for all audiences.

Debatten kring Patriot Act. American Library Association's och den amerikanska regeringens förhållningssätt till anti-terrorismlagen The USA Patriot Act of 2001

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

I demokratins namn - En diskursanalys av USA : s krig mot terrorismen

How the United States anti-terrorist strategy is affecting the view of democracy is the main analysis of this paper. The mechanisms that affect the idea of democracy have been studied on the basis of the philosopher Michael Foucault?s thoughts and the main direction in French discourse analysis. The study is restricted to the period between the 11th of September 2001 and today. Information has been collected entirely from the White House?s website http://www.whitehouse.gov, including speeches, conferences and reports.

Trådlös styrning av larmsystem : Kandidatuppsats

Lansen Technology develops and sells alarm systems. The communication between the system devices are wireless. The radio protocol used by the system is developed by Lansen with the purpose to be energy efficient. The alarm systems target groups are individuals, businesses and government agencies. The current system is installed, configured and controlled from a control panel for all audiences.

Fjärrstyrning av videokamera

On some occasions it may be inappropriate with a cameraman behind the camera. In somecases there is no cameraman available or it is a smaller event, like a family celebration, to befilmed. It can also be difficult for a cameraman to shoot from certain angles. One solution forthis kind of situations can be to remotely control the camera movements. There are thosekinds of solutions on the market today but they either address professional filmmakers or thefunctionality is limited, for example by the absence of wireless remote control.This project aims to develop a solution to the problem with absence of wireless remote controland also a solution with more flexibility and less complexity than today?s solutions.

Återanvändning - Sättet att ge hemelektronik ett andra liv

Increased consciousness about environmental and sustainable issues has led to consumers and companies who are more in favor of reuse and recycle. Even though this is a fact, people today are buying new things more often compared to before. For instance for a mobile phone the functionality lifecycle is eight years which can be related to the economic lifecycle today which is 1.5 years compared to 3 years in 1995. Only 1-2 percent of the mobile phones thrown away in Sweden today are handed in for recycling. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether an international company within the recycling and reuse of mobile phone industry has a market in Sweden.

Hur tillverkande företag med distributörer kan förbättra sin marknadsföring av standardiserade produkter : En fallstudie inom ABB Low Voltage Products

Marknaden för industriella distributörer har upplevt stora förändringar under de senaste decennierna. Trots att industribolag nu har större möjligheter att sälja direkt via internet har distributörerna generellt sett stärkt sin position av flera anledningar. Forskningen har emellertid förespråkat att det är starka samarbeten som skapar värde i distributionskanalen. I huvudsak har detta påvisats med kvantitativa studier och forskare har därför efterfrågat kvalitativa ansatser.Delvis med målet att fylla detta forskningsgap utfördes en fallstudie om ABB Low Voltage Products distributörsförsäljning av produktkategori Pilot Devices, som bland annat innefattar tryckknappar. Pilot Devices valdes eftersom de är typiska distributörsprodukter i flera avseenden.

Att leva med bipolär sjukdom : en intervjustudie

Bipolär sjukdom (BS) är en kronisk sjukdom med återkommande perioder av mani och depression. Den bryter oftast fram i tonåren men i många fall diagnostiseras den inte förrän patienten är runt 30 år. Behandling för BS är livslång medicinering med stämningsstabiliserande läkemedel, i första hand litium, kombinerat med anti-depressiva läkemedel och anti-psykotiska läkemedel. Läkemedelsbehandling kombineras med psykoedukativ behandling eller kognitivbeteende terapi (KBT). En intensivbehandling följer efter det att diagnosen är ställd och det tar ofta upp till 2 år för patienten att hitta en balans i livet.Syftet med denna studie är att få en uppfattning om hur det är att leva med bipolär sjukdom.

Översvämningsanalys med hänsyn till Länsstyrelsens handbok : Planering för stigande vatten i Kristinehamns kommun

This thesis has been adjusted because some parts are classified, some sentences might have been changed. Electric bikes are a convenient mode of transport, a good choice when long distances or tough slopes can be an obstacle.The goal of the project was to create a prototype on a locking mechanism with an inductive charger for electric bikes.The idea behind the project was to develop a user-friendly locking mechanism, where the bikes would be charged inductively when they were locked. To implement the project facts about induction, battery charging and locking devices was needed to be acquired. Circuits for induction charging were created and a lock device was constructed. A microprocessor was used to control the entire system.A prototype was designed with a locking device and an inductive charger fixed in a bike rack.The entire project became very wide which resulted in that not all of the parts of the project could be completed.

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