

485 Uppsatser om Anti-devices. - Sida 14 av 33

Direkt och indirekt mobbning på högstadiet och gymnasiet : könsskillnader och tillvägagångsstrategier

D. J. Pepler et al. (2006) fann en högre benägenhet att utsätta andra för mobbning på gymnasiet än på högstadiet till skillnad från T. R.

Automatisk räkning med monokrom visionsteknik

The use of vision applications are growing and the demand for integration and connectivity with other industrial automation control devices is increasing. Some businesses that are using vision technology follow US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) regulation concerning audit trail. This thesis investigates the possibility to use vision technology for counting objects, achieving connectivity and to follow FDAs audit trail regulation. A market survey has been used to select suitable hardware and software to be used in the design of an application that is able to count objects and that uses standard industrial network connection i.e. OPC data access and Microsoft?s .NET components over Ethernet.

Förstärka IT-säkerheten i en Windows-miljö

I vårt moderna samhälle använder vi datorsystem som är viktiga för olika verksamheter. Det behövs datorsystem med olika arbetsroller. Till exempel erbjuda webb-tjänster för att användare utifrån kan arbeta mot och databas-tjänster för att både lagra och hämta ut information. Om det interna nätverket är stort kan det underlätta att ha en DNS server för att knyta namn till servrar. Men om det finns hot för att störa driften av verksamheten, speciellt företagets nätverk blir säkerhet en mycket viktig fråga.En anställd på ett medelstort företag erbjöd mig att göra en analys av deras IT-säkerhet.

projektering av portal för dokument och informationsflöde

Enligt kommunikationsmyndigheten PTS finns det cirka 10miljoner mobiltelefonabonnemang endast i Sverige. Telefonerna innehåller operativsystem där det tillåts mängder av olika sorters program. I och med att Apple 2007 introducerade sin iPhone exploderade marknaden för så kallade Nomadic Devices. En telefon som mer är tänkt att fungera som någon form av handdator. Dessa telefoners utformning och funktioner möjliggör för utvecklare att ta fram mer avancerade program än man tidigare sett för mobiltelefoner.

Finns det lönsamhet i att bygga hyresrätter i Karlstad? : Kan kostnaderna minska om man bygger enligt passivstandard?

This thesis is basically a design project aimed to find a safe and reliable automatic safety device, which is designed to be suitable for highly automated industrial situations. This device fits with ABB / Jokab Safety?s fence systems. These are built up around machines to create safety distances. The automatic protection device assist the operator in situations when loading or going in and out of the danger zone.

Utveckling av en testrigg för fjärrvärmecentraler

Enligt kommunikationsmyndigheten PTS finns det cirka 10miljoner mobiltelefonabonnemang endast i Sverige. Telefonerna innehåller operativsystem där det tillåts mängder av olika sorters program. I och med att Apple 2007 introducerade sin iPhone exploderade marknaden för så kallade Nomadic Devices. En telefon som mer är tänkt att fungera som någon form av handdator. Dessa telefoners utformning och funktioner möjliggör för utvecklare att ta fram mer avancerade program än man tidigare sett för mobiltelefoner.

Career choice:The relationship between personality, state anxiety and the career decidedness among Swedish upper secondary school students

The main purpose of this study was to inquire into personality and the state anxiety in relation to career decidedness scale among students in upper secondary school. The participants were 124 students in three grades and respectively non vocationally oriented classes. The participants were asked to grade themselves on a scale in relation to the statements regarding, state of decidedness for career choice, personality (NEO FFI, Costa & McCrae, 1985. Sweden, Gerontologic Center) and anxiety (AnTI, Wells, 1994). The results showed no significant relationship between personality and state of anxiety that could be connected to the decidedness for career choice.

Skadegörelse klotter nedskräpning förbjuden : Graffitiborttagning som ikonoklasm

This essay concerns graffiti, and in particular graffiti removal regarded as iconoclasm.Graffiti is described as a visual symbol laden with both negative and positive values, and sometimes as a meaningful expression in the urban public space. One problem with graffiti as a field of study is the diversity of both the meaning of the term as well as the diversity of the phenomenon itself. Therefore I have defined the term graffiti as follows: words and images painted on public walls by a person usually in an unauthorised manner. Specific examples of graffiti and related phenomena are presented. Within the Swedish anti-graffiti discourse the pejorative term klotter (scribbling) is used to describe what I above define as graffiti.

Ytterväggar och bjälklag för flerbostadshus

The thesis demonstrates protection solutions that can be suitable for a camp during internationalmissions in order to resist complex threats. The threats could consist of small arms, machineguns,RPG 7, anti armour missiles, mortar, artillery, HPM-weapons, car bombs, biological and chemicalweapons as well as sabotage and theft. It?s not the technology itself that makes the threat scenariocomplex it?s the way the opponent acts during the operations. The opponent acts usually incivilian clothes and therefore he is difficult to distinguish from other civilians.

Smart design för auktionsapplikationer på smartklockor : Att uppnå användbarhet på smartklockeapplikationer

This study concerns design thinking and how to achieve usability when designing applicationsfor smart watches. The study's focus is on interaction and design for online auctionapplications such as Ebay and Tradera. After studying usability and design for devices withsmall screens, guidelines and design principles for interactive systems, we developed apaperprototype for an auction application. The prototype was used for testing our intervieweeswhile observing and asking questions. After collecting the data we analyzed the responses andfeedback on our prototype and combined the results to previous studies.

Förenklad felinformation på trafikinformationsutrustning

This thesis lays the foundation of the future routines of effective error repotring fortraffic devices in the raiway sector.If a device, for example a timetable display, stops working it is vital that the device isfixed as fast as possible so that the travelers dont miss any important information.The methods that are used today are old and not very effective. It can take time forthe repairmen to find the right device or locating the broken component. At the sametime he is supposed to maintain telephone contact with central control throughoutthe whole session.The need for a new, more effective, system is vital to make the whole repair pfocessmore effective and let the repairmen work without having to contact the centralcontrol by phone.I started this work by examining the possibilities of assigning every object with aunique identifier (ID tag) that could be accessed by a manual scan device. The ideawas that the ID tag could holw information about the object and be obtained byscanning the ID and get the information presented on a mobile device.The work also included building a internet application that enabled the reader to seeand change the information on the ID tag.The result was a database that stored information of different objects which could beobtained by scanning the ID tag and presented by a internet application..

Varför väljs nativeapplikationer istället för hybridapplikationer? : Prestandaskillnader hos hybridapplikationer

The development of applications for mobile devices has exploded in recent times. This has also led to the introduction of several new mobile operating systems. To streamline application development for multiple platforms, techniques have been developed to be able to reuse the same application regardless of the operating system. If the same application can be used on multiple platforms it will save both a lot of time and money. Today there are three types of techniques to develop an application; web, hybrid and native application, where the latter is specific to the operating system it has been developed to.

Geografiskt Informationssystem Anpassat För Mobiltelefoner

Denna rapport beskriver framtagande av ett koncept för ett geografiskt informationssystem som är anpassat för att köra på moderna mobila enheter ute i fält. Detta sätter krav på systemet vad gäller beräkningskraft, lagringsutrymme samt möjligheten att klara av intermittent datakommunikation. För att ta fram systemet utfördes först en förstudie med databaser och sökmotorer användes för att hitta relevant information och relevanta artiklar som kunde hjälpa till vid framtagningen av systemet. Denna fakta tillsammans med utförda tester och ?trial-and-error?-programmering ledde i slutändan till ett koncept som klarade av de krav som ställdes på systemet.


This thesis is basically a design project aimed to find a safe and reliable automatic safety device, which is designed to be suitable for highly automated industrial situations. This device fits with ABB / Jokab Safety?s fence systems. These are built up around machines to create safety distances. The automatic protection device assist the operator in situations when loading or going in and out of the danger zone.

Career choice:The relationship between personality, state anxiety and the career decidedness among Swedish upper secondary school students

The main purpose of this study was to inquire into personality and the state anxiety in relation to career decidedness scale among students in upper secondary school. The participants were 124 students in three grades and respectively non vocationally oriented classes. The participants were asked to grade themselves on a scale in relation to the statements regarding, state of decidedness for career choice, personality (NEO FFI, Costa & McCrae, 1985. Sweden, Gerontologic Center) and anxiety (AnTI, Wells, 1994). The results showed no significant relationship between personality and state of anxiety that could be connected to the decidedness for career choice.

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