

74 Uppsatser om Alignment - Sida 2 av 5

Metaheuristic Multiple Sequence Alignment Optimisation

The ability to tackle NP-hard problems has been greatly extended by the introduction of Metaheuristics (see Blum & Roli (2003)) for a summary of most Metaheuristics, general problem-independent optimisation algorithms extending the hill-climbing local search approach to escape local minima. One of these algorithms is Iterated Local Search (ILS) (Lourenco et al., 2002; Stützle, 1999a, p. 25ff), a recent easy to implement but powerful algorithm with results comparable or superior to other state-of-the-art methods for many combinatorial optimisation problems, among them the Traveling Salesman (TSP) and Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP). ILS iteratively samples local minima by modifying the current local minimum and restartinga local search porcedure on this modified solution. This thesis will show how ILS can be implemented for MSA.

Hantering av ICT i sma?- och mellanstora fo?retag under tillva?xt

Ma?let med studien a?r att underso?ka vilka konsekvenser tillva?xt har pa? sma?- och mellanstora fo?- retags ICT-system samt hur de bo?r ga? till va?ga fo?r att hantera de problem som uppsta?r. Genom en fallstudie har det framkommit att snabbt va?xande organisationer prioriterar vinstgi- vande processer. Allt fo?r ofta bortprioriteras ICT-systemen och till fo?ljd av detta blir ett ineffek- tivt arbetssa?tt en stor kostnad.Denna fa?ltstudie bevisar va?r tes om prioritetshandlingar och ineffektivitet samt leder till en stra- tegisk plan fo?r hur en organisation ska sammanla?nka sitt aktivitetssystem med deras ICT-system med hja?lp av gemensam inriktning fo?r ICT- samt affa?rsstrategier..

Oreglerad=Fri? En studie om Läkarkliniken

The discrepancy in the rights for healthcare between undocumented migrants and the citizen in Sweden is a prerequisite for the existence of Läkarkliniken. Because of the chosen patient group the clinic stands outside the regulations from the National Board of Health and Welfare. The aim of this study was, from an institutional perspective, to investigate how such a unique player is designed and where the influences to the design origin from. The task was conducted thorough a qualitative case study with base in depth interviews. High levels of isomorphism were observed between Läkarkliniken and the general healthcare, however differences were seen as well.

Lärares prioriteringar : i en komplex arbetssituation

Syftet med denna studie är att synliggöra hur lärare respektive rektorer ser på lärares prioriteringar bland ordinarie arbetsuppgifter. Syftet är även att jämföra prioriteringarna mellan de sju arbetslag/skolor som är undersökta samt att undersöka mekanismer bakom prioriteringarna som ålder, ämnesgrupp och arbetslag/skola. Ett annat syfte är att reflektera över skolkulturers och normers inverkan på hur prioriteringar görs.Bakgrundsdelen relaterar till svensk skola från 90-talet fram till idag. I analysen är hänsyn tagen till begreppet ?Alignment? (rättning) som relaterar till en organisations förmåga att fungera som en helhet.

Fördelar och nackdelar med utematematik : Lärares, föräldrars och elevers inställning till arbetsformen

Aligning parallell terms in a parallell corpus can be done by aligning all words and phrases in the corpus and then performing term extraction on the aligned set of word pairs. Alternatively, term extraction in the source and target text can be made separately and then the resulting term candidates can be aligned, forming aligned parallell terms. This thesis describes an implementation of a word aligner that is applied on extracted term candidates in both the source and the target texts. The term aligner uses statistical measures, the tool Giza++ and heuristics in the search for Alignments. The evaluation reveals that the best results are obtained when the term Alignment relies heavily on the Giza++ tool and Levenshtein heuristic..

Implementation och utvärdering av termlänkare i Java

Aligning parallell terms in a parallell corpus can be done by aligning all words and phrases in the corpus and then performing term extraction on the aligned set of word pairs. Alternatively, term extraction in the source and target text can be made separately and then the resulting term candidates can be aligned, forming aligned parallell terms. This thesis describes an implementation of a word aligner that is applied on extracted term candidates in both the source and the target texts. The term aligner uses statistical measures, the tool Giza++ and heuristics in the search for Alignments. The evaluation reveals that the best results are obtained when the term Alignment relies heavily on the Giza++ tool and Levenshtein heuristic..

Värdering och hantering av ungdomsverksamheten inom idrottsföreningar

The aim with this study was to describe how the board members of athletic clubs view and value their youth program. A qualitative approach was used in form of interviews. The interviews were made face to face as well as being taped, this to facilitate the analysis. When the board members viewed their youth program to be in Alignment with the overall club philosophy there was a discrepancy between their views and the ?de facto? conditions of the youth program.

Utveckling av ett verktyg för länkning och bedömning av översättningar

Idag finns det m?anga system f¨or att bed¨oma och tolka ¨overs¨attningar av texter. Det finns system som l¨ankar delar av en k¨alltext och en ¨overs¨attning, det finns en ¨aven tekniker f¨or att bed¨oma ¨overs¨attningar f¨or ge ett m?att p?a hur bra de ¨ar. Ett exempel p?a en s?adan teknik ¨ar Token Equivalence Method(TEM).

Företagsstyrning i kooperativa organisationer - Vilka likheter respektive skillnader finns det mellan en konsument- och en producentkooperation?

A co-operation is established when a group of people, sharing the same preferences and values, come together in order to satisfy a common need. The co-operative association should be democratic, governed and supervised by its members and open to everyone. The purpose of this article is to, from our ideal type, study similarities and differences regarding the corporate governance of the consumers? and the producers? co-operative movement. The motive behind our choice of Alignment is that the mechanisms of corporate governance often are described from the perspective of the joint-stock company, making it valuable and interesting to study these mechanisms from the co-operative point of view.

Företagsstyrning i kooperativa organisationer - Vilka likheter respektive skillnader finns det mellan en konsument- och en producentkooperation?

A co-operation is established when a group of people, sharing the same preferences and values, come together in order to satisfy a common need. The co-operative association should be democratic, governed and supervised by its members and open to everyone. The purpose of this article is to, from our ideal type, study similarities and differences regarding the corporate governance of the consumers? and the producers? co-operative movement. The motive behind our choice of Alignment is that the mechanisms of corporate governance often are described from the perspective of the joint-stock company, making it valuable and interesting to study these mechanisms from the co-operative point of view.

När det personliga blev politik : Grupp 8:s väg mot feminism studerat ur kvinnobulletinen 1971-1979

The main purpose of this essay is to look closer at how and when the Swedish women?s organization Grupp 8 changed their initial socialistic ideological approach and turned it into a feministic one during 1971 to 1979. By 1979 the group was referring to them self as a feministic movement. This is done by analyzing the way Grupp 8: s discussion in the areas of women in relation to work, family and society changes. The primary information is represented by the groups own magazine Kvinnobulletinen.

Samspelet mellan IT-avdelning och verksamhet : En studie av hur koordination påverkas av strukturer och social interaktion

Several surveys indicate that corporate leaders still consider the aligning of IT and business functions as a top management issue. The aim of this thesis is to illustrate how coordination emerges between IT and business departments and how formal structures intended to coordinate are influenced by human action. To deepen the understanding of this phenomenon we seek to analyze IT/business coordination from a perspective based on practice theory. A field study was conducted where observations and informal interviews were carried out at the IT department of a global company. The empirical analysis indicate that coordination problems between IT and business departments is in part affected by embedded factors such as different goals and perspectives on how IT is to be used in the organization or how to design IT related processes.

Användargenererad livestreaming, nätgemenskaper & social interaktion : En kvalitativ undersökning gällande interaktion mellan tittare och streamare på plattformen Twitch

The popularity of video games has been boosted by the rise of user-generated live streaming platforms, and the biggest of them all is Twitch. The popularity depends on Twitch Alignment of live streamed video games. The stream is created by a player who broadcast and streams the video game online. The video game can then be watched by a viewer that is interested in the video game. In every stream there is an implemented live chat that allows the viewer to interact with the streamer while the stream is online.

Poängen med syftet : Elevers inställning till historieämnets syfte i GY11

This thesis is a study about wether first year students in Swedish senior high schools understand the learning intentions and the matter of the subject of history specified in GY 11 introduced in July 2011. The overall question that this master tries to answer is: Do the students understand what and why they are studying history? Three classes studying the first history course in the new system answered a survey regarding five of the specified learning intentions for the course and their overall opinion of grades and level of knowledge and intentions. By measuring the level of understanding and the students? general opinion the conclusion is following.

Feed up, Feed back, Feed forward? En studie av tre gymnasielärares arbete med Lärande Bedömning i klassrummet

The aim of the study was to illustrate how care managers reflect and act in regards to self-determination and integrity when caring for residents over 65 years old who have a dementia diagnosis. Our main questions dealt with how care managers handle the right to self-determination and integrity when a person has dementia, to which extent the care managers listen to the person with dementia and how the care managers look upon the residents with dementia?s ability of self-determination. To find the answers to our questions, we interviewed ten care managers within the elderly care in Gothenburg, Sweden. We used qualitative interviews based on a semi-structured interview guide.

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