7390 Uppsatser om Agent theory - Sida 37 av 493
Kalifat, korståg och turkar : En studie av synen på medeltida muslimer i svenska läroböcker för gymnasiet, 1954-2012.
I have in this essay focused on the attitude towards the medieval muslims in swedish textbooks, in the subject of history from the years between 1954 and 2012. I have made an analysis on the discourse in the books and what they says about the muslims who lived before 1500 AD. The theory I have is a Postcolonial one from the authors Edward Said, Ania Loomba and Leela Gandhi. I have also analyzed the rhetorics the authors have used in every textbook. The results I have identified is that the attitude towards the muslims have changed during the years, from a generalizing view that says that the muslims were driven by the religion and that they were different from the Christian European society that existed during the same time.
Maskulinitet och makt : En studie av Georgs maskulinitet i Lars Noréns drama Natten är dagens mor
In the following essay I have read the drama Natten är dagens mor (The Night is the Day's Mother) by Lars Norén. My main focus has been on the older brother Georg. By using post structuralist gender theories I have sought answers to the following two questions: How is Georg's masculinity constructed and maintained, when seen from a gender perspective? What power structures arise between Georg's and the other men's masculinities? In my analysis I have approached Georg via three perspectives. First, I have by the help of Judith Butler's theory concerning gender performative actions tried to define the men's gender codes.
Samordning inom den svenska hjortnäringen : lämpliga organisationsformer utifrån nyzeeländska lärdomar
Det importeras hjortkött till Sverige till ett värde av ca 135 miljoner SEK om året. Merparten
kommer från Nya Zeeland. Köttet säljs främst till restauranger via grossister.
Den svenska hjortnäringen består av ca 400 hägn av varierande storlek med en mycket
heterogen grupp av uppfödare. Det finns stora skillnader mellan de svenska och de
nyzeeländska uppfödarnas mål med sin verksamhet. De flesta svenska uppfödare sköter hela
värdekedjan själva, medan den nyzeeländska näringen till stor del samordnas genom stora
traditionellt organiserade kooperativa företag.
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka organisationsformer, som vore lämpliga att
implementera i den svenska hjortnäringen utifrån lärdomar hämtade från Nya Zeeland.
Nätverk och makt - En fråga om makt och relation mellan politiker och tjänstemän
I have studied how network in a broad sense can affect decision-making. The primary purpose is to see if the political initiative somewhere disappears when it comes to understand the relations between power, actors and politics. The study discuss in a theoretical area that concerns the reliability in neoinstitutionalism to use as an analytical instrument. Some criticism is given to the theoretical standpoint in the sense that there is no power perspective included in the theory. I include a discussion about a concept of power, which I include to the theory.
Verkligheten ? Here we come! En beskrivning av socialisationsprocessen hos studenter vid Växjö polishögskola
This thesis investigates and emphasises on the way students at Växjö police academy describe their socialization into their profession as police officers and the creation of profession identity. The scientist?s main questions are: In what way do the students at Växjö police academy describe their socialization process into the police profession? What role does the organisation play in the socialization process of the police students? How do the students develop their police identity? Which qualities are encouraged? The study is based on qualitative interviews with nine police students, performed in groups of three. Group theory, role theory, and organization theory are applied to the material to provide an understanding through which it is possible to understand the process of socialization. The study shows that there seems to be patterns in the description of a professional identity.
Barnens kostlåda : Ett pedagogiskt arbetsmaterial riktat till förskolebarn Utvärderat ur pedagogens perspektiv
Title: Besparingar inom Barn- och utbildningsnämnden.Seminar date: 29th of May 2009Course: Degree thesis in Business Administration, bachelor thesisAuthors: Amela Smajlovic and Sten SundfeltAdvisor: Leif HolmbergPurpose: Our purpose is to explain the cost-saving process that many municipality organisations face because of the global financial crisis.Limitations: We have limited our study to the municipality of Landskrona and Kristianstad.Method: Our study has a qualitative approach. By using open interviews we have been able to get an open dialog with our respondents.Theory: We have compared with different theories, such as Rombach?s budget-theory and Wildavsky?s role theory.Empirics: The material is based on interviews and conversations with key figures in different levels of the organisations in Landskrona and Kristianstad.Conclusions: The success of a cost-saving process depends on the engagement, awareness and how inclined to changes the persons in the organisations are. Has everybody the willingness to take responsibility fore the organisation and the changes that the surrounding world claims?.
Livförsäkringsbolagens associationsformer och några konsekvenser av dessa : En deduktiv kvalitativ studie med ett agentteoretiskt redovisningsperspektiv
Den svenska livförsäkringsbranschen har genomgått en förtroendekris under början av 2000-talet. Associationsformen i vilken livförsäkringsbolagen bedriver sin verksamhet lyder under liknande lagar och förordningar som redovisningen i allmänna aktiebolag men fördelningen mellan ägnade och risk är dock inte densamma vilket leder till intressekonflikter. Författarna ämnar genom denna studie öka förståelsen för den komplexitet associationsformerna ger upphov till och hur bemötandet av dem kan tolkas ur ett agent- och informationsteoretiskt perspektiv. Intervjuer har skett med Finansinspektionen och dessa har sedermera analyserats och därefter har slutsatser dragits. Resultatet av studien visar att problematiken med intressekonflikter är snarlik oavsett associationsform, vilket har till följd att det inte finns skäl att behandla olika livförsäkringsbolag olika enkom på grund av associationsform.
EUropa och den konstruerade identiteten - En analys av den hegemoniska diskursen
In this thesis the construction of identity within the EU is discussed. A thesis problem in three dimensions is used to explain the purpose of the construction, its realization and the consequences of such identity. These aspects show the complexity of the problems related to identity construction on a structural level.By using a post-modern and a social constructivist theoretical approach identity is presented as socially constructed by discourse. The theory of discourse makes it possible to analyze the development of an identity forming discourse within the EU and its status today.With an approach inspired by critical theory, we use discourse analysis as a methodological tool to illustrate the ideas that govern discourse, and in what way it is related to the social reality.The analysis states that the purpose of identity constructing is the striving for legitimacy. Without identification, the legitimacy is threatened.
#yogaeverydamnday : En analys av religiösa och andliga uttryck och beskrivningar på Instagram
In recent years, the Internet has exploded with different kinds of social media, where a significant function is to share your life in text and images. This changes how we form our identity, our religious identity included. The aim of this paper was to study how Instagram forms a space for the creation and development of religious and spiritual beliefs. For this purpose, Instagram updates from five women with yoga oriented Instagram accounts have been analyzed in relation to two theories: Paul Heelas? och Linda Woodhead?s theory of a spiritual revolution and Heidi Campbell?s theory of networked religion.The aim of the study was to explore how these women presented themselves in their Instagram flow and what part religion and spirituality had in their presentations.
Legenden Elin : Ett helgon som animerad icke-verbal pedagogisk karaktär
Detta examensarbete har skett i samarbete med Stadsmuseet i Skövde inför en utställning under sommaren och hösten 2013 om staden Skövdes skyddshelgon S:ta Elin. Arbetet innehåller en undersökning om hur en 3D-animerad karaktärs icke-verbala uppförande tillsammans med dess ikonografiska attribut kan fungera engagerande för publiken på ett sätt som stödjer syfte och mål med utställningen. För utställningen var målet att göra besökarna intresserade av vad som ligger bakom legenden. För utvärderingen skapades en prototyp i form av animerad 3D-karaktär som ingick i en kortfilm till utställningen om Elinlegenden. Karaktären Elin var i filmen "stum", i betydelsen att hon inte talade själv, därför var det viktigt att hennes karaktär ändå klarade att uttrycka personlighetsdrag.
Hur påvekar författares föreställningsramar och arbetsmetoder det arkeologiska materialet och dess framställning? - En exemplifierande jämförelse av två författare
This essay is comparing two authors and the way they make use of and explain some of the archaeological methods and artifacts through their books.The first author is the Swedish archaeologist Stig Welinder, who has written Jordbrukets första femtusen år (The First Five Thousand Years of Agriculture). The second author is the American archaeologist and writer Adrian Praetzellis, who has written the book Death by Theory.These books are very different in some ways, but not in others. The main difference is that Death by Theory is belles-lettres while Jordbrukets första femtusen år is science.Both authors explain and in some way apply the use of the terms ?artifact? and ?ethnoarchaeology?, which is the two main subjects of comparison in this essay. The way they present these subjects, through their different styles of writing, is compared and discussed.
Sorg och glädje: en kvalitativ studie om fem kvinnors upplevelser och hanterande av att bli kroniskt sjuka i samband med att de fick barn
This essay aims to investigate how women who fall ill in Rheumatoid Arthritis, during or just after their pregnancy, experience and cope with this. The main questions were 1. What experiences did the women have from receiving their diagnosis? 2. How has the motherhood and the sickness affected one another? 3.
Dutch Disease and Tourism - The Case of Thailand
Tourism is often being viewed as one of the worlds largest sectors and a great contribution to growth and development. There is a large motivation amongst developing countries to promote themselves as a tourist destination, since they expect the tourism to generate economic growth. The government of Thailand has been promoting tourism since 1960, and the number of foreign visitors has increased from 100 000 back then to 13.5 million in 2006. The purpose of this paper was to investigate weather the increasing tourism industry in Thailand has pulled resources away from other sectors of the economy towards the tourism sector, and in that way harming Thailand?s international competitiveness and causing deindustrialization.
VD-ersättning och ägarkoncentration: En studie om ersättningsnivåerna i svenska börsbolag
This study examines whether the ownership structure of Swedish firms contributes to explain the variations in executive pay. A regression analysis was performed on 102 companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The analysis suggests a negative relationship between ownership structure and executive pay after taking company profitability and size into account. The result is in line with previous studies and the agency theory. This indicates that large shareholders have a stronger position in Swedish companies or that large shareholders monitor the management to a larger extent, rather than providing incentives.
Bortom ?könet?? : om Simones förvandling, avslöjande och återställande i Ulf Starks Dårfinkar & dönickar (1984)
The aim of this paper is to analyse how subject, gender and sexuality is constructed in the book Dårfinkar & dönickar (1984), by Ulf Stark. In relation to this I have also analysed how the main character, Simone, develops from being a child into becoming a teenager.Queertheory is the theoretical basis of this paper. Queer theory questions heteronormativity and aims to dissolve conceptions and notions that function in an excluding and limiting way. Queer theory also questions conceptions that seem obvious and/or natural, for example ?woman?/?man? and ?homo-/heterosexuality?.I have chosen to focus the analysis on a number key events in the book and they are categorised according to Tiina Rosenberg`s three dramaturgic concepts: transformation, unveiling and restoration.