7390 Uppsatser om Agent theory - Sida 33 av 493
Dell from a intellectual capital perspective (working title)
Purpose: We will understand and explain Dell?s value gap through an extended intellectual capital theory. This will be done by deriving the value to the different parts of the intellectual capital value scheme. We will also use value scheme to describe the ongoing strategy shift. Methodology: The qualitative method and an abductive reasoning have been employed during the progress.
Filmen Thor (2011) : En religionsvetenskaplig analys av filmkaraktärenThor
Denna uppsats syftar till att göra en religionsvetenskaplig analys av filmen Thor från 2011.De grundläggande metoderna som använts i arbetet är en diskursanalysmetod som är influerad av Simon Lindgrens populärkulturella arbetsfält, och en komparativ studie av Joseph Campbells teoriom monomyten.Våra tolkningar och arbetet kommer fram till att Thor passar in i Campbells teori om monomyten.This essay aims to make a religious scientific based analysis of the movie Thor from 2011.The basic methods used in this work are a discourse analysis, influenced by Simon Lindgren?s popular culture field of expertise, and a comparative study of Joseph Campbell's theory of the monomyth.Our interpretations and this work concludes that Thor fits into Campbell's theory of the monomyth. The results imply that Campbell's theory proves to be applicable in modern times narration on film. Events and actors in the film fit with several elementary parts in a hero-myth according to Campbell..
På drift med Spinoza och Freud
This essay attempts to examine whether it is possible to find a mutual understanding of the concept of drive between Spinoza?s philosophy and Freud?s psychoanalytical theory. Former texts on this subject have given a variety of conclusions: from a radical separation between the two authors to a complete identification between the two. The drive, or the desire which is the term Spinoza uses, has in Spinoza?s philosophy its foundation in the concept of conatus.
Hur står sig Modigliani och Millers teori om kapitalstruktur under hög- kontra lågkonjunkturer? : en studie av 30 börsnoterade bolag på den svenska marknaden
Problem formulation: This paper will examine how the capital structure of firms affects their market valuation by applying the Modigliani-Miller theory on Swedish listed companies in a boom and a recession. The study will examine whether it is possible to draw any conclusions as to whether companies with high debt to equity ratios are valued lower in a recession, in comparison to companies with low debt to equity ratios.Purpose: To empirically test the Modigliani-Miller theory of capital structure in a boom and a recession in order to see if the companies? market value is affected differently depending on whether they have a high or a low debt to equity ratios.Methodology: The essay has a deductive and a quantitative methodological approach. Data analysis was done through a correlation analysis, a regression analysis and a hypothesis testing.Theory: The Modigliani-Miller theory of capital structure with taxes states that companies with a high debt to equity ratios has a higher value. One of the risks with a high level of debt could be that during a financial downturn companies have more difficulty realizing capital and are thus more likely to go bankrupt.Conclusions: The study shows results that are contrary to the Modigliani-Miller's theory; all the correlation analyses between debt to equity ratios and market value are negative.
"En puff i rätt riktning"? : En intervjustudie om hur personer med olika länderbakgrund upplever arbetsmarknadsåtgärden Komjobb i Norrköpings kommun
The study sheds light on how individuals from different countries experience the labour action Komjobb. The study aim to examine in which consideration experiences of the action Komjobb differs among the participants. The study is based on eight qualitative interviews and analyzed by using the method of phenomenography. We have based this research on a theory about Social constructivism. Other theories that we have used are Bauman's theory about the changing value of work in the modern and postmodern society and Andersson's theory of unemployment as a social category.
Självgranskningshot och exploateringsrisk
Syftet med vår uppsats är att undersöka om det finns ett hot för revisorn vid självgranskningen av en apportemission att hamna i en beroendeställning. Samtidigt vill vi undersöka hur revisorns oberoende upplevs och uppfattas i olika situationer vid apportemission, samt om detta kan leda till en exploateringsrisk för nyägare och minoriteten. För att uppnå vårt syfte genomförde vi intervjuer med revisorer, gamla ägare, nya ägare och minoriteter.Ur agentteori härleds våra tre modeller. Vi tittar på revisorn dels som agent åt principalen och dels som en oberoende yrkesutövare. Dessa modeller är: självgranskningshot, nyägarexploateringsrisk och minoritetexploateringsrisk.Empirisk fakta från de tio intervjuerna analyserades och vi fann att det kan finnas en risk för självgranskningshot då revisorn granskar sin egen granskning vid årsbokslutet.
Den gröna konsumentmakten - medborgarens ekologiska insats
The aim of this thesis is to form a theory of the green consumer power and to distinguish whether this phenomenon could indicate a movement toward the ecological citizenship. To do so, scientific theories regarding the responsibility of companies have been used, as well as the public choice theory, to link individuals as citizens to individuals as consumers. The motives of corporate environmental responsibility, along with consumers ability to bring pressure in different dimensions, are later drawn on as indicators applied to empirical information. The largest producer of ecological products in Sweden, Arla Foods, is employed as case study to explore if the green consumer power can and does exist. The ecological citizenship uses the ecological footprint, to define in what ways we can minimize our part of environmental degradation.The study seems to strengthen the theory, consumers do have a power to make companies go green and they tend to use it increasingly.
Facebook-reklam ? irriterande men användbar : En kvalitativ fallstudie om vad generation Y gör med reklam
This qualitative study examines how emergency people are framed in Swedish evening-, and local newspapers during the forest fire in Va?stmanland, Sweden 2014. The study also includes if there is any difference between the framing due to the location of the newspaper. The study is based on qualitative text analysis. The theoretical basis is representation, framing theory, media image, media logic and a few conceptions from crisis communication theory.
"Det var en gång?" : En textanalys om hur VisitSweden använder storytelling i framställningen av svensk matkultur och dess aktörer
This qualitative study examines how emergency people are framed in Swedish evening-, and local newspapers during the forest fire in Va?stmanland, Sweden 2014. The study also includes if there is any difference between the framing due to the location of the newspaper. The study is based on qualitative text analysis. The theoretical basis is representation, framing theory, media image, media logic and a few conceptions from crisis communication theory.
En företagsledares definition : En studie om vad som karaktäriserar en företagsledare
Denna uppsats undersöker vad som definierar och karaktäriserar en företagsledare utifrån Agentteorin och Stewardship-teorin. Uppsatsen tar sin ansats i de båda teoriernas definitioner gällande agenten/stewarden för att försöka vidareutveckla resonemanget bakom denna definition och inkluderar därför Intressentmodellen och ansvarslitteratur. Uppsatsens syfte är att studera teoriernas dikotomi gällande agenten/stewardens karaktär genom en empirisk studie av sju olika företagsledare och därigenom testa vår uppställda hypotes om vad som karaktäriserar en företagsledare. Studiens resultat går i linje med hypotesen och vittnar om att en företagsledares karaktär främst definieras av tydliga ansvarskänslor mot företaget genom en avvägning mellan de intressen som återfinns internt och externt organisationen. Studien vittnar även om att beroendeförhållanden mellan parter är av stor betydelse vid de intresseavvägningar som företagsledare gör..
"En kommentar kan sitta kvar hela livet" : - en kvalitativ studie om ungdomars uppfattningar om kränkningar på internet.
Syftet med studien var att få en ökad kunskap om 15-åringars uppfattningar om kränkningar och trakassering på internet och vad de menar kan ha en motverkande effekt på att problemet uppstår. Datainsamling blev genomförd genom fyra fokusgruppintervjuer med 15-åringar från en skola i Sydsverige. Grounded theory användes för analys av intervjuerna. Resultaten teoretiserades ut i från ett genusperspektiv.Resultaten visade att Internet är en given del av ungdomarnas vardag och att kränkningar är vanliga. Både sändaren och mottagaren av en kommentar måste uppfatta den som illa menad för att det skulle vara en kränkning.
Europeiska Unionen- en demokrati? : En studie om demokratins utbredning och utveckling inom EU:s institutioner.
The purpose of this thesis is to study the level of democracy within the European Union (EU). To do so the following issues were examined: How the EU works and the efforts it has made to improve levels of democracy; and the degree to which the EU fulfils the criteria set by Robert Dahl in his theory of polyarchy.The study is based on a qualitative text analysis. The focus of the analysis is documents released by the EU that can be connected to democracy, and human and fundamental rights. The theory of polyarchy proposed by Robert Dahl and Joseph Schumpeter?s theory of democracy are the principal theories applied.
Argus diskussionsforum: utifrån några utvalda medarbetares perspektiv
The aim of this masters thesis was to study how the members of a small non-profit organisation perceived the web forum, compared to the other information channels of the organisation. The organisation was defined as a virtual community. A literature review was conducted. The theory construction was based on the sensemaking theory. Interview questions were constructed based on the literature review and the sensemaking theory.
Med idrotten in i kunskapssamhället
Abstract.In Sweden today, a collaboration was formed between the Swedish Sport Confederation andthe Swedish upper secondary school education. While this process was taking place, theSwedish Sport Confederation also tried to collaborate with the Swedish Academy. However,at the time the Academy did not have any involvement with the former.The purpose of the study was to research when and how the Swedish Sport Confederationcreated a collaboration with the Swedish Education Systems both on a National and Locallevel. I have also done a research on both the Knowledge Society and Elite sport talents tofind out if Elite sport will be affected in any way because of the existence of Knowledge Society,and also the reactions of the sports talents if any. My final pursuit was also to find out ifthe Knowledge Society can bring about a quick change to this silent conflict between theSwedish Sport Confederation and the Swedish Academy.For my study, I have used two different theories.
Påverka på hemmaplan? 24-timmarsmyndigheten och den lokala demokratin
In this thesis we investigate the level of deliberative democracy in the current implementation of the 24/7 Agency in the local government. We are interested in how the combination of the two seemingly opposing ideals of Demokratiutredningen and the 24/7 Agency is solved. Our analysis is based on interviews with civil servants from three kommuner in Skåne and a schematic overview of their websites. As a theoretical framework we use New Public Management Theory, Deliberative Democracy Theory, and Citizen Theory.We have found that the local 24/7 Agency is initiated and implemented by public servants. Their experiences and worldview is mirrored in both process and result.