
"En puff i rätt riktning"?

En intervjustudie om hur personer med olika länderbakgrund upplever arbetsmarknadsåtgärden Komjobb i Norrköpings kommun

The study sheds light on how individuals from different countries experience the labour action Komjobb. The study aim to examine in which consideration experiences of the action Komjobb differs among the participants. The study is based on eight qualitative interviews and analyzed by using the method of phenomenography. We have based this research on a theory about Social constructivism. Other theories that we have used are Bauman's theory about the changing value of work in the modern and postmodern society and Andersson's theory of unemployment as a social category. The result is also based on previous research about labour market policies. We have concluded that Komjobb to a particular part meets individual needs. Other conclusions are that there are some differences in whether people from different countries perceive the action as satisfactory. The participants feel that Komjobb strengthens their position at the labour market and in a positive way affect their other routines in everyday life.


Azerina Cano Clara Blidmo

Lärosäte och institution

Linköpings universitet/Institutionen för samhälls- och välfärdsstudier


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