

710 Uppsatser om Agency - Sida 4 av 48

Omstruktureringars betydelse för organisatoriska lärprocesser : Ett kunskapsperspektiv på att dela en verksamhet och köpa verksamhetsnära it-tjäsnter

The thesis aims to understand how learning processes are affected when an organization split into two separate organizations. The study is designed as a single case, covering a new government Agency?s takeover of a core activity from another Agency and the use of a purchase-provider split between the agencies, providing the new Agency with IT-services. The findings revealed a difference in productive system and knowledge types between core- and IT-activities. The core activity was found to be dominated by explicit knowledge while the IT-activity seemed to be dominated by a mix of explicit and tacit knowledge.

Livskunskap : ett ämne i tiden

The purpose of this Bachelors thesis is to investigate teachers' work and attitude to life in relation to the curriculum. Furthermore, how teachers look at students' emotional/social development in their general development. The thesis also reviews the criticism from The Swedish School of Authority on various programs primarily SET (social and emotional training)Three qualitative interviews and four observations at three different schools with teachers have been conducted. Using theories of social constructivism, deliberative conversation and social and emotional skills, the intention is to interpret the gathered material.The results show that the teachers see knowledge of life in school as important in the foundation of students´ emotional/social development. One teacher follows the SET program and two teachers? took inspiration from various other programs and ideas.

Grafisk produktion i mindre spelutvecklingsföretag

Detta arbete avslutar magisterutbildningen inom Industriell design vid Luleåtekniska universitet. Arbetet har utförts på uppdrag av Agency-9, utvecklareav Javabaserade 3D-motorer. De har tekniken för att producera dataspel avtoppklass men ingen grafisk formgivning och produktion, och är i stort behovav att få igång detta. För att visa upp funktionaliteten i deras 3D-motorAgent FX vill de även ta fram ett demo. Metoderna som använts under arbetet baseras på teorierna om systematiskproblembehandling som lärs ut vid Institutionen för arbetsvetenskap, LTU.

Varför volontärresor? : En undersökande studie om motiveringen kring volontärresande

The focus of this study is to dig deeper into what motivates volunteer travelers. The commercial side of volunteer travelling has increased in the past years, and young Swedes pay large amounts of money to travel to other countries and work as volunteers. The purpose of this study is to get a glimpse into what motivates these young people, and how this correlates to the rapid increase of commercial travelling bureaus that focus on volunteer travelling. Five people under the age of 30, who had been volunteering through a commercial travelling Agency, where interviewed for this study. The results show that the main motivation for paying to go work abroad is actually the experience, meeting new people and seeing new things.

The importance of relationship for self-care capacity among young people with diabetes mellitus type 1 : Based on external factors in Orems model of self-care.

In Sweden approximately a half per cent of the population have diabetes mellitus type 1. Self-care responsibility is a part of the treatment. Orem?s self-care theory has been used as theoretical framework. The purpose was to describe what it means to be young and have diabetes mellitus type 1.

Motorsågskörkortet - en utvärdering av Skogsstyrelsens motorsågsutbildning vid Frossarbo kursgård 2005 - 2007 :

The use of chainsaws in both private forestry and commercial companies is highly associated with personal injuries and accidents with deadly outcome. As a result to this, a driver?s license for chainsaws was presented in the year 2005. To get the license you have to attend a course given by the Swedish Forest Agency or one of several private educators. This study is an evaluation of one course given by the Swedish Forest Agency in Uppsala.

Utvärdering av Transportstyrelsens flygtrafiksmodeller

The Swedish Transport Agency has for a long time collected data on a monthly basis for different variables that are used to make predictions, short projections as well as longer projections. They have used SAS for producing statistical models in air transport. The model with the largest value of coefficient of determination is the method that has been used for a long time. The Swedish Transport Agency felt it was time for an evaluation of their models and methods of how projections is estimated, they would also explore the possibilities to use different, completely new models for forecasting air travel. This Bachelor thesis examines how the Holt-Winters method does compare with SARIMA, error terms such as RMSE, MAPE, R2, AIC and BIC  will be compared between the methods. The results which have been produced showing that there may be a risk that the Holt-Winters models adepts a bit too well in a few variables in which Holt-Winters method has been adapted.

En manualapplikation : Utvecklingen av en mobilapplikation

iProspect is a global digital marketing Agency and work primarily with search marketing. They were the first search engine marketing Agency in the world when the company started up 1996 in Boston, Massachusetts, and the first in Sweden to offer services in search marketing after establishing themselves on the Swedish market the following year. iProspect can be found in the södermalm office in south central Stockholm. They are a comprehensive Agency within search and offer everything from search engine optimization and sponsored links to advertising on social media. They?re goal is to lead developments in search marketing and to keep ahead of competition.

De som gillar musik gillar oss. Visuell identitet för bokningsbolaget Halleluja

The objective of this project was to develop the visual identityof Halleluja, a brand new booking Agency representing approximatelytwenty minor artists within a wide range of contemporarymusic styles.The outcome has been applied to business cards and awebsite yet to be produced. To attract the audience and differentiateitself from other booking companies, Halleluja featuresa minimalist design that speaks of dedication, breadth ofgenres and exclusive taste. Although my sketches have beenapproved by Lars Olsson and Erik Sundfeldt, the co-foundersof Halleluja, I have had the privilege of working quite freely andstarting from scratch, since there was no earlier work done onthe company.Some of the issues I have faced during my process wasabout finding the right tone of voice in type and colour, ordealing with the semantics of the corporate name (meaning»praise the Lord«). I?ve also been struggling to come to termswith my own self-censorship and my slighly suspicious view onbranding..

Effektiv tillsyn av pågående verksamheter i Piteå kommun med MIFO fas 1 som verktyg : Underlag för strategival

The purpose of the study was to investigate how inventories of suspected polluted areas as a part of the planned control of existing companies cab be designed in order to achieve as great effect as possible. The study was conducted in cooperation with Piteå municipality. An analysis of regional inventory projects, local municipal strategies and a pilot study in Piteå was conducted. The experience from both the regional projects and the pilot study was that in order to achieve an effective control a number of factors were inportant: an efficient selection of companies, a good dialogue between the controlling Agency and the companies, sufficient resources, education of municipal inspectors and guidance for decisionmaking. Another inportant result was that the municipal planning can prevent an efficient inventory if the control of city development projects is allowed to take time from the planned control.

Med handen på hjärtat och kniven mot strupen : En kvalitativ undersökning av de svenska bokningsbolagens verklighet

This study focuses on the booking agencies in Sweden and their point of view on the reality with a focal point from the mass media perspective, which says that they have become rather wealthy because of the changes within the music business. The mass media describes the booking agencies situation as golden because of the economical and technological changes that more or less have paralysed the record industry. The study is performed with a qualitative approach and is based on interviews with relevant individuals from eight different Swedish booking agencies. These individuals have been chosen to match as many different segments in the booking Agency business as possible. On account of the qualitative approach it is difficult to generalize the conclusion of the study.

Inhyrning av personal- kringgående av företrädesrätten?

The usage of temporary work agencies services is increasing in the Swedish labour market and it has also caused some problems. There have been cases where employers have been accused to circumvent the preferential right to reinstatement by using temporary Agency workers rather than rehire preference eligible employees during labour need.The purpose of this thesis is to describe, analyse and enhance the understanding of the preferential rights to reinstatement and study when hiring of temporary Agency workers, during the period when there is preference eligible former employees, is permitted. The method being used in this thesis has been applied with particular attention to the directives, laws, legislative history and doctrine.The preferential rights to reinstatement in 25-27 §§ of the Employment Protection Act is a protection which states that the employer has to hire employees or former dismissed employees during increased labour needs. The purpose of this right is that an employer should not be able to terminate an employee due to redundancy and then later hire new employees. An employee is entitled to the preferential right as he/she meets the criteria of the Employment Protection Act.

Konvertering av webbapplikationer från ASP till ASP.NET

This dissertation is carried out on behalf of Two i Sverige AB. Two is a consulting Agency which primarily works with the development of homepages. The company has several of its complete applications written in ASP e.g. the development of homepages. At the Agency they have seen benefit migrating these applications from ASP to the more flexible environment ASP.NET.

Gemensamma åtgärder i harmoni? : En beskrivande fallstudie av regional miljöpolitisk koordination mellan nationell och internationell nivå.

 The aim and scope of this study is to describe the coordination of joint efforts concerning chemicals and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea region, between the Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI) and the land-based pollution group of the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM LAND). Based on the description of the coordination, the second aim is to discuss the consequences for the Swedish Chemicals Agency in its policy shaping work towards a nontoxic environment. A qualitative and descriptive case study method is used for this purpose. Theories of coordination and achievement-inducing criteria for environmental goals are applied to the case. Components and related processes of coordination are applied to the descriptive part of the study, whilst the achievement-inducing criteria are applied in the discussion.

Går Sverige mot en mer hållbar energianvändning?

Sambandet mellan samhällsutvecklingen och de växande miljöproblemen kom i slutet av 1980-talet att få en allt mer framskjuten roll på den politiska agendan i Sverige. I och med att energianvändningen står för en stor del av miljöproblemen har allt fler kommit att inse vikten av att uppnå en hållbar situation för energianvändandet. För att se hur arbetet mot en hållbar energianvändning fortskrider har International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) tagit fram en modell för detta. Studiens övergripande syfte har varit att analysera huruvida Sverige går mot en mer hållbar energianvändning med hjälp av IAEA:s indikatorer. Teorin i studien har baserats på grundläggande miljöekonomiska resonemang.

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