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Analys av artificiella marktyper vid vatten med hjälp av GIS, Värmlands län 2007

On commission of the County administrative board in Värmland County a method was developed for analysis of the occurrence of artificial land use at lakes and watercourses. With artificial land use is meant land significantly affected by man. Two bases have been used to carry out the analysis. In one of the analysis the vegetation database and in the other GSD¹-Marktäckedata (land cover data) was used (this method has been used by County administrative board in Jönköping County).The analysis comprises all watercourses within Alsterälven river basin. The digital water bodies are created by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute on the basis of GSD-Översiktskartan (general map).

Genus som en del av Samhällskunskapsundervisningen : Lärares och elevers föreställningar om genus i undervisningen

Gender is one of several factors that affect our society. According to the National Agency of Education and the values of Lpf 94, the school should communicate and counteract gender stereotypes. However, there is no demand for gender knowledge in the syllabus for Civics in upper secondary school.The purpose of this study is to investigate how two teachers work with gender in Civics education, with main focus on working practices. In addition, I wanted to investigate which conceptions students in upper secondary school have about gender in education. The method used is interviews.

Betesdrift för mjölkkor :

The Swedish Animal Welfare Act say that all milking cows must have access to pasture in summer time. That was a gift to Astrid Lindgren o her 80th birthday from the Swedish Government. Sweden is a predecessor in animal welfare, but how well do we live up to these big expectations? In this thesis I will examine how well the pasture for milking cows works. I have been interviewing farmers with milking cows and people in the business. I have also been searching information on Internet, and using the library of Alnarp. Cows that are kept on pasture are exposed to different kind of parasites, but on the other hand they run a smaller risk to getting acetonemi, pareses and udder infection. Veterinary Pierre Nordmark means that cows on pasture are more healthy then cows kept inside all summer.

Revisionsbyråernas Tjänsteutveckling : Hur har den avskaffade revisionsplikten förändrat revisionsbyråernas tjänsteutveckling?

 BakgrundI november 2010 avskaffades revisionsplikten för små aktiebolag i Sverige. Anledningen till lagändringen var att regeringen ville sänka kostnaderna för små bolag, samt att regeringen ville att Sveriges lagstiftning skulle harmoniseras med EU:s lagstiftning. Regeringen menade att bolagen efter revisionspliktens avskaffande skulle använda den insparade kostnaden till att köpa andra tjänster från revisionsbyråerna.SyfteSyftet är att beskriva hur den avskaffade revisionsplikten för små företag har förändrat kundunderlaget och tjänsteutvecklingen för några utvalda revisionsbyråer. Vidare är syftet att beskriva vilken betydelse revisionsbyråerna anser att revisionen har för de små företagen.MetodI uppsatsen har en kvalitativ metod använts. Intervjuer med 6 olika revisionsbyråer i Sundsvall har genomförts.

Om patientföreningar och kunskapens kärna En kritisk realistisk studie av patientföreningar, diagnoser och vetenskap

Aims: Patient associations have been around for some time and research has shown that such associations can influence society, politics and how diagnoses are thought of. This study is a comparative analysis of two patient associations in Sweden. The first association called Attention represents people diagnosed with neuropsychiatric disorders such as ADHD. The other association called RSMH represents people diagnosed with mental illness such as depression. The aim of this study is to explore the social and political agenda of these associations and to explain their relation to biological, psychological and social models of explanation.Method and theory: The method used was a qualitative document analysis using documents produced by the associations themselves as well as documents from media and politics.

Kvarteret Kajutan - Från lågenergi till plusenergi

Energy and environmental demands regarding buildings have become an increasinglydiscussed topic, both in Sweden and in Europe as a whole. The general trend indicatesthat greater efforts are being put into the energy efficiency of the built environment.There are already numerous examples of houses with a low energy demand, and thenumber of low energy buildings is constantly growing.At the time being, the maximum level for energy demands for housing in Stockholm is110 kWh/m2year, but as soon as next year the limit will be changed to 90. The SwedishAgency Energimyndigheten is currently conducting a project to interpret the EU Directiveon the so-called Nearly zero energy buildings, and the preliminary results indicate thatthe level of requirements for purchased energy will end up with about 55 kWh / m2year,which is in line withtoday?s recommendationsfound in FEBY's Kravspecifikation förPassivhus.Starting with a low-energy house in Henriksdalshamnen in Stockholm, we have analyzedvarious energy-efficiency measures and their influence on power and energy needs. Thefinancial aspects associated with the measures have been studied using a model of lifecycle costs.The measures were initially studied individually to give an idea of how much impact theyeach had.

RIKTAT DÖDANDE - Lag och moral i en asymmetrisk värld

Som ett resultat av attackerna mot USA den 11 september 2001 förklarade dåvarande president George W Bush krig mot terrorismen den 20 september samma år. Sex dagar senare undertecknade Bush ett direktiv vilket auktoriserade den civila amerikanska underrättelsetjänsten Central Intelligence Agency att utföra riktat dödande mot fördefinierade individer i syftet att förhindra nya attacker från terroristnätverket Al Qaeda, talibanerna och associerade styrkor. Bush initierade det amerikanska bruket av så kallade ?drone strikes? i anslutning till krigsförklaringen med intentionen att eliminera misstänkta terrorister utan möjlighet till en rättvis rättegång, Obama-administrationen har valt att fortsätta utöva policyn. Syftet med studien är att fastställa huruvida USA:s juridiska rättfärdigande och bruk av folkrätt i relation till genomförandet av riktat dödande och användandet av obemannade luftfarkoster i kriget mot terrorismen kan betraktas vara förenligt med doktrinen för just war theory och gällande internationell rätt.

Mind the Gap - En studie om samarbetet mellan byrå och kund

Sammanfattning -  ?Mind the Gap?- En studie om samarbetet mellan byrå och kund.Seminarium: 31 maj 2012Institution: Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för hållbar samhälls-och teknikutvecklingKurs: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi med inriktning mot marknadsföring, 15 ECTSFörfattare: Alexandra Bergkvist, Jenny Bernhardsson, My Lundberg21 April 1988   11 December 1987   23 September 1988Handledare: Dan LinderExaminator: Cecilia LindhNyckelord: Arbetsprocess, kundrelation, gapet, dödvikt, spill, reklambyråProblem: Studien behandlar relationen mellan reklambyråer och deras kunder, vilka problem som kan uppstå i samarbetsprocessen samt hur det är möjligt att undvika problem och därigenom ge förslag på eventuella förändringar i samarbetet. Problemformuleringen bygger på att identifiera gapet i arbetsprocessenSyfte: Identifiera var gapet i arbetsprocessen mellan kunder och byråer består av.Frågeställning: Vad består gapet i arbetsprocessen mellan kunder och byråer av? När uppstår gap? På vilka sätt kan de berörda parterna minska gapet?Metod: I uppsatsen tillämpas en kvalitativ metod för att förstå vad gapet i arbetsprocessen består av. Studiens empiriska del utgörs av fyra personintervjuer, tre reklambyråer och en byråvalsrådgivare.

Rekryteringsstrategier inom marknadsföring och kommunikation : En kvalitativ studie avhur individer och organisationer hanterar sökandet efter medarbetare/arbetsgivare och hur rekryterare skapar matchning

This paper describes and analyzes how individuals and organizations that operate in careers in communications and marketing deal with the search for employees / employers, and how recruiting managers and recruitment consultants are working to create a match between the parties. The study was conducted on behalf of a recruitment Agency that offers services in recruiting and staffing for organizations in communication and marketing. The empirical material consists of ten qualitative interviews from three different perspectives on the labor market, recruitment consultants, managers and employees. The interviews were analyzed from sociological and social psychological theories of organizations and individuals opportunities and strategies in today's western labor market. Conclusions that emerged are that organizations need for decreased amount of tied assets provides increased need for temporary employments.

The decision-making process of hiring temporary employees

Background and problem discussionThe temporary employment industry has grown extensively during the past two decades since the market was deregulated. Companies today need to be flexible to meet fluctuating demand and economic climate in society which has made the market expand. When using employees not directly employed by the company there is a risk that long term effects appears that the companies have not thought of.Aim of studyTo create a model of what negative aspects companies should consider when making the decision to use temporary employees.Methodological frameworkThe study performed through an abdicative literature study and with an empirical data collection method of a qualitative approach where we interviewed five hiring companies and one temporary Agency on the decision of hiring temporary employees.Frame of referenceProblem areas with the use of temporary employments were identified through four perspectives of the organization; the structural, human resource, symbolic and political perspective. The problem areas we address are organizational learning, motivation, risk of eroding human capital, belongingness and conflicts. These will be described and presented together with management control to counter the problems.EmpiricsThe empirics are focused on what aspects the companies of the study considered when making the decision to use temporary employment, what the companies? different reasons for using temporary employment are and what they do to minimize possible negative effects.Analysis and conclusionsCompanies use temporary employees mostly to become more flexible, both numerically and in their competence.

Bakgrund - No?t - Lycka : en genomga?ng av musikens betydelse i mitt liv samt arbetsprocessen fo?r musikskapandet

The Swedish social insurance Agency provides financial support for families and children, but also for people with work injury, illness and at old age. During 2012 they saw the amount of notifications of insurance increasing in Sweden, which is a development that cost our society a great deal of money. With the aim to pursue a sustainable development I have therefore devoted this project to wellness and stress management within preschool.The employees of preschool are often dealing with a lot of stress, due to the big groups of children that causes high noise and sound levels. The high noise and sound levels is a contributor to stress which additionally can damage the health and cause impaired hearing loss. About half of the people around their forties until the age of retirement have difficulties understanding speech in large groups.The purpose of this project has been to investigate the causes of negative stress for my target group, women between 30-60 years old who works in preschool.

VI HITTADE DEN I BYRÅN En kartläggning av fyra svenska dagstidningars användande av TT

The purpose of the study was firstly to describe the use of news articles from the largest Swedish news Agency, TT Nyhetsbyrån, in four Swedish newspapers. Secondly, the purpose was to see if there was a homogenization of which TT-articles that was used. This was carried out by examining articles on the newspapers? local, domestic and foreign pages. The newspapers that was chosen were Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-Posten and Nerikes Allehanda.

Verksamhetsanalys Jämförelse mellan IAEA och OKG AB inom E.ON-koncernen

The safety and safety work on OKG, Oskarshamns Kraftgrupp, is supervised by SKI, Swedish nuclear power inspectorate. The task of SKI is to inspect that the nuclear power plants of Sweden runs in a safe way. The proprietor of the permit who runs nuclear power plants has the responsibility to maintain the required safety to run a plant. SKI publishes a number of statue books that OKG has to meet to be able to run the plants. SKI recommends in SKIFS 2 004:1, that OKG work with the safety requirements of IAEA.

Korren är död. Länge leve korren. : Vad har hänt med utrikesjournalistiken på 20 år?

Foreign correspondence is essential for our understanding of the world and therefore it is paramount that we be aware of how it is affected by modern technology and altered economic conditions.In this study we set out to investigate the state of foreign correspondence today, in comparison to twenty years ago. More specifically we compared foreign news articles from a week in 1993 and the same week in 2013, in the Swedish newspapers Expressen and Dagens Nyheter. We chose these newspapers as we felt they each represented a different area of Swedish journalism, DN being a regular morning newspaper and Expressen being a tabloid newspaper.We looked mainly at three things in the articles: who was the writer, i.e. was the article by a correspondent, a news Agency or someone else, what source was used and what part of the world was it about. We then made comparisons between both the different years and the different newspapers, as well as current and twenty years old lists of correspondents.According to the material we looked at there were some clear differences between foreign correspondence 1993 and 2013.

Kommunikationshjälpmedel Sound and Display Communicator

During the last year in the Innovation Engineering Program, at Halmstad University, a degree project was performed that was carried out during Fall semester in 2006 and Spring semester 2007. The project was performed by two students in corporation with LIC Audio AB, a company in Stockholm. The degree project was meant to result in a communication aid for people with a cognitive handicap. The project focused on people suffering from dementia because of the expressed need within this group. This aid should first and foremost help in a conversation between a person with dementia and another person, like a relative or nursing home staff.

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