

717 Uppsatser om Agency - Sida 37 av 48

EU och pengarna : en undersökning om hur den översiktliga planeringen i två svenska strategiska regioner påverkas av Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden

The European Union is a 60 year long collaboration between the European countries. It was born from the intention to ease trade and thereby reassure peace. Within the 60 years EU has functioned it has developed and expanded further. In 1952 it evolved around the trade of coal and steel between six countries, today it includes 27 nations and oversees a large number of topics such as foreign affairs, a common currency and regional politics. EU has grown at several times, the latest expansion was the largest where 12 new countries became members. The unions of countries that only 60 years ago were at different sides of a world war can be considered an accomplishment.

Användare från båda håll ? Utökat informationsstöd inom design av registreringsprocesser

During spring 2001 we have been involved with our bachelor thesis at Doberman Digital Agency, an Internet related webdesign company. We have focused our work on the registration process via digital medias such as the Internet. During our workprocess we have been conducting a number of studies and analyses of workrelated materials. Ethnographical methods such as structured interviews and participant observations were primarily used in our work. We also widely used brainstorming in our designprocess.

Arboga Mekaniska Verkstad : Förslag på saneringsåtgärder gällande gjuteriet och plåtverkstaden

The industrialization in Sweden has increased the large number of areas that have been contaminated with various types of pollution. One of those sites are the property Höjen 3:24 in Arboga where ?Arboga Mekaniska Verkstad? once been. The property wants to increase the use of the old former foundry building with the adjacent ?plate-workshop? and believe there are two options for the building: That the building either should be used as a warehouse/concert hall, or rebuilt into a cultural center. An environmental evaluation has shown that the levels of heavy metals are over the Swedish environmental protection Agency guidelines of less sensitive land.

"Det var stressigt, man visste typ inget" : Vägledningen inför gymnasievalet, ur ett elevperspektiv

The purpose of this investigation was to study what students in in the first year of the social science program in high school think about the guidance they had access to during their time at primary school. This is to ensure that it the guidance students are entitled to and contribute to the development of the business. The survey was conducted at two different high schools in southern Sweden. A total of 57 students participated in the survey. The results show that 46 and 29 percent of students at the two schools did not feel they had the information they needed for their upper secondary school The results proving what previous research reached that students selection process can lead to stress and uncertainty associated with the choice to high school. The results of the present study showed that girls in particular have high standards for themselves and experience stress and anxiety associated with their selection to a greater extent than boys.

Ljudskapande ur ett begränsat perspektiv

The Swedish social insurance Agency provides financial support for families and children, but also for people with work injury, illness and at old age. During 2012 they saw the amount of notifications of insurance increasing in Sweden, which is a development that cost our society a great deal of money. With the aim to pursue a sustainable development I have therefore devoted this project to wellness and stress management within preschool.The employees of preschool are often dealing with a lot of stress, due to the big groups of children that causes high noise and sound levels. The high noise and sound levels is a contributor to stress which additionally can damage the health and cause impaired hearing loss. About half of the people around their forties until the age of retirement have difficulties understanding speech in large groups.The purpose of this project has been to investigate the causes of negative stress for my target group, women between 30-60 years old who works in preschool.

Svensk Kod för Bolagsstyrning : En förtroendeskapande åtgärd?

After a series of corporate scandals around the world the trust in the business world was damaged, probably most in the United States but also in Sweden. Voices were raised for an increase in the openness and insight into the affairs of the company whereupon different corporate governance codes were developed in a majority of countries. A Swedish corporate governance code was issued in December 2004 with the purpose to re-establish the damaged trust for the companies and the business world. The Swedish code was accepted by the Stockholm Stock Exchange as an exchange rule for A-listed and larger O-listed companies as of July 2005. The purpose of this essay is to study how the Swedish corporate governance code in fact leads to an increase in trust in the stock market and to study the companies? attitudes towards this code.To fulfil the purpose of this essay, the authors have carried out a survey among the concerned companies where the companies? attitudes towards the Swedish code were collected.

Med brödfödan som drivkraft : En studie om att byta olja mot biodrivmedel i ett globalt perspektiv

Av två anledningar anses det som mycket viktigt att bryta beroendet av olja, naturgas och kol. Den första anledningen är de uppmärksammade klimatförändringarna. Förbränning av fossila bränslen anges idag som huvudorsak till växthuseffekten. Den andra mindre uppmärksammade orsaken är att oljan och naturgasen snart inte räcker till för att föda en allt energihungrigare värld. Utvinningen ser dessutom ut att ha nåt sin kulmen.

Contortatallens odlingsvärde i Götaland

The third most common conifer in Sweden is Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine). It originates from the western part of North America and was brought here in the end of the 1920s. The lodgepole pine is today allowed for commercial plantations in central and northern Sweden, excluding high altitude locations. Since 1979 only plantations with scientific purpose are allowed in south-central and south Sweden. This document is focused on how lodgepole pine manage perform compared with Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) in the southernmost part of Sweden, Götaland. The idea came from the fact that the Swedish government is evaluating a notification from the National Forest Agency that suggests lodgepole pine to be allowed for commercial plantation even in southern Sweden.

Hur påverkar upplevd nytta av revision valet att anlita revisor i etablerade och nyetablerade bolag?

Slopandet av revisionsplikten har lett till att små bolag står mellan valet att anlita revisor eller inte. Studiens syfte har varit att utforska hur den upplevda nyttan med revision påverkar valet att anlita revisor eller inte för etablerade och nyetablerade bolag. Undersökningen genomfördes genom en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod vars syfte var att få en djupgående förståelse för vilka faktorer som påverkar valet att anlita eller inte anlita en revisor i etablerade samt nyetablerade bolag. Genom intervjuer har studien undersökt vilka faktorer ägarna i både etablerade och nyetablerade anser påverkar valet att anlita revisor. Studiens teoretiska referensram är baserad på agentteorin, legitimitetsteorin, institutionellateorin samt intressentteorin. Referensramen ligger sedan till grund för insamlingen av empiri och genomförande av analysen.

Governance Disclosures According to IIRC's Integrated Reporting Framework -Are Annual Reports of Swedish Listed Companies in Line with the Framework?

Background and problem - Integrated reporting is a hot topic today and is predicted to be the future of companies? external reporting. In December 2013 a new framework on integrated reporting was released and one part of the framework concerns governance and how it supports the organization?s value creation. A recent study on integrated reporting in Sweden showed the area of governance to be poorly reported.

Naturvårdshänsyn i boreal bruksskog : En studie om avverkningar och avverkare i skogarna runt Saxdalen i södra Dalarna

As the past century?s technological development has progressed the Swedish boreal forests have transformed into dense, highly productive, homogenous and coniferous forests. The area around Saxdalen in Ludvika municipality has long been dominated forests which have been heavily worked since the 18th century. There are in Ludvika 119 000 hectares of productive forest land. Around 70 percent are owned by forest companies and 20 by private forest owners.

Attitudes' impact on authorities' marketing communication - a study of customers' attitudes towards the Swedish Tax Agency

InledningIFRS-regelverket infördes 2005 och det har påverkat fastighetsbolagens redovisning.Branschen har genom organet EPRA tagit fram egna mått som kan användas för utvärderingoch analys av fastighetsbolagen. Studien skall belysa dessa skillnader och forskningsfråganlyder: Hur påverkas redovisningens relevans när man fokuserar på branschspecifika mått kontramått enligt IFRS, för fastighetsföretag?MetodMetoden som används för att hitta intressant data att analysera heter ?Lens model?. Metodenskall avspegla hur en expert analyserar ett företag, först tittar man brett på företaget i sin miljö,sedan studerar man företaget enskilt för att till sist gå ner på enskilda poster i räkenskaperna.Teoretisk ReferensramHuvudteorin är Agencyteori. Teorin skall förutse vissa beteenden som rationella individer gör nären individ är tillsatt för att maximera vinsten åt en annan.

Reasons for Voluntary Audit in Sweden

Background: The Swedish Parliament passed a law change in late 2010, suspending the former requirement for all Swedish incorporated companies to have an auditor. The new limit values allow the smallest incorporated companies to dismiss the auditor of the company (or not appoint one in the case of a newly started company). The opinions of abolishing mandatory audit vary, and little research has been done post to the law change. However, a new situation has arisen, meaning the optional choice of voluntary audit, for some companies.Aims and research questions: The aim of the thesis is to examine the reasons behind voluntary audit in Sweden, as well as what value companies, having chosen audit, see in their auditor. The following research questions have been used in order to fulfill the aim of the thesis: ?Why do small private owner-led incorporated companies in Sweden voluntarily choose audit?? and ?What value does the voluntarily chosen auditor add to the companies??Methodology: The research questions were formulated after reviewing relevant literature and scientific articles regarding the topic of voluntary audit, as well as the recent law change in Sweden.

Att delta och förändra, trots kaos! - En studie om Försäkringskassans organisationsförändringar.

Earlier the regional social insurance office was exposed to critisism because of bad administration and a lack of providing public service. Among other things the regional social insurance office was attacked because of long investigation hours and indinstinct working methods and was blamed for not being able to solve the unhealth in the society. This lead to the reformation of the previous regional social insurance office into a government authority Agency on the first of Januari, 2005. Extensive organizational changes were made so that regional social insurance office could handle the demands and become a uniform public administration. I have made a qualitative study where the purpose was to se how the changes affected the public administrators and I focused on their participation and willingness to change.

Kristendomens särställning i religionsläroböcker : en komparativ studie av hur kristendomen och dess tre inriktningar framställs i religionsläroböcker anpassade till Lpo 94 och Lgr 11

Christianity has for a long time played a significant role in the Swedish school system, which can be seen in the syllabus of the course religion in 2011 where Christianity got a special status and the Christian alignments were explicit named. The aim of this essay was to see whether, and if so how, Christianity and its three alignments ? Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism ? had developed a greater impact in religion textbooks for grades 7?9 adapted to Lgr 11 compared to Lpo 94 and partly to see if there had been any changes and to what extent. The main question concerned whether Christianity had a greater impact in religion textbooks adapted to Lgr 11 than Lpo 94 and how Christianity could be seen as culture-religion. The sub-questions concerned whether there was any differences in what Christianity is and to what extent Christianity were represented in religion textbooks, but also if any difference to what range the three alignments where represented. The study consisted of six religion textbooks for grades 7?9, where three were adapted to Lpo 94 and three to Lgr 11.

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