163 Uppsatser om African swine fever - Sida 11 av 11
Salmonella prevalence in the poultry feed industry in Pakistan
One of the leading causes of food borne infections in the world is due to Salmonella by con-suming poultry products including eggs and meat. According to US Food and Drug Admin-istration (2009), 2 to 4 million cases of Salmonellosis in humans occur every year only in US. Salmonella causes wide range of diseases with enteric and typhoid fever, food poisoning, di-arrhea and gastro-enteritis. Many serotypes of Salmonella do not have host specificity and cause disease in all kinds of animals and humans. Salmonella has capability to modify accord-ing to the changing environment and it can develop resistance against routine elimination practices of sanitation, chemical treatments and antibacterial drugs.
Newly established poultry industries in Pakistan are confronting various infectious diseases including Salmonellosis while in Sweden Salmonella prevalence in animal products con-sumed for humans is extremely low.
Utvandringens tid : Kolonialismens variga sår och orientalistiskt begär
This paper is an analysis of the novel Season of Migration to The North by Tayeb Salih. Season of Migration to The North was first published in 1967 and it is the most accomplished among several works in modern Arabic literature.I shall focus on one of the two major characters, Mustafa Said, a young Sudanese student whose brilliant career at school in Sudan and Cairo eventually brings him to England; he has a successful academic career in England as a lecturer at the University of London.One of the major themes of the novel is the confrontation between Mustafa Said and England, which in other terms is described as the confrontation between East and West. The conflict is rooted in colonialism. Mustafa Said?s native country, Sudan, was a British colony when the story takes place.
SIMMA MED HAJAR ? en studie av kvinnliga journalisters arbetssituation i Kapstaden ur ett genusperspektiv
Authors: Sofia Eriksson and Malin Wändahl Title: To swim with sharks --? a qualitative study of female journalists work situation in Cape Town due to gender Level: Bachelor of Journalism. Autumn 2013 Location: University of Gothenburg Although the distribution of sex in the South African media houses is equal, research shows that the work conditions for women and men are unequal. Therefore, we have studied how the situation looks like beyond the statistics. The aim of our thesis is to examine, due to gender, how female journalists in Cape Town experience and cope with their work situation in a profession traditionally dominated by men.
Påskfirandet i två lokala kristna församlingar Immauelskyrkan SMK,Stockholm Ndjilikyrkan,CEC,Quartier5 Kinshasa
The main aim of my research essay is to examine two congregations, one in Sweden and one in Democratic Republic of Congo, how theology and the life in the church shape the cultural context. The analysis uses semi-structured interviews of two pastors responsible for organizing the Easter celebration in their churches. The interviews serve the purpose to reveal how they apply theology in their context, how they interpret the Easter celebration liturgically in relation to the early church and how they perceive the cultural development in the congregations Easter celebration 2010-11. To give complementary insights to the interviews I use computer-aided interviews with members of the congregations. The methodological approach is based on a study of contextual theological theories, Easter traditions in the early church, Easter theologies and then applying these theories in the interviews.
Revolutionen är en man : Genus, nationalitet och nyhetsvärdering i de svenska mediernas rapportering om den arabiska våren
In this study we examine four Swedish newspapers? visual coverage of the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings in 2010 and 2011 ? commonly known as the ?Arab Spring Revolution?, the ?Jasmine revolution? and in Sweden also the ?Women?s revolution? ? focusing on three main perspectives: news values and framing, postcolonialism, and gender.By means of a comprehensive content analysis and an in-depth semiotic analysis, the purpose of this study is to investigate how Swedish written media frames the revolution and its initiators and partakers through news photographs, headlines, lead paragraphs and photograph bylines, and to determine whether or not it reproduces earlier trends of media coverage and framing of non-Westerners and non-Western societies.The purpose of the extensive content analysis is to attain data for empirical research of the visual portrayal of the uprisings? first twelve weeks in Sweden?s four largest newspapers Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet and Expressen. The analysis reveals that episodic framing is regularly used in all four newspapers, and that media demonizes Tunisians and Egyptians by constructing them as a brutal, uncivilized and threatening group which almost exclusively consists of men, and whose members are neither quoted nor named. It also shows that women are symbolically annihilated by media and that the very few women who do occur are gender stereotyped in accordance with established media conventions and postcolonial tradition, with the interesting exception of women being quoted to a larger extent than men. The analysis furthermore confirms the low occurrence of female journalists in Swedish foreign reporting, as well as demonstrates that the gender of the journalists does not influence what types of stories are written or how they are framed.The variable frequencies obtained from the content analysis provide indicators which are subsequently explored in the semiotic analysis of four news photographs.
Leaf area index in Vittelaria Paradoxa parklands in Burkina Faso estimated by light interception and leaf sampling
Burkina Faso as well as most sub-Saharan African countries struggle with providing food for a fast growing population. The dominating farming system is agroforestry parklands. Agroforestry parklands can broadly be defined as areas where scattered trees occur on farmlands as a result of selective clearing. The presence of trees in crop fields may in the long term have a positive effect on the production of annual crops. It is commonly discussed, but not proven, that the presence of trees leads to increased groundwater recharge due to higher infiltration capacity of the soil.
Q-feber ? en yrkesrisk för veterinärer?
Q-feber är en endemisk zoonossjukdom som förekommer i hela världen med undantag av Nya Zeeland. Sjukdomen orsakas av den gramnegativa intracellulära bakterien Coxiella burnetii som är mycket motståndskraftig i miljön och kan spridas i aerosoler via vind och damm. Flera olika djurslag kan drabbas av Q-feber men nötkreatur, får och getter samt husdjur som hund och katt är de främsta källorna till humana infektioner. C. burnetii kan hos djur ge upphov till reproduktionsstörningar som t.ex.
Patent och hälsa ? Intressekonflikten mellan stora läkemedelsföretags rätt till patent framförallt med avseende på hiv/aidsmediciner och u-länders rätt till tillgång till billiga generiska preparat
Abstract This paper discusses protectionism of intellectual property rights in general and the conflict between large pharmaceutical companies? rights to patent and developing countries? rights to cheap generic preparation in particular. The essay focuses above all on HIV/AIDS medicine. The description tries to give an image of the different interests that collide and why they collide. The different actors are above all the pharmaceutical branch, including researchers, inventors and salesmen with their economic interest of revenue, and the population of the development countries and their pressed situation considering the great need of medicine.
Rätten till rättvisa - om flyktingars tillgång till rättssystemet i Sydafrika
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om rätten att föra talan inför rätta, enligt artikel 16 i FN:s flyktingkonvention, verkställts på ett effektivt sätt i Sydafrika. Rätten att föra talan inför rätta är intressant att analysera eftersom den ofta är förutsättningen för att förverkliga andra mänskliga rättigheter och spelar en central roll för ett fungerande rättssamhälle. Det är vidare intressant att se hur rättigheten implementerats i ett land som Sydafrika. Det var relativt nyligen som landet demokratiserades och befriades från tiden med apartheid. Den nya konstitutionen är i dag starkt präglad av landets historia och sätter ett tydligt fokus på mänskliga rättigheter.
Kvinnor och män i Sydafrikas public service : En studie om källor, ämnen och kön i SABCs engelska tv-nyheter
Sydafrika övergick från att styras av en förtryckande regim till att bli en demokrati 1994. South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) som historiskt sett användes som ett propagandaverktyg för apartheid-regeringen är idag Sydafrikas public service-företag med uppdrag att vara en del av demokratiprocessen. Public service hävdar att dess uppdrag är att återskapa mänsklig värdighet och bygga en gemensam framtid för alla sydafrikaner. Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka hur public service i Sydafrika presenterar kvinnor och män som källor i nyhetsjournalistiken. Uppsatsen undersöker vilka ämnen som dominera, vilka källor som får uttala sig och hur kvinnor och män kommer till tals.
Att undervisa en nation : Historieundervisning i Kenya och Tanzania
Islamologen Jan Hjärpe har en gång skrivit att ingen historieskrivning är oskyldig. Vilket även stämmer överens med den historia som presenteras i skolans undervisning. Historien är en del av såväl individens som nationens minne, därför måste den konstant reproduceras. Historikern Ulf Zander har påpekat att för att ens identitet skall övergå till en identifikation måste den aktiveras och ges en innebörd. Alltså måste en nationell, eller annan, identitet sättas i förhållande till någon eller något annat för att göras legitim och användbar.
A value chain analysis for timber in four East African countries : an exploratory case study
This study is a value chain analysis for timber in East Africa. It was commissioned by Vi Agroforestry, a nongovernmental organisation registered in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania engaged in a rural development program that involves promoting tree planting and enterprise development (Vi Agroforestry, 2012). The purpose of the study was to identify and describe common value chains for timber in the countries where Vi Agroforestry operated.
Value chain is a concept and a framework describing how to structure information regarding activities included in satisfying a certain customer need, e.g. procurement, logistics, transactions, production and marketing.
New Orleans efter orkankatastrofen 2005 : Påverkan av naturförutsättningarna på socioekonomiska strukturen i regionen New Orleans
The aim and purpose with this essay is to identify the natural conditions of the New Orleans City region, and to establish an understanding of the disastrous event of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. Who lived in this area and how did this event affect the outcome of the disaster?The theory is based on two Swedish human geographers Torsten Hägerstrand and Thomas Lundén, and their theories on regional geography and political geography, also regarded as ?geopolitics?. Regional and Political Geography are explained as the relation between state and territory, power over the territory and the variables that affect the relations on different levels such as; economy, culture, technology, demography and communication.The author decided to use the quantitative method in the process of research, the essay underwent an overall analyzes of the media settings, articles, written literature and documentaries. The author has been very critical to the material and data that was presented by the American authorities, media and non governmental organisations.New Orleans City?s topography is unique in the matter that the city is constructed on a delta area, the Mississippi River, Missouri and Ohio River systems are all connected in New Orleans.