

3793 Uppsatser om Affect of light - Sida 6 av 253

Tillfälligt avbrott : en studie om ohälsa på socialförvaltningen

This paper refer to examine how the employees at the socialoffices in Skåne feel. Our purpose was to bring light over the healthaspect on the basis of these questions at issue: - To examine the employees experience of their own health at the socialoffice. - To examine different factors that affect the health at the place of work. - To examine if the experience of meaningfulness affects the health. In our work we have chosen questionnaires and then we have connected our results to two models that we found relevant to the investigation.

Belysning för barn i biblioteksmiljö

The purpose of this thesis is to create conditions in order to plan lighting to a library room after children's needs and wishes, and to gain deeper knowledge about how children experience different lighting environments and what they perceive as good lighting. I was given the task by Huskvarna library to design a lighting plan for their children's department. This is part of the project "Library 2.1-room as a medium" that is going on at Huskvarna library since fall 2007. My questions at issue are: 1. What do children consider as good lighting in a library? 2.

Introduktion av buskskikt i ungskogar

Young stands in urban forests often lack a shrub layer, though shrubs play an important structural and biological role in forests. All layers interact with one another to form a multilayered stand, in which shrubs have a vital role.In this diploma thesis, theoretical models for forest dynamics are compared with four reference stands to detect factors, and principals for introduction of shrubs in young stands. In these stands four different ways of introduction were found. In one trees and shrubs were planted together at the same time. Shrubs spontaneous spread under a canopy of mature forest, in another.

Jakten på värde: ? En kvantitativ studie om upplevt kundvärde och nöjdhet vid bostadsrättsköp i Stockholms innerstad

This Master Thesis within Marketing and Strategy investigates the values customers perceive within the Real Estate market in the inner City of Stockholm. The dependent variable is customer satisfaction, and it could be explained by 1) the feeling of light and uniqueness of the apartment, 2) that the apartment is of a satisfying size, 3) the address of the apartment, 4) and the economics, the common areas of the building, and the bidding process. The feeling of light and uniqueness, combined with the number of square meters, and the monthly fee of the apartment, are also identified as the price driven functions of this market. A quantitative method is used to investigate the market, where 107 apartment buyers completed a survey..

Organisationskulturs inverkan på kunskapsdelning: en forskningsöversikt

A research review shedding light over organizational cultureand its affect on knowledge sharing. The purpose of thereview was to give an overview of the current researchmeanwhile answering the research questions how and whyorganizational culture influences knowledge sharing.Through careful selection of articles, from Journal ofKnowledge Management, a review of the material led toareas of emphasis being identified: motivation, trust,organizational structure, management, communication andrewards. For each area of emphasis the results from thechosen articles were presented and analyzed, leading toconclusions that the how and why of organizational culture?sinfluence is due to mainly individual motivational factorsamongst staff. This implies that organizations need to keepfocus on the psychological factors affected by organizationalculture when looking to make knowledge sharing moreefficient.

Studie av subsynkron interaktion (SSTI) mellan ett HVDC system med spänningsstyva strömriktare och en närliggande generator

Syftet med examensarbetet är att studera den subsynkrona interaktionen (subsynchronous torsional interaktion, SSTI) mellan ett HVDC system med spänningsstyva strömriktare och en närliggande generator. Studien utförs med hjälp av datorsimuleringar och fokuserar på att studera dämpkaraktäristiken för SSTI. Studien ska visa hur faktorer såsom den överförda effektens storlek och riktning, vald driftmod och kraftsystemets kortslutningseffekt påverkar dämpkaraktäristiken. Rapporten beskriver subsynkron oscillation (SSO) och tillvägagångssättet vid en SSTI undersökning. En kort introduktion till HVDC Light ges.

"Helst ska den ju komma inifrån." : Om motivation och att lära ut engelska i högstadiet.

This qualitative study aims to investigate some secondary school teacers' attitudes to and experiences of motivation in their second language classrooms. Through qualitative interviews with five teachers some different perspectives on motivation and its function in second language acquisition have come to light. First, motivation is seen as something important and some teachers tend to distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Those who do so tend to value intrinsic motivation more highly. Secondly, teachers believe they can affect students' levels of motivation.

Företagshybridkapital i Sverige: Möjligheten att få både skattesköld och klassning som eget kapital enligt svensk rätt

The new Swedish Companies Act allows Swedish companies to issue two instruments that were previously prohibited: mandatory convertibles and participating debentures. The aim of the thesis is to conduct a cross sectional study of Swedish corporate hybrid securities, especially in the light of the new Companies Act. The cross sectional study also includes areas such as credit rating, accounting and tax. The thesis concludes that it is possible, under Swedish law, to issue corporate hybrid securities that qualify for both high equity credit and tax deductible interest payments. The use of certain hybrid provisions are, however, restrained by Swedish company law.

Synergonomi och arbetsbelysning för sjuksköterskor inom avancerad hemsjukvård

The main aim of this master thesis was to examine the visual ergonomics and the systematic work environment management concerning lighting issues for nurses within domiciliary care. Further aims were to examine a few existing lighting solutions, to come up with ideas for future possible lighting solutions, and to evaluate if the legal regulations for lighting is satisfying and if the regulations are obeyed in domiciliary nursing.The methods used were a questionnaire completed by 55 nurses, field studies of used lightings in cooperation with a student in industrial esign, test of ten existing lighting solutions in a laboratory environment, and a field test of five existing lighting solutions tested by nine nurses in the home of the patient.The result indicates that 40 % of the asked nurses were dissatisfied with the working light in the patient?s homes. All respondents reported poor working light close to the patient, 50 % reported that this problem occurred daily. One third reported that they had to work in uncomfortable working postures due to insufficient working light, and 15 % reported risk of making mistakes due to the same reason.

Buskröjning längs skogsbilvägar : en produktivitetsstudie av två kättingslagor

To regularly remove woody vegetation along the roadside of forest roads is an important part of the road maintenance, since the vegetation binds moisture in the road side and, thus, the removal makes the road drying faster with results in improved bearing capacity. Vegetation removal also makes it easier to upgrade the road by material recycling from the ditch and, moreover, the visibility along the road is maintained.The aim of the study was to evaluate what type of chain flail is the best and most cost-effective for removal of different kind of woody vegetation along forest roadsides.Time studies were made on two chain flails when removing woody vegetation in three different classes; easy-, middle- and heavy shrub removal. The studied flails were one light and rather simple flail named Optimal M160 and a heavier and more advanced flail named Slagkraft H210. The removal was made according to Holmen Skogs? specification and the quality of the cleaning was measured by objective belt inventory.The productivity was higher with the heavy flail within all cleaning classes.

Twig ceiling. Emotionell design i sjukhusmiljö - ur ett barnperspektiv

To be examined in hospitals can sometimes be perceived aspainful by children. Therefore there is a need for something,which can distract children?s attention from their perceivedpain. During my graduation project, I discovered a designopportunity to work with suspended ceiling systems inexamination rooms, as there is not much to look at whilebeing examined.The result, Twig Ceiling is an interactive nature-inspiredbacklit module with colored LEDs. Twig Ceiling has onelayer of pattern that is visible when the module is not litand the second layer of pattern appears when turning onthe light.

Konstruktion och design av två glassförpackningar i kartongkvaliteten Frövi Light

This degree project was made in cooperation with AssiDomän Frövi and Charlotte Andersson and the main objectivehas been to create to ice cream pacbges from 250 gsm Frövi Light board. The paekages are intended to be easilyresealable while decreasing in size together with the ice cream. The project also describes the food packaging labelsand symbols currently present in the European common market.Both capsules utilize a separate lid for resealing. One of the paekages (Capsuie A) is indended to be cut along withthe ice cream and thereby decrease in size. The other one (Capsuie B) uses a series of flaps for contracting and expandingwhich enab1es adjusting of the size without cutting the package up.The design for Capsuie A is created both as a series of flavours with a super-hero theme intended for children andwith a colfee flavour for a maturer audience.

Jakten på den optimala arbetsformen. En studie om suboptimala dilemman.

Labour and its conditions is a subject constantly in focus. Therefore this study aims to shed some light on different factors which constitutes the basis for the definition of optimal labour conditions, as well as creating a need for change of labour conditions. In this case these factors are changes in society and cultures. The study describes how different levels of society - government, employer and employee ? are affected by, or wishes to affect the labor conditions in terms of location, working hours and leisure.

Vad inneb?r agape och agapekultivering? En studie av samtida agapeteologi fr?n feministteologiskt och psykologiskt perspektiv

The main purpose of this study is to explore and develop how the Christian conception of love as agape can be understood in light of feminist concerns, and how it can be cultivated in light of psychological research. Traditionally, agape has been defined as unconditional self-sacrifice for the sake of the other. Feminist theologians have highlighted repeatedly that an ethical principle of self-sacrifice might not be liberating for groups who have already internalized pressure to sacrifice their own needs for others. The main research questions are: 1) How may agape be understood in light of feminist concerns about its traditional interpretations? 2) How could a Christian community cultivate a form of agape that is responsive to feminist concerns? In order to answer these questions, the first part of the dissertation examines feminist concerns regarding discussion of agape, and then uses these concerns as a lens for analysing four themes in contemporary accounts of agape: community, care, humility, and mentalization.

Mikroskopering av opaka faser - en studie från Skyttgruvan, Falun.

In nature there are about 4,500 minerals identified. These can roughly be divided into two groups, opaque phases and non-opaque phases, with the exception that some opaque phases also may act as a non-opaque phase in different circumstances. The division is made on the basis of the optical properties. Opaque phases are nontransparent, which means that a different type of microscope must be used. A conventional microscope uses transmitted light while the microscope for opaque phases or the ore microscope uses reflected light.

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