

3793 Uppsatser om Affect of light - Sida 30 av 253

Den svenska kärnkraftspolitiken : En processpårande fallstudie av svensk kärnkraftspolitik

This study deals with Swedish nuclear-energy politics from 1980 to 2006. The purpose is to trace and to explain change and stability in three political parties? rhetoric concerning the phase-out of Swedish nuclear-energy and the Swedish government?s nuclear politics. Two hypotheses based on path dependency theory are tested to analyze if rhetoric and politics are developing in separate directions. The first hypothesis is based on the idea that earlier promises from the political parties affect what promises they can make later on.

Rehabilitation in a tropical secondary rain forest in Malaysian Borneo : early effects of canopy properties on light conditions at the forest floor

Tropisk regnskog i Sydostasien är ett av de områden som hyser störst biodiversitet i världen, av vilken stora ytor är hotat. Ön Borneo drabbades av en katastrof åren 1982-1983 efter att väderfenomenet El Niño orsakat torka med vidsträckta skogsbränder som följd. Detta lämnade stora ytor av Borneos skogar i ett undermåligt, sekundärt tillstånd. På grund av detta startades INIKEA projektet med syfte att rehabilitera skogar i regionen kring Tawau vid östkusten av delstaten Sabah i Malaysia. I denna studie undersökte jag resultatet av rehabiliteringsarbetet på krontaket i tre olika skogstyper genom att ta hemisfäriska foton med en digital systemkamera (DSLR).

En meningsfull fritid : En kvalitativ studie om fritidspedagogers uppfattningar av begreppet en meningsfull fritid och den egna yrkesrollen

The purpose of this study is to explore active after-school teacher?s perceptions of the concept of meaningful leisure time. The purpose of the study is also to investigate if the interpretations of meaningful leisure time affect the perception of their work roles and after-school teacher?s actual work in a leisure activity. The study also provides an insight into how afterschool teachers perceive their roles in general.

Övergång av anställdas upphovsrätt : en jämförande studie av giltigt samtycke

Abstract______________________________________________________________________Title:A study about creating understanding for different kinds of empowermentLevel:Bachelors thesis in Business Administration, 15 creditsAuthor:Fredrik LegovicSupervisor:Tomas KällquistDate:2014 - JuneAim:The main purpose of this study is to increase the understanding for different kinds of empowerment and how it affects the staff in the public sector.Method:The choice of method was based on the research aim. The method used to meet the objective was qualitative. The qualitative study was conducted with a hermeneutic basis, where individuals were asked to describe their experience of empowerment and how they feel affected of it. This thesis has a deductive approach, where existing theories dealing empowerment formed the basis for the design of interview substrate, which is then paired with the empirical evidence, based on this the conclusions was drawn.Result & Conclusion:What separates the different kinds of empowerment and how it affect the staff depends most of all on how the management chooses to communicate and share information with their staff.Suggestions for future research:A study regarding managers that works with different kinds of empowerment, and how that affects them, could be regarded as an interesting future research.Contribution of thesis:It shows that different kinds of empowerment affect the staff in different ways, which I made clear to the readers.Keywords:empowerment, thinking skills, relations and organizational - structure and theory.

Politiskt självförtroende och samhällsdeltagande : En kvalitativ studie av begreppet politiskt självförtroende i kombination med en kvantitativ analys av dess effekter på europeiska ungdomars deltagande i samhället.

This thesis is about the effect of political efficacy on societal participation among youths aged 15 to 29. It takes a starting point in the gloomy view of the decline of political participation among citizens in the western world, especially pointing out youths as a threat to democracy. This is a broad subject to take on so my aim becomes a bit more specific. The aim of the thesis is therefore to investigate if belief in ones own capacity and in the responsiveness of the political system affects the actual participation among youths in Europe, independent of a set of alternative predictors. Moreover the thesis is divided into two sub-investigations, one qualitative and one quantitative.

Användning av satellitdata för lokalisering av skogsområden där lövröjning bedöms angelägen : en analys av användbarheten med fjärranalys som hjälpmedel till röjningsrådgivning

This master thesis project is a part of a project called ?Järboprojektet? at the regional board of forestry, the district of Gästrikland. The project will give answers to questions regarding if an analysis of satellite images can be used to contact and inform landowners of the located areas where precommercial thinning is useful. The whole project is a part of the National Board of Forestrys IT-stake where the analysis of satellite images will, at the latitudes possible, be adapted to each district in purpose to identify these areas in need of precommercial thinning. This master thesis project is based on a field inventory of identified objects where precommercial thinning is useful.

Side effects of biological control agents in agriculture : does the bacteria Bacillus amyloliquefaciens affect the earthworm Aporrectodea longa?

Pathogenic microorganisms pose a big threat towards food production. Meanwhile, negative impacts on humans and environment are seen by the use of pesticides. Biological control agents are an alternative to the use of chemical pesticides, and plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria, such as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens has been shown to have good properties as biocontrol agents. Before these bacteria can be used commercially their impact on other soil organisms has to be evaluated. This thesis looks into what biocontrol bacteria are and how they might affect earthworms.

Om att rättigheten att behandlas lika ska vara lika på olika platser - En beskrivning av svensk diskrimineringslag i relation till EU

This bachelor thesis is studying the development of Swedish law in relation with EU-law. There are two different points of view expressed in the theories of Europeanization. One that means EU makes a big influence on national policy, one that says path-dependency will make the national policies differ. The case used in the study is discrimination on the ground of disability as regards employment. The aim of this thesis is, through a case study, to analyze the relation between Swedish and European law and by that shed some light on the matter of Europeanization..

Identitetsutveckling och delaktighetsprocesser med stöd av internet -En beskrivande litteraturstudie om tonåringar med hörselnedsättning

A hearing loss may affect the identity development and participation among adolescents. To understand adolescents with hearing loss in modern society, it?s of great importance to ascertain how identity- and participation processes occur in new areas, such as the internet.Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate what research shown regarding identity development among adolescents with hearing loss and whether social processes on the internet may influence the participation of this group.Method: A literature review was conducted to obtain a cohesive framework of research about participation processes and identity development among adolescents. Included articles have been published 1995-2015.Results: The results show the importance of the individual?s identification with the surrounding.

Bibliotekschefer och stress - En kvantitativ studie av arbetsrelaterade stressfaktorer i svenska folkbibliotek

This dissertation discusses head librarians in Swedish public libraries and the stress factors which affect them. The aim is to map out potential stress factors which head librarians come across in their day-to-day work. The purpose of the dissertation is to answer the following question: what stress factors affect library managers in Swedish public libraries? The dissertation was conducted through a literature study, informal interviews and a quantitative questionnaire. The results of the quantitative questionnaires show that the factor that produces the highest level of stress is having too many different tasks.

Fostran till frihet

Abstract Before the choice of upper secondary school in the ninth grade, young people need to have knowledge of themselves and the world. In this tough choice, the parents are the main support. The supporting role, which are their thoughts on how much they influence in their children?s choice of study? Based on these issues, we seek the answer to the question; which vision have the parents on their involvement in their children's choice of upper secondary school? Which visions have the parents on the impact on their children's upper secondary school? Do the parents think that the children's upbringing has influenced their choices? Young people's career decisions take place in interaction with their parents and with very different cultural, economic, social and symbolic capital. The concepts are Pierre Bourdieu's theory that intends to be our toolbox for this thesis.

Visuella effekters påverkan på minne och popularitet : Reklamfilm för bilar

Car-commercials are something that many people come in contact with on a daily basis.This is a study on commercials for cars and is focusing on visual effects that are madein post-production. In this report we are trying to find out if and how visual effects incommercials for cars affect how the observer remembers them. The second subjects thatwe use in this report is popularity and we try to find out if and in that case how visualeffects affect the commercials for cars popularity. We also investigated how frequentlycommercials for cars are showed on TV and how the visual effects are in them, it givesa better foundation to the other parts.The methods we applied were interviews, quantitative and qualitative content analysisof car commercials and also observation analysis of the 6 swedish TV-channels thatshows commercials and have the most viewers, to get an idea how frequently thesecommercials are shown. The commercials that were applied in this paper was from late2011 to early 2012.

Varför Klass? Att studera ojämlikhet ur ett statsvetenskapligt perspektiv

This thesis contains a wider discussion on the analytical framework of classstudies in political science. The purpose is to put class into the light of a usefulmethodological and theoretical tool when it comes to studies on inequality and political,as well as scientific approaches and explanations to why people have awide range of differences in how they pursue their lives. It is my ambition to discusshow class relations can be theorized and explained within a given context, aswell as in society as a whole. I see the complexity of this field as a resource to enhancethe epistemological as well as the empirical discussions within the politicalscience scholars..

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av ofria luftvägar prehospitalt

The purpose of this study was to explore nurses' experiences of obstructed airways in the prehospital work.A qualitative interview study with a descriptive and explorative design was used. The sample consisted of nine registered nurses whereof three were women and six were men, with or without further education and varying length of experience in the ambulance service.Prehospital personnel builds up a vast plan of action based on the emergency information provided by SOS. Simple methods for managing obstructed airways were stated often enough. Problems with obstructed airways are considered so unusual that it never becomes a routine. Several factors affect the identification and managing of obstructed airways, both external factors and the different patient categories are considered important.

Kombinerad bekämpning som metod för verkan : Lätt infanteritaktik under brittiska markoperationerna i Falklandskriget

Denna undersökning har studerat ett lätt infanteriförbands användning av kombinerad bekämpning som metod för verkan under en amfibieoperation samt vilka aspekter som påverkade möjligheten till kombinerad bekämpning p.g.a. operationens amfibiska karaktär. Fallet har utgjorts av Parachute Regiments två bataljoner som under Falklandskriget utkämpade tre slag vid Darwin ? Goose Green, Mount Longdon och Wireless Ridge. Som analysverktyg har använts Robert Leonhards teori om den kombinerade bekämpningens tre principer.

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