

2428 Uppsatser om Aesthetic learning - Sida 16 av 162

Lärande - styrt eller i samspel? : En studie om lärares syn på undervisning och lärande

This study?s purpose was to examine which main forms of teaching methods that occurs in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school and how often learning through social collaboration take place. The study contained literature and interviews with eight teachers. Our research-questions were: What is the teacher?s opinion about different teaching methods, their opinion about learning and teaching and if there were any difference between the teachers teaching younger or older students regarding teaching methods? Our conclusions of this study were that ?lecture-methods? is the most common among teachers.

Att se samband : undervisning och lärande med nya ögon

Denna artikel presenterar en Learning Study som innehåller tre forskningslektioner.Syftet med studien var att analysera på vilket sätt variationsmönster inverkar på enelevgrupps lärande och förståelse för vad som påverkar blodomloppet. Studiensdesign baserades på Variationsteorin och undersökningsgruppen utgjordes av 45elever i årskurs sex. Resultatet visade att alla elever utvecklade sina kunskaper omvad som påverkar blodomloppet. Genom att åskådliggöra blodcirkulationen som ettsammanbundet system och hur en väska transporteras i ett helt system gentemot ettsystem med hål i fick eleverna se att oavsett var i systemet brottet är påverkas alla delarna..

Ålandsfrågan : En studie ur ett medieperspektiv

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to study in what way teachers in preschool work with pupils enabling them to gain influence and involvement in their learning.Influence means being able to make your voice heard which is an important component of a democratic society. Involvement is about being part of a community in which everyone is welcomed regardless of beliefs and opinions. Several of today's researchers believe that learning occurs in interaction between people. Teachers providing meaningful assignments to pupils, they become more motivated to learn.The study is based on observations of how teachers work with influence and involvement in controlled sessions, and interpretations of them. My results show that children become involved in their learning when they are confronted with a variety of pedagogical approaches to learning.

Vilken roll spelar förskoleklassen i vårt skolsystem? En studie av läroplanerna för förskolan och grundskolan : Med fokus på rådande diskurser om barns lärande och utveckling

The aim of this essay is to get a view of the contemporary approach to children´s learning and how children´s learning and development are influenced by the preschool year for six- year olds, by analyzing the Swedish curriculum. What is the purpose of the preschool- year for six year-olds? What does the curriculum say about what children need when entering primary school? I also wish to investigate how through the curriculum common norms and standards, as far as children´s learning are concerned, are shown and discussed. My result show that the curriculum does not mention much about the preschool year for six-year-olds at all. It seems that this year in school is not given priority, which makes it difficult for the teachers to work with the children of this age and to know what their assignment is.

Gruppens betydelse för inlärning

In today?s individualistic society, I experience a need to bring forward the importance of collaboration. From a sociocultural perspective, I have chosen to highlight the positive and negative aspects of collaborative learning, with the intention of illustrating the effects for the individual learning and development. I have therefore made an interview with an educationalist, who?s been a teacher all her grown up life, with the intent of illustrating her thoughts on collaborative learning.

?Barnen behöver de att erbjudas mer än bara en sandlåda med hinkar och spadar? : en undersökning kring förskolepedagogers uppfattningar om förskolegården och dess relation till barns lärande

The aim of this study is through a teacher perspective illustrate and analyze how preschool teachers apprehend children´s learning in relation to the preschool yard.The main research questions asked were:How do preschool teachers apprehend the preschool yard in reference to it as a place?In what way do preschool teachers use the preschool yard in their work with the children?How do preschool teachers view the preschool yard and the significance it has on children´s learning?The research is based on data collected through interviews and observations at four different preschools in the same municipality. The research views place and people as social constructions, a theory of knowledge that is based on the view that the world, places and people are constructed in relation to each other. This perspective as well as previous research is used for analyzing the data collected through a qualitive study based on interviews. The data analyzed show that the preschool teachers involved in this research apprehend the preschool yard as a central part in the learning of young children.

?Anti-vertigo-systemet behöver kalibreras? : En undersökning av Bamsetidningens läsbarhet i förhållande till målgruppen

Learning words have shown to be a very crucial part of learning a second language and the one most important factor to make pupils with Swedish as a second language succeed in school. To make sure that all pupils get the right conditions to learn from all subjects and their entire content a wide vocabulary is necessary. Even so it is found that there are shortcomings regarding this kind of teaching in Swedish schools.Through interviews and observations of two teachers that teach pupils with Swedish as a second language, and also with a short reading test for the pupils, the possible strategies that these teachers use for learning words have been studied. The result shows that the teachers are using several strategies and that they are actively working with transmitting these to the pupils, but there are some areas that need developing..

Utbildning och lärandeteori - om lärares professionella utveckling i en Learning Study

Bakgrund:Läraryrkets komplexitet och bristen på lärares teoretiska förankring öppnar för att i en variationsteoretisk ram fokusera ett lärandeobjekt som ett sätt att utveckla lärarnas lärande samt lärarprofessionen.Syfte:Syftet med studien är att undersöka några lärares föreställningar om innehållet i deras undervisning, deras föreställningar om elevernas lärande samt hur detta innehåll gestaltas under en lesson/learning study.Metod:Genom deltagande i planerings- och analysmöten samt genom observationer studeras lärarnas samtal om och deras gestaltningar av ett innehåll i vad som kan sägas vara en mix av en lesson study och en learning study.Resultat:Lärarnas samtal under planeringsarbetet och genomförandet kännetecknades av en låg grad av teorianknytning, där innehållets strukturella aspekter inte synliggjordes. I lärarnas samtal synliggjordes inte heller elevernas lärande vilket däremot kom till uttryck i undervisningssituationerna..

Föryngringsplan för en svårt stormskadad fastighet i Kronobergs län :

In January 2005 large forest areas in south Sweden were severely damaged by storm. This final thesis describes the work with creating an ecological and landscape-adapted regeneration plan for a severely storm damaged property in Kronobergs region in south Sweden. This regeneration plan, in difference to more regular plans, are focusing more on the owner?s use and goal?s for the property and seeing the property from a more comprehensive view in the regeneration process. Beside production and environmental values the plan also take in consideration other values as aesthetic, culture history, landscape picture and recreation values.

Vad bra att du kan : Barns inflytande och delaktighet i förskoleklassen

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to study in what way teachers in preschool work with pupils enabling them to gain influence and involvement in their learning.Influence means being able to make your voice heard which is an important component of a democratic society. Involvement is about being part of a community in which everyone is welcomed regardless of beliefs and opinions. Several of today's researchers believe that learning occurs in interaction between people. Teachers providing meaningful assignments to pupils, they become more motivated to learn.The study is based on observations of how teachers work with influence and involvement in controlled sessions, and interpretations of them. My results show that children become involved in their learning when they are confronted with a variety of pedagogical approaches to learning.

Vi lär oss hela livet : En kvalitativ studie om hur fritidspedagoger resonerar kring lärande och utveckling

Abstract The purpose of this study was to find out how leisure educator´s reason about children?s learning and development, and their view of their own role in the process. Four leisure educators were interviewed to answer these questions. The study is based on qualitative interviews, wich means that the interviewer must interpret and understand what the respondents want to say. This is to get a deeper knowledge of the subject. The results show that the leisure educators believe they have a large and important role in children's development and learning.

Lärares exempel i matematik En studie om lärares användning av exempel före och efter deltagande i Learning study

Studien undersöker om och i så fall hur lärare i matematik ändrar sin undervisning efter att de deltagit i en kompetensutveckling i form av tre Learning studies. Lärares användning av exempel i undervisning samt skillnader i vad som görs möjligt att lära studeras. Data består av totalt fyra lektioner där två lärare undervisar två lektioner var. En lektion före respektive efter att de deltagit i Learning studies videoinspelades. Variationsteorin är teoretiskt ramverk i studien.

Läsförståelse av faktatexter i NO, med stöd av Leselos, en norsk arbetsmodell : En fallstudie av en intervention i årskurs 3

To read and understand are essential competences for everyone in our society; at the same time reading comprehension among Swedish pupils is on the decline. The Swedish school must therefore try to improve their instructions to increase the students' reading comprehension. The aim of the study was to describe how three reading comprehension strategies, if possible, could improve the reading comprehension for the students, including children with learning disabilities, when reading texts of natural science in a third-grade class. The three strategies that were introduced were: to activate prior knowledge, to structure information and to record contents. The questions of the study were: How are the three strategies introduced in the classroom? Can the children with learning disabilities see any benefits for their reading comprehension when working with the strategies? How do the children with learning disabilities experience working with the strategies? Can the teacher see any benefits when working with the strategies? Is it possible to see any differences among the students' results, before and after completed intervention? Method: The results have been collected through observations and qualitative interviews, which make this a qualitative study.

"Är en omogen människa grön?" : Lärares strategier och tankar kring ordinlärning för elever med svenska som andraspråk.

Learning words have shown to be a very crucial part of learning a second language and the one most important factor to make pupils with Swedish as a second language succeed in school. To make sure that all pupils get the right conditions to learn from all subjects and their entire content a wide vocabulary is necessary. Even so it is found that there are shortcomings regarding this kind of teaching in Swedish schools.Through interviews and observations of two teachers that teach pupils with Swedish as a second language, and also with a short reading test for the pupils, the possible strategies that these teachers use for learning words have been studied. The result shows that the teachers are using several strategies and that they are actively working with transmitting these to the pupils, but there are some areas that need developing..

Grundskolans nya kursplan för matematik : en jämförande analys av den nu rådande och den kommande kursplanen för matematik

The purpose of this study has been to compare the present with the future syllabus of mathematics. With a text analytical approach has questions about how the structure is different, how the look at knowledge has changed and which learning theory that characterizes the two syllabus been answered. As a theoretical framework I adopt three different learning theories, behaviourism, cognitivism and the socio-cultural perspective. The pervious research I have looked at is the concept of knowledge an the underlying theories to previous curriculum. During the increase results in the greatest difference seen in the structure.

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