

274 Uppsatser om Aesthetic judgment - Sida 8 av 19

Antropologi eller estetik? En studie av definitionen och användningen av begreppet mångkultur i svenska dagstidningar under Mångkulturåret 2006

The purpose of this study is to examine how the concept multiculture has been defined and used in selected articles, which were published during the year 2006 and the following month. The study is based on five Swedish newspapers, from which 57 single articles were chosen and divided into total seven categories and dimensions which were partly developed from the theoretical base and partly from the chosen material itself. By using a qualitative analysis I have found following: In most articles the concept multiculture is used in an anthropological sense, meaning that the presence of several anthropological cultures is claimed before the concept multiculture can be real. An anthropological culture is of varying size and contents, in the majority of the articles an anthropological culture consists of a non-western and foreign country but can also represent a region or a continent. Aesthetic culture is, for the most part, used primary as an aid to define the current anthropological culture and not to stand for its own belonging to a specific genre..

Kollektivt Musicerande

The purpose of this master thesis is to identify some phenomena that may contribute or work against the individual musician?s opportunities to contribute with their personal musical intuition in the orchestral work. I want to investigate under which conditions and in what context the orchestra environment gives musicians opportunities to take musical initiatives. I will also test a method to develop and work with musical intuition in a staged trombone audition called blåst. My wish is to highlight orchestra musician's perspective and experiences and to discuss where in an orchestral musician?s everyday work the artistic and authentic musical initiative appears and how we are going about it.

Skapande Skola : Diskursen, praktiken och kulturaktörens betydelse

In this paper the discourseand social practice of the Swedish culture funding system Skapande Skola hasbeen mapped out and examined. The material for analysis was takenfrom regulating documents, information texts and media texts, and alsofrom four interviews that were conducted. The theoretical foundation is builton theories from Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Foucault and the theoretical frameworkof New Public Management. The survey has resulted in three major points ofinterest. They are presented throughout the text.

Revisorns resonemang i moraliska termer kring oberoendefrågor

ABSTRACTThe auditor independence is constantly being questioned while discussing whether the auditor is really independent from the client. There are also factors threatening the auditor?s independency and decreasing the legitimacy towards the auditors. One example is the long-term relationship between the auditor and the client.The analysis model is the most useful for the auditor to control his independency. Former studies show that the auditor?s judgments about the threat to independence differed among the auditors.

Aesthetics in School Practice A study of four Swedish teachers ? work with art as an aesthetic expression in secondary school

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur svensklärare arbetar med och tänker kring integrering av bild som estetisk uttrycksform i svenskundervisningen. Uppsatsens undersökning baseras på semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer. Resultatet i uppsatsen visade att svensklärarna ser positivt på att anlägga estetiska perspektiv på undervisningen. Lärarna påtalade att användningen och arbetet med bild som estetisk uttrycksform bidrar till att stärka den enskilde elevens självförtroende samt språkliga förmåga. Resultatet visade även att svensklärarnas arbete med bild som estetisk uttrycksform främst koncentreras till att framhäva de språkliga aspekterna.

Pivot - en aktiv sittmöbel för kontorsmiljö

The purpose of this project was to invite a changed perception of active sitting, to introduce a more active way of sitting in office environments and destigmatize an active sitting posture such as straddling by giving active sitting products conscious aesthetics based on environment and positive associations. The goal with this project was an active sitting product for office environments with aesthetics considered encouraging to movement in a relaxed way, regardless of age and gender, and connect to materials and aesthetics related to activity, experience and recreation. Horseback riding, retro style surfing and skateboarding was an entry of investigation. The project was based on existing active sitting products, their function and production techniques. It was not a part of the project to investigate new models of sitting.

Föslag till Estetisk Mångfald

I chose to do this work because I believe that today?s industrial designprofessionals lack in their task of creating aesthetic experiences and aestheticdiversity.With my work, I want to question why the majority of today?s technical, massproducedeveryday products have such a similar design expression, andwhy alternatives are so few. Most of all, I take a critical attitude to today?sstereotypical industrial design aesthetics that I would describe as technical,masculine, and unnecessarily complex.I have designed a number of products that show alternative aesthetics in thissegment and as such I have chosen the vacuum cleaner. The idea is that mydesign will serve as an eye opener and demonstrate that there are alternativesto today?s homogeneous market.The result is three vacuum cleaners claiming three alternatives to currentofferings.

Att dela med sig av sin vardag : En studie om fotoapplikationen Instagram

Photography has long been of importance for humans in aspects of community, sharing and documenting. It has previously only existed in analogue format and with larger cameras. We have presently reached a new generation of cameras and photography. The new smaller compact cameras that are provided with most cellular phones take digital images of varying quality and accounts for a large part of photography. With the emergence of social media, photography and social interaction combined came photo applications with different features.

Användandet av poesi i undervisningen : effekter på barns språkutveckling

The study focuses on the use of poetry in language teaching in the lower grades in the Swedish school. Poetry has a reputation of being an art form with such specific rules and structures that children and teachers think that it is something that they do not have the ability to work with.  The purpose of this study is to get an understanding of how poetry is used in educating children. My research is based on the following questions. To which extent is poetry being used in schools and how is it being used?Can you as a teacher see any effects on childrens language development by using poetry?As a part of my study I have met with and interviewed four different people, who in one way or another is involved in teaching children. Two working teachers in the lower grades, one pedagogical resource and one artist that work with teachers in reaching different goals through the help of aesthetic processes.

Att välja perspektiv : "Arkitektur i Sverige - Funktion, konstruktion och estetik genom tiderna".

This essay tries to show how The Swedish Museum of Architecture, Stockholm, with the exibition Architecture in Sweden - Function, Design and Aesthetic through the Ages, presents and represents architecture. It is stated that this is done in a multi-perspectival, multimedial fashion, with the aid of, for example, photography, models and mixed material surrounding the wide concept of ?architecture?. One chapter discusses the relationships between the exhibition on site, the exhibition catalog and the museum´s website. Another chapter argues that there can be no essential or perfect representation of architecture, although this utopian wish most certainly exists even today.

Vad som pa?verkar animato?rers val i skapandet av fotorealistisk 3D-animation

The purpose of the paper is to show some possible factors that affect the animators? choices when working on photorealistic animation based on references. Research in computer graphics has since 1970 had as a main goal to achieve photorealism. When working on 3D-production for film, animation is a part of the process. This part aims to give life to digital characters, among other things.

Graffiti : kontextualitet, platsbundenhet och innehåll

The focus of this essay is to investigate if there lies a difference between graffiti art that is placed in the public spaces and graffiti art that is sited in an institutional art setting; in this essay exemplified in a gallery space. My thesis is that graffiti art derives a great deal of its meaning and substance from its situation consequently making a change of cultural context also a change of connotation and understanding of the graffiti art itself.  Meaning that graffiti art situated in a communal space is different from graffiti art situated in the gallery space. They share aesthetic expression but their connotations differ; i.e. one being illegal and the other permissible making their meanings dissimilar. I have used a comparison between site-specific art and graffiti art to further strengthen my thesis concerning the importance of understanding how a change of context critically changes the substance of graffiti art..

Möbeltapetsering med inspiration från angränsande hantverk : om konstnärligt skapande utifrån gamla metoder och material

With abroad education of arts, textiles and nowthe upholstery there were nota long step to become interested inthe visual withinthe upholstery trade. I have chosen to highlight the shapethe world with boththe artist and thecraftsman's eye. I have explored hownew expressions canbe created from traditional methods and materialsfrom upholstery andrelated crafts suchas tailoring for Royal andsaddler. These craftsmake up a webof technologies, materials,and to some extent tool returns and borrowed.By looking at afew items fromthese crafts haveI let myself beinspired and made ??use of knowledgehow to buildforms and eventransfer them tonew areas inan aesthetic andartistic direction.

"Man ska vara rädd om instrumenten" : En intervjustudie om tre förskollärares berättelser om sångsamling

In the preschool curriculum there is not much described when it comes to the subject of music. What is written about the aesthetic subjects is related to the overall learning moments, rather than separated into objectives for each subject. The learning includes, among other things, that the children will be offered a variety of cultural experiences. However, there is no explanation to what should be included in the use of music. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the function of preschool song circles, based on three preschool teachers' stories.

Digitaliseringen av bildämnet : Hot eller möjlighet?

With theories of creativity and aesthetic learning processes as a basis, this study explores the usage of the concept of creativity in the curriculum for the Swedish compulsory school (Lgr11) and in the various syllabi?s commentaries and the assessment guidelines for the subject of Sloyd produced by the Swedish National Agency for Education. The purpose of the study is, to examine to which extent an education and assessment that is directed towards the development of creativity among pupils in the subject of Sloyd, is underpinned and supported for in these texts, and furthermore how these wordings relate to the various other subjects? wordings about creativity. Creativity is a concept around which there is no proper consensus.

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