

274 Uppsatser om Aesthetic judgment - Sida 7 av 19

Moderna kyrkor. Reflektioner kring ett övertaligt kulturarv

Churches are seen as one of Sweden's most valuable cultural heritage. They bear witness to a living tradition and gives us knowledge of society at large and therefore people's lives at different times. These buildings possesses a high value, which is shared by the vast majority, and they are protected by law. The concept of modern churches is in this essay the churches built after 1940, which is not covered by law. The older churches has therefore a cultural and historical value which the modern churches lack.About 600 churches are built after the year of 1940 and the total number of churches in the country is 3400.

Kreativitet i skolan : funktion och förtjänst

This dissertation examines how creativity can be of benefit for the school. It discusses if there is a need or demand for it and how the present situation is in Swedish schools. Defining creativity accurately is difficult but it is relevant to look at the environments that use creativity. There is a vast amount of literature that uses creativity and it varies to some extent. Creativity originates from meetings and combinations, both within and outside of the individual.

Framtidens stridsfordon och de grundläggande förmågorna

Due to the new demands put upon combat vehicles of today the development quickly strives for-ward. With developers and experts across the globe working to meet the needs of tomorrows armies. The question we ask ourselves is what will be the characteristics of these vehicles. In order to be able to categorize combat vehicle and analyze its characteristics we use the principles of war. Based on J.F.C Fullers theory from the early 19 hundreds that anything can be analysed using these principles, through a modern interpretation of the Swedish army, we can categorise the present and future abilities of combat vehicles.

?Förändringar är bra om det inte gäller en själv? : En komparativ studie av privata och public service TV-kanalers organisatoriska flexibilitet i Sverige och Polen

This Bachelor-paper is an investigation of organisational flexibility in Swedish andPolish television companies. The essay is based on four main questions which is thananalysed by looking at different categories that defines a flexible organisationalstructure.The questions are:? What is the internal and external perceived judgment about the TV-channelsorganisational flexibility?? What are the differences regarding Public service channels in Sweden andPoland as well as the differences between commercial channels?? What are the differences regarding public service- and commercial TVchannelsin Sweden as well as in Poland? Which of the companies are considered being the stronger and the weakest inan organisational flexibility point of view?In order to answer these questions have we used following main theories.? Readiness for business process reengineering - Abdolvand, N. & Albadvi, A.& Ferdowsi, Z (2008)? Decisionprocess - Jacobsen D.I.

Standardisering VS anpassning- En fallstudie om Electrolux

The study focuses on the use of poetry in language teaching in the lower grades in the Swedish school. Poetry has a reputation of being an art form with such specific rules and structures that children and teachers think that it is something that they do not have the ability to work with.  The purpose of this study is to get an understanding of how poetry is used in educating children. My research is based on the following questions. To which extent is poetry being used in schools and how is it being used?Can you as a teacher see any effects on childrens language development by using poetry?As a part of my study I have met with and interviewed four different people, who in one way or another is involved in teaching children. Two working teachers in the lower grades, one pedagogical resource and one artist that work with teachers in reaching different goals through the help of aesthetic processes.

Hörapparaten : Det dolda hjälpmedlet?

This essay is about the history of the hearing aid in Sweden, from 1930s until today. The hearing aid as an apparatus is described, and views by the users are presented. Articles and interviews have been used as source material to answer the main questions. In the essay, people who have written the articles, and the ten users being interviewed, describe how hearing aids are used in everyday life, and how users interact with people in general and how the hearing care system treats users. Another question regards how users perceive their own hearing aids from an aesthetic perspective.

Fildelare-en social bandit i vår tid

We examined why file sharing is such a widespread phenomenon and what drives the persons that using file sharing, and what consequences it has on their consuming and ownership. We reached our goal by interviewing ten people who download files, using a qualitative method. We present the internet community where sharing files, copyright and the IPRED law are important ingredients for how the new generation consumer?s patterns look like. Today you can travel all over the world with a push on a button in just a few seconds.

"Magkänsla" i mötet med en värld av vetenskap - Delar av sjuksköterskans kliniska blick

Klinisk blick är en term som frekvent återkommer under sjuksköterskeutbildningen och i klinisk verksamhet. Den återfinns ofta i samband med klinisk bedömning och somen övergripande beskrivning av en patient. Endast antydda betydelser har framkommit och då tätt knutna till andra termer och processer. Syftet med studien var attundersöka komponenterna intuition och tyst kunskap som delar i sjuksköterskans kliniska blick. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där 17 vetenskapliga artiklar granskades.

Genus på lärarutbildningen : En komparativ analys mellan åren 2010-2013

It could be argued that theories about gender are something that should be a part of every upper secondary school teachers agenda (knowledge base), because the Swedish curriculum specifically says that schools must encourage and work for equal rights between men and women.The students are supposed tobe encouraged to develop their interest, without judgment, about what femininity and masculinity is.This essay is aiming to find out how gender is used in the teacher program at Södertörns Högskola. The main focus of the essay is to see the possible differences between the curriculum of 2010 and 2013. Using quantitative and qualitative content analysis this essay is aiming to examine how gender words are used in the syllabus, study manuals and literature lists for Educational science A (2010) and Educational science I (2013). In what way are gendered terms, like boy, girl heterosexuality and man, part of the text material? Who is represented in the material? And are there any differences between 2010 and 2013?The results show that there is a difference.

Uttryck, intryck : Förskollärares tankar om estetiska uttrycksformer i förskolor med tre olika pedagogiska inriktningar

The purpose of this study is to examine how preschool teachers think about their work with aestetic expression with children. In my study, I have chosen qualitative interviewes to take part of the preschool teachers´stories in three different educanational approaches. The prescools that have chosen are Waldorf, Reggio Emilia and a traditonal preschool. To achive this purpose I have used following questions: Which view have preschool teahers about the inportance of aestetic forms of expression for children? How do preschool teacher describe their work with aesthetic expression and what similarities and differences exist between the different pedagogical approaches? The result shows that there are both similarities an differences between the preschools, mainly how they work with aestetic forms of expression.


ABSTRACTThe purpose of this essay is to investigate possible questions generated by theperformance/installation Har hon inget vettigare att göra? Du då. Har du inget annat att hitta på än att ståoch glo på henne? by the artist Elin Wikström. The Constructed Situation invites the spectator to be apart of a continuing process of thought.The subjective feeling makes an important insight to the work through methods of the aestheticsand the performative., mainly from Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlöf.

Om eleverna själva får välja : En studie av högstadieelevers attityder till litteraturläsning

This essay examines the decline of reading comprehension in Swedish schools, and also aims to provide insight into the debate concerning a literary canon and its usage in schools. While some claim that the literary canon is only a list of irrelevant white dead men which only serves to perpetuate feelings of alienation in, for example, female students, others see it as a means to bring society together using the only literature that stood the test of time. This essay will look to studies concerning reading comprehension, and questions regarding reading habits which our own students answered. It will also explain the different viewpoints of both sides of the canon debate.There are several studies that show this decline in reading comprehension, PISA and PIRLS being the foremost of them. They point to a trend where the reading skills of boys are much worse than those of girls, a trend which still has not panned out.Bloom and the different researchers who are the basis for Verhaest's thesis are of the opinion that canonical literature serves a purpose in that it teaches students aesthetic literary values.

Rättssäkerhet och anstånd med betalning av skatt : En analys av 17 kap. 2 § p. 2-3 Skattebetalningslagen ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv

The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether legal rights are upheld when wording and applying the postponement of payment of tax regulations of chapter 17 section 2 p. 2-3 of the payment of Tax Act. We also investigate how the wording of the regulations relate to the requirement of legal security.It has been questioned if the regulations concerning postponement of payment of tax are compatible with the requirement of legal security. Of course does not a taxpayer want to pay tax that he or she consider incorrect, and that has not been under trial by an impartial authority. If the request for postponement of payment of tax is rejected, the consequences for the taxpayer can lead to huge financial losses.

Gränsöverskridande uttryck i textilkonst - En jämförande studie av två feministiska textilkonstnärer från skilda tidsperioder

Similar to work of the feminist movement in the seventies, you nowadays can see an increased level of textile art expressions with feminist standpoints. In this thesis I compare two textile artists from each time period. These are Maria Adlercreutz with her composition I hennes ögon bevaras folkets ljus from 1972, and Lisa Anne Auerbach?s exhibition Chicken Strikken from 2012. The aim is to put the two artists in a contemporary context and explore their feministic approaches in the textile field.

Vad innebär ett konstnärligt uttryck och hur kan det bedömas? : En litteratur- och begreppsstudie gällande kunskapens karaktär och dess uttryck i den estetiska läroprocessen i musik

Syftet med arbetet är att ta reda på vilka kunskapsformer som kan synliggöras i Skolverkets kursplan för ämnet musik samt hur dessa kunskapsformer kan relateras till Skolverkets offentliga dokument kring bedömning och innehåll av musikämnet.Uppsatsen bygger på textanalys och litteraturstudier. Med metoden genomför jag en djupgående analys av dokumenten Kunskapsbedömning i skolan ? praxis begrepp, problem och möjligheter, Bedömning i yrkesämnen ? dilemman och möjligheter  samt ämnesplanen för instrument- eller sångkursen på gymnasieskolans estetiska program.Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter utgörs av ett tredelat kunskapsperspektiv. I bakgrundskapitlet presenteras även perspektiv på bedömning och tillhörande metoder som används av yrkesverksamma lärare. I resultatdelen presenteras den analys som har gjorts  av Skolverkets texter om vad musikalisk kunskap innebär.

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