

588 Uppsatser om Aerial units - Sida 7 av 40

Hälsa och funktion i kvalitetsregistret för uppföljning av cererbral pares - CPUP : En genomlysning utifrån den internationella klassifikationen av funktion, funktionshinder och hälsa för barn och ungdom

Abstract:Objective: This study aimed at describing the health concept in the Swedish follow up programme for cerebral palsy (CPUP), with main focus on how aspects of participation is expressed in the agenda of the programme. Design: Document analysis: The home-page of CPUP was searched for three types of written material; references to the nature and aim of the programme, protocols used for data collection and abstracts from articles and reports on the list of publications. Within these all expressions of health, with bio-psycho-social understanding of the concept, were extracted and condensed with manifest content analysis. The meaning units obtained were linked to the International Classification of Function, Disability and Health ? Child/Youth (ICF-CY).

Omvärldsbevakning och folkbibliotek en innehållsanalys av facktidskrifter inom biblioteksfältet

The research of this Masters thesis examines if during a specific period of time, Environmental scanning connected to Swedish public libraries is discussed in journals that are directly connected to the field of Swedish libraries. The method employed was content analysis of articles, news items and ads with the intention of finding out the extent of Environmental scanning and who carries it out and how and what is scanned. The research covers the period from 2004-01-01 to 2004-08-31. During the research period 1387 articles, news items and ads were analyzed. The study focuses on 81 selected published units that directly include references or discussion about Environmental scanning.

Att effektivisera ett förvaltarbolag

Executive SummaryThis final thesis has examined the effects of an increased centralization and better coord­in­ation of the distribution logistics at ABB in Västerås. The company is today strongly decent­ralized and there is a minimum of collaboration between the 20 business units. This is why the questions were raised; how could the business units coordinate outbound logistic activities and what effects would that provide. The obj­ect­ive of this final thesis is to provide basic data for a future decision-making which desc­r­ibe these effects.The report has mapped out the factors that are important to ABB in an evaluation of their logistic activities and how the outbound logistics work today. The four factors are cost efficiency, delivery service, environmental impact and logistics capability.

650 stycken citroner, 120 stycken påmerantzer, 200 stycken apellisiner : Vägledning till tullarkiven på Landsarkivet i Uppsala

The organized and controlled form of collecting consumption taxes and toll from the import and export trade goes back to the 17th century in Sweden. The customs administration and procedure were regulated by royal announcements, and the majority of the documents found in the customs archives represent thus records stipulated by such notifications. The customs archives can be used for research on several levels; the announcements reflect currents within both the domestic and foreign politics, while the account lists for financial statistics portray the extent of the trade. The various lists of compilation can be further used to follow for instance the development of different units of measurement, the expansion of tax rates, the value of trade goods or the changes in monetary units or systems. The diaries, architectural plans of the customs offices and maps of the toll areas place the customs officials and their work within the local scenery.The thesis focuses on archives deriving from customs located at harbors and on the Swedish-Norwegian border in the county of Dalarna.

Uppåt väggarna- inredning för utveckling : Väggarnas pedagogiska möjligheter

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Malaysia Airlines communicated during the two largest crises of 2014. Key questions to be answered are: Did organizational hypocrisy occur? If yes, in what way? Which communication strategies were used? Did the company mediate an unequivocal message and how was the information framed? Did any aggravating factors, which worsened the organization?s reputation, appear? How did Malaysia Airlines manage possible rumours? Was the word contact used as a keyword? The method of choice is a quantitative content analysis and the material consists of 20 different analysis units. These analysis units were collected from social media and Malaysia Airlines website. The quantitative content analysis is based on the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory, taken from PR, Strategy and Application, Managing Influence, by W.

Utvärdering av programvara/molntjänst för framställning av ortofoton med UAS-data

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) är en benämning på en obemannad flygande farkost. UAV är en benämning för själva farkosten och därför har Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) tagit över eftersom det är ett begrepp som rör hela systemet som förutom flygfarkost innefattar start, landning, markstation och kommunikationslänk. Inom mätningsteknik är UAS ett relativt nytt begrepp och tekniken har sin historia mestadels inom det militära området. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera samt utvärdera två programvaror och en molntjänst för bearbetning och framtagning av ortofoto från UAS-data. De frågor som ställts inför arbetet är: kan en molntjänst ersätta ett avancerat datorprogram vid generering av ortofoton? Kan dessa datorprogram ge ett bra resultat utan hjälp av andra GIS-program? Vilket program är enklast att förstå och använda samt vilka är skillnaderna mellan programmen? Dessa frågor har besvarats genom användning av insamlat data och för att få utvärderingen rättvis har därför tre olika dataset skapats.

Genrepedagogik och matematik En litteraturstudie om genrepedagogikens påverkan på elevers lä-rande i matematik

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Malaysia Airlines communicated during the two largest crises of 2014. Key questions to be answered are: Did organizational hypocrisy occur? If yes, in what way? Which communication strategies were used? Did the company mediate an unequivocal message and how was the information framed? Did any aggravating factors, which worsened the organization?s reputation, appear? How did Malaysia Airlines manage possible rumours? Was the word contact used as a keyword? The method of choice is a quantitative content analysis and the material consists of 20 different analysis units. These analysis units were collected from social media and Malaysia Airlines website. The quantitative content analysis is based on the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory, taken from PR, Strategy and Application, Managing Influence, by W.

Kreativt tänkande, psykologiskt geografiskt avstånd och mätmetoder : - Ett experiment bland universitetsstudenter

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Malaysia Airlines communicated during the two largest crises of 2014. Key questions to be answered are: Did organizational hypocrisy occur? If yes, in what way? Which communication strategies were used? Did the company mediate an unequivocal message and how was the information framed? Did any aggravating factors, which worsened the organization?s reputation, appear? How did Malaysia Airlines manage possible rumours? Was the word contact used as a keyword? The method of choice is a quantitative content analysis and the material consists of 20 different analysis units. These analysis units were collected from social media and Malaysia Airlines website. The quantitative content analysis is based on the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory, taken from PR, Strategy and Application, Managing Influence, by W.

Hur upplever barn sin vistelse i förskolan? : En studie om fem barns perspektiv på sin vistelse i förskolan

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Malaysia Airlines communicated during the two largest crises of 2014. Key questions to be answered are: Did organizational hypocrisy occur? If yes, in what way? Which communication strategies were used? Did the company mediate an unequivocal message and how was the information framed? Did any aggravating factors, which worsened the organization?s reputation, appear? How did Malaysia Airlines manage possible rumours? Was the word contact used as a keyword? The method of choice is a quantitative content analysis and the material consists of 20 different analysis units. These analysis units were collected from social media and Malaysia Airlines website. The quantitative content analysis is based on the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory, taken from PR, Strategy and Application, Managing Influence, by W.

Skadliga nollflödespunkter i Fortum Värmes fjärrvärmenät i Stockholm : En analys av dess förekomst och effekter

When several production units provide a district heating network, water is pumped from different directions. When the flows from the plants finally meet in the network, the water can be completely still. These places are called zero flow zones. In district heating networks with several plants, which also have different supply temperatures, large and frequent temperature fluctuations can occur when the zero flow zones move. This may cause wear on the pipes, a phenomenon called low cycle fatigue.For this reason it is important to examine where and when zero flow zones that cause temperature changes occur.

Framtidens distributionslogistik : - Effekter av en ökad centralisering hos ABB i Västerås

Executive SummaryThis final thesis has examined the effects of an increased centralization and better coord­in­ation of the distribution logistics at ABB in Västerås. The company is today strongly decent­ralized and there is a minimum of collaboration between the 20 business units. This is why the questions were raised; how could the business units coordinate outbound logistic activities and what effects would that provide. The obj­ect­ive of this final thesis is to provide basic data for a future decision-making which desc­r­ibe these effects.The report has mapped out the factors that are important to ABB in an evaluation of their logistic activities and how the outbound logistics work today. The four factors are cost efficiency, delivery service, environmental impact and logistics capability.

Drönarattackers effekt på terrorism : fallet Pakistan

The United States use of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAV) or drones for targeted killings of terrorists has been on the rise in recent years and the method has become the core element of president Obamas strategy in the war against terror. This study examines the deterrent effect of targeted killings on terrorism using UCAV/drones as a method of counterterrorism. Building on the literature on counterterrorism, UCAV, targeted killings, deterrence theory and statistics on terrorism the study provides a case study of the CIA drone operations in Pakistan between the years 2004-2010. The goal has been to analyze drone operations and the extent of terrorism from the beginning of the drone campaign until 2010. This as a means of identifying possible trends in terrorism activity due to the occurrence of drone strikes.


 Conclusion:Medical treatment may have a role in platelet count after transfusion. Since the TACSI platelets passed the quality requirements, and the vast majority of patients platelet count increased after TACSI platelet transfusion, the TACSI platelets will replace the old method to produce platelets at the Uppsala University hospital.  Methods: A new approach that pools 8 buffy coats (TACSI platelets) that were separated into 2 units instead of 4-6 buffy coats pooled to 1 unit was investigated in this study. After the platelets were extracted from the buffy coats their quality was controlled and subsequently the platelet product was evaluated in 96 patients. Results: The results showed that 80 % of the platelet units passed the European quality requirements. Further, the platelet count was increased in most patients that received TACSI platelets. Conclusion: Medical treatment may have a role in platelet count after transfusion.

Lägg märke till varumärket : En kvantitativ undersökning kring hur varumärket Hollister jobbar med kommunikation för att stärka sitt varumärke.

The purpose of the case study is to research whether the brand Hollister can establish themselves to their target audience working with communication. To achieve the goal with the study, the following theories has been applied: brand building, visual communication, two-way symmetrical communication and communication channels. The study was conducted by a quantitative online questionnaire survey. The online survey was aimed at teenagers aged 15-18 years old living in Täby or Umeå where one question was "What difference can be discerned between Täby, where there is a shop, and Umeå where there is no shop". The material was collected during a period of eight days between december 11th to december 19th 2013.

Garbage to gardens : design proposals for two decentralised waste management units in Pune, India

The population growth and urbanisation in low-income countries bring issues of poor living standards and miserable sanitation conditions onto the agenda. If well-functioning waste management systems were developed, this could master some of the problems. The already existing local informal waste handling system that is common in many low-income countries, needs to be developed with proper sorting and composting solutions to decrease the environmental burden and improve the overall situation in the dense cities. This master?s thesis project is performed with the intention of developing functional decentralised waste management units in the city of Pune, India.

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