

588 Uppsatser om Aerial units - Sida 6 av 40

Quadrotor UAV : Konstruktion och användbarhetsstudie av en UAV i sensornätverk

Quadrotor UAVs are self-stabilizing, autonomous flying machines that has recently become more popular than ever. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have their roots in the military, where they were developed for use in reconnaissance and combat. During the last few years, advances in the fields of electronic sensors, electric motors and microcontrollers have enabled smaller designs and autonomic flight control even for private use. The quadrotor, which is the particular kind of UAV we are looking closer at in this paper, has 4 rotors in an X-like formation. This configuration has many advantages such as good lift capacity, non-complex mechanical structure and serviceability.In this project we aquired a current overview of the domain and determine whether it is possible to construct a quadrotor UAV designed for use in a WISENET sensor network on a low budget and short time schedule.Based on existing community project AeroQuad, a quadrotor is constructed with a budget of about 500 euro.

Ruttplanering : Retursystem för pantade PET-flaskor och aluminiumburkar

This report is the final part within our education, Industrial Organization and Economy focusing on Logistics and Management at Jönköping School of Engineering. The aim with this report is to coordinate recycle drives for deposited aluminum-cans and bottles collected from grocery stores within Jönköping county and locality.In the present situation both aluminum cans and bottles filled with drinks are distributed to the grocery stores by the brewery?s own distributers. At the same time as they supply the drinks they also discharge the grocery stores units with restored aluminumcans and bottles. To make it easier for the grocery stores to handle the goods in the future, all distribution of drinks ought to be directly delivered to the grocery stores own separate central warehouse.

PSQS ? Power Supply Quality Simulator

Kitron had wishes to be able to test and measure how disturbance affects their vehicle electronic units before they have been verified by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden in Borås. This work started with the writing of a demand specification together with Kitron for a product PSQS, Power Supply Quality Simulator, which can generate some test pulses according to a standard for electronic units to Volvos vehicles. A design proposal was developed with the help the demand specification and was verified with the help of simulations. All electric schematics was designed with the guide of the design proposal. The pulses realized in the works of this thesis are those which Kitron experienced that they have a need to test in their own premises and which are possible to generate with the means available.

Barns boende : socialsekreterares konstruktion av principen om barnets bästa i förhållande till materiell standard

The purpose of this study was to examine how a selection of social welfare officers based on the principle of the best interest of the child construct a minimum level of the material standard in a home. Another purpose was to examine whether different units with varying socioeconomic prerequisites in the municipality of Stockholm construct this level differently.The method used in this study was Sociology of Law and two focus groups were used for the gathering of the data. A social constructive theory, a class perspective using concepts of Bourdieu and a perspective of law were used to analyse the material of data.The results showed that the courses of action varied from enactment and the policies of the municipality of Stockholm, unspecified theories of the development of children, the conception of what is normal and what children needs, the context in which they work, the development of the society and what they estimate that children needs when attending school. The results also showed a difference between the two units concerning the minimum level of the material standard in a home.

Döden är livsviktig : fem kuratorers bemötande av obotligt sjuka och deras bild av de sjukas upplevelser

The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to explore how the welfare officers at palliative units in Stockholm respond to the patients? thoughts and experiences during the last phase of life, as well as exploring their picture of the patients experiences. The research questions of the study were:? How do the welfare officers relate to the patients? experience of their death? ? In what way do the welfare officers respond to the dying patient and his or her experiences?? What knowledge/experience do the welfare officers have and what knowledge/experience do they consider is needed in their profession?To answer the research questions a qualitative method was used where five welfare officers in three different palliative units were interviewed. The empirical material was analysed through meaning concentration and are presented using exact quotations.

Ägarlägenhetsförrättningar ur ett kostnadsperspektiv : Hur utvalda faktorer påverkar förrättningskostnaden och den framtida förvaltningen

The purpose of this study is to get the cadastral procedure for condominiums to become more affordable. The aims of the study is to examine how the number of condominiums, the number of joint facilities and the number of joint property units that are formed in a condominium cadastral procedure in Sweden influences the cadastral procedure cost. To get an overall perspective the study also explores how the chosen forms of co-operation have worked out in association management.A condominium is a type of three-dimensional property unit, which may only contain one residence.  This form of property formation has been allowed in Sweden since 1 May 2009.  At the end of 2014 less than 1000 condominiums had been formed despite the legislator?s expectations for 3000-5000 condominiums a year. The property unit can have access to necessary facilities, not available within the property boundaries, by establishing joint facilities or form joint property units.

Samhällsengagemang och utveckling inom svensk gruvindustri: En fallstudie på Boliden Mineral AB

Sustainable development has become more and more important over the past years. The term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is closely connected to sustainable development and focuses on organizations responsibility towards the society and the environment in which it exists. Companies within the mining industry were among the first to initiate CSR-work due to the fact that they have a great impact at the local community, both socially and environmentally. Today they are still in the forefront of the development of CSR-questions in general, and community involvement and development in particular. Earlier studies made on this area have focused on the strategic level of community involvement and development.

Ersättning vid tvångsförvärv av mark ? En typfallsstudie av ersättningen i två olika ersättningssystem

Each year approximately 2,000 new detailed development plans are accepted in Sweden. When an area is covered by a new detailed development plan, it is often necessary that land has to be acquired to adjust the property units to the new plan. The owner conditions of the property units can usually be adjusted through negotiations between the seller and the buyer. But in some situations, when no agreements can be reached, it is possible to use coercive measures to purchase the land. Compulsory purchases are only permitted when certain legal criteria?s are met.

Miljökonsekvensbeskrivning för en utökning av befintlig djurhållning :

In the last few years the environment becomes more watchful, even for us farmers. All agricultural enterprises that exceed 200 animal units must be tested according to regulation of environment. A farm business with 200 animal units and more is classed ?environmentally hazardous activities? and has to make an environmental impact assessment for the business you have today, and the activity after expansion. Before you can construct a building and expand the numbers of animals is a lot of applications to make. I have in this project restricted me to establish a environmental impact assessment and a consultation foundation. To make a environmental impact assessment is the big part of the application. The environmental impact assessment take a lot of time and you need skills for all the rules in the environmental code to be abele to make an environmental impact assessment approved. The environment codes purposes (1 kap 1 § Miljöbalken) is to rule the laws. The purpose of the environment code is to promote sustainable development which will assure a healthy and sound environment for present and future generations. Definitions of a ?environmentally hazardous activities? 9 kap 1§ Miljöbalken) shall mean the discharges of wastewater, solid matter or gas from land, buildings or structures onto land or into water areas or ground water.

Att leda den kommunala utbildningsorganisationen : En studie ur förvaltningschefens perspektiv

This study is based on interviews with five directors of educational administration within the Stockholm County. The purpose is to investigate how the directors of educational administrations, in the different municipalities, describe the relationship between the administration and the local school units. Moreover, the aim is also to describe the administration director?s work in relation to the various levels of the administration. To what extent can it be identified as a dimension of the learning organization described in this report.The study shows that skepticism is usually directed upwards toward the next level in the organization and that the decision-making right for local schools is consistently safeguarded.

En studie av sociala faktorer : Som kan medföra problem vid implementering av informationssystem

Quadrotor UAVs are self-stabilizing, autonomous flying machines that has recently become more popular than ever. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have their roots in the military, where they were developed for use in reconnaissance and combat. During the last few years, advances in the fields of electronic sensors, electric motors and microcontrollers have enabled smaller designs and autonomic flight control even for private use. The quadrotor, which is the particular kind of UAV we are looking closer at in this paper, has 4 rotors in an X-like formation. This configuration has many advantages such as good lift capacity, non-complex mechanical structure and serviceability.In this project we aquired a current overview of the domain and determine whether it is possible to construct a quadrotor UAV designed for use in a WISENET sensor network on a low budget and short time schedule.Based on existing community project AeroQuad, a quadrotor is constructed with a budget of about 500 euro.

Trådlös kamerastyrning

As an amateur it can be difficult filming from several angles at the same time as this requires several cameras. It´s also hard to film at occasions when it´s not appropriate to manoeuvre the camera manually. Systems for solving these problems already exist, but it´s either more expensive, professionalsystems or cheaper systems with limited functionality.The purpose of this project is to develop a cost efficient solution to the problem above that offers a better functionality then existing commercial systems. The biggest difference from existing products is the wireless video feedback from the camera to the remote unit.The result of the project is a system consisting of two units, a manoeuvre unit with a cradle for the video camera and a remote unit from which the operator can control pan and tilt of the video camera.Communication between the two units is wireless.On the remote unit there is a joystick and a display mounted. In addition to this, there is also an IR receiver that is capable of reading the signal from the cameras own remote and sending it to the manoeuvre unit.The manoeuvre unit is equipped with one motor to control the tilt function and one motor to control the pan.

Psykisk ohälsa bland barn och ungdomar i socialtjänstens öppenvård. : En kvantitativ studie om psykisk ohälsa, kön och socioekonomi i Södermalm och Rinkeby-Kista utförd med ?the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire?(SDQ)

The aim of this quantitative study is to describe the prevalence of mental health problems within the group of children and adolescents who receive support from two in home care units within the social services of Rinkeby-Kista and Södermalm stadsdelsförvaltning in Stockholm. Another purpose is to examine whether socioeconomic background and/or gender are associated with the prevalence of poor mental health, or mental health problems of a specific kind, in the studied population. Mental health is measured with the SDQ, a behavioral screening questionnaire that is widely used in Sweden and internationally. The study is based on data collected by the two units, which routinely screen children and adolescents with the SDQ. The main results of this study indicate that mental health problems are common in the studied population.

Säkring av samtliga kritiska skruvförband i mellanstora asynkronmotorer

The purpose with this thesis is to get a compilation of all the critical bolted joints of all enginesproduced at LV Motors. ABB LV Motors produces induction engines with seven shaft heights. Eachengine size exists several variants of components ex. standard shield and flange shield. Depending onwhich components the engine is equipped with arises various types of strains in the engine's parts,certain assembly ways are more favourable than other.The most critical parts in the engine from a mechanical point of view are the screw units betweenshield/stator, feet/stator and bearing cover/shield.

Effektiv partiformning : analys och tillämpning på Uppåkra Mekaniska AB

This paper is the result of a case study conducted at Uppåkra Mekaniska AB during the spring of 2006. The task that was presented by Uppåkra was to develop a basis for a decision for the planning activities at the company, so that in the future they can create lot-sizes which are based upon a total cost perspective. Total cost in regards to lot-sizing is defined as the sum of the administrative reordering costs and warehousing cost per stock keeping unit.To collect data a series of interviews and observations were conducted. This data was then used during the lot-sizing simulation and analysis. The 15 units that the simulation was conducted on were grouped into three item classes depending how many different machine setups they required during the production process.

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