

588 Uppsatser om Aerial units - Sida 30 av 40

AB Volvo Pentas emballagesystem - processen och förpackningslogistisk betydelse

Title AB Volvo Pentas packaging system ?process and packaging logisticsAuthor Peter Powell, Lund's Technical CollegeSupervisors Annika Olsson, Lund's Technical CollegeJan Svensson, AB Volvo PentaProblem - Packaging requirements ? Which requirements are there, how do they affect each other and how are they fulfilled?- Packaging process ? what is the line of action when developing new packaging and making adjustments in existing ones? Who has the responsibility to do what?- Packaging logistics ? How is the packaging system adapted to transport efficiency and handling?Objective To create an overall picture over how the packaging system affects and is affected by different functions and players within and beyond the company boundaries, to give a clear picture of how changes in the packaging system is made today and how it could work and finally to give suggestions for cost savings affected by the packaging system.Method The methods used for this thesis has mainly consisted of action research and at some extent case studies. As a previous employee at the department of logistics at Volvo Penta I?ve taken part of the environment, information and prerequisites that this thesis discusses on a daily basis. Case studies have been used for the collection and analysis of data concerning packaging logistics as I?ve chosen to consider only specific markets and packaging.Conclusions This thesis has highlighted the demands that are placed upon engine packaging throughout all concerned units and how these demands affect each other, positively and negatively.

Sociala medier för Knowledge management : Företags användning av webb 2.0 baserade kollaborationsverktyg för kunskapshantering

Knowledge is today one of the most important resources for an organization to handle. But knowledge can also be difficult for organizations to manage. The internet is still growing and new tools take form that allows users to effectively share information. The purpose of this report was to describe how organizations can make use out of internal social media to facilitate knowledge management processes. Three issues involving mapping, coding and dissemination of knowledge to were produced to answer the thesis. The study was limited to examining the identification, coding and dissemination of knowledge through the internal social media plattformen, IBM Connections. The theoretical framework emphasizes how social networks can promote knowledge sharing, how a knowledge mapping can promote knowledge dissemination and sharing, how knowledge can be stored in data sources and how important interaction is to spread awareness. The theory has been supplemented by descriptions of how the system IBM Connections works. Surveys were conducted on four companies that use IBM Connections as an internal communication plattformen. The four companies were selected to illustrate how they use the plattformen of knowledge management processes and we chose to interview the people who were responsible for the introduction of the plattformen. The study identified several similarities between the different companies and that although there were some technical and cultural recalcitrant units against this new type of system within the organization so favored IBM Connections knowledge in several ways. The built-in search automatic created a map of knowledge through the plattform's user profiles. Saved files and documents could be found even after the employees left the company, which encodes knowledge into the company knowledge resources. The opportunity to interact with one another, often over great distances, favored the sharing of knowledge. A comparison with the theoretical framework provided us with the conclusion that internal social media can be used in several ways to Knowledge management through automated knowledge maps, the ability to store knowledge within the company and to communicate knowledge across functional and geographical boundaries in interactive discussions..

Att planera för social hållbarhet i ekobyar :

This essay gives the reader an overview of the different problems and issues a landscape architect might meet, in the process of planning and realizing an eco-village. Its aim is to stimulate new ideas, based on the traditional, present and future working field of landscape architects. The essay does not claim to cover all imaginable aspects of social sustainability within an eco- village, but refers to the presented sources for further in-depth reading. Although the original focus has been on physical planning, the interviewees? words have been of big importance, and to a certain extent changed the constitution of this essay.

Småskalig utsädesproduktion : ekonomiska och organisatoriska aspekter

The economic situation in the Swedish agricultural industry is currently experiencing a development towards larger units. This progress occurs simultaneously as farmers in cooperation more frequently make investments to decrease risk exposure and to improve the financial result. The purpose with this thesis is to study which advantages and problems a group of farmers experience after a common investment in a small-scale seed production. The aim with this investment is to increase the level of vertical integration in their respective agricultural firms and the results will be analyzed from an economic point of view. At present, the farmers are all seed producers with considerable cultivation areas.

Förskolans balansgång mellan fri- och styrd rörelseträning : en kvalitativ studie om förskolors arbete med rörelseträning

AimThe aim with this essay has been to investigate how preschools profiling in motor activity training, work to stimulate motor development of children. In order to study this, the main focus for the research has been on the following queries:What characterize motor activity training at the preschools studied?What is the purpose with the motor activity training of preschools which were studied?How do the preschools describe the affect that motor activity training has on children?How do the preschools look at the need for motor activity training?MethodFour in-depth interviews were conducted with representatives of the chosen preschools profiling in motor activity. My selection was based on a strategic sample and this was made by an internet mapping of preschool activities in the districts of Stockholm, and information from the service guide of the town of Stockholm. Then e-mail was sent to ten contact persons at preschool units, and ten preschools were contacted directly by phone.

Hur nya företag skapar konkurrensfördelar på marknaden för fordonsbesiktning

The Swedish market for vehicle inspection is re-regulated since June 2010. More than four years after the re-regulation there are eight companies in the market. Two of these companies are a result of the former monopolist's owners divided the business among themselves. The remaining six companies have entered the market through acquisitions or by building up their business from scratch, these are known as new entrants in the study. The competition has developed slowly and the former monopolist still has the highest market share.

Chefsroll och ledarskap inom socialt arbete : En kvalitativ studie om enhetschefers syn på att vara chef inom LSS-verksamheter

This study is based on interviews with five unit managers working in the functional disabilities business. The purpose of this paper is to examine how these unit managers see their roles and their leadership, and to give the reader an insight into what it might entail to be a manager in social work. Theories applied are the role theory and three leadership theories. The previous research this study made ??use of affects ?leadership in social work" and "manager's role and leadership style."Being a unit manager of the functional disabilities business means having a so-called middle management position, which entails expectations being directed upon them from various avenues.

Förbättrad lönsamhet i växtodlingsföretag! : en ekonomisk analys av ett samarbete i form av ett driftsbolag mellan två lantbruksföretag

The agriculture is today in a development that leads to bigger and bigger units in the primary production. To be able to follow this development many companies chooses to cooperate in different ways. The most radical change is when farmers fuses with other farmers and merge into to a big collectively owned operation firm. The reason behind this idea is that the firms achieve the big companies advantages by being complement to each other. The purpose of this essay is to make an economic analysis of two crop production companies who works together in an operation firm.

Norrberga Skolmodell- En ny modell av skola : Vad några elever i sjätte klass tycker om sin skola

This study titled School Model of Norrberga- a New Model of School. Some opinions that six pupils in the sixth grade have of their school is an explorative study. The purpose of this study is to some extent explain the ideas behind this quite spectacular model of school and the intentions of the City Council of Norrberga as they decided that all the schools that were to be renovated or built in the town of Norrberga had to follow a specific script.   As I first visited The Moonlight School I was puzzled. How do the teachers work it out? But, above all: Do the pupils work it out? What do they think about their school? When I was to write my final essay I wanted to try to sort this school out in more scientific terms. There is a nice, warm atmosphere at the school and the pupils make good results.

Kulturkompetens ? att möta det (o)lika? En diskursanalys av begreppet kulturkompetens och dess praktik, i en invandrartät stadsdel i Göteborg

We started out the study with a preconception of culture as something that creates difference between groups of people, which had been verified by our prior research. We also had a sense of culture as a polysemous term. Our assumption is also that there is an opinion within social work practice that Swedish social workers are faced with a cultural barrier when encountering immigrant clients.In this study our aim is to examine constructions of the terms cultural competence and culture. Constructions of the terms ethnicity and ethnic diversity are also observed, although the main reason for this is to show what relation these terms have to the terms cultural competence and culture, and how they may give each other meaning, according to the theory of social construction. In addition to constructions, we also aim to bring out discourses around the terms, upon which we will create a discussion about power and dominance informed by post-colonial theory and critical discourse analysis (CDA).

Gårdsbutiken : att välja marknadsföringsstrategi

The agriculture of today is getting larger and larger and it demands more efficient machines to handle these larger units. But all farmers don?t have the opportunities or don?t want to expand. What should they do if they want to remain on the farm? An alternative is to start a farm shop.

Faktorer som påverkar uppkomsten av hot och våld inom psykiatrin

Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att beskriva faktorer som påverkade uppkomsten av hot och våld inom psykiatrin. Till resultatet har författarna använt sig av tjugoen vetenskapliga artiklar som hämtats ur Högskolan dalarnas databaser ELIN, Academic Search Elite samt Cinahl. Sökord i olika kombinationer har använts för att få fram relevant litteratur till studien. De sökord som användes var violence, nursing, mental health nurses, aggressive patients, aggressive behaviour, psychiatric units, patients, factors, prevention, aggression, nurses, psychiatric, management, psychiatry och causes. Även manuell sökning i tidskrifter har gjorts.

Makten över ordet En kvantitativ undersökning om genusrepresentationen i SVTs Debatt

Authors: Daniel Kirby & Émelie Vangen LindgrenTitle: Controlling the WordLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 29The largest arena for public debate in Sweden is the television show Debatt, airing every week on SVT: Sweden?s public service network. Every episode has an audience at around 500.000 viewers. Because the channel is under the rules of the public service agreement, strict rules of diversity are applied.The purpose of this study is to examine the gender representation in Debatt; to investigate how men and women behave in the context of the televised debate and to see if the programme has managed to reflect an equal representation of the voices of men and women.We did this by performing a quantitative content analysis of four different episodes of Debatt, with 4 different hosts ? two women hosts and two men.

Hur kredithandläggare lantbruk i sina kreditgivningsstrategier beaktar den potentiella riskfaktorn att säkerheten i form av åkermark faller i värde

The increase in farmland value in Swedens plain areas is a well known fact in today's Swedish agricultural. In connection with the fluctuating prices of crops and inputs, are increasing the risk exposure to agriculture. The increased value of agricultural land has in Sweden over the years been due to a high demand for land that has existed and exists in Sweden. The increasing demand is linked to a structural rationalization of Swedish agriculture, leading to fewer and larger farm units (www, privataaffärer, Carl Johan Jurss).The purpose of this study is to examine the potential risks associated with the farmland value falls or remains unchanged, according to a farm credit administrator's perspective. The idea is to get a picture of the main factors taken into account when lending and the problems with falling or stable land prices into account when lending.

Ett vårdinformationssystem i vårdens frontlinje : En fallstudie om Cambio Cosmic på en vårdcentral i Landstinget Kronoberg

In healthcare there is a rapid development towards introducing and implementing a wide range of information technology (IT) to aim for higher quality and more effective care. A common health information system (Cambio Cosmic) has been implemented in Landstinget Kronoberg. Clinical microsystems are the frontline units where staff and pa-tient meet. When the conditions in the microsystems are changed, it is interesting to de-scribe and analyse the consequences.The purpose of this study is to describe how health care staff uses a health information sys-tem and how they experience its functionality in their patient work. Initially, a literature re-view about the use of health information system was undertaken, followed by a qualitative case study based on interviews about how healthcare staff describes their reality.

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