

588 Uppsatser om Aerial units - Sida 22 av 40

Informativiteten kring finansiella instrument : En studie om hur informativt företag framställer sina instrument i årsredovisningen

The function of budgetary controls is to control the resource allocation within companies. It can also be an instrument for measure and control subordinates and/or business units? performance (Van der Stede 2001). This paper concerns the latter; when the budgetary control function is used to measure and control subordinates performance based on budget. Previous research in this area has not yet accomplished to explain the effects of tight budgetary control which Hartman (2000) considers as the main issue to be concerned about in management accounting research.Previous research has presented contradictory findings regarding tight budgetary control explained by positive effects as well as negative effects during the last decades.

Patientupplevelser av allmänpsykiatrisk akutvård samt av samarbetet mellan slutenvård, öppenvård och kommun

According to the health care law and the national care guarantee, all individuals with mental illness have the right to good health care that is knowledge based as well as to rehabilitation where and when they need it. They also should be able to choose and have control over who is performing the care, including the design of these efforts. The purpose of this study is to investigate patients' experiences of general psychiatric emergency care and the cooperation between outpatient care, inpatient care and the municipality. This study is a descriptive cross-sectional study, conducted with a quantitative and qualitative method. The study is performed in collaboration with Akademiska Sjukhuset and is part of a larger quality improvement project.

En komparativ litteraturstudie av olika termkällor för query expansion

The purpose of this thesis is to make a comparative literary study of ten laboratory experiments with different kind of sources for query expansion terms. The experiments are grouped according to categories of term sources, which are: search results, collection dependent knowledge structures, collection independent knowledge structures and one that combines the two last mentioned sources into one. To enable a comparison all other variables were held as constant as possible. There is the improvement measured in mean average precision, which is used to measure the various sources potential. The result from the study shows a strong connection between the kind of source for the expansion term and improvement of the result.

Y-OQ 2.0 SR : En studie om behandlingens villkor och att tillämpa mätinstrument i behandling av ungdomar

The Youth Outcome Questionnaire 2.0 Self Report (Y-OQ 2.0 SR) has been implemented in residential treatment centre in the Municipality of Örebro as a result of the strive for a more evidence-based working approach within social work. This study aims to examine how personnel and adolescents describe the treatment/counseling and support and the application of the Y-OQ 2.0 SR in the units. The questions cover the values the personnel and adolescents ascribe to the application of the Y-OQ 2.0 SR, if the result from Y-OQ 2.0 SR is congruent with how the adolescents have been affected during the placement, which obstacles and/or possibilities emerge in the management of the instrument and if there are any indications that the Y-OQ 2.0 SR is advantageous or disadvantageous in the treatment process. The study has a qualitative approach; four interviews were carried out with adolescents and five with personnel. The result shows that structure is an important component in attaining a change in behaviour.

Miljonprogrammets omfattande upprustningsbehov : Vem tar räkningen?

The function of budgetary controls is to control the resource allocation within companies. It can also be an instrument for measure and control subordinates and/or business units? performance (Van der Stede 2001). This paper concerns the latter; when the budgetary control function is used to measure and control subordinates performance based on budget. Previous research in this area has not yet accomplished to explain the effects of tight budgetary control which Hartman (2000) considers as the main issue to be concerned about in management accounting research.Previous research has presented contradictory findings regarding tight budgetary control explained by positive effects as well as negative effects during the last decades.

Aspects of caring for suddenly bereaved relatives

Background: When a person suddenly pass away, the relatives often arrive to the Emergency Department under chaotic circumstances. In this critical situation the nurse has an important role for the care. Many nurses lack of knowledge about how to take care of the bereaved relatives. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to describe aspects of caring for suddenly bereaved relatives. Method: The data for the study were scientific articles found in the databases PubMed and Cinahl and from a manual search.

Faktorer som påverkar vårdpersonalens attityder gentemot patienter med självskadebeteende

Bakgrund: Självskadebeteendet betraktas som ett folkhälsoproblem vilket har uppmärksammats mer på senare tid. Vårdpersonal möter denna patientgrupp inom olika vårdenheter då patienter med självskadebeteende kommer in på akutmottagningar för skador de vållat själv. Syftet var att beskriva faktorer som påverkar vårdpersonalens attityder gentemot patienter med självskadebeteende. Metod: Studien gjordes som en litteraturstudie där datainsamling genomfördes i databaserna Cinahl och PsycINFO. En granskning gjordes av sju artiklar som svarade på studiens syfte.

Hemodialyspatienters självrapporterande saltvanor

The purpose of the study was to describe hemodialysis patients self-reporting salt habits associated with cooking and food intake. Furthermore, the purpose was to investigate possible differences in inter Dialyze significant weight gain at low and high self-reported salt consumption. The study was an empirical descriptive study of comparative features and consisted of a convenience sample from two hemodialysis units in southern Norrland. Study group consisted of 37 persons who had been ongoing hemodialysis treatment and their age ranged from 42-86 years. A questionnaire was used in two parts and both parts contained 15 foods.

Planteringsförbandets inverkan på bestånd av contortatall (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) med avseende på volymtillväxt och virkesegenskaper

At the beginning of the 1970´s forestry feared an imbalance in the future wood supply. Because of this anticipated "timber slump" forest companies undertook a variety of measures to counter this. One of these measures was the introduction of exotic tree species. The choice finally ended up with lodgepole pines which were considered a fast growing tree species compared to our native tree species. Theambition for the new lodgepole pine stands were to run these with rotation periods of between 40-60 years, thus smoothing out the ?timber slump? that was anticipated.

Aspects of caring for suddenly bereaved relatives

Background: When a person suddenly pass away, the relatives often arrive to the Emergency Department under chaotic circumstances. In this critical situation the nurse has an important role for the care. Many nurses lack of knowledge about how to take care of the bereaved relatives. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to describe aspects of caring for suddenly bereaved relatives. Method: The data for the study were scientific articles found in the databases PubMed and Cinahl and from a manual search.

Förklaringsmodell för cykelresor i Trondheim : Fysiska och demografiska faktorers betydelse för det geografiska resmönstret

The work examines geographical variations of bicycle use in Trondheim municipality with the aim to create an understanding of what influences the use of bicycles and explain the geographical travel pattern for cycling. The work focuses on the how physical structures generates different transports effects. Where bicycle travels in Trondheim municipality are undertaken is described by using network analysis in ArcGIS, based on aggregated data from the travel habit survey (RVU) in 2009/2010. Trondheim municipality is divided into smaller geographical units (zoner) whose characteristics are described by 19 variables, categorized into 6 groups; Distance, Land use, Topography, Bicycle Facilities, Road characteristics and Demographic factors.By linear regression analysis in SPSS and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, an explanatory model is elaborated. The variablesdistance to the regional center, workplace density, percentage separate bike paths and hilly terrain explains 78 percent of where cycle journeys are undertaken.

?Vi ger människor kraft och kunskap? : en kvalitativ studie om socionomers socialt förebyggande arbete med barnfamiljer på familjecentralen

Family centres are established to serve families with children and the personnel usually consists of units of social-workers, preschool staff, paediatric nurses and midwives. The purpose of the study was to examine the social-workers preventive work with families at the family centre. To fulfil the purpose, a qualitative interview with five social-workers was conducted. The theoretical framework referred to attachment and empowerment theory. The results of the study showed that the main part of the work consists of giving advice and support to parents.

En hållbar maritim säkerhet?

Uppsatsen syftar till att analysera de förmågor som den maritima säkerheten i Sveriges närområde kräver. Dessa behov har sedan jämförts med aktuella maritima resurser genom en avslutande diskussion. Utgångspunkt har tagits i Regeringens havs ?och utrikespolitik med inriktning på den maritima säkerheten.I uppsatsen motsvaras begreppet ?maritima enheter? av Kustbevakningen och marinen. Hoten mot den maritima säkerheten har identifierats utifrån de uppsatta mål som de maritima enheterna arbetar mot.

?Dom som mår dåligt måste få må bra? : En studie av skolintroduktionen för nyanlända flykting ? och invandrarbarn på två skolor

Subject: The Teacher Training Programme, Degree Project in Educational SciencesSödertörn University CollegeAutumn Term, 2006This study titled, Those who feel worst, need help to feel better, is a Degree Project in Educational Sciences for the Teacher Training Programme at Södertörn University College. The purpose of this study is to find out how school introduction for newly arrived refugee children is organized in two schools, considering the fact that many refugee children can suffer from PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The study is qualitative, based on interviews with principals, teachers and students in one junior high school and one high school. The study also reviews literature and research on how to work with children who suffer from PTSD. The results show that lack of national policy for the school introduction and education of refugee children, leads to the fact that school introduction can vary from school to school.

Accelererat åldrande av produkter Apelsinjuice och hallondryck

Brämhults Juice AB is one of Sweden?s leading producers of fresh fruit juices and drinks. The fruit drinks last 3 days once opened and when stored in a refrigerator kept at 7°C. Since factors that shorten the drinks? best before date are usually not noticed until the entire batch has expired, it would be advantageous to find a way to accelerate the drinks? natural deterioration, so that an unusal short best before date is noticed before more products are shipped off to the stores.

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