

588 Uppsatser om Aerial units - Sida 23 av 40

Kunskapso?verfo?ring inom franchisena?tverk : En studie av utveckling och o?verfo?ring av kunskap inom franchisena?tverk

This case study has been conducted within the Swedish fitness chain World Class to explore the opportunities for knowledge development and transfers within franchise networks. We have interviewed the product manager at the World Class headquarter, the owner of a franchise club and a local product manager from the same facility. Our finding indicates that various forms of knowledge transfer occur within the World Class network, particularly in product development and sales. The transfer occurs within the framework set by World Class with regularly scheduled meetings. In addition informal networks provide other means of knowledge exchange between some units.

Omvårdnadspersonalens erfarenheter av att möta aggresiva och utagerande patienter - en litteraturstudie

Violence and aggression is a common problem for staff in different care units. Caregivers often feel frustrated and unsatisfied in their work with these patients. Even caregivers with long experience finds it valuable to get education in management of violent patients. The aim of this literature study was to illuminate staffs experience in meeting with aggresive and violent patients. The method that was used was a literature research, where earlier research findings were read, analysed and put together.

Visualisering av elanvändning i kontorsfastigheter : Utveckling, implementering och utvärdering av visualiseringsverktyg för minskad elanvändning

This thesis examines the effects of electricity visualization in an office building. The subject was investigated through the creation of a web based visualization tool that was made accessible to the about 1500 employees in a large office building. The visualization was available for three weeks. During this period interviews, user studies and observations took place in order to evaluate what, if any, effects the visualization had on the attitudes and behaviors in the office. Electricity use data was collected and analyzed to see if the project had a statistically significant effect on the electricity consumption in the office.The results from the interviews and the data analysis indicate that no reduction in electricity consumption took place, and a number of factors that could increase the chances of success were identified.

Styrning av grafisk färgdisplay

This master thesis is a result of the work carried out for Research Electronics at Siljansnäs. The company develops customized electronical systems. Because of the rapidly increasing interest in colour displays there has been a desire within the company to represent information from sensors and electrical systems in a more advanced way.Due to the mentioned reason above we were given the assignment to solve how a colour display using the STN technique works. The technique is used by small displays, the size of QVGA. Our ambition of this diploma work is to develop a fully functionally test prototype to evaluate the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and the LCD controller.

Implementering och kommunikation av ekologisk h?llbarhet. En fallstudie om utmaningar och strategier i fordonsindustrin

The purpose of the study is to explore the internal implementation and communication of ecological sustainability within an organization and to identify obstacles and challenges that may arise. To address the study's purpose and research questions, a qualitative methodology and semi-structured interviews were used. Respondents were selected from two different units within a large global organization operating in the automotive industry. The study's findings indicate that the organization's sustainability efforts are extensive and integrated across several departments. It is also evident that sustainability initiatives are primarily driven by upper management within the organization, although there is room for lower hierarchical levels to provide some feedback.

Omvårdnadspersonalens erfarenheter av att möta aggresiva och utagerande patienter - en litteraturstudie

Violence and aggression is a common problem for staff in different care units. Caregivers often feel frustrated and unsatisfied in their work with these patients. Even caregivers with long experience finds it valuable to get education in management of violent patients. The aim of this literature study was to illuminate staffs experience in meeting with aggresive and violent patients. The method that was used was a literature research, where earlier research findings were read, analysed and put together.

Omvårdnad vid förstoppning hos dementa personer : undersköterskors och vårdbiträdens reflektioner

Constipation is a common problem for people with dementia and it may result in discomfort, suffering and lower quality of life. Nurses in municipal nursing homes have difficult to observe and prevent these problems because they do not participate in the daily caring work. The aim of this study was to illustrate the nurse assistants? reflections about the care they gave people with dementia and constipation. Main questions vas how they became aware of such problems and what they did when someone had problem with constipation.

Omvårdnad vid förstoppning hos dementa personer : undersköterskors och vårdbiträdens reflektioner

Constipation is a common problem for people with dementia and it may result in discomfort, suffering and lower quality of life. Nurses in municipal nursing homes have difficult to observe and prevent these problems because they do not participate in the daily caring work. The aim of this study was to illustrate the nurse assistants? reflections about the care they gave people with dementia and constipation. Main questions vas how they became aware of such problems and what they did when someone had problem with constipation.

Vem vinner på integrering? Integrerade språkavdelningar - ett föräldraperspektiv

Lilja, Jane och Polverari, Monica. (2008). Vem vinner på integrering? Integrerade språkavdelningar ? ett föräldrarperspektiv. (Who Gains from Integration? Inclusive Language Preschool Units ? from the Parent´s Point of view.

Det svenska jordbrukets framtid :

The Common Agricultural Policy the European union´s common agreement about the agriculture financial support. A major change is about to take place in the next 3 years. This reform affects the first 15 members as well as the 10 new members in CAP2. This study contains a future of how agriculture will look like in Sweden in 10 years. The study is mainly based on interviews with key-persons3 in Sweden. The first part describes the CAP-reform in theory, the second part the interviews and the last is a conclusion of the material. The future will see larger farm units.

Gymnasieskolan som demokratisk arena? En utvärderingsstudie av demokratimålen i Lpf 94

The essay is an evaluative study of student democracy in the Swedish high school, its departure point being the 1994 national curriculum for the voluntary school forms (Lpf 94). We adopted an interview method, the survey units consisting in a number of high school teachers. The analysis has two principal theoretical departure points, involving democracy theory and implementation analysis, respectively. The former is utilized to help identifying what sort of democracy permeates the governing document and high school daily life, the latter to explain actual outcomes.The study concludes that the 94 curriculum is characterized by a strong democracy with emphasis on participatory democratic processes, whereas in practice there is a thin democracy in both classroom and formal student government contexts. Representative processes are given plenty of room although few attempts at participatory democratic components can be identified.A deeper analysis of the result reveals implementation problems traceable to elements of symbolism in the goals.

Styrkan i OEE som arbetsmetod

The E-department at GETRAG All Wheel Drive in Köping have problems with the efficiency on parts of their production equipment. The equipment with the most significant efficiency problems are four automated multifunctional production cells that produces housing for rear drive units. The major part of the problem is the large amount of small stops that causes the low efficiency.The department already worked with logging of interruptions and efficiency calculations before this project started. However this work was not done to the extent considered necessary for a systematic follow-up of the interruptions.The aim of this paper is to point out a more effective and systematic way to work with logging of interruptions and the follow-up. In addition the equipment were studied with a method for efficiency calculation that ? if used properly- is a more powerful and a visually better method than the one used by the company today.As the initial current state analysis of the equipment was made a lack of documented knowledge about the equipment was discovered.

Sjuksköterskors kommunikation med patienter som vårdas i respirator : Nurses? communication with patients during mechanical ventilation

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe intensive care nurses? experiences communicating with patients during mechanical ventilation.Methods/design: A qualitative interview study. Interviews where analyzed using descriptive content analysisSetting: Nine intensive care nurses from two different intensive care units were interviewed using a semi structured interview guide.Background: Past research has shown that patients during mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit, feel very vulnerable and the helplessness of being unable to speak. These patients feels that they are completely dependent on the nurses and their competence. It has been shown to be very important that the patient feels included, acknowledged and respected.Results: The analyzed data resulted in a theme; through communication strive to preserve patients´ dignity and three main categories; create relationship to the patient, minimize patients´ vulnerability and don´t give up.

Utveckling av spädbarns prediktiva förmåga att gripa en roterande stav: Griprörelsens strukturering

Skiljer sig utvecklingen av spädbarns förmåga att planera griprörelser mot ett objekt relativt att anpassa handen till objektets rotation? Nitton spädbarn i åldrarna 6 och 10 månader studerades. Spädbarnen grep mot en stav i rotation och deras griprörelser registrerades med hjälp av ett ProReflex system (Qualisys). Såväl handens hastighet fram mot staven som handens vridningshastighet beräknades och delades in i rörelseenheter bestående av en accelerationsfas och en inbromsningsfas. Resultatet visar att antalet enheter sjunker med ökande ålder för båda hastigheterna.

Sambandet mellan upplevd förälder- ungdomsrelation och intensivkonsumtion av alkohol : En kvantitativ studie

Background/aims: Extensive studies have found an association between parent - adolescent relationships and adolescents' alcohol use. However, only a few studies have been carried out in Sweden. Also, few studies have focused on 17-19 year olds or binge drinking. The aim of this study is to examine whether there is an association between perceived parent - youth relationship and binge drinking among 17-19 year olds in Stockholm, Sweden. Theory: Social Development Model is a risk-focused prevention strategy which emphasizes the importance of social units, such as the family.

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