

2031 Uppsatser om Advertising strategies - Sida 58 av 136

?Jag bara utgår ifrån att dom finns på Facebook? : En kvalitativ studie om hur Falu Energi & Vatten bör kommunicera med unga vuxna

The aim of this study is to investigate which communication strategies and channels the mu- nicipal company Falu Energi & Vatten should use in order to become more efficient in com- municating with citizens between 18 to 29 years old. The company is owned by the munici- pality of Falun and manages community services in electricity, district heating, fresh water, sewerage, metropolitan area network and waste disposal. The following theories have been used in the study: convergence culture, digital natives, information overload, communication strategies and uses & gratifications theory. The methods used in the study are 4 focus group interviews and one informant interview. The members of the focus groups where within the age range 18-29 years and lived in the city of Falun.

It's 'like' a #perfectday : En fallstudie om hur och varför lyssnare av poddradion sprider budskap om produkter vidare på sociala medier

Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in podcast listening in Sweden. As a result, podcasts has become attractive in marketing purposes among enterprises and organizations. It has also been revealed that the messages about products advertised in podcasts not only spread among the listeners, but also among their friends when publishing on social media. Research in this area has shown that messages spread on social media is a process which not only involve the transmitter and the receiver but also a third party, that is other individuals in the receivers network. This study reveals possible reasons to how and why listeners of the podcast spread commercial messages on social media.In order to identify general trends and to acquire an understanding of the phenomenon about podcasts a case study on Fredagspodden, produced by Hannah Widell and Amanda Schulman, was done.

Personlig_Bankman - En kvantitativ undersökning om bankers kommunikation på Twitter

Banks and their products are traditionally characterized as high involvement, informational purchases and as such there is a need to shape the market communication to be logical and catering to the need for information that customers are bound to have. With the advent of social media and web 2.0 a company can no longer opt out of the online discourse regarding their company. As social medias are characterized by being an active media, tailored to personal exchanges and opinions, the match with the high involvement approach that banks usually have to employ is not always ideal. We have examined what happens when banks use different degrees of personal message content and sender profiles on Twitter. Our findings suggest that while some strategies generate higher WOM intentions, others may provide a greater level of sender credibility..

"Det hade varit skönt om det inte fanns några konflikter" : En studie om förskollärares syn på konflikter

The study aims to explore the view preschool teachers have on conflicts and conflictsrole in preschool context. And what consequences this approach has for conflictbeingness in preschool. The study uses qualitative interview method to answer thepurpose and issues. The results have shown that preschool teachers' views of conflictsdiffer and that the strategies preschool teachers use will be selected based on both theirdefinition of the situation but also the relationship they have to the children. The resultalso shows that the main reason that preschool teachers deal with conflict is due to thepreschool teachers' common sense is the basis for the standard of good atmosphere thatpervades the preschool context.

Från Jalla! Jalla! till Snabba Cash : En semiotisk och retorisk kvalitativ analys av affischer från 2000-talet

Posters had their breakthrough in 1830-1840?s all thanks to the lithographic printing technique. The poster was used as an advertising tool.In this essay, we have looked at which semiotic and rhetorical elements that are found in today?s Swedish movie posters. What kind of image and text elements does the poster use and with what function? With what and how do they persuade the audience that the movies are interesting and worth seeing?We have taken the most popular Swedish movies between 2001 and 2010, one for each year, going by the statistic found at the website of the Swedish Film Institute.

Genus och kommersialismens historia - ett genusperspektiv på historieundervisningen

Syftet med detta arbete är att visa på hur man kan lyfta fram ett genusperspektiv i historieundervisningen och i historieläromedel. Denna studie är baserad på en statlig rapport som utkom år 2010. SOU-rapporten visar på ett alarmerande resultat kring genusuppdelningen i dagens läroböcker i historia. I merparten av böckerna är det fortfarande männens och de övre samhällsskiktens historia som berättas. Detta trots att det idag finns modern forskning att tillgå inom historieforskningen som berättar kvinnornas, barnens och den ordinära människans historia.

Minus är inte bara att ta bort : Subtraktion i åk 3

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka elevers användning av lösningsstrategier i subtraktion samt lärares och läromedlens framställning av dessa, för att kunna komma fram till hur en framgångsrik undervisning i subtraktion, med fokus på lösningsstrategier, kan se ut. Undersökningen genomfördes i tre klasser i åk 3. Metoder i studien var elevenkät, intervju med lärare och läromedelsgranskning. Data bearbetades med hjälp av en egenkonstruerad begreppsmodell utifrån olika lösningsstrategier. Resultatet visar på en större variation av lösningsstrategier i undervisningen än i elevernas uträkningar.

Marknadsföring av gymnasieskolan : En studie av kommunägda och privatägda gymnasieskolor

The authors of this paper intended to study and compare local secondary schools(municipally owned schools) and independent secondary schools(privately owned schools) in Stockholm County. The purpose oft his paper is to explore how secondary schools market themselves and whether the view and use of marketing is different between municipal and independent secondary schools. The essay is by nature multi-case study and interviews were conducted with representatives from four high schools, two municipal and two independent, one representative from Education Committee and one from Privet Schools? Association.The introduction of School reform in 1992 enabled opening of privately owned schools and empirical datas hows that before 1992 secondary schools did not have the same extent of competition and the need of marketing was not widespread, but today there is fierce competition among secondary schools. The introduction of School reform changed the conditions for the Swedish school market, greater freedom of choice led to atougherfight for the students, which in turn increases the competition between secondary schools.

Strategisk sortimentsplanering inom hemtextil - En fallstudie av Hemtex babysortiment

Dagens textilbransch karaktäriseras till stor del av snabbt föränderliga trender. Det råder en hård konkurrens på marknaden och kunden besitter i stor utsträckning en god kunskap och en medvetenhet, vilket ställer högre krav på det utbud som företaget erbjuder. Vidare har hemtextilbranschen under de senaste åren präglats av en ökad konkurrensnivå. Flera aktörer så som exempelvis stormarknader, färghandlare och byggvaruhus har utökat sitt sortiment med hemtextil och är därmed med och tävlar om hemtextilkunderna. I denna situation är det viktigt att ha ett välplanerat sortiment eftersom det bland annat speglar företagets affärsidé samt kommunicerar vad affärsidén erbjuder och till vem.

Könsförvirring : En narrativ studie av normbrytande genus i barndomen

This essay deals with non-normative gender expressions during childhood. I?m using narrative theory and methods to analyze autobiographical narratives. My questions are:What strategies does the non-normative person use to deal with his otherness?Using the methodological analysis tool ?turning point?, where are the turning points in the narratives? Are their any common turning points in the various narratives?Where is the responsibility placed in the narratives for that someone does not fit in by the adults/ staff at the school/kindergarten- on the non-normative person or at the surroundings?The experiences are interpreted through theories and concepts from queer theory and gender theory.

Retargeting : När annonsering bygger lojalitet

ABSTRACT Title:                                                Retargeting- When display advertising builds                 loyalty Authors:                                           Mikaela Johansson och Anna Svensson Kjällberg Advisor:                                           Thomas Helgesson Level:                                               Bachelor´s in thesis in Marketing, (15 Swedish       credits) Spring 2014. Keywords:                                        Retargeting, branding Question:                                                    In branding, how should small e-enterprises            work with retargeting? Purpose:                                           The purpose with this essay was to identify how    retargeting should be used in small e-enterprises                             when branding. This was done by comparing two e-enterprises practical use of retargeting, with two                           brand consultants and two retargeting consultants theoretical knowledge within each expertise.   Method:                                            A qualitative method with a deductive approach    has been used to answer the problem statement.  Theoretical framework:                              Earlier theories about retargeting, brand building    and recommended practices, related to marketing                       on the internet, were presented in the frame of       reference. Empirical framework:                                 Primary data were presented by two respondents   representing each area: Companies, Retargeting                        consultants and Brand consultants.Conclusion:                                                   The          marketing tool allows companies and      their               brands to get the chance to appear in                        wide area                      networks on the internet.    The tool is primary used                                                                for a sales                      purpose but the tool also has potential in brand-                                                                       building purposes.

Sexig & hatad : Modernt ledarskap, motivation, manipulation

To understand the modern leadership you have to gain a lot of experience to attain the right competence through which you are able to know what kind of leadership is most suitable to use in the current situation. Leaders agree that every kind of leadership is more or less successful depending on the situation and different organizational factors, for example the co-workers and the environment. Every leader should have a strong willpower and driving force to bring motivation to the organization and to make it more efficient. Another quality that represents a modern leader is the ability to lead and divide the co-workers and the organizations different strengths. The organizational communication is an important factor of how you, as a leader, answer to your co-workers and also how you will be received.

Affärsmodeller inom E-commerce : ? Hur lyckas man som småföretagare på Internet

To start a company on the Internet is something that has appealed a lot of people during the last couple of years. Some of the companies have succeeded in their struggle but a lot of companies have failed to live out their ambition. This paper deals with the concept of e-commerce and aims to study whether or not the companies that has succeeded has made use of business models and what other factors that is important that you wont find in any written theory.The paper also aims to study the concept of business models and what a business model consists of. To be able to do this research we have interviewed three different companies that are all active in e-commerce and have survived for at least three years. Two of the companies are classical web shops that sell products to their customers and the last one is a site with articles about hardware and IT business in general.

Förmedlingen av skönlitteratur på folkbiblioteket

The aim of this thesis is to study how librarians in Swedish libraries perceive the task of mediating fiction. What are the librarians private relationships to fiction and how do they perceive the position of fiction in contemporary society? What views have they developed of the borrowers approach to fiction and how do they perceive the borrowers increasing influence in the library? How do librarians prioritise and which principles form the basis for their purchase of fiction? How do they categorise fiction in the library and how much do economic and political factors influence the decision making process for the purchase of fiction? Finally, how do they define their roles as mediators of fiction and which strategies do they adopt to communicate which literature the library has to offer? The material used in this study was acquired using a qualitative interview technique in which six librarians with experience of literature mediation partook..

Idrottare som säljer : En reklambildsanalys gällande sambandet mellan idrottsperson och varumärke

Användandet av kändisar i reklam är ingen ny marknadsföringsstrategi. I denna grupp av celebriteter ingår kända idrottspersonligheter. Att använda atleter i reklam har visat sig vara en effektiv strategi. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka sambandet mellan olika idrottspersonlighet och de produkter/varumärken de representerar. Den försöker även svara på ifall idrottspersonligheten framställs på ett speciellt vis samt om reklamen riktade sig till en speciell grupp i samhället.

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