

1263 Uppsatser om Advertising music - Sida 30 av 85

Hemsida för ett musikbolag : Website for a music company

The purpose of this report is to answer the question:How do you create a media player that can stream music for a website?We started the work by searching the web and reading books about the subjectand found several technologies to use to stream media files over the internet.We decided upon using the http protocol and created the media player itself inMacromedia Flash.The website is mostly developed with PHP, JavaScript and CSS templates andthe websites design was created with Macromedia Dreamweaver and AdobePhotoshop. We also created an administrative system for the media player withPHP programming.The website contains a simple guestbook; the guestbook makes use of adatabase created with MySQL.Our work resulted in a webpage with a fully functional media player thatstreams audio files together with a corresponding administrative system for it..

Strävan för företaget Karlskrona Musikfest att uppnå maximal publiktillströmning ? En analys av Nyårsrevyn DNA 2003/04 och dess promotionmix

Sammanfattning Abstract Titel: Strävan för företaget Karlskrona Musikfest att uppnå maximal publiktillströmning ? En analys av Nyårsrevyn DNA 2003/04 och dess promotionmix Title: The Company Karlskrona Musikfest´s efforts to reach maximum attendance ? An analysis of the New Years review DNA 2003/04 and their promotion mix. Författare/Authors: Carina Assarsson & Ing-Marie Åkesson-Blomberg Handledare/Supervisor: Tom Michel Institution: Institutionen för Ekonomi och Management, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Department: Department of Business Administration, Blekinge Institute of Technology Kurs: Kandidatarbete i företagsekonomi, 10 poäng Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits. Syfte: Studien undersöker hur Karlskrona Musikfest har marknadsfört Nyårsrevyn och om den valda promotionmixen var bra. Undersökningen svarar även på frågan om vilken ålderskategori som främst tilltalas av Nyårsrevyn.

Mångfald och interkulturell utveckling : En studie av två kulturverksamheter i Värmland

AbstractFor several years, the organic food sales have increased, and more are choosing to buyorganic food of more diverse causes. Unfortunately the sales have slowed down the past year,a lot depends on the Swedish economy has been in decline and it has led to more will checkone more time on the price. But even if the sale value has decreased, the amount of organicfood has increased, it is because many stores have their own organic brands and they can pushprices down.The internet has become a great help in our daily lives, we do most our business via theInternet. But now we are not just paying our bills through the Internet anymore, we shopclothes, movies, music and books too. E-commerce was become more serious last decade andhas grown every year that has passed.

En vandring genom Skymningssagors land : Samhällskritik, konst, natur och saga i Gustav Sandgrens Skymningssagor

Abstract The aim of this study is to create a pathway through Gustav Sandgren?s short-story collection Skymningssagor and the second collection with that title, based on his social criticism, notions of art and nature, use of fairytale motifs and finally, his view of the metaphoric liberation of mankind. The study is based on a comparative and thematic investigation, illustrated by examples from Sandgren?s short stories. The theoretical framework is based on Eva Nordlinder?s study of the art fairytale in Sekelskiftets svenska konstsaga och sagodiktaren Helena Nyblom (1992) and Konstsaga och Kultursyn (1992) as well as Torben Brostrøm?s study of the folktale in Folksagan och den moderna litteraturen (1992). The investigation shows that Sandgren?s social criticism permeates his short stories, but that his keys to salvation, nature and art (first and foremost music) exist to help mankind rise above our shackles. The investigation also shows that Sandgren?s short stories are firmly placed within the tradition of the fairytale and the romantic notion of a relation between nature and man.  Keywords social criticism, fairytale, nature, music, art, liberation.

Regionaliseringens effekter pa? svensk filmmusik : En kvalitativ studie av nutida filmskapares produktionsma?ssiga fo?rutsa?ttningar

This thesis examines Swedish filmmakers' modes of work and production within the Swedish film landscape. An introductory historical overview treats the Swedish regionalization since the mid 1990's. Political and economical aspects of producing films in various regions serve as a background for understanding the new generation of decentralised Swedish filmmaking, and the use of sound and music in contemporary film. The analysis consists of empirical studies; interviews with directors and producers, working with music for film and TV. Although the filmmaking perspective is in focus, composers and film scholars are heard as well.

Strävan för företaget Karlskrona Musikfest att uppnå maximal publiktillströmning ? En analys av Nyårsrevyn DNA 2003/04 och dess promotionmix

Sammanfattning Abstract Titel: Strävan för företaget Karlskrona Musikfest att uppnå maximal publiktillströmning ? En analys av Nyårsrevyn DNA 2003/04 och dess promotionmix Title: The Company Karlskrona Musikfest´s efforts to reach maximum attendance ? An analysis of the New Years review DNA 2003/04 and their promotion mix. Författare/Authors: Carina Assarsson & Ing-Marie Åkesson-Blomberg Handledare/Supervisor: Tom Michel Institution: Institutionen för Ekonomi och Management, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Department: Department of Business Administration, Blekinge Institute of Technology Kurs: Kandidatarbete i företagsekonomi, 10 poäng Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits. Syfte: Studien undersöker hur Karlskrona Musikfest har marknadsfört Nyårsrevyn och om den valda promotionmixen var bra. Undersökningen svarar även på frågan om vilken ålderskategori som främst tilltalas av Nyårsrevyn. Slutligen så ger den en bättre förståelse för liknande evenemangs promotionmixer. Purpose: The study examines how the New Years review in Karlskrona markets their show and if their promotionmix has been successful. The study also answers the question of which age group the review interests.

Fiolläraren och materialet : En undersökning av några fiollärares syn på nybörjarundervisning och val av studiematerial

Syftet med undersökningen är att få en översiktlig inblick i hur några fiollärare undervisar och vilket material de främst använder i nybörjarundervisningen.Studien grundar sig på kvalitativa intervjuer av sex lärare inom kommunala musikskolan.Det visar sig att några spelböcker är särskilt populära, men också att alla intervjuade ständigt varierar sitt material och ibland gör eget. Skälen till detta tycks vara dels att de vill lära ut något nytt, dels att lärarna själva vill utvecklas och därför inte vill hålla på med samma sak och riskera att stagnera. .

Att se världen i svart och vitt : En kritisk granskning av SOS Barnbyars reklamkampanjer

The purpose of this thesis is to do a critical review of the aid organization SOS Children?s Villages text- and video campaigns, from a postcolonial perspective. Our purpose is divided into two questions: Are there colonial values in the advertising campaigns? Which language- and image strategies are used by SOS Children?s Villages to put across their messages? Our material consists of 10 selected video clips, and four printed ads that are made up of an image and a short text, which are part of a campaign named: Inte ett enda barn ska behöva vara ensamt (translation: Not a single child should have to be alone). We have chosen to use text- and image analysis as a method in our review of the material.

Soundclash Sverige : Reggaemusik, mångkultur och förhandling

Soundclash is a phenomenon where groups within the culture of reggae music ?battle? against each other, through strategies including both music and rhetoric. The social interaction in the clash exemplifies the scene hierarchy, in which the participants aim to position themselves as number one. This study includes empirical material from a competition within the Swedish scene, also distributed digitally via Internet sites. The analysis is based on discursive psychology, focusing on rhetoric and the construction of meaning.

Presentationsbroschyr för livsstilsmagasin

The purpose of this essay is to present a thesis work that has been executed during a period of 10 weeks, as part of a bachelor degree in Graphic Design and Communication and also to present what has led to the design of a sales brochure for the freely distributed lifestyle magazine LKPG. The purpose of the thesis work was to examine the answers to the questions ?What does clients and local company owners want to achieve from their advertising in newspapers and magazines?? and ?How should a sales brochure for a freely distributed lifestyle magazine be designed to be at most advantage and out of most interest to its clients??. The work has been carried out through an competitors analysis, qualitative interviews, literature studies and a survey on the target group. The findings of the work are that the market of freely distributed  magazines, both nationally and locally, is extremely wide and has many similar competitors.

Trångt om saligheten - En studie av intresseorganisationers arbete med politisk påverkan i det post-korporativa Sverige

The relationship between the government and organised interest in Sweden has changed. Formally considered as a good example of a corporatist state the country during the last 15 years or so experienced a more pluralistic system. This thesis is a qualitative study which discusses how interest groups seek to influence decision makers and policy thru lobbying and public opinion. It also examines how interest groups work with advertising and public relations in a changed climate of mass media. The main method of gathering material has been done thru interviews of representatives of different interest groups.The results of the study paint a picture where the interviewed organizations experience a vast competition in communication and information.

Samspel i ensemble : En musikpedagogisk studie om gymnasieungdomars interagerande i ensembleundervisning

The purpose of the study is to observe how the participants of the study interacted musically through verbal, non-verbal and musically resonant expressions. Verbal communication was expressed in discussion of the music's tempo and to clarify for ensemble participants from where they we?re going to play and sing. Non-verbal communication could be used to gesticulate an instrument or a melody. For example, the movement of a hand could symbolize notes on a musical stave to indicate the notes placements.

Marknadsföring : Att som artist nå framgång

AbstractThe object of this study has been to analyze how companies within the music industry can successfully market their artists, this due to the complexity of today?s marketing environment, where technology has rapidly changed the way of communicating, and therefore contributed to a highly competitive market. The vast change of technology has resulted in several possibilities as well as difficulties breaking through, what could be seen as, a media sorl. Our purpose has been to outdo how companies market, as well as which factors that are vital, for a successful promotion of their artists. To be able to carry out our aim, we have created one key question; How can companies within the music industry market their artist to make them reach success?We have used a qualitative research approach for this study, this to be able to generate more depth concerning the chosen topic.

Nordisk valretorik. En jämförelse av politisk tv-reklam i Finland och Sverige.

Aim: The aim of this study is to describe which messages and by which rhetorical means were communicated in political TV-advertisement in Finland and Sweden. The study also aims to analyze how the rhetorical choices were influenced by the political and social context in these countries.Material: Two TV-commercials from the latest parliamentary elections in each country were chosen. The leading left-wing and right-wing parties were chosen from each country.Theoretical perspective: This study is based on theories on political parties? vote maximization and the development of the modern electoral campaign.Methodology: The method used in this study is rhetorical analysis.Results: All commercials had similar themes and were characterized by a low level of conflict. This is related to the common Nordic context in the two countries.

Sjunkande kunskaper i musikteori? ? om en möjlig orsak : En undersökning om förekomsten av musikteoriundervisning bland Sveriges musik- och kulturskolor

Mitt syfte med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan de försämrade musikteoretiska kunskaperna bland de sökande till musikhögskolorna och utbudet av teoriundervisning på de svenska musik- och kulturskolorna. För att uppnå detta har jag gjort en kartläggning av förekomsten av musikteori som enskilt ämne på de svenska musik- och kulturskolorna, samt hur denna bedrivs. Jag har använt mig av en enkät som rektorer eller lärare i musikteori har svarat på, samt undersökt antagningsproven (C-proven) i musiklära och satslära från olika år på Ingesunds musikhögskola. Enkätsvaren visar att en tredjedel av dem som svarat, erbjuder musikteori som eget ämne. Dessa skolor hittar vi i både stora och små kommuner medett varierat elevantal.

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