

1263 Uppsatser om Advertising music - Sida 16 av 85

På spaning efter faktorer som påverkar studietiden vid musikskolor : En enkätundersökning bland rektorer för musik- och kulturskolor

The purpose of this investigation is to see if there is any difference in how long pupils are staying in the activity of the music- and culture schools in the country. I have compared this with how large the teachers engagements are in average at each school, how many teachers each school holds and if one teacher is teaching within different areas, e.g. on different instruments. Thru mail contact with the headmasters at the music- and culture schools I have gathered data concerning the length of which the pupils are staying at the schools, the number of teachers at each school, the size of the teachers services and in how many different areas each teacher is teaching.It has been hard to get to any results in the investigation since the music- and culture schools don?t compile statistics on how long their pupils are staying at their schools.

Musikwebben ? Ett alternativ till illegal fildelning?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine a new music downloading service called Musikwebben, which is now available in many Swedish libraries. It focuses on the differences and similarities between this service and illegal music sharing services. The question is raised, whether the appeal of Musikwebben is high enough for it to be able to ?recruit? users from similar, illegal services. To answer this question, a qualitative content analysis is used, to explore various views on what legal downloading services have to offer and how these differ to illegal alternatives.

Drama som ett pedagogiskt verktyg i värdegrundsarbete

A pupil with ADHD is constantly getting new impulses and is unable to focus and remain concentration on their task at school. When the pupil loses concentration he or she can often be loud and thereby disturbing all the other pupils in the classroom. One of the reasons for losing their concentration is that these pupils got poor working memory. A recently study shows that working memory can be improved by playing and practice music.A theory that all people have a multiple intelligence that emerges from learning is a part of this study because school should encourage all children and ensure their individual learning. Multiple intelligences means that each person learns in different ways, for example through the musical intelligence that this essay partly focuses on.

Att katalogisera kyrkomusik En studie av Dübensamlingen och Statens musikbibliotek

rary of Sweden Statens musikbibliotek [51][pdf.gif] The aim of this study is to investigate how bibliographic description of music materials has improved through history. The historical aspect is given by a study of bibliographic data in different catalogues of a specific collection. The aim is also to understand what specific problems will arise in the work of cataloguing music materials and how the problems are discussed in the literature. The study is focusing of church music material and the history of churchmusic is therefore given an exposition. The origin of musical notation, which took place within the church, is also discussed.

Rockstjärnor har inga tuttar : En innehållsanalys om genusrepresentationen i musikmagasinet MOJO

The purpose of this study is to give an insight in how music press is presented gender wise. The focus area lies in rock music and the study is made on British music magazine MOJO in the year of 2010. The study contains quantitative analyses showing how much room men are given compared to women. The study is also supplemented with image analyses of four covers spread out over the year. The main question is formulated as in, how much room do women get in music magazine MOJO 2010 and what output does this have on rock music?s gender characteristics? The main results show, amongst other things that 79% of all the articles are written with focus on one or more male musicians.

Musikwebb ? En undersökning med fokus på urval, service och digitalisering

The aim of this master thesis is to examine the attitudes among library staff regarding a music downloading service called Musikwebb, which is available in many Swedish public libraries. It focuses on the impact of Musikwebb on the process of music selection, the relationship between Musikwebb and the digital development in public libraries and what service Musikwebb offers its users. The gathering of material was executed through focus group interviews with library staff in four libraries. This empirical material we divided in three categories: Music selection, The Library and its digital services, and Library services. We use the results of Sanna Talja?s discourse analysis regarding the relationship between Music, Culture and the Library to analyze our material.


AbstractTitle:                                    To attract costumers attention in a advertisingfilled community- From a company view Authors:                              Kerstin Ivarson and Diana Kuttner Advisor:                              Navid Ghannad. Level:                                  Bachelor thesis in Marketing, (15 Swedish credits), Spring 2009 Key words:                          Media, media noice, communication tool, communication chanel, startling, advertising, advertisingfilled, message Question:                             How does the message from companies reach out to the customers in a advertisingfilled community? Purpose:                              To examine how the companies should use marketing to attract attention in a fast developed community and in that way reach the customers. Theoretical framework:       The theory describes the media develop and the effective parts of different media channels. How the media noice looks today and how the customers choose with emotion and needs. Methodology:                      We used a deductive approach as a starting point and after that study five different companies in border of media, advertising and event. Empirical framework:         Based on theory have we study five companies, Starcom, Picnic kommunikation AB, Klassons Mediabyrå, 7billion and Hansens. All companies are in the border of media, advertising and event. Conclusions:                       The most important of our study of marketing is to proceed from the potential customers needs because the advertising is very individual. To catch the customers attention is new, fast and effective communication channels very important.

Musikinstrument i förskolan : En studie av förskollärares uppfattningar om användning av musikinstrument i förskolan bland barn i åldrarna 3 till 5 år

AbstractThis study was meant to cast a light on the use of music-instruments that exists in preschool environments today. Furthermore the purpose was to find out if instruments first and foremost, actually did exist, and what thoughts had been put behind that decision. The focus was directed towards the preschool teachers and their attitudes towards music instruments among preschool children, at the ages 3 to 5 years. The purpose of the study was to understand how preschool teachers thought of activities where music instruments where used. The study was made from interviews with six different preschool teachers from different preschools.

Smittsam provokation: En studie kring effekterna av provocerande reklam och hur dessa kan hanteras

The challenge that companies currently face in their attempts to break through the media clutter has resulted in an increased use of provocative advertising worldwide. History shows that this strategy can result in a brand crisis due to negative consumer sentiment. Despite this fact, advertisement generated crisis remain a relatively unexplored field in the academic world of marketing. The objective of this thesis is to further explore crisis creation from provocative advertising, evaluate the affiliated negative consumer consequences, and to examine the effects of two contrasting company strategies to remedy these types of crisis situations. An experiment was conducted on Swedish and Norwegian students in order to examine whether the communication and information sharing between the target consumers and others could explain the development and consequences of provocative advertisement crisis due to its psychological effects.

Arbetarrörelsen inom den radikala konstmusikens tankekollektiv : En studie av relationen mellan det radikala musiklivet och arbetarrörelsen under svenskt 1960-tal

Subject of this study is the evolvement of the radical art music scene in Sweden. In this development took the labour movement an active part during the 1960s. The purpose of this study is to examine how the relationship between the radical art music scene and the labour movement was constituted and what this relationship implied for the Swedish radical art music scene during the 1960s.During the 1960s radical music became an influencial part in the Swedish music scene of modern art music. In this development the artists? society Fylkingen had a central position.

Reklam för Reklam : En studie av reklambyråers marknadsföring

Vårt syfte med denna studie är att genom en undersökning av reklambyråer få en förståelse för hur de går tillväga med sin egen marknadsföring riktad till marknaden av reklamköpare. Vi vill därmed se om tillgänglig teori kan tillämpas på en reklambyrås externa kommunikation. Det ingår även i vårt syfte att genom denna studie kunna förse Stigges Reklam med förslag till deras marknadsföring..

Omslag till böcker och DVD-filmer : en jämförande studie av visuell kommunikation i omslagen till Män som hatar kvinnor och Niceville

This thesis is about covers of books and DVD movies. I have tried to find out if the visual communication of the covers differs between the book and movie with the same story. Do they appeal to different target groups? I have also been trying to find out what designers can do to increase the visibility of covers among others. Are there certain rules to follow for making a cover visible?To reach a conclusion I have been studying components in advertising pictures, since covers work as a kind of advertiser for the product.

Akustiskt åtgärdsprojekt av en rockmusikklubb där live-musik spelas. Vad kan en audionom bidra med?

Introduction: The number of hearing impairments in Sweden is increasing. The largest increase is seen in ages 25-44. There are reasons to believe that these impairments are noise induced. Leisure time noise is not controlled in the same manner that industrial noise is. An ongoing conflict between city council officials and rock club owners, musicians and music event organizers about sound levels at smaller live music clubs exceeding the national sound level restrictions created the need for an acoustic intervention project.

Music Branding : Varumärkens kommunicerande toner

Denna uppsats grundar sig i kommunikationens va?rld da?r det konstant byggs nya varianter av kommunikationsmedel. Music branding a?r ett kommunikationsmedel med musik som sitt verktyg. Med sin emotionella kraft anva?nds music branding av fo?retag fo?r att marknadsfo?ra och bilda varuma?rken.

När vi två blir en : relations- och nätverksbyggande i musikbranschen

The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze the importance of networking and relationships in the music industry. We also want to see whether these factors have any impact on the Swedish music exports.These musings have led to the formulation of the following question; -          How can the musiclabels in the music industry make use of networks and relationships to strengthen the Swedish music exports to the U.S. and make it more efficient? The essay is written with a qualitative method with an abductive perspective. That?s because our research question has demanded that we get a deeper view of the subject to be able to answer it.The empirical data is collected through telephone or email interviews.

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