

1451 Uppsatser om Addition - Sida 2 av 97

Decentraliserad administration av gästkonton vid Karlstads universitet

We got in contact with Marco AB, who we?ve had contact with before concerning earlier projects, to find out if they were interested in arranging a larger project for our last class (Examensarbete 15hp). They were very positive to this proposition, and soon they offered us a project regarding reconstruction of their current mechanical device that absorbs all the force from the lift itself when it is at a predefined level (sv. sjunkspärr). The current solution does fulfill the requirements that are given, however it is not a solution that gives a high level of satisfactory.

Utveckling av drivrutin till Intermec Easycoder 501 XP

We got in contact with Marco AB, who we?ve had contact with before concerning earlier projects, to find out if they were interested in arranging a larger project for our last class (Examensarbete 15hp). They were very positive to this proposition, and soon they offered us a project regarding reconstruction of their current mechanical device that absorbs all the force from the lift itself when it is at a predefined level (sv. sjunkspärr). The current solution does fulfill the requirements that are given, however it is not a solution that gives a high level of satisfactory.

Företagskluster och närhet i Katutura, Namibia : En studie kring småföretag, närhet och klusterfördelar

In Economic Geography, there has been a strong interest of how different forms of proximity impacts businesses. In Addition, there is also a strong interest in business agglomeration, as a result businesses cluster together through physical proximity, networks and knowledge. In the development sector, there is a strong interest on how to best support the creations and growth of small enterprises.This essay emphasises on the business cluster formations in Katutura, a suburb to Windhoek the capital city of Namibia. It oversees the impacts of different types of cluster formations and their effects on the businesses. In Addition, this essay will identify the main clusters in Katutura and state what makes them unique from each other and what is a common cluster feature.

?Jag räknar lite med huvudet och lite med händerna? : en studie om barns tankar kring fenomenet addition

Syftet med vårt examensarbete är att genom barnsamtal samt observationer, studera vilka räknestrategier barn i år ett använder sig av i mötet med fenomenet Addition. Det är dock inte endast fenomenet Addition som är det intressanta, utan även vägen fram till en bättre förståelse för barnens tankar, detta för att vi ska vara bättre rustade i vår framtida undervisning. Då alla ser världen på skilda sätt, kommer barnen till skolan med olika förförståelse. Av den anledningen är det viktigt att pedagogen besitter verktyg, vilka kan hjälpa det enskilda barnet att utveckla sina kunskaper på bästa sätt. Frågeställningen vi avsett att undersöka är: vilka räknestrategier använder sig elever i år ett av i mötet med Additionsuppgifter inom talområdet 1- 10? En viktig slutsats vi kom fram till under vårt arbete är att eleverna använder sig av olika räknestrategier samt att de har olika förkunskaper.

Nyutveckling av sjunkspärr

We got in contact with Marco AB, who we?ve had contact with before concerning earlier projects, to find out if they were interested in arranging a larger project for our last class (Examensarbete 15hp). They were very positive to this proposition, and soon they offered us a project regarding reconstruction of their current mechanical device that absorbs all the force from the lift itself when it is at a predefined level (sv. sjunkspärr). The current solution does fulfill the requirements that are given, however it is not a solution that gives a high level of satisfactory.

Det är ganska komplicerat, det jag gör i mitt huvud : En studie om elevers huvudräkningsstrategier i år 6

Att kunna använda sig av olika strategier för att kunna räkna och veta när man bör använda sig av dem är något som betonas i Lgr11. Denna studie undersöker huruvida ett urval av elever i år 6 kan variera sina räknestrategier för huvudräkning i uppgifter med Addition och subtraktion och vilka de vanligaste felen som eleverna gör är. Vidare undersöks om eleverna använder sig av skilda strategier på samma uppgift, beroende på om den är satt i en text i ett vardagligt sammanhang eller enbart består av nakna tal. Som ett led i denna studie gjordes kvalitativa intervjuer med eleverna. Resultaten av studien visar att eleverna till stor del varierar sina strategier och att de generellt sett byter strategi från den nakna uppgiften till den i textform..

De fyra räknesätten - förankrade hos eleverna i årskurs 9?

Vi har undersökt vilka räknefärdigheter en grupp elever i årskurs 9 på en skola i Växjö har i Addition, subtraktion, multiplikation och division. Vi har avgränsat studien till att behandla de naturliga talen och decimaltalen. De metoder, kunskaper och de svårigheter som åskådliggjorts har vi redovisat. Vi har även tagit reda på elevernas begreppsförståelse kring de fyra räknesätten. Vårt resultat bygger på en kvalitativ metod som består av ett test och två kompletterande intervjuer.

Safe retrieval of nutrients to improve food security

Safe retrieval of nutrients from human excreta to fertilize crops in order to gain adequate yields will increase food security and sustainability in agriculture areas with nutrient-poor fields. Safe and nutritious food will meet the dietary needs of the individual which promotes public health and the ability of an active life. Human excreta should be considered as a resource instead of being assumed as waste. Human faeces and urine is excellent fertilizers which may close the nutrient loop if utilized properly. However, sanitation of the excreta is required to prevent disease transmission by reducing the content of gastrointestinal pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. The objective of this study was to in small scale evaluate the sanitation in a combined liquid compost and urea treatment by monitor the inactivation of bacteria and viruses at the combination three start temperatures, 45, 40 and 35 °C, and three Additions of urea, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 % and reference, 0 % urea Addition.

Positionssystemet - Möjligheter och begränsningar

Vi använder oss av ett positionssystem när vi skriver tal vilket ofta är en oreflekterad kunskap, denna kunskap förväntas elever tillägna sig redan i årskurs 1-3. Vi har under vår verksamhetsförlagda utbildning sett att vissa elever har svårt att förstå detta system. Därför är syftet med denna litteraturöversikt att undersöka vad befintlig forskning säger om elevers möjligheter och begränsningar i lärandet av positionssystemet. Materialet samlades in genom systematisk litteratursökning i flera databaser. Litteraturen som sedan analyserades och kategoriserades bestod av tretton stycken forskningsartiklar, en avhandling och en proceeding.

Store Image Perceptions in International Retailing: an Empirical Comparison of IKEA?s

It has been found that customers in the home market perceive the retailer?s store image more positively than customers in the host market, even though this study has found that theretailer?s store image is generally perceived very positively by customers in both examined markets. In Addition, this thesis has found that there is a significant difference in how IKEA?smanagement and customers perceive its store image. It can also be concluded that IKEA management perceived store image more positively than customers.

Den gemensamma utrikes och säkerhetspolitiken- Ett neo-funktionalistiskt perspektiv

This essay aims to explore the development of the common foreign and security policy within the European Union as well as the recent Addition of the post of High representative in the field of the common foreign and security policy. This essay will attempt to achieve this trough exploring the questions; how have the aim of the European foreign policy developed, how the forms of cooperation has within this field developed and finally what impact will the recent Addition of a high representative for the common foreign and security have. My aim is to answer these questions with the help of neo-functionalism.The results that came out of this essay point to the direction that the neo- functionalist premise about spill over effects and the notion about increased supranational influence turn out to have some validity in them. The study has shown that during the time the cooperation within the field of foreign and security policy have developed it is possible to see that supranational institutions will gain influence when the scope of integration within a policy area widens and deepens..

Undersökning av deponerat ferrokromstoft : Utvärdering av ny behandlingsmetod

The production of ferrochromium alloys at Vargön Alloys AB contributes to formation of unwanted ferrochromium dust, which contains toxic Cr(VI). The dust is since summer 2005 treated with an iron-sulphate solution to reduce Cr(VI) to the non-toxic Cr(III). A year later the treatment technique was improved and disposal occurs in cells on the landfill. The cells can be up to 300 m3 and the edges can be made out of fro example concrete. Tests are conducted on the treated dust when it is disposed.

Bygga broar mellan kulturer: En studie av skönlitteratur, identitet och integrationsprocess

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to explore the meaning of literature forliterate immigrants in regards to identity and integration. The study is based onqualitative interviews with eight Swedes of various backgrounds, but with thecommon experience of an immigration process. In Addition to being migrants, therespondents are also public library users who have an interest in literature and whoread literature during their leisure time. To analyze the empirical material ananalytical framework, consisting of a number of analytical concepts from Libraryand Information Science, Literature Science, and Sociology, has been used.

Jag kan själv : Spelmanualer för mellanstadiebarn

Todays board game manuals have many shortcomings. One of them is that they are not always adapted to the game's target audience.Adapting the language and shape of a game manual for the the target group children, can save time for both parents and teachers, and give the children a chance to conquer the game by themselves. In Addition, playing board games can lead to children developing other important properties such as problem solving and independence.This study found that the game manuals inconsistency, tone and the way they adress the reader makes it difficult for children to grasp the content. Many game manuals do not speak directly to the reader, and often describes gameplay in a passive way, which has been shown by this study.This study has resulted in 12 guidelines for writing game manuals for children. In Addition, they have been tested with a sample study.

?Det här är inte hat ? det här är humor!" : En visuell textanalys av makt och performativitet i systrarna Kronlöfs video SÅ JÄVLA PK!

This essay examines how humor is used in the making of stereotypes in the Kronlöf sister?s video SÅ JÄVLA PK! In Addition I give my analysis of how power and resistance is shown in the video. Through Michel Foucault?s conception power and resistance together with Judith Butler?s theories about performativity I?d like to show how the characters you can see in the video, in Addition to the humor, also put themselves in a public context. I discuss my material in relation to a number of similar and current events that concern sexism and racism in Sweden.

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