

10160 Uppsatser om Activity system - Sida 58 av 678

The laboratory rat : improved welfare for mothers andpups through breeding in an enriched environment?

Maternal behaviour is crucial for the development of the rat pups? behaviour and stressresponses later in life. There are numerous studies evaluating the effects of the dams?behaviours on the pups, but not many addressing what can be made for wellbeing of the ratdams when breeding. Few studies have addressed the question of how the commonly usedrearing environment effects the dams? behaviour and in the long run how it effect the ratsreared to become our research models.

Ledarskap inom ramen för ett systemutvecklingsprojekt - fokus på en arbetsprocess med stöd i Vattenfallsmodellen

Many research reports mention the fact that a huge number of all system development projects never reach a successful ending; with other words never fulfil formulated goals. By identifying and forming success factors (and in some aspect risk factors) that the project manager in practice can use, this study may be seen as a step in the direction towards minimising the high number of failed system development projects. The purpose of this research report is to investigate how a system development project, where the development process is based on a specific development or process model (in this case the Waterfall model), can and should be driven. I aim to clarify what is demanded of a project leader for the specific development process and give an account for which eventual leadership qualities that can be well suited for given situation in relation to the need for technical competence. Among other things the project manager should inspire confidence, drive, be a decision maker, engage and own some form of basic knowledge in the field of system development.

Pedalkraft system : Stödsystem för elproduktion i småskalighet

Detta examensarbete vänder sig till personer som är intresserade att använda nya miljövänligametoderna för elproduktion eller personer som redan använder små vindkraftverk ochsolpaneler med behovet av en extra energikälla i små stugor eller avlägsna platser där tillgångentill elnät är omöjligt. Syften i detta arbete är först och främst att bygga ett system förelproduktion med hjälp av en cykel. Sedan bestämma mängden av elektrisk energi en personkan alstra med systemet. Slutligen svara om detta system skulle kunna använda som ettstödsystem för elproduktion i småskalighet.Den första målsättningen är att utforma ett system med användning av kraftelektronik där denkraften som genereras matar lasterna. Den mekaniska delen kommer att konstrueras som en delav energikällan, därefter kommer det att utformas en kontroll för att styra effekten viaelektroniska komponenter, de elektriska belastningarna matas av systemet, kommer attsimuleras.

Från whiteboard till pekskärm : En studie av universitetslärares upplevelser av interaktiva klassrum

Information technology (IT) have for several decades been used in university education. An increasing number of classrooms today are built around a concept which uses IT in collaboration with the room itself. However, little is known about the experience of university teachers when working in such classrooms. This study examines the views and opinions of teachers at a Swedish university regarding using and interacting with these classrooms. Furthermore, we identify possible underlying factors that influence these views.

Uppvärmningssystem - En analys av valmöjligheter för småhus

When constructing a new house many questions appear, from architecture to decisions regarding installations. Sweden is situated in a cold part of the planet and questions regarding which heating system to install face everyone who decides to build a new house. This thesis describes a construction solution of a villa in Kiruna. The extended essay analyzes which heating system is most suitable for the construction. The options are geothermal, district and pellet heating systems.

Energioptimering av industriellt tryckluftssystem

This report is a bachelor thesis presented at the department of Computer Science andEngineering at Chalmers University of Technology. The aim for the project is to find a simplemethod to measure and display physical quantities in a three dimensional room.The report describes a method to construct a system for measuring differentphysical quantities via sensors. The system must be built in a modular and expandable way tobe adaptable to different tasks.The system explained in the report consists of two parts;A physical scanner with moveable probes for carrying sensors and a microcontroller forcontrolling the probes and communicating with the next part.An application written in Java for storing the measured values and presenting them in a lucidperspective.It is possible to construct the scanner with different designs and circuitry, with multiplexers andflip-flops, to ensure that an unspecified number of probes can be added to the system and thatthey can be operated simultaneously.The Java application is written in a modular way, using a design pattern that separates eachindividual part of the application. It contains exceptions and interfaces that ensure a safe andexpandable application..


In cooperate with Asko Cylinda we have developed a new heat system too short the process time and reduce the energy consume in a dishwasher and still have it too be a class AAA. The environment and quality is important for the company too still be the number one on the market, If they want too keep that position the product developed of new innovations will be very important. The systems we have developed are more effective and reduce energy up too 25 %. The process time is reduced too less than two hours, from the today two and half-hour. The solutions are too heat up the rinse water and the dishwater at the same time, with a new heating system and it make are solutions unique and effective. Its good for the dish and the environment.

Den rättvisa skatten - Ett etiskt argument för platt skatt

How should a fair income tax system be designed? Since Estonia became the first country to introduce a flat tax on incomes in 1994, this question has been in focus of public debate. The aim of is this thesis is to show that a flat income tax system, combining a proportional tax rate on all incomes with an allowance exempt from tax, is consistent with the demands of justice. In order to achieve this I construct a two level argument using normative method. The first part consists in the justification of a specific ethical theory which is derived from to notion of human dignity.

Analys av system för rening av avloppsvatten i en anaerob membranbioreaktor

The most common way to treat wastewater in Sweden today is by a combination of an activated sludge process and a chemical treatment. These processes are not very energy efficient and may not be the most environmentally friendly. That is why it is interesting to evaluate new alternative methods to see if they can be less harmful to the environment and help to a lower resource consumption. New techniques are tested in a pilot installation at Hammarby Sjöstad, Sjöstadsverket. To be able to evaluate these techniques in a wide perspective system analyses are conducted where different impacts can be considered, advantages and disadvantages in the systems.Five system structures for water treatment have been constructed in Matlab/Simulink in this study.

Komponentbaserade ramverk : vilka faktorerpåverkar företag vid valet av ramverk?

An information system is something that evolves over time to enhance the company that is using it. The technology for building an information system is also evolving. New methods and new programming languages make system development easier. As new technology breaks ground and the demands of a company?s information system grow, the company will sooner or later get to a point where a change in the base of the system is necessary.

Intern marknadsförings inverkan på extern marknadsföring

Children's Need In Focus (BBIC) is a processing and documentation system used in child welfare cases to investigate, plan and monitor interventions. The BBIC has had a breakthrough in Sweden and out of the country's 290 municipalities, there are 284 that use the system daily as a tool in cases involving children. The purpose of this study was to examine how social workers experience the BBIC as a working system and what strengths and weaknesses there are in the BBIC concept. We wanted our study to examine how the BBIC could possibly enhance the quality of childcare matters, but also how the BBIC could potentially increase children's participation in cases. We have performed qualitative interviews with eight social workers who work in four different municipalities where the BBIC is applied daily.

Metaller i dagvatten - Effekter i recipient : En analys av koppar, kdamium och zink i dagvatten från en parkering i Halmstad, Sverige

When stormwater occurs near human activity the water gets polluted. The purity and composition vary widely depending on the types of activities in the area, the type of surface the water comes in contact with, precipitation and many more parameters. It has long been known that stormwater quality can affect both human health and the environment as stormwater is a major contributor to pollution of receiving waters.A human activity that has an impact on the environment in several different ways is traffic and stormwater is no exception. Airborne gases that react with precipitation, oil leaks and fuel systems that drops down on the ground, metals from brake linings and rubber particles from tire wear are some of the aspects you have to take into account when categorizing the relationship between traffic and polluted stormwater.In this project, stormwater samples from a parking lot in Halmstad, Sweden were collected and analyzed with an atomic spectrophotometer. The presence and relationship between copper, cadmium and zinc with different rainfall parameters have been studied.

Gruppverksamhet för barn till missbrukare : en jämförande studie av två gruppmodeller

In Sweden approximately ten percent of all children grows up in a family where at least one parent is having an alcohol related addiction. Since 1998 the development of group activities for children in this situation has been immense. The aim of group activities is to break the child's isolation and make them feel that they are not lonely in their experiences, give them knowledge about addiction and relive the pressure of guilt and responsibility.In a comparative study we examined studied how two different group activity models one with the conception of illness and one without, use the children's network to support the group process. The aim was also to find each models definition of the "normal family", since we understood the groupactivity as a part in the normalization process. We reached our aim through interviews with group leaders and by literature studies.

Säkerhetsanalys av Windos Server 2008 i militära system

This analysis recommends not to use Windows Server 2008 without properevaluation in any system containing classified information. The reasons are too lowassurance and too weak authentication. If Windows Server 2008 is to be used itshould be supplemented with a stronger authentication mechanism. The installationshould preferably be of Server Core type and the server should be maximallyhardened..

Framtagning av Drag&Drop klassbibliotek för WPF-baserat användargränssnitt

System Andersson AB is a company located in Jönköping that works with developing computer systems for the mechanical engineering industry. As of today, when this report is written, the company is working on the development of a new Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC) system. This new system aims to create not only a user friendly interface but also a modern, stylish interface. To achieve this, the company has decided to work with a, for them, new application framework; Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).System Andersson is well known for developing systems for different kinds of touch screens, this project is no exception. For this new user interface the company wishes to implement different types of Drag&Drop functionality.

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