

10160 Uppsatser om Activity system - Sida 59 av 678

Årlig gödsling med NPK bäst för gröda, miljö och ekonomi

Yesterdays common fertilizing strategy was to apply phosphor (P) and potassium (K) in thefall a few times in the crop rotation. In the spring only nitrogen (N) was applied. Recent trialsand studies has shown that this strategy, N+P/PK, is ineffective compared with the systemwhere NPK is spread every year in the spring. The strategy with annual NPK-fertilizer in thespring has proven to be better for the crop, the environment and the farmers economy.In the NPK-system the crop responds with higher yields and better quality, especially in thespring cereals. This is mainly because of an interaction between the different nutrients in thefertilizer.

Kontaktmannaskap : En studie på en kriminalvårdsanstalt

Purpose/Aim : The aim of this study is to investigate and describe "kontaktmannaskapet" in the Swedish correctional system. I also aim to investigate if there are any differences between how the different actors involved in the correctional system look at this phenomena and how different sociological theories can be applied on "kontaktmannaskapet" in order to make it more comprehensible for the actors involved.Material/Method : This investigation is based on a larger qualitative inquiry consisting of several personal interviews. Further material has been used, such as literature and reports about "kontaktmannaskapet" inside and outside the correctional system.Main results : The overall opinion about the "kontaktmannaskapet" is positive. "Kontaktmannaskapet" as a working method of the correctional officer has a potential to become a useful instrument in rebuilding the lost identy of the inmate as well as reducing the stereotypes often associated with the relationship between inmates and prison personnel..

Balansera Mera : Balanserad styrning i Vellinge kommun

AbstractDuring the last decade the public sector has been influenced by new ways of measuring performance and governing, taking inspiration from the private sector. The Swedish municipal community Vellinge has since 2004 adopted ?The Balanced Scorecard? by Kaplan & Norton, measuring not only the financial parts but also other, important factors. The adoption took place since the Swedish government applied new demands on county councils and municipal communities through ?God ekonomisk hushållning?.

Rening av lakvatten vid deponin Degermyran i Skellefteå kommun : Utvärdering av nuvarande reningseffekt och simulering av mängden bildat lakvatten under 2000-talets klimatförändringar

At Degermyran landfill, situated in the municipal Skellefteå, a leachate treatment system was installed in 2005. One of the aims of this study was to investigate how well the treatment system works by using data from chemical measurements made on the leachate before and after treatment. Further this study had the purpose of investigating how the predicted climate changes of the 21st century will affect the amount of leachate generated at Degermyran by using a modified version of Thornthwaites water balance model. The treatment system has the ability of reducing manganese by 90 %, nitrogen by 73 % och TOC by 79 %. By the turn of this century the amount of precipitation that percolates the waste at Degermyran will be between 254 and 298 mm, depending on the amount of greenhouse gases that will be released in the future to come.

Optimering av OTEC-system

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, OTEC, is a sustainable energy conversion technology that is not yet commercialized. OTEC is a technology that utilizes the temperature difference in oceans between the warm surface water and the cold water at 1 000 m depth to run a Rankine Cycle. This technology can produce electricity and provide synergies like fresh water, air conditioning and aquaculture. A simulation program for three alternative OTEC systems has been created in order to decide which OTEC system is most profitable; closed, open or hybrid system. In this simulation a production cost analysis is performed in order to investigate and decide which one of the three systems that has the lowest production cost. The production cost analysis also analyzes if the profitability is affected by the size of the facility. After these analyzes, the most profitable of the three different OTEC-systems is expanded by an installation of solar collectors in order to see if the thermal efficiency is improved. The result shows that the most profitable system varies with the size of the facility.

Verksamhetsstyrningens inverkan på målprioritering - En kvalitativ fallstudie av två vårdcentraler i Stockholms läns landsting.

This study aims to examine the effect management control systems have on which goals health centers prioritize. The management control systems of one privately owned and one publicly owned health center have been studied through a qualitative case study. Robert Simons (1995) framework with four levers of control (diagnostic control systems, interactive control systems, belief systems and boundary systems) has been used to structure the study. For both health centers we found a conflict of interest mainly between the diagnostic control system and the beliefs system, where the diagnostic control system is biased towards quantitative goals and the beliefs system is mainly biased towards qualitative goals. However, despite the unbalanced levers of control the studied health centers have been able to reach a well functioning compromise between quantitative and qualitative goals..

Optimering av ett småskaligtvattenkraftsystem

This master thesis covers the seasonal planning of a small scale hydropower system. The system in this study is owned and operated by Mälarenergi Vattenkraft AB. The total system consists of 4 different main rivers with 24 hydropower stations and several dams. The total installed power in the system is 43.75 MW. Most of the hydropower stations are regarded as small scale hydropower stations and thus entitled to green certificates.In this report the issue of planning is formulated as an optimization problem.

Upplevelse och behov av stöd i ledarskapet-- en kvalitativ studie bland första linjens chefer

The aim of this study was to gain understanding and knowledge about first line manager?s need for support in their leadership and to get more insight into how they handle and perceives their work.The research method is based on studies of relevant theories and qualitative interviews. Eight respondents were interviewed with a structured 40 question questionnaire about how they experience their work and the support they get. The study shows that there are three important categories of people that are most significant to the managers in their need of support. They are their own manager, colleagues and co-workers.The conclusion is that it is important to create conditions for leaders to have good relationships with their closest manager, colleagues and co ?workers.

Webbaserade system: faktorer som påverkar utvecklingsarbetet

Webbaserade system har tidigare kunnat beskrivas som relativt okomplicerade webbsidor och utvecklingsarbetet har många gånger varit ostrukturerat. Systemen har med tiden blivit mer komplexa och webbmiljön har övergått till att bli en plattform som kan stödja alla aspekter av organisatoriskt arbete. Vi vill i denna uppsats ge en inblick i utvecklingen av webbaserade system. Litteraturen beskriver olika faktorer som påverkar utvecklingsprocessen. Vi kommer att belysa ett antal av dessa faktorer samt åskådliggöra hur utvecklaren arbetar för att ta hänsyn till dem.

Digitalisering av Analoga Informationssystem : Vad är viktigt i denna process sett ur ett användarperspektiv?

Trots otaliga digitala alternativ används fortfarande analoga system som whiteboardtavlor med tillhörande whiteboardpennor och post-it lappar vid t.ex. projekthantering. I denna studie undersöks användares motiv till varför de väljer att använda analoga respektive digitala system, samt vad de anser är viktigt vid utveckling av gränssnitt till digitala system.Syftet med studien är att, ur ett användarperspektiv, visa fördelar, nackdelar samt interaktionsmöjligheter hos analoga respektive digitala system, och att redogöra för vad som bör tas i beaktande när analoga system ska digitaliseras så att fördelaktiga egenskaper hos det analoga systemet kan överföras till det digitala.Anställda på det IT-företag studien genomförts i samarbete med har intervjuats, och resultatet från dessa intervjuer har sammanställts och analyserats med hjälp av en för studien framtagen analysmodell, vilken baserats på den litteraturstudie som gjorts. Vid analysen framkom att det främst är enkelheten och överskådligheten hos analoga system som gör att dessa föredras. Det som anses vara mest fördelaktigt hos digitala system är möjligheten till hög funktionalitet, att persistent kunna lagra information och att kunna utnyttja denna på olika sätt, samt möjligheten att kunna dela information.Beträffande de intervjuades åsikter om analoga respektive digitala system kan ett mönster ses, att de egenskaper de nämner som positiva och som fördelar hos analoga system ofta benämns som negativa och som nackdelar hos digitala system.

Med minskad komplexitet får ett system ökad användbarhet Fallstudie av användbarhet i ett affärssystem

One of our reasons is that we think the subject usability is interesting, is that we think it is an important. Usability is maybe the most important element when you develop or choose a system because it can save money for the companies and give the users a more delightful and better work environment. The aim of the investigation is to find out if the implementation of a web portal is a direction to reach higher usability in a complex system that consists of several different interacting applications. The objective of our investigation is to show if the implementation of a web portal is a direction to reach higher usability in a complex system that consists of several different interacting applications. In our case we will try to see if Karlshamns AB:s recently implemented web portal is more useful than their previous application (Movex with interacting programs) One thought with the report is to give the system developers a perspective of how the usability can be in-house made applications versus standard applications. Also companies that not have any computer- or department for development and which are thinking of get hold of, change, replace or complement their system and applications, may have some interest in our thesis. We have used a qualitative investigation method in our study to answer our hypothesis.

Teknikens fokus i förskolan : En intervjustudie för att undersöka teknikarbetets väg genom förskolornas planering, inspiration och miljöcertifiering

System Andersson AB is a company located in Jönköping that works with developing computer systems for the mechanical engineering industry. As of today, when this report is written, the company is working on the development of a new Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC) system. This new system aims to create not only a user friendly interface but also a modern, stylish interface. To achieve this, the company has decided to work with a, for them, new application framework; Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).System Andersson is well known for developing systems for different kinds of touch screens, this project is no exception. For this new user interface the company wishes to implement different types of Drag&Drop functionality.

Identifierings- och igenkänningssystem för markförband, lösningen för att undvika vådabekämpning?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa möjligheter och begränsningar med olika tekniska system för att identifiera kontakter på stridsfältet, främst med avseende på att minska risken för vådabekämpningar. Uppsatsen skall också belysa om införande av tekniska system för identifiering av kontakter är den enskilt bästa metoden för att undvika vådabekämpningar. Syftet är att läsaren skall uppnå en förståelse för vad olika typer av system för identifiering kan bidra med för att minska risken för vådabekämpningar. Utöver detta belyses andra nackdelar och fördelar med de olika tekniska systemen förutom just inom området identifiering.Uppsatsen beskriver olika händelser där vådabekämpningar skett och kopplar dessa mot hur olika tekniska system eventuellt hade kunnat minska risken för att vådabekämpningen skulle ha skett. Uppsatsen beskriver också ett antal olika tekniska system för identifiering av kontakter på stridsfältet..

Enkät för skattning av 8-åriga barns fysiska aktivitet : En valideringsstudie. Frågor ur SIH-enkäten jämförda med referensmetoden accelerometri

AimTo validate the STOPP-8-questionnaire (S8Q), containing items from the SIH-questionnaire, against the criterion method accelerometry to estimate its capacity to assess 8 year old Swedish children?s physical activity (PA). Can it assess children?s physical activity? Can it differentiate the active children from the sedentary? If the answer is yes, how well can it do so? MethodData was collected during fall and winter the school year of 2008 - 2009 via the project STOPP-8. Out of 676 children at 12 schools in Stockholm area, 155 (boys n=72, girls n=83) provided complete questionnaire data and wore an accelerometer (Actiwatch 4) during 7 consecutive days which provided data for mean and median activity, time spent sedentary, in moderate to vigorous PA and vigorous PA.

Utveckling av automatiserade tester

Testning är den aktivitet där man verifierar och validerar ett IT-systems krav och exekverar det i syfte att hitta fel. Testning kan utföras både manuellt och automatiserat, genom att utveckla ett system som exekverar testerna åt sig.I detta examensarbete beskriver jag hur jag designar och utvecklar en IT-artefakt som automatiskt kan exekvera tester av ett annat system..

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