

10160 Uppsatser om Activity system - Sida 26 av 678

Formgivning av möbler i SWISSPEARL Carat

This thesis concerns partial discharges in stator windings and the possibility of analyzing data using statistical methods. Partial discharges, or PD, are a physical phenomenon in which discharges occur locally due to large electric fields. PD can occur in or adjacent to the insulation of stator windings and causes breakdown of the insulating materials. PD measurement can provide an idea of how widespread the PD activity is. A technique to measure and analyze PD that has become very popular over the last few decades is phase resolved PD patterns.

Hela kroppen behövs för att lära! : En studie om pedagogers levda erfarenheter av att stimulera barns motoriska utveckling

The study aims to demonstrate the significance of educators lived experiences of stimulating children's physical development. It has been noted that children are occupying themselves with more and more sedentary activities, which may lead to that they do not develop motor skills at the pace expected. To understand educators lived experiences from a phenomenological hermeneutic perspective empirical relevance has been collected through narrative interviews. The results shows that educators find it difficult to understand the Curriculum goals for motor activity and that the desire to stimulate motor development is great, but the realization is conspicuous by its absence. The discussion highlights educator?s commitment and motivation and the importance of being a reflecting practitioner..

Eugeniahemmet : Synen på barnen i Eugeniahemmet

The aim of this essay is to examine the view on children with disability´s in the end of the 19 Th to the beginning of the 20 Th. We will examine the children that lived in Eugeniahememt but we will also examnie the view the society had on the children who lived on Egueniahemmet. In our essay there are four questions that we are going to answer.- Who took the initive to start Eugeniahemmet and how did it affect the activity?- Which view had the society on the children who lived on Eugeniahemmet?- How did the work with the children look like?- Which view had the staff, in Eugeniahemmet, on the children?The method that is being used in this essay is trying to analyses what the material tells us about the view on the children and how the work with the children lookt liked in Eugeniahemmet.The theory that we use is about Michel Focaults look on madness. Focault says that a person who is mad dosen?t have a connection between body and soul and that creates hallucinations witch leeds to madness.

Att utvärdera AdApt, ett multimodalt konverserande dialogsystem, med PARADISE

This master?s thesis presents experiences from an evaluation of AdApt, a multi- modal, conversational dialogue system, using PARADISE, PARAdigm for Dialogue System Evaluation, a general framework for evaluation. The purpose of this master?s thesis was to assess PARADISE as an evaluation tool for such a system. An experimental study with 26 subjects was performed.

Torkad eller gastät lagrad spannmål till värphöns - fallstudie

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att jämföra olika system för att lagra spannmål på.Spannmål som skall blandas in i fodret till de värphöns som finns på gården där det system som jag finner är bäst skall sättas upp. Jämförelsen gäller dels helt olika system, silo tork kontra lufttät lagring och olika systeminom lufttät lagring. Jämförelsen har varit en mestadels ekonomisk jämförelse men jag har även gjort en liten teknisk jämförelse. För att få fram fakta som jag kunde basera min fallstudie på så jämförde jag fyra olika system mot varandra.Det som jämfördes var els två system med lufttät lagring, ett system med silo torkning och ett system med inköpt färdigtorkad spannmål. Jag gjorde olika investeringskalkyleroch fick fram den totala årskostnaden för varje system och dels kostnaden per kilo spannmål för varje system samt också vad foderkostnaderna blir.

Utvecklingen från traditionell ekonomistyrning till verksamhetsstyrning : En studie inom ekonomistyrning

This thesis primarily includes a study on whether companies can develop a mathematical activity that supports students' motivation in mathematics. The work was done together with Midroc Electro, a company that pays attention to the difficulty of recruiting and therefore was interested in investigating how the business world would be able to contribute.The thesis can be divided into three stages. The first part comprised by a exploration into research on student motivation regarding mathematics as well as numerous interviews with engineers to see how the research findings did fit with Midroc Electros reality. In these studies it became clear that the student who aims for a profession whose education or work requires math belongs to the group of students who primarily manage their studies in mathematics, that is, those that have the greatest motivation to work hard and complete their studies.Research information and interviews were compared and resulted in the thesis second part, Midroc Challenge. An activity where students primarily came to learn about the engineering profession and secondly how mathematics can be used in the engineering profession.

Konstruktion och penetrationstestning av VoIP-system

VoIP-system inom fo?retag blir mer vanligt. Sa?kerheten bo?r da? beaktas fo?r att undvika hot som riskerar konfidentialitet, integritet och tillga?nglighet. Denna rapport visar resultat fra?n tva? olika VoIP-systems sa?kerhet med hja?lp av praktiska penetrationstestscenarion i labbmiljo?.

Design av system för distribution av larm

Inom styr- och reglerteknik är hantering av larm en viktig fråga, speciellt då fastighetsbranschen mer och mer börjat automatisera driften av fastigheterna. Det finns ett antal system på marknaden som erbjuder larmdistribution via en mängd olika transportsystem. Syftet med projektet är att undersöka om det finns alternativ till dessa som erbjuder mer flexibilitet, samt att designa en prototyp till ett system som använder denna alternativa metod. Två befintliga system analyserades och en kravspecifikation baserad på analysen upprättades. Utifrån denna designades en prototyp som sköter distributionen över Internet och en enkel implementation av en del av designen har gjorts.

Testsystem för utredning av integrerad styrning för RC-helikopter

AbstractThis report is about the creation of a test system for development of a control system for a off the shelf RC-helicopter, which can be bought for about two thousand SEK. The test system consists of both electronics for controlling the helicopter and mechanical constrainer. The constrainer is used for mounting the helicopter so that it won´t crash.A circuit board including processor and sensors was manufactured. This was used for doing test of the different control algorithms. In this way were we able to analyze the quality of the sensors chosen, and what other sensors that could contribute to the control of the system.Basic helicopter control have been studied and presented in the report.

Dans är inte idrott! : En kvalitativ studie om elevers attityder till dans

AimThe purpose of this study has been to examine attitudes towards dance in a broad sense, among Swedish schoolchildren. The study has been done with three different questions in mind: What do pupils think and express about dance? Are there any differences in attitude towards dance between girls and boys? And how do the pupils relate to gender conceptions in connection to dance illustrations?MethodEight pupils 12 ? 14 years of age have been interviewed separately during physical education lessons. During parts of the interviews dance illustrations were used in order to encourage the pupils in their discussions, especially when asked to relate to dance and gender conceptions. The statements have been interpreted from a gender theoretical perspective.ResultsMy interview study shows that male pupils to a larger extent than female pupils inhabit hostile feelings towards dance as part of physical education lessons.

Blåsorkestern i förändring

Sweden has a long and extensive wind band tradition. Today the interest for the traditional instruments is decreasing among children and teenagers. What can this be due to? Which conditions are needed for a functional wind band in the future? The purpose of this essay is to find answers to these questions and at the same time shed light on good examples, where the wind band activity works. To be able to answer the questions have I made four interviews with persons who have a big knowledge and interest about the subject.

Skillnad i energiförbrukning vid byte från CAV-system till VAV-system i en kontorsbyggnad

Detta arbete är utfört hos Videum AB i Växjö i syfte att visa på skillnader i energiförbrukning mellan deras ventilationssystem samt hur lång tid det skulle ta för en möjlig investering i ett nytt ventilationssystem att återbetala sig.För att uppnå detta utfördes beräkningar på olika faktor som bidrar till den totala energianvändningen hos ventilationssystemet. I denna undersökning behandlas fläktar, golvaggregat och värmeförluster genom ventilation. Den största påverkande faktorn i den totala energiförbrukningen är värmeförluster genom ventilation.Resultatet av vår undersökning visar att det är billigare att använda i VAV-system än ett CAV-system under rådande förhållanden enligt våra beräkningar. En årlig besparing på 29465 kronor per våning vid byte från CAV-system till VAV-system uppnås. Det är värt att byta ventilationssystem även fast att investeringskostnaden inte sparar in sig under dess livstid.

Att prissätta efter kundupplevt värde : En studie kring prissättningsproblematiken hos Iggesund Tools Europa

AimThe purpose of this study has been to examine attitudes towards dance in a broad sense, among Swedish schoolchildren. The study has been done with three different questions in mind: What do pupils think and express about dance? Are there any differences in attitude towards dance between girls and boys? And how do the pupils relate to gender conceptions in connection to dance illustrations?MethodEight pupils 12 ? 14 years of age have been interviewed separately during physical education lessons. During parts of the interviews dance illustrations were used in order to encourage the pupils in their discussions, especially when asked to relate to dance and gender conceptions. The statements have been interpreted from a gender theoretical perspective.ResultsMy interview study shows that male pupils to a larger extent than female pupils inhabit hostile feelings towards dance as part of physical education lessons.

En jämförelse mellan linjära och traditionella bedömningssystem hos hästar

In Sweden the breeding organization for the Swedish Warmblood horse uses a traditional scoring system when evaluating horses. The horse is scored subjectively in relation to how good each trait is in relation to the breeding objective. Other countries, for example the Netherlands, instead use a linear scoring system. The linear scoring system evaluates the horse on a scale between two, for the breed, biological extremes which makes the evaluation more objective since the judges personal values does not influence as much. The breeding organization for the Swedish Warmblood is today planning a change towards a linear scoring system.

TECHNOLOGY MEETS THE EYE : Utveckling av system för att jämföra eye tracking data med visuellt stimuli

The purpose of the project was to make a system that could extract data from a mobile eye tracker and make it comparable with data from visual stimuli. The produced system was programmed in Java and provided all the necessary parts that were required to achieve the purpose. This provides a foundation for further research to determine whether the eye tracker is sufficiently accurate to diagnose Parkinson?s disease..

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