
10160 Uppsatser om Activity system - Sida 25 av 678
Utveckling av verktyg för linjär analys av JAS 39 Gripens styrsystem
Linjäriseringar av olinjära system är mycket relevanta eftersom det finns en i förhållandevis enkel och omfattande matematisk teori kring linjära system, till skillnad från allmänna olinjära system.För vissa olinjära system är det svårt eller inte ens möjligt att genomföra en analytisk linjärisering.Orsakerna till detta kan vara hög komplexitet av systemet eller avsaknaden av ett analytiskt uttryck.Numerisk analys kan vara en lösning på detta problem.I detta examensarbete används framåtdifferens och centraldifferens för att genomföra de derivata-approximationersom behövs för att genomföra en numerisk linjärisering av ett olinjärt system.Rapporten behandlar även vad som sker då det är dålig upplösning på den indata som används när man genomför enlinjärisering, vad som händer med heltal och binära signaler om de ingår i ett system som linjäriseras ocheffekten av att ha olika samplingstider för olika delmoduler i ett system som linjäriseras.Slutligen undersöks numerisk bilinjärisering av ett system på bilinjär form och en jämförelse mellan analytisk linjärisering och bilinjärisering görs..
Dubbelklicka på Emil - en studie av arbetet med CD-romspel med litterära förebilder på några folkbiblioteks barnavdelningar
The technical evolution has a great influence on the public libraries. Electronic media becomes more and more common. This Master´s thesis is based upon the Swedish Library law 9§ (SFS 1996:1596) which says: Public- and school libraries should pay special attention to children and teenagers by offering books, information technology and other media, adapted to their needs, to encourage development of language and stimulate reading. From this point of view we have examined why the children´s departments in public libraries offer CD-ROM games which are based upon characters from the literature, how they are used in the daily activity and how they can contribute to the development of the children´s department.We have made literary studies and empirical investigations including interviews, observation studies etc. The results from this studies shows that both young and adults appreciate the CD-ROM games.
Systemarkitektur för presentation av geografiskinformation- Utredning av Informationssystem och produkter
Banverket Trafik has a responsibility to make sure that the companies who traffic the Swedish railroad have the correct information about the status of the railroad. One of Banverket Trafiks information systems (Opera) presents the train?s actual position on a map and provides the user with physical information about the trains. Due to increasing demands on the information systems, Banverket Trafik needs to update the present system architecture in order to manage the increasing demands on map graphics and map functions. This paper analysis the information system Opera on the basis of theory and support of methods and discuss problems and demands for Opera.
Användbarhet i interna IT-system : Vilken påverkan har användbarheten i ett internt IT-system vid en arbetsmiljö på distans?
Användbarheten av IT-system förbättras ständigt och företag har fokus på att förbättra sina IT-system som företagets kunderna använder då det leder till fler och nöjdare kunder. Annorlunda ser det ut för interna IT-system, alltså datasystem som används av medarbetare och som ska förenkla arbetsuppgifter, effektivisera arbetet eller även möjliggöra att utöva arbetsuppgifter vid en arbetsmiljö på distans. Användbarheten av interna IT-system står inte lika mycket i fokus som användbarheten av kundcentrerade system och istället för att åtgärda brister i användbarheten tvingas medarbetarna att lära sig hantera IT-systemets brister.Utgångspunkten för arbetet var funderingarna över vilken betydelse användbarheten har för ett företag när det gäller interna IT-system vid en arbetsmiljö på distans. Ansatsen var att undersöka om användbarhetsproblem i praktiken leder till att användarna upplever ett IT-system som dåligt i den särskilda situationen av ett arbetsmiljö på distans. I en fallstudie utvärderades ett IT-system som används av försäkringsombud som arbetar på distans med hjälp av en enkätundersökning och användarintervjuar samt hierarkiska uppgiftsanalyser.
Hälsoteket i Angered - Deltagares perspektiv på en hälsofrämjande verksamhet
Introduction: Reducing social inequality in health is a prioritized goal for public health on the global as well as the national and the local levels. Hälsoteket operates through health promotion to reduce inequality in health in the district of Angered in Göteborg, through the improvement of living habits and the wellbeing of the population.Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate Hälsoteket in Angered through its participants? subjective experiences. Subsidiary aims were to explore participants? perceptions and opinions about Hälsoteket in Angered, how they perceive the health impact of their participation and their motivations for participating.Method: A qualitative method was used to fulfill the aim.
Är användbarheten i säkerhetskritiska system eftersatt?
I denna rapport har vi undersökt hur utvecklarna tagit hänsyn till användbarheten för slutanvändarna vid utvecklingen av ett säkerhetskritiskt system. Resultatet erhölls genom en empirisk fallstudie på två företag som utvecklar säkerhetskritiska system. Datainsamlingen bestod av intervjuer med personer som varit delaktiga i och har kunskap om utvecklingen av systemen som ingick i vår fallstudie. Sedan analyserades insamlad data mot teori inom Människa ? Dator ? Interaktion (MDI) samt teori om säkerhetskritiska system.
Metoder för trust : Hur praktiker arbetar för att bygga förtroende till knowledge management-system
This thesis examines how knowledge management professionals use trust as a component in the creation of knowledge management systems, and what methods they use for building trust.Adopting a grounded theory approach, interviews with 8 knowledge management professionals active in different industries served as the base for an analysis that identified trust to be the single most important common factor in the data. The concept of trust used by the informants was identified as relating to the knowledge management system itself, rather than other users, employees or groups in an organisation.Building trust, the KM-professionals mainly focused on three methods: simple solutions, system superiority, and implementation security. Using these methods, the KM-professionals seek to ensure system trust by creating opportunities for users to obtain positive experiences of using the system, and thereby generate a foundation for a trust-based relationship between the user and the system..
Interventioner för livsstilsförändring avseende kost och fysisk aktivitet inom primärvården
Background: Ill-health related to unhealthy lifestyle is increasing and despite existing knowledge about healthy lifestyle it is difficult to change behaviour. Counselling in the primary health care is often superficial and without critical elements for behaviour change. Aim: The aim of this paper to elucidate interventions for change of lifestyle with respect diet and physical activity. Method: A literature review was carried out and ten scientific articles were analyzed and compiled in two main categories: design of these interventions and participation in them. Results: Education, decision making, goal setting, feedback, social support and follow-up were identified as critical elements for behaviour change.
Monitoring and pest control of Fruit flies in Thailand : new knowledge for integrated pest management
Fruit flies (Tephritidae) are serious pests that cause enormous losses for farmers in many countries. The frequent use of insecticides in controlling fruit flies in fruits and vegetable has not resulted in sustainable management of the pest. Problems associated with this complete reliance on chemical control are many residues of insecticides in crops, health problems for farmers, contamination of water and soil, insecticide resistance development and decrease in natural enemy populations. The implementation of control measures that do not imply an added burden to the environment and/or the farmers is urgent. More knowledge about the ecology of fruit flies is the basis for finding new and better ways to control this pest.
Realtidsbaserat kollaborativt editeringssystem med stubbaserad versionshantering : Implementation av versionshantering inom ett realtidsbaserat kollaborativt system
Denna rapport tar upp problem med revisionskontroll i realtidsbaserade kollaborativa system. Enligt Fan & Sun (2012a); Fan & Sun (2012b) behöver man bryta kraven som definerar realtidsbaserade system för att uppnå detta.Den stubbaserade lösningen som beskrivs i rapporten lyckas minska antalet fel i testfallen som utförts i fallstudierna. Genom att implementera personliga editeringsflikar och stubbar är det möjligt att ha revisisionskontroll i ett realtidsbaserat system. Dock för att detta ska vara effektivt och användbart bör detta endast användas i specifika fall och med noggrann granskning.Fallstudien som genomförts visar inte på några imponerande siffror men en förbättring är fortfarande möjlig vid specifika fall..
Användarcentrerad Systemdesign
This essay focuses on the term usability while conducting a user centred system design. Usabilitymeans to what extent a user can use a product to achieve effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction.Development using a user centered system design means that knowledge about the end-users andit?s opinions becomes a crucial part of the development process. The question of this essay is if usinguser centred system design will lead to good usability.We used methods from a user centered system design point of view while developing an applicationfor a Swedish bookstore company called Bokia AB. This included user and task analysis following by aclose relationship between the developers and end-users by using sketches and showing themprototypes of the system while collecting feedback.After concluding our case study we determined that using methods from user centered systemdesign could be used as a great tool to further improve the usability and to improve an applicationssuccess chances..
Berättelser om livet, mödraskap och gruppen
In 2007 the Prevention Unit at Södermalm in Stockholm started a group activity for parents and children. The group activity?s intention is to offer families support in their early interaction. This study is a part of providing knowledge about this intervention. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the stories which are produced by five participants in a support group for parents and children.
Skolbioprojektet i Kungsbacka - en etablerad verksamhet?
This thesis is an attempt to study if the school cinema project in Kungsbacka is an establishedactivity. Qualitative interviews have been performed with the cinema owner, the projectleader and a politician of the municipality, about their views on the project. Teachers andpupils have also been interviewed. In the case of an established activity, the thesis also attemptsto answer what causes have contributed to such an establishment.The study shows that the school cinema project is an established activity in Kungsbacka andthat all parties involved are satisfied with it. The project has guaranteed the cinema's existence.According to the thesis, the reasons for the establishment are that govemment funds enabiedthe project to initiate.
Sarbanes-Oxley Act sektion 404 om intern kontroll och dess konsekvenser
AimThe purpose of this study has been to examine attitudes towards dance in a broad sense, among Swedish schoolchildren. The study has been done with three different questions in mind: What do pupils think and express about dance? Are there any differences in attitude towards dance between girls and boys? And how do the pupils relate to gender conceptions in connection to dance illustrations?MethodEight pupils 12 ? 14 years of age have been interviewed separately during physical education lessons. During parts of the interviews dance illustrations were used in order to encourage the pupils in their discussions, especially when asked to relate to dance and gender conceptions. The statements have been interpreted from a gender theoretical perspective.ResultsMy interview study shows that male pupils to a larger extent than female pupils inhabit hostile feelings towards dance as part of physical education lessons.
Förtroende för revisorn : ~En komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Österrike~
AimThe purpose of this study has been to examine attitudes towards dance in a broad sense, among Swedish schoolchildren. The study has been done with three different questions in mind: What do pupils think and express about dance? Are there any differences in attitude towards dance between girls and boys? And how do the pupils relate to gender conceptions in connection to dance illustrations?MethodEight pupils 12 ? 14 years of age have been interviewed separately during physical education lessons. During parts of the interviews dance illustrations were used in order to encourage the pupils in their discussions, especially when asked to relate to dance and gender conceptions. The statements have been interpreted from a gender theoretical perspective.ResultsMy interview study shows that male pupils to a larger extent than female pupils inhabit hostile feelings towards dance as part of physical education lessons.