

242 Uppsatser om Acquired immunity - Sida 15 av 17

Den abstrakta tråkigheten : villkor och möjligheter, utifrån ungas perspektiv, att relevansgöra digitala medier som en resurs för lärande i skolan

Children and teenagers of today have grown up with digital media. According to Olle Findahl's report "The Swedes and the Internet" (2009), adults as well as children are online more and more. Our experience is that at many workplaces as good as everyone use computers and everyone is expected to have digital skills. However at most schools the reality is far from this. According to Findahl's report from 2009, 99 percent of all pupils (in Sweden) have access to computers and Internet, yet it is rare that they get school assignments where the use of Internet is acquired (Findahl 2009).The purpose of our paper is to understand how digital media can be used as a resource for learning, through the perspective of young people.

Simulering av elektriska förluster i en vindkraftpark : Utveckling av programvaran Wind Farm ElectricSystem Calculator (WFESC)

When planning new wind farms, the cost for the internal electrical grid is estimated to account for 8-9 % of the total investment cost. On top of that, the cost for accumulated reduced income over several years (due to electrical losses), has to be added. The economic lifespan is relatively long (about 20 years) which means that an error in the loss calculation could lead to a bad decision basis. The accumulated reduced incomes due to electrical losses can be higher than the initial investment cost for the internal electrical grid.Today, Statkraft Sweden is using a template number when estimating the electrical losses in a wind farm. The actual losses are probably lower than the template number which could lead to an unnecessary high loss cost when planning a new wind farm.The aim of this M.Sc.

Från översättning till undersökning : om att överbrygga klyftan mellan innehåll och form i utställningsprocessen

The making of a cultural historical exhibition usually involves the collaboration of two categories of professionals: the curator, in charge of the exhibition content, and the designer. From these positions, representing content and form, the team is in charge of cooperating towards a shared goal ? the exhibition ? which is the spatial expression of ideas.This MA thesis is based on my work experience as a designer of cultural historical exhibitions. By means of situations where my perspective collided with that of the museum curators?, I examine our different concepts on a number of issues: the meaning of an exhibition; the process; and the perception of what our respective roles are.

Hantering av extensivt hållna nötkreatur i mindre besättningar

Extensive cattle management was reintroduced in Sweden during the 1950´s and 60´s. Usually this term refers to suckler cows for meat production that is kept outdoors all year around. Suckler cow farms tend to become fewer but bigger over time. Still however most of the farms with beef cows are small. Extensive animal husbandry can lead to animals becoming shy which leads to difficulties when they are handled due to veterinary treatments, marking, transport etc.

Hållbar utveckling: Hjärtefråga eller nödvändigt ont? ? Miljöarbete hossvenska SME-företag i konfektionsbranschen.

The aim of this thesis is to give an insight to how work is being pursued within Swedish SMEin the clothing industry. Furthermore we investigate how efforts can proceed withenvironmental questions in a quest for sustainable development and bring clarity in thedifficulties that occur. Through the use of company examples and a description of how theywork we wanted to give stakeholders knowledge in what resources and procedures that areused today on the market. The function of the report is moreover to provide Swedish smalland medium-sized clothing enterprises suggestions and directions of how to advance withinsustainable development.In our theoretical frame we have chosen to administer the theories that we found suitable forour study. Seen from a perspective of sustainability we have thus applied the theories ofstakeholder and legitimacy, an analysis model for a company?s actions in environmentalquestions and the theory of SME which describes a small or middle sized enterprise?s fivecompetitive variables.The empirical frame we acquired for this thesis is presented in three chapters.

Förfogandeförbudets framtid. Förutsättningar för, och eventuella konsekvenser av, ett avskaffande av kravet på förfogandeförbud vid användning av återtagandeförbehåll.

In order for a retention of title clause (ROT-clause) to be valid against third parties underSwedish law, the debtor must be prohibited to dispose of the object transferred. Forinstance, the debtor must not be allowed to resell the object without the creditor?spermission or before the object has been fully paid. If the creditor gives consent to thedebtor?s disposal, he loses his right of separation.

Fanan, förrädarna och friheten : Musiktexter med ideologiska teman från Tredje Riket till Vit Makt-rörelsen ? en komparativ textanalys

The making of a cultural historical exhibition usually involves the collaboration of two categories of professionals: the curator, in charge of the exhibition content, and the designer. From these positions, representing content and form, the team is in charge of cooperating towards a shared goal ? the exhibition ? which is the spatial expression of ideas.This MA thesis is based on my work experience as a designer of cultural historical exhibitions. By means of situations where my perspective collided with that of the museum curators?, I examine our different concepts on a number of issues: the meaning of an exhibition; the process; and the perception of what our respective roles are.

Svartedalens naturreservat : en social rikedom värd att utveckla!

Svartedalens nature reserve a social richness worth develop. The nature reserve of Svartedalen is an area of high biological and social values. The reserve is located close to several densely populated areas. The reserve has been classified as a national area of interest for nature conservation and outdoor life, and as a Natura 2000 area according to both the bird- and habitat directions. The reserve is the largest landarea in Västra Götaland, 3 410 hectares, where a resolution has been made about all these forms of protection. The foundation Skogssällskapet owns 1 956 hectares of the reserve, at 1 384 hectares of the property they pursue FSC-certified silver culture, according to current management plan.

Avgång av lustgas från luftningsprocessen på Käppalaverket

The requirements for wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are gradually increasing, partly because of higher incoming loads, which in turn require a more efficient treatment process. In parallel with environmental and economic goals there are also desires to lower energy consumption without compromising the wastewater treatment. Furthermore, there is a demand on WWTP´s to alter eutrophication in aquatic systems through better nitrogen and phosphorus removal. An increasing number of WWTP´s have acquired biological nitrogen and phos-phorus removal. A by-product of this type of biological treatment is the formation of nitrous oxide, which is a potent greenhouse gas.

Trädgårdsergonomi : om konsten att undvika de vanligaste riskfaktorerna för hälsan i små trädgårdsföretag med krukodling

This paper is based on a literature review and interviews made with managers in small-scale nurseries for pot plant production. The review helped to identify the worst occupational hazards in pot plant production. The interviews provided a way to investigate how the nurseries act so as to avoid the worst hazards and what they do to even out work intensive periods during the season in order to get a more even distribution of work over the year. According to available statistics problems with back and shoulders are the most common of the physical disorders and the risk for occupational accidents are high for greenhouse workers. Most of the occupational injuries are connected to musculoskeletal problems. The handling of material is often manual and involves frequent lifting and carrying of heavy loads, the strenuous work postures and static muscular tensions these repetitive tasks are associated with causes straining and overloading.

En extrafamilj för livet? En studie om några ungdomars upplevelse av att vara i en kontaktfamilj

The purpose of this study is to establish how a few youngsters have experienced their time in contact families and which, if any, significance their respective ?contact families? has for them today. The study aims to determine the life situation in the youth?s families at the time support through ?contact families? was initiated and the youths? own view of the reasons for this support. We also want to shed light on the meaning that the contact families had on the youth; considering both positive as well as negative meaning.

Studier av alkaliskt fosfatas och kollagen samt deras betydelse för skelettets mineralisering

There is convincing research which shows that the enzyme alkaline phosphatase (ALP) has a central role in the mineralization of bone, more precisely that its catalytic activity is needed in the process. ALP is found on the surface of matrix vesicles where the mineral is formed. One theory about the function of the enzyme is that it binds to fibrous collagen in the bone and thereby incorporating the mineral into the bone. The purpose of this study is to establish whether ALP binds to collagen. If this is the case, more elaborate studies around this will be performed.

Köp av skogsfastighet : en fallstudie

The price of Swedish forest properties has gone up by 77 percent during the past five years. Amongst private forest managers the high price level signals optimism and confidence for the future. Many forest owners manage large capital in the forest and a planned economy is to a larger extent demanded to achieve a positive economic result. Forest is long-term and to maximize a single year without planning for the years to come results in less optimization of the parameters available to achieve a favourable economic result. This case study investigates the investment of two forest properties situated in Götaland. The management of the forest has been planned for both properties during a period of ten years.

Kroppens Kultur : Fysisk teater som begrepp, dess diskurs och status på teaterfältet.

This master?s thesis discusses the term physical theatre from a discourse point of view. It also focuses on aspects of power from a field theory perspective. The main theory used is Pierre Bourdieu?s field theory, and I try to apply this onto critical discourse analysis, mainly taken from Michel Foucault.

Fordonsbestånd och nyregistreringar - en statistisk analys av regionala skillnader och strukturella faktorer

The official statistics on communication and transports in Sweden is administered by Statens Institut för kommunikationsanalys (SIKA). SIKA?s commission includes production of statistics on the Swedish vehicle fleet. These statistics provide important information tofinancial institutes, ministries, industry and mass media among others. Furthermore, the vehicle statistics include measures of comparison between different counties and municipalities.

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