

242 Uppsatser om Acquired immunity - Sida 16 av 17

Olssons trädgård : ett examensarbete som handlar om att lyssna när en plats berättar

This master thesis is about a place that has a story to tell. Olsson?s garden came about when Mr Carl Oscar Olsson acquired a piece of land in Landalabergen in the beginning of the 1930's and at that time he started his industrious work of uniting much of Sweden's flora in his garden. Since the very beginning Olsson's garden has played a lot of different rolls in a variety of situations and meant different things for different people. Today one can find traces from Mr Olsson's life and deeds in the garden.

Canine S- and M/L- cone electroretinograms

Full-field flash electroretinography is an electrodiagnostic method used to examine the function of retinal cells. Light stimulation of the eye elicits electrical potentials in the retina. By aid of a corneal electrode and a reference electrode close to the back of the eye, the electrical potentials can be recorded and presented as an electroretinogram (ERG). ERGs driven by mainly one type of cones can be used to examine the function of a single cone class. In human beings, studies have shown the cone class sensitive to light of short wavelengths, the S-cones, to be more vulnerable to acquired damage than the other cone classes (Daley et al., 1987; Gouras et al., 1993; Greenstein et al., 1989). Dogs have two cone classes, S-cones, and M/L-cones (most sensitive to medium to long wavelengths).

I skuggan av Preussen : Svenska officerares studieresor till Frankrike före första världskriget

In the decades leading up to the First World War, the Swedish army (as the rest of Swedish society) was greatly influenced by Germany (i.e. subject primarily to Prussian military influence). German equipment was purchased and German training methods and ways of organizing military units were copied. Apart from such easily discernible traces of German influence, the Swedish officer corps - according to earlier research - harboured sympathies for Germany and the German Army. But did the German influences, and the sympathies for Germany, also result in a professional bias ? i.e.

Termisk hantering av litium-jon- batterier i elektriska drivsystem

The automotive market is currently undergoing a historical change where stricter emission legislations and ever increasing fuel costs have intensified the search for effective alternatives to the conventional internal combustion engine, which has resulted in a substantial trend towards electrification of powertrains. Storage of electrical energy is the fundamental component in this technology where the lithium-ion batteries are currently considered as the most appropriate solution. Lithium-ion batteries, however, as other types of batteries, can only be used efficiently and durably within a specific temperature range.This Master thesis has been carried out in collaboration with Electroengine in Sweden AB, situated in Uppsala, which has an ongoing project regarding development of a modular battery system for electric powertrains. The project is at a stage where an initial prototype has been developed which provides the foundation for this thesis. The study has addressed the battery system performance from a thermal perspective, in order to validate the ability of the system to create a thermally serviceable environment for the lithium-ion battery cells.

Jord i portföljen : jordbruksmark som en del av en investeringsportfölj

People who invest capital in promising projects as a profession are called venture capitalists. They are constantly looking for new investment opportunities. Recently, media have observed a growing interest in forest land as capital investment. This is because several fund and investment company market the possibility of safe return through investment in woodland, both in Sweden and abroad. When an investment in forests is seen as an acceptable investment option, focus turns to nearby areas, namely agricultural land.

Enkätundersökning till Älvdalens Besparingsskogs delägare

Älvdalens Savings Forest was formed in the late 1800's. During this time the country was conducting the first major land reform in Sweden, namely the redistribution of arable land through government action. In Älvdalen people saw an opportunity to form Savings Forest, that is jointly owned forests, where everyone would get part of the proceeds. The yield in the first place would cover were costs to manage and monitor the forest and to the measures to ensure regrowth and improve the forests. You could also use the proceeds to develop the area and make it easier for the population to manage their forest. In early summer, a survey was sent to all the members of Älvdalens Savings Forest.

Att hantera sömmar i interaktiva system

The purpose of this paper is to examine how seams in an interactive system should be managed. Seamsin this study refer to the boundaries that arise when users move between for example differentsoftware, products or positioning systems. These seams are a cornerstone of the relatively unexploredarea called seamful design, which is based on that users can avail highlighted seams through activeparticipation in the use of a system. To analyze this area, seamful design is applied to the developmentof an interface of a smoothie vending machine. This smoothie machine thus provides the analyzedinteractive system, which the research questions are applied to as well as answered by.

Bildspråk ? bokstavligt talat alltså. Ett undersökande arbete inom semiotiken

Under examenskursen har jag studerat bilder som används istället för text. Många oväntade upptäckter och insikter dök upp längs vägen, vilket ibland medförde att jag ändrade fokus. Projektets process kom därför att bli ganska krokig.Från början var jag inne på att skapa språk som bygger på bilder. Tanken var att möjliggöra internationell kommunikation och kommunikation med personer med talhandikapp. Jag tänkte ?översätta? en text till bilder, som en skiss på ett sådant språk.

Att leva med HIV som kronisk sjukdom

BakgrundHumant immunbristvirus, HIV, är ett retrovirus, vilket innebär att viruset lagras i kroppens arvsmassa som leder till att personen med HIV aldrig blir av med viruset. HIV påverkar immunsystemet genom att förstöra eller skada celler nödvändiga för immunförsvaret. Då immunförsvaret har blivit så förstört att kroppen inte kan bekämpa andra sjukdomar eller tumörsjukdomar har HIV utvecklats till Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, AIDS. På grund av inträdandet av antiretrovirala läkemedel år 1996 har HIV gått från att vara en sjukdom som förkortade livet till en kronisk sjukdom. Detta har medfört nya utmaningar för personer med HIV.

Mjuk massage och diakoni : Ett holistiskt perspektiv

IntroductionTactile Massage is a generic term that for example includes Massage therapy, Effleurage, Gentle touch, Tactile stimulation, Soft massage and Aromatherapy massage (SBU 2009). Tactile Massage has been proven to activate the perception receptors of the body and stimulates the system of oxytocin and in that way Tactile massage increase wellbeing and decrease pain. The Church of Sweden was formally separated from the state in the year of 2000 and by this means created greater freedom in facilitating its own social and Deaconal programs in separate parishes. Since 2004 a few numbers of deacons have been integrating Tactile massage as a method in Deaconal  ministry within the framework of holistic care in the Church of Sweden.Aim/Research questionsThe aim: From a holistic perspective investigate the use of and to increase the problem-awareness of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry within the Church of Sweden.The research questions: How is Tactile massage being used and how are we to describe the experiences of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry? What possibilities and difficulties are related to the use of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry within the Church of Sweden?MethodThis study is the first explorative research about Tactile massage in Swedish church diaconal context.

Kundanpassad tjänsteutveckling och förändrade relationer inom den försvarsindustriella sfären

The aim of this thesis is to describe the customer?s attitudes toward the contracting for availability, i.e., which factors are from the customer?s perspective necessary for the fulfilment of a supplier-customer agreement? Furthermore, the objective is to describe and analyse a supplier-customer relation in the Defence Industrial sphere.The present study has been carried out as a case study using an abductive approach. The thesis is based on a practical problem, i.e. which factors will be important to the customer when a contractor in the Defence Industry wants to increase its commitment of service, and how will their relationship change? The thesis is above all focused on generating knowledge that can lead to rapid and concrete measures and that can be used in the analysis of an increased industrial commitment but also as a case study of a problem of a more general nature in the Defence Industry.

Allt som finns kvar : Om personarkiv hos föräldrar som förlorat små barn

The object of this two years master's thesis has been to study a specific genre of personal archives by examiningthe archives of nine parents who have lost one or several infants. Using internet-based methods, (e-mail, Skypeand digital photographs), I have conducted qualitative research using a general interview guide technique. Usingresearch from archival theory as well as other fields, my material has been arranged and analysed according tothemes and recurring thoughts picked up from my informants during the interviews.My main theoretical aid has been that the role of parent who has lost a child is the starting point for the creationof the personal archives. Another important theory is my definition of the term ?document? as not dependent onmedium and format, but on usage: if an object has been used as a part of an archive, it is a document.

?Ibland så kan en bok som jag har tyckt vara lite halvdöd plötsligt få liv och piggna till? ? En kvalitativ studie av formella och informella läsecirklar

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine similarities and differences in qualitative experiences between formal and informal reading groups from the participants? point of view. The empirical data was acquired from interviews with nine reading group participants, of whom four of them participated in formal reading groups and five in informal reading groups. To analyze the empirical data, Louise M. Rosenblatt?s theory concerning reading and a method concerning reading groups by Immi Lundin were used.

"Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar" : bemötande av personer med HIV och AIDS

BakgrundHumant Immunbristvirus (HIV) är en obotlig virussjukdom. Viruset försvagar och bryter ner kroppens immunförsvar. Obehandlat leder sjukdomen till Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), då immunförsvaret är helt nedbrutet. Idag lever 30 miljoner människor världen över med sjukdomen och i Sverige finns cirka 6000 personer med HIV/AIDS. Sjukdomen behandlas livslångt med antivirala medel, som skapar förutsättning till ett längre och friskare liv.


My objective with the work, Travel Sketches, is to develop an approach to sketching as a landscape architect in connection with the field trip. Previous experiences and reference places are vital parts during the creation of new design proposals. It is by visiting and experiencing places that valuable knowledge is acquired. By sketching on site, with for example a pen and paper, a bank of reference objects will be established as well as an understanding of their practical success. Experiences and sketching are the basic tools of an architect.

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