

242 Uppsatser om Acquired immunity - Sida 10 av 17

Kvalitetsbegrepp och tv-spelsbestånd - En fallstudie av tv-spelsverksamheten på Malmö stadsbibliotek

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the quality notions used by the library personnel responsible for the video game department at Malmo City Library. Furthermore, the thesis aims to assess how these notions of quality relate to properties of the actual collection of video games. The empirical results are based on interviews with the responsible library personnel. The result is then analyzed by an interpretation of Carl Gustav Johannsen?s library adapted, theory-based, model of quality definitions.

En enda gång kan vara nog : En kvantitativ studie om gymnasieungdomars erfarenheter av våld och/eller våld i nära relationer

The overall purpose of this study is to make a survey of the extent as to which youths have witnessed acts of violence and or violence in close relationships, and which underlying factors, sex, class, and ethnicity ? characterize youths with such experiences. The study also aims to explore their attitudes and strategies and what the consequences are for youths of witnessing acts of violence, with respect to attachment to adults and other social networks. The primary data have been collected in two upper secondary schools. The study includes 101 students.

Att leva med HIV i Europa respektive Afrika

Individer som smittas av Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) och utvecklar Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) ställs inte bara inför en livshotande sjukdom utan drabbas dessutom av stigma som är relaterat till fruktan för HIV/AIDS. Stigmatisering är ett globalt problem som kan leda till diskriminering och försämrad livskvalitet för personen i såväl den privata som den offentliga sfären. Orsaken till stigmatiseringen är komplex och problematiken existentiell. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att jämföra påverkan på individen vid sjukdomen HIV i Europa respektive Afrika söder om Sahara. Resultaten i studien baseras på 17 vetenskapliga artiklar där fokus ligger på anledningar till att berätta om eller dölja sin HIV-status och vilka konsekvenser detta val kan få för individens liv.

IAS 40 : Verkligt värde -vs- Anskaffningsvärde

1 January 2005 came the new reconstructed version of IAS 40. It came to compensate the earlier ÅRL and FAR who was applied within the European Union. These new standards came to be called as IAS/IFRS. The standards? are supposed to make sure that the differences between the different countries won?t be so split.

Ungdomar om bibliotek

The aim of the thesis is to study young peoples, defined as boys and girls between 14 and 16 years old, attitudes to library in two municipalities. Notwithstanding the fact that young people, and children, often is given priority in library work, the reality often seems to be another. Attitudes are founded primarily in childhood and therefore it is of great importance to examine how young people regard libraries. Besides studying former research about young people and libraries that has been performed on library and information science, we also have been using concepts and theories from social science. We give a brief outline of youth research and its development and look at official records and legislation to see if and in what context young people are mentioned.

Personlig lämplighet : Värderingsgrund vid rekrytering

Commercial expropriation occurs when real property is compulsory acquired by a private operator. This phenomenon is relatively new and has been criticized not only because of the rules concerning compensation, but also from the point of view of permissibility.An intervention in the protection of property must fulfill the requirement of important public interest set out in RF 2 kap. 15 § in order for it to be allowed. There is no definition regarding what constitutes an important public interest, the only thing that exist is a non-exhaustive list in the preparatory work. This in turn has led to the creation of a broad discretion when it comes to determining what constitutes important public interests.

Sjuksköterskors uppfattningar om att vårda barn med palliativt vårdbehov och att växla mellan att vårda barn med palliativt och kurativt vårdbehov : - En kvalitativ studie

Caring for children at hospital with palliative care needs arouses different reactions in nurses and depends on what prior knowledge and experience nurses have. To besides shift focus from to care children palliative to care curative is further a strain and an emotional changeover. The aim of this study was to illuminate nurse?sperceptions about caring for children at hospital with palliative care needs, and how they shift focus of care between children with palliative care needs and children with curative care needs. The study has a qualitative approach and data were collected with interviews from two focus groups.

Allt är möjligt hus i Gustavsberg

In a sequence described in the next paragraphs, I remove the poorly insulated roof of Gustavsberg Porcelain Factory and make new use of its  foundation. The monolith cement slab, once supporting heavy industrial machinery, is now the site of lakes and other movements:The top floor area is split, and a new built volume, one story higher, overtakes the southern half resting on the factory?s basement, digging into it at its western and eastern ends. Striking horizontally, the fissure exposes a long central axis, taking advantage of the factory?s horizontality to articulate vastness .

Kvinnliga entreprenörer : och relationer till manliga och kvinnliga normer

line of business/industry and family, to more clearly discern how male and female norms are acquired among female entrepreneurs. The purpose of this study was to gain a greater understanding and knowledge of women's conditions regarding entrepreneurship, in relation to society's norms. The study is based on a textual thematic analyses, using two themes derived from Helene Ahls ?The Scientific Reproduction of Gender Inequality. A Discourse Analysis of Research Texts on Women`s Entrepreneurship?.

Effektivisering av den administrativa delen av orderprocessen : En fallstudie på Sandvik Wire

Sandvik Wire needed a review of the administrative part of the order fulfillment process and especially the work around packing and the inventory of finished goods. Therefore we acquired the assignment to investigate the administrative part of the order fulfillment process in the company with the purpose to identify potential for improvement. This investigation was performed with focus on the terminal and packing functions. The purpose with the investigation was also to identify critical factors for an efficient order fulfillment process and investigate if information quality is such a factor.Data was collected through interviews and observations on Sandvik Wire. With the help of this data the information and material flows was mapped, the work within terminal and packing, and adjacent functions was investigated.

Uttagsbeskattning och beskattningsinträde : En analys av förenligheten med etableringsfriheten

AbstractEver since Sweden joined EU Swedish law has to be compatible with EU law. Swedish law cannot state anything that may restrict the freedom of establishment. This means that companies are free to change their resident within the EU without any restrictions. National rules regarding exit tax states that companies who wants to move their business out of Sweden is taxed as if their assets has been disposed of at the exit time. These rules have been found to restrict EU law according to case RÅ 2008 ref 30.

Hemrehabilitering vid kognitiva begränsningar i vardagliga aktiviteter hos personer med förvärvad hjärnskada : Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter

Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av hemrehabilitering för vuxna med kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar efter förvärvad hjärnskada. I studien deltog tolv arbetsterapeuter med minst ett års erfarenhet av hemrehabilitering, verksamma inom kommuner och landsting i södra och mellersta Sverige. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med stöd av frågeguide. Det insamlade materialet analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och utmynnade i tre kategorier: ?Erfarenheter av att se svårigheter i vardagen?, ?Erfarenheter av att möjliggöra delaktighet i vardagen? och ?Erfarenheter av samarbetets betydelse?.

Personalläsecirklar på folkbibliotek ? Ett forum för att utveckla litteraturpedagogiska förhållningssätt

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how librarians perceive the importance of staff reading groups in helping to make fiction more accessible to adult users of public libraries. The study also examines how librarians perceive the learning processes in such groups, and what these learning processes involve and how they appear. The empirical data was acquired via observations of four staff reading groups and interviews with seven public librarians who took part in the groups. In part, the empirical data is interpreted by means of Lena Wilhelmsson?s analytical tool, which deals with changes of perspective within an organised group.

BitTorrent i kommersiella system : Identifiering av incitament och användarbeteenden

Companies that sell digital products such as software and movies transfer large amounts of data to its customers. In order to send this amount of data using FTP or HTTP and still maintain a high speed transfer rate it is required that the company have a large number of servers and a huge bandwidth. Servers and bandwidth costs money which means they have great costs on the distribution of their products. In order to reduce distribution costs, P2P technology can be used and the most powerful technology to transmit popular files is called BitTorrent.BitTorrent requires users to share their bandwidth. Nowadays, BitTorrent is frequently used to transfer products that are free of charge; one example is the Linux distribution Ubuntu.

Transkulturella möten inom mödravården : Barnmorskors egna erfarenheter

The purpose of this study was to look at the experiences of midwives in maternalhealth care encounters with non-european-born women and men, and to determine ifmidwives deem any special competence necessary to handle these encounters well.We gathered information by means of qualitative interviews and semi structuredquestions with eight midwives all of whom matched the inclusion criterias and gavetheir personal consent. Midwives from four district health care centers in Uppsalawere included. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed by means of qualitativecontent analysis.The results reveal the experiences from encounters with non-european patients to betwofold. On one hand the encounter is a positive, exiting experience with anopportunity to learn more about a foreign culture and exchange experiences. On theother hand complications can occur as patients may have unexpected expectationsregarding the health care, have great difficulties with the language or haveexperienced traumatizing incidents, all on top of coming to Sweden alone withoutrelatives.In the encounter with non-european-born patients the midwives consider it importantto have special competence in form of knowledge of other cultures and religions asthis provides a greater understanding of the reasoning behind the patients? decisions.Cultural competence is also important as it helps avoid inadvertently insulting thepatient during the encounter.The special competence held by the midwives has been attained from their basic andspecialist education as well as from self acquired experiences and interests.

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