

245 Uppsatser om Acoustic signals - Sida 16 av 17

Boomerang/Filippa K : En studie i lojalitet till klädesmärken

Most of the clothes sold in Europe today are produced in developing countries where the production costs are lower. The exploitation of the developing countries has led to that the inferior working conditions in these countries have attracted attention from media and NGOs. Globalisation makes company activities more transparent and the absence of transnational laws calls for alternative regulations. Many companies in Europe has since mid 1990s developed codes of conduct to satisfy the demands of external and internal stakeholders. EU also brought Corporate Social Responsibility to it?s agenda in the beginning of the 2000s and subsequently signals of approaching laws were given.

Riskkapitalbolag : En analys av hur den svenska riskkapitalmarknaden påverkades av IT-haussen

Most of the clothes sold in Europe today are produced in developing countries where the production costs are lower. The exploitation of the developing countries has led to that the inferior working conditions in these countries have attracted attention from media and NGOs. Globalisation makes company activities more transparent and the absence of transnational laws calls for alternative regulations. Many companies in Europe has since mid 1990s developed codes of conduct to satisfy the demands of external and internal stakeholders. EU also brought Corporate Social Responsibility to it?s agenda in the beginning of the 2000s and subsequently signals of approaching laws were given.

BSCI : Ett europeiskt initiativ till standardisering av socialt ansvarstagande

Most of the clothes sold in Europe today are produced in developing countries where the production costs are lower. The exploitation of the developing countries has led to that the inferior working conditions in these countries have attracted attention from media and NGOs. Globalisation makes company activities more transparent and the absence of transnational laws calls for alternative regulations. Many companies in Europe has since mid 1990s developed codes of conduct to satisfy the demands of external and internal stakeholders. EU also brought Corporate Social Responsibility to it?s agenda in the beginning of the 2000s and subsequently signals of approaching laws were given.

Vad ridskolor lär ut om hästens beteende

The horses have been in the care of humans for about 5000-7000 years. But even though the horses have been domesticated and artificial selected for such a long time their natural behaviours and instincts still remains. In the rich countries there are many people who have the opportunity to ride either on their own horses or at riding schools. Many of these people have not grown up on farms and have no experience of handling big animals. This can lead to implications of the horses? welfare.

"...it is time to bring the body back into the information field" : En undersökning om icke-verbal kommunikation på bibliotek och möjligheten att med skådespelarövningar höja bibliotekariers icke-verbala kompetens

 The aim of this two-years master?s thesis is to examine the role of the body and the importance of nonverbal communication in the library workplace and to explore the possibility of becoming more nonverbally skilled. For this purpose a course was developed and presented to nine librarians in a public library in the vicinity of Stockholm in February, 2011. Qualitative interviews with the librarians were conducted after the course.Important theories for this work were Annemaree Lloyd?s thoughts on corporeality, Erving Goffman?s dramaturgical sociology and John Dewey?s learning by doing.

Teknisk analys : Är det lönsamt att vara trendig?

Trading based on technical analysis has its roots in the U.S. financial industry where it has long been common practice, in Sweden however the trading style has not had the same impact. Based on the results from the preliminary study we believe this is about to change and that the topic therefore requires further studying. Several online stockbrokers today provide information and tools for technical analysis to their clients. As the list of indicators to use for creating strategies is so immense it is interesting for an investor to know what actually could be the basis for a profitable investment strategy.

Produktivitet och personalplanering : - en fallstudie på Onninen AB 2008

During the last couple of years many sectors and markets have had an increase in the competitive situation, this has meant that being cost effective have become more essential if organizations want to stay in business and be competitive. Thus, one crucial issue has become how to utilize the resources already available within the organization. Organizations can thoroughly plan and control personnel resources in order to become more efficient. But to become more cost effective also means taking into consideration several key figures, productivity being one of the more important figures.Onninen, a wholesaler which has one of its two central warehouses in Örebro has experienced this issue, i.e. an increase in competitive situation in their market.

Förenklad akustiksimulering för interaktiv miljö

Detta examensarbete är gjort i samarbete med iOpera AB i Kramfors. iOpera är ett företag som just nu arbetar med ett projekt som innefattar virtuell musikteater på internet. Deras vision är att skapa ett större intresse för opera då den genren har kommit i skymundan i den nya musikindustrin på internet. Denna uppsatts handlar om att hjälpa iOpera med akustiksimuleringar eftersom akustiken i den virtuella miljön är väldigt viktigt för att skapa ett mervärde i deras projekt.Med hjälp av datorprogrammet CATT-Acoustic kan man simulera akustiken i ett rum. Genom att definiera absorptionskoefficient och diffusionskoefficient på rummets alla ytor samt placera ut källa och mottagare skapas möjligheten att simulera.

The movement of the rider?s hand related to the horse?s behaviour and the stride cycle

One way of signalling commands to the horse during riding is through applying tension on the reins to create bit pressure in the horse?s mouth (Terada et al., 2006; Clayton et al., 2011). The skilfulness of the rider in using the hands when applying bit pressure has consequences both for the horse?s performance and welfare (Manfredi et al., 2010). At the trot there are large vertical deviations of the horse?s body which the rider must adjust and adapt to (Terada et al., 2006) and an unsteady hand due to inability to follow the horse?s movement can be a source of discomfort and conflict behaviour in the horse (Heleski et al., 2009).

Påverkas stereotypt vandrande hos amurleopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) vid ökad förutsägbarhet i samband med utfodring?

Stereotypic pacing is frequently observed in captive carnivores, however the underlying causes of this behaviour remain somewhat unclear. One of these possible causes are unpredictable feeding signals, which may give rise to frustration and subsequent pacing. Animal keepers at Nordens Ark had noticed that their Amur leopards had shown stereotypic pacing in connection to the passing of ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) used by animal keepers primarly when feeding the animals in the park. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the stereotypic pacing of the two Amur leopards at Nordens Ark were affected by the introduction of a signal associated with feeding. The leopards were trained by classical conditioning to associate the sound of a siren with the delivery of food by an animal keeper.

Öppna öronen! En blivande landskapsarkitekts utforskande av ljudets roll i platsskapandet

Detta examensarbete har haft som målsättning att med hjälp av akustisk design finna nya angreppssätt för landskapsarkitekten att ta sig an komplexa utemiljöer. Utifrån ett övergripande syfte att öka kunskapen om skapandet av den goda utemiljön både hos författaren själv och inom fältet rumslig design har två huvudfrågeställningar formulerats: Hur kan jag som landskapsarkitekt ta hjälp av akustisk design för att gestalta med fokus på det som hörs snarare än det som syns? Hur påverkas landskapsarkitektens designprocess av detta nya perspektiv i arbetet med att förbättra ett existerande, komplext landskap i staden? För att besvara dessa frågor har en litteraturstudie samt en fallstudie genomförts, för att först inhämta befintlig kunskap inom ämnet och sedan testa denna i praktiken. Litteraturstudien presenteras som en teoribakgrund, där teorier dels om landskapsarkitektens uppdrag och designprocess och dels om ljudlandskapet och akustisk design introduceras. Även begreppen rekreativt vardagslandskap respektive urbant trafikstråk utreds, då dessa utgör kontexten för fallstudien.

Köp av skogsfastighet : en fallstudie

The price of Swedish forest properties has gone up by 77 percent during the past five years. Amongst private forest managers the high price level signals optimism and confidence for the future. Many forest owners manage large capital in the forest and a planned economy is to a larger extent demanded to achieve a positive economic result. Forest is long-term and to maximize a single year without planning for the years to come results in less optimization of the parameters available to achieve a favourable economic result. This case study investigates the investment of two forest properties situated in Götaland. The management of the forest has been planned for both properties during a period of ten years.

Virtuell hållfasthetsprovning av en turistbuss

The competitive nature of the automotive industry has always implied a necessity to improve product development concerning time-to-market, cost and product quality. As capacity of computer-aided engineering (CAE) tools has evolved, so has the strive for simulation-driven design. Virtual durability testing using full vehicle models is one of many challenges posed in front of vehicle manufacturers when computer simulations are given a key role in product development.This thesis has been initiated as a preliminary step towards implementing dynamic virtual durability testing in the development of buses and coaches at Scania. The objective has been to assess the predictability of a full vehicle coach model and to what level of precision structural loads can be predicted. Previously performed proving ground testing of a Scania Touring coach has been the basis for the modelling and simulations in this thesis.A virtual model of the Scania Touring coach has been created in multi-body simulation software package MSC.Adams.

Ethanol for Scania's Future - A Scenario Based Analysis

Abstract Title: Ethanol for Scania?s future ? A scenario based analysis Authors: Anna Hansson and Julia Persson Tutors: Annette Cerne ? Department of Business Administration, Lund University Jonas Holmborn ? Head of Advanced Combustion, Engine Development, Scania Lennart Thörnqvist ? Department of Energy Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University Problem: Oil-based products are the dominating fuels in the transport sector but alternative fuels are currently challenging the world-wide dominance. The large number of alternative fuels that are under development at present makes the future fuel-market impossible to predict. Scania?s ethanol project is associated with a number of uncertainty factors that are beyond the company?s control.

Smärta hos djur :

We have made a litterature study about pain in animals. In this studie we have brought up areas like sign of pains in animals, pain relief and the care perspective. Pain is perceived when body tissue is damaged or nearly damaged by stimuli. Nociceptors, which are receptors placed at nerve endings, responds to a provocation of pain and transmit an impulse along the nerve to the brain via the spinal cord. Pain is urgent or chronic, and can be divided into nociceptive pain (somatic pain and visceral pain) and neuropathic pain. Different pain mechanisms can arise, such as referred pain, which is when signals of pain are referred to other parts of the body.

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