

245 Uppsatser om Acoustic signals - Sida 13 av 17

Trastuzumab som adjuvant behandling avbröstcancerpatienter med HER2-positivitet : Hur effektivt är det?

Breast cancer is the most common tumor disease among women in Sweden. About 7000persons, having a median age of 65, are diagnosed each year with this disease. Withmammography screening, breast cancer can be detected in an early stage which improves theoverall survival (OS). 20-30 % of the breast cancer tumors are overexpressing humanepidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), which is a protein that stimulates cell proliferation.Trastuzumab (Herceptin®) is a humanised monoclonal antibody that targets the HER2-proteinand prevent the signals for cell proliferation.Trastuzumab has earlier been used for treatment of metastatic breast cancer. In the year of 2007trastuzumab was approved for adjuvant treatment of patients who has been medicated withsurgery and/or radiation.The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of adjuvant treatment with trastuzumab inHER2-positive breast cancer patients.

Acoustic Levitation - Optimization of instrumental parameters of the LevMac instrument for protein crystallization applications

LevMacinstrumentet är ett analysinstrument under utveckling som utnyttjar leviterade droppar på 100 nl ? 2 ?l. Genom att använda leviterade droppar med den omgivande atmosfären som enda kontaktyta, undviker LevMac?en de vanligaste problemen associerade med miniatyrisering av analytiska tekniker, t.ex. kontaminering av provet genom desorption från provbehållaren eller andra gränsytor, adsorption av analyten till omgivningen med minskat utbyte som följd, och optisk interferens vid väggarna av provbehållaren vilket resulterar i störningar av detektionen.Tillsatser till den leviterade droppen kan göras i pl-området och reaktioner i droppen kan följas med olika spektroskopiska tekniker.

Den ena boplatsvallen är den andra lik? : Miljöarkeologisk intra-site studie av boplatsvallar vid Lillsjön, Anundsjö sn., Ångermanland

Boplatsvallar, often translated as semi-subterranean settlements, is an ancient monument with a diffuse definition. Defined as ?embankments that partially or completely surround a often lowered/dug down surface- this category of ancient monuments is also made up of a former category which traditionally was interpreted as winter settlements from the late Stone age in Sweden. This view of the ancient monuments carried over, to a certain extent, to this new definition. Should this be the case, that this category of ancient monuments are remains of winter settlements,  used recurringly over an extended period of time, then they should exhibit similar signals in regards to the distribution of the anthropogenically altered soil chemical and soil physical properties at the sites.The area around Lillsjön, Anundsjö parish in Ångermanland, have four boplatsvallar located separately in the regional area.

Emotionerna stolthet och skam och de divergerande multiplexa sociala banden : En intervjustudie av tre ungdomars sociala nätverk av sociala band och dess oscillation mellan att existera på och utanför Internet

The purpose of this qualitative study has been; how social bonds are interlaced between the social worlds contained within the analytical division of ?outside Internet? and ?within Internet?. What happens with the social bond as the individual oscillate between this analytic bisection? This purpose raises important questions of the use of Internet in everyday life.A new stance is taken toward studying the Internets integration into everyday life. The focus is adjusted to the importance of emotions.


Breast cancer is the most common tumor disease among women in Sweden. About 7000persons, having a median age of 65, are diagnosed each year with this disease. Withmammography screening, breast cancer can be detected in an early stage which improves theoverall survival (OS). 20-30 % of the breast cancer tumors are overexpressing humanepidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), which is a protein that stimulates cell proliferation.Trastuzumab (Herceptin®) is a humanised monoclonal antibody that targets the HER2-proteinand prevent the signals for cell proliferation.Trastuzumab has earlier been used for treatment of metastatic breast cancer. In the year of 2007trastuzumab was approved for adjuvant treatment of patients who has been medicated withsurgery and/or radiation.The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of adjuvant treatment with trastuzumab inHER2-positive breast cancer patients.

Riskminimering i föräldrasamverkan

The way we socialize today is radically different from how it was only twenty years ago. Since the arrival of the Internet more and more of what we know about the lives of our friends comes from text-based social networks, or blogs. This means that we all, more or less, have become authors of our own life stories and that the reality we live in have become fictionalized. In this paper I explore what effects this postmodern process of dissolving boundaries has had on the autobiographical genre, where the line between fiction and reality is traditionally stressed. By analysing Carina Rydberg?s (b.

Tysta barn i förskolan : tillgång eller problem?

The aim of this study is to examine how preschools contribute to the forming of identity in children, with a specific focus on the quiet and socially withdrawn child. How do the teachers describe the quiet child and the socially withdrawn child? Are there any opportunities for children to be quiet/withdrawn in preschools? These questions have also been analysed from a gender perspective. The method chosen is qualitative method. Nine preschool teachers from two Swedish preschools have been interviewed.

Utvärdering av en FPGA för rymdbruk

A new FPGA suitable for space applications has just reached the market. To investigate whether there are any possible flaws or limitations similar to those previously seen on FPGAs, an evaluation has to be done. This master thesis contains the evaluation of this new radhard FPGA with focus on possible design limitations and package related electrical phenomena.Areas evaluated: Ground-/VDD bounce, Cross talk, Rise time sensitivit, Power cycling, Power consumption, Place and route tool, Radiation hardnessThis report contains all steps in the evaluation. From method to measurements, comparisons, theory, results and conclusions. In the evaluation work, special effort has been made to develop designs that really stress the FPGA to find potential problems.

Glasklart? En kvantitativ studie om en inglasad exponerings påverkan på kunden

Shoplifting is a serious problem due to the fact that about 2 % of a retail store's turnaround dis-appears annually. This paper discusses the problem with shoplifting where a closed retail display of glass can prevent this kind of misbehavior. Hitherto the scientific research regarding how consumers react to a closed retail display is non-existing. With this in mind we want to investigate and enlighten the phenomenon regarding consumer behavior and product appreciation. The study is carried out at a retailer in the beauty industry in Sweden both in stores where the selection of perfumes have been displayed behind glass and in stores in which they have been displayed with open access.

Generationsfonder : En jämförelse mellan generationsfonderna i Sverige

In the future the Swedish pension system will face major problems. With an increasing aging population combined with a decreasing share of working population the financing of the pension system is becoming a bigger problem than previously predicted. This means the individual himself will have a bigger responsibility to invest money for their future retirement. It has been shown that a large proportion of the people who invests for their future pension have neither the interest nor the time to actively invest their pension capital. To make it easier for those who invest for their retirement, some Swedish banks have created so-called generation funds.

Actio, pronuntiatio, starkt etos och pistis : en studie av Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy och Bill Clinton

How a speaker can use their posture, gesture, facial expression and voice to create a strong ethos, pistis and sense of trustworthiness is, in this paper, associated with charisma (the power of leadership or authority).Verbal and nonverbal expressions from three particular speeches by Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy and Bill Clinton have been analyzed in depth. The results show that patos as well as strong nonverbal expression are factors in inspiring devotion or creating enthusiasm. Personal magnetism and radiance is also found to develop through figures of speech and rhetorical devices, including metaphors. Results show that facial expressions, pitch and other prosodic information are not always consciously taken in. Nevertheless, it is questioned whether such information can affect the ethos and pistis developed.

SPELA MERA : ?vidareutveckling av design och funktion på Interaktiva VideoTerminaler

This Master of Science thesis is conducted at the faculty Integrated Product Development at theRoyal Institute of Technology and in cooperation with EssNet Interactive AB, both situated inStockholm. In the report the final results and the road to get there is described as well as thedesign process and how the process is used to obtain the goal of this thesis.The author of this thesis has developed the design and the function of an interactive videoterminal (IVT) and by using semantics created an encouraging gaming design. The projectspurpose was to change the anonymous withheld shape and produce an experience of gamingmachine that has been absent. The work was aimed to answer the question: How does oneproceed to develop the IVT and by using semantics creating an understanding of gamingmachine?In general the author wants to show that small changes, with the help of design and its signals,can completely change the overall picture of a product.

Hörde du inte vad jag tänkte? : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares förväntningar på enhetschefers ledarskap och konsekvenserna om förväntningarna inte uppfylls

The aim of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of the expectations that assistant nurses in the elderly care have on unit manager's leadership and the consequences if the expectations are not met. To answer the purpose of this paper a qualitative research was conducted with interviews with six assistant nurses in municipal elderly care. To analyze the empirical material communication were used as a theoretical concept. Communication includes codes, signals and messages to be interpreted by the parties in a conversation and they can be both verbal and nonverbal. This means that communication is complicated and can cause confusion if it is interpreted wrong.

Bedömning förr och nu : En studie i bedömning genom grundskolan

AbstractAimThe aim is that by using the curriculumcodes, analyze and compare four curriculums in physical education. The study begins in the elementary school introduction in 1962, and then makes three more strikes in 1980, 1994 and 2011.The questions that are addressed in this paper are,Which expression of competence code can be found in the different curricular?What are the expressions for performance code can be found in the different curricula?Is there any change regarding which code teachers use when they assess the students?Method  As a basis, the four curricula Lgr 62 Lgr 80, Lpo 94 and Lgr 11 in physical education are used. These four curriculums are studied and compared for similarities and changes in the assessment uses comparative content analysis. A number of publications in the curriculum codes are used in the analysis of the curriculum.

Grönare konsumtion : Hur konsumerar deltagare i MiljöVarDag projektet idag?

The way we socialize today is radically different from how it was only twenty years ago. Since the arrival of the Internet more and more of what we know about the lives of our friends comes from text-based social networks, or blogs. This means that we all, more or less, have become authors of our own life stories and that the reality we live in have become fictionalized. In this paper I explore what effects this postmodern process of dissolving boundaries has had on the autobiographical genre, where the line between fiction and reality is traditionally stressed. By analysing Carina Rydberg?s (b.

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