

245 Uppsatser om Acoustic signals - Sida 14 av 17

Hur påverkar ålder och fetthalt laxsmoltens utvandring till havet?

AbstractPrevious studies have shown that wild smolt have 2.5-4.5 times higher survival rate than smolt grown in culture and that starved reared smolt behave more like wild born smolt. The purpose of this project was to study whether there are differences in migration patterns and survival during migration to the coast between wild and reared smolt and between different types of reared smolt.In 2009, 25 smolts in three different groups were tagged with acoustic transmitters: Wild Born, conventionally reared 2-year and 1 ?year old smolt. For the 2010 trial there was also added a group of reared 2 ?year old smolt that were starved before release.

Fastighetsmäklares icke-verbala kommunikation

Background: During a house demonstration a real estate agent have the chance to make new contacts which is of big importance to spread the word about the agency and keep up with the competition. If the realtor makes a good impression on the customers, it increases the chance for making the customers return to the same realtor when time comes to sell their own house. The interpretation of this non-verbal communication has been shown to have a fundamental effect on the participant?s perception of the encounter. This makes the study aim regards investigating which non-verbal signals a real estate agent express.Purpose: This study has a two-parted purpose whereas the first part intends to point out similarities and differences in a realtor?s non-verbal communication.

Analys av PWM-mönster i Matlab

One of ABB Power Systems´s business areas is HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) technology. HVDC is used for transmissions for both short and long distances. One of Power Systems?s products is called HVDC Light. HVDC Light is a relatively new technology for power transmission, but have before only been used for motor drives applications.

Implementing a receiver in a fast data transfer system : A feasibility study

This report is an outcome of a master degree project at Linköpings University in co-operation with Micronic Laser Systems AB. The purpose with this master degree project was to investigate how to implement a receiver in a data transfer system. The system consists of several data channels, where every channel consists of three parts: driver, transmission lines and receiver. The driver send low amplitude differential signals via the transmission lines to the receiver that amplifies and converts it to a single-ended signal. The receiver has to be fast and be able to feed an output signal with high voltage swing.

Implementation of a Data Handling System for a Scientific  Magnetometer on a CubeSat

Since their invention in 1999, CubeSats have become a widespread standard for small picosatellite missions. CubeSats allow for quick development of satellite payloads and launch in space without the high costs of a normal satellite. Emphasis during the CubeSat design process is placed on use of commercialoff- the-shelf (COTS) components and reuse of previously-designed units.This report describes the interfacing of a scientific magnetometer, the Small Magnetometer in Low-Mass Experiment (SMILE) to such a CubeSat mission, the Space Weather using Ion spectrometers and Magnetometers (SWIM). Design of a complete platform for use in multiple such missions is presented here.Modularity is one of the key aspects followed in the course of the work. A new board containing the analog pick-up and compensation circuitry for SMILE has been designed to fit inside a CubeSat frame.

Baskisk identitet - en studie av den baskiska nationalismens förändring.

The aim of this study is to analyze the change of Basque nationalism during the last ten years and discuss how the main nationalist party (PNV) tries to impose "we"- feelings and support for its cause. Theories of nationalism and national identity are used in the analysis.A textual analysis of PNV:s unofficial documents is discussed and compared with a discourse analysis of its official documents. Although the unofficial documents deal with similar view of basic political/territorial ambitions, language and identification, there are some differences in the latest documents regarding the view of who is defined as Basque and also to the detoriated relation to Spain. Although references are made to the regard that the Basque Country is for everyone, the persistence of emphasizing the uniqueness and myths of the Basque culture signals a different matter. The discourse analysis of the official documents supports this claim and although they contain an ambiguous relation to Spain it is clear that Basque nationalism has been radicalized.

Meningsskapande omvärldsbevakning - En diskussion kring dess förutsättningar

The topic for this master thesis is Business Intelligence, a means for decision makers to obtain accurate analysis about organisations surrounding world. The purpose is to examine how Business Intelligence is carried out in practice and how it can be made more efficient by considering some underlying and often overlooked factors. The study shows that organisations should strive for common goals and to engender corresponding perspectives amongst the co-workers. We have also concluded that Sensemaking, Knowledge Creating, Tacit knowledge, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Creativity and Visions, influence the ability to utilize the efficiency of Business Intelligence. In some aspects we have noticed that our theoretical backbone differentiates from reality, which reveals the complex prerequisites that relates to matters of Business Intelligence.

Funktionaliteten i skogsmaskiners GIS-system

Holmen Skog is currently using a GPS-program called TraktInfo, originally developed within the company. They are now planning to switch to a new GPSprogram or allowing the contractors to buy other programs available from the logging equipment manufacturers. To be able to offer this flexibility, Holmen Skog needs to obtain information about the features offered by the different manufacturers in their specific programs, and also when the manufacturers are planning to start selling programs adapted to the new standard called StanFord2010. According to the study, the manufacturers are hesitant to StanFord2010 and there has also been a lack of clear signals from the customers and clients about what kind of different new features to include in the programs. The feature most frequently used by forest machine operators today is the option to keep record of the harvester?s path by creating a ?log plot?. This feature was not used to its full potential however, since only one out of eight of the forwarders included in the study had computers that were compatible with the harvester?s computer.

Felisolering av hytt- och chassikomponenter på tunga fordon

This master of science thesis is focusing on how the fault handling on hardware connected toa control unit on a Scania vehicle is working. To the hardware counts buttons levers, sensorsand CAN. The work has been concentrated upon how the fault handling is working and if it ispossible to find any new fault modes.The control unit that has been studied is called the Coordinator and is the core in Scanias threenetworks of control units. The Coordinators work is to transmit messages between the threenetworks and to process signals from buttons, levers and sensors. The values is then usedinternally or is sent to other control units on the CAN networks.

Bearbetning av GPS-data vid Flyg- och Systemprov

At Flight and Systems test Saab AB, a post-processing software is used to process GPS data. A new software by the name GrafNav has been purchased and the purpose of this master thesis therefore became, partly to make a judgment regarding GrafNav?s ability to estimate position, velocity and accuracy, partly to if needed improve the estimate and finally find one or several methods to estimate the position and velocity accuracy. The judgment of GrafNav was performed partly by a comparison to the former post-processing software (PNAV) and partly by a comparison to the airplane?s inertial navigation system (INS).

Biomekanisk mätmetod och ergonomisk analys av träningsmaskiner

To get the maximal output of your exercise in gym machines, there are different factorsto be considered. For example the strength of the muscle varies dependent on the positionof the muscles. To get the best results of the exercise the load has to reduce and increaseat specific positions.This study was made in cooperation with Caretaker Scandinavia AB, a company forsales, marketing and development in health care. They are general agent for Nordic Gymwho works with manufacturing of equipment and machines for gym and fitness.The aim of this study was to generate a method of measurement to evaluate and controlthe biomechanics of Nordic Gym´s workout equipment. A protocol for an ergonomicanalysis on the equipment has also been elaborated.One of the methods to measure the biomechanics was to measure the torque through thewhole movement.

Fosterdiagnostik vid MR-undersökningar - gravida kvinnors upplevleser och magnetkamerans påverkan på fostret.

Introduktion: Fosterdiagnostik med magnetkamerateknik (MR-teknik) har utvecklats mycket den senaste tiden och använts som en kompletterande metod till ultraljudsundersökning. Magnetkamera ger ingen joniserande strålning till patienterna, samt ger en mycket mer detaljerad bildinformation än vad andra metoder gör. I samband med MR kan de gravida kvinnorna uppleva olika psykiska påfrestningar genom både själva MR-undersökningen och oro för barnets hälsa. Även om MR-fosterdiagnostiken anses vara en säker undersökningsmetod för fostret föreligger det ändå en ovisshet angående de effekter som kan förekomma. Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet är att genom publicerad forskning få kunskap som kan utveckla röntgensjuksköterskans möjlighet att ge optimalt stöd och information till gravida kvinnor vid fosterdiagnostik med MR-teknik utifrån följande aspekter: 1.

Hotbild för ädellav Megalaria grossa i Uppland och på Gotland :

Megalaria grossa is classified as Near treatened on the Swedish Red List. It is also a so called signals spieces, e. g. a spieces that function as an indicator, signalling a forest that is worthy of protection. The aim of this study was to clarify the status at selected localities in the province of Uppland and Gotland.


Cnior Mobile AB i Lindesberg utvecklar en mobil trygghetstelefon för äldre. Detta examensarbete går ut på att utforma en handsfree-enhet för denna. Handsfree-enheten ska integreras i larmknappen, som bärs av användaren runt handleden, och har kontakt med telefonen via blåtandsradio. I examensarbetet ingår att välja ut lämplig högtalare och mikrofon, hitta lösningar för smuts- och vattentålighet samt att lösa problem med ekon och bakgrundsstörningar.En högtalare hittades som uppfyllde kraven för smuts- och vattentålighet samtidigt som den hade utmärkt frekvensgång för återgivning av tydligt tal. Vattenavrinning från högtalaren löstes genom att ett sinussvep sänds ut från högtalaren varje gång ett samtal ska kopplas upp.

Medialisering i det politiska systemet: en kvalitativ studie om en politiskt styrd organisations medialiseringsprocess

AbstractPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to examine to which extant the politically governed organization, Swedish association of local authorities and local regions (SALAR), has been mediatized. Furthermore the purpose was to examine how SALAR being a Meta-organization affected the mediatization process. To accomplish this the thesis studied how SALAR organized themselves internally in order to form opinion through the media in one of their prioritized issues. A further purpose was to equalize SALAR?s mediatization process with the mediatization process for the whole political system. Method: This is a qualitative study which the gathered material has been collected through two types of methods, semi structured interviews and field observations.Material: A total of eight interviews were made distributed over three departments inside SALAR.

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