

22 Uppsatser om Accruals - Sida 1 av 2

Manipulerar företag sina resultat - En studie av förekomsten av Earnings management i samband med nyemission på den svenska marknaden

The thesis aims to examine the occurrence of Earnings Management (EM) preceding Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEOs) on the Swedish capital market. EM refers to activities and adjustments carried out by managers. The underlying purpose of these actions is to adjust net income. The procedure is typically done by borrowing income from future periods. Evidence of EM around SEOs has been documented on capital markets around the world, and the effects on firms' post-offering performance are severe.

??Finns det ett samband mellan graden av periodiseringar och inflationsjusterade skattade framtida rörelseresultat? : - Empirisk studie av den europeiska aktiemarknaden.

In line with Sloan (1996) but on European data (STOXX 600) we are investigating whether stock prices reflect information about future earnings contained in the accrual and cash flow components. The extent to which current earnings performance persists into the future earnings performance is shown to depend on the relative magnitudes of the cash and accrual components of current earnings. Moreover, we still find a significant positive excess return (Jensen?s alpha and size-adjusted return) by replicating Sloans (1996) hedge portfolio by taking a long position in the stock of firms reporting relatively low levels of Accruals and a short position in the stock of firms reporting relatively high levels of Accruals. However, we find no evidence of negative excess returns for companies with relatively high Accruals, this somewhat lower the total excess returns for all the portfolios.

Vendor due diligence : Advokatbyråns skadeståndsansvar gentemot köparen enligt tillitsprincipen

In line with Sloan (1996) but on European data (STOXX 600) we are investigating whether stock prices reflect information about future earnings contained in the accrual and cash flow components. The extent to which current earnings performance persists into the future earnings performance is shown to depend on the relative magnitudes of the cash and accrual components of current earnings. Moreover, we still find a significant positive excess return (Jensen?s alpha and size-adjusted return) by replicating Sloans (1996) hedge portfolio by taking a long position in the stock of firms reporting relatively low levels of Accruals and a short position in the stock of firms reporting relatively high levels of Accruals. However, we find no evidence of negative excess returns for companies with relatively high Accruals, this somewhat lower the total excess returns for all the portfolios.

Earnings management i amerikanska företag tiden innan konkurs

The purpose of this study was to examine earnings quality and earnings management in U.S. ex-post failed firms. A quantitative study was made, using the Modified Jones Model, to identify abnormal Accruals up to six years before bankruptcy. 9 003 continuing firms and 187 bankrupt firms, active sometime between 1990 and 2010, were examined. The study concludes that U.S.

The accruals anomaly in Sweden

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: The Accruals anomaly in SwedenSeminariedatum: 2007-06-04Kurs: Corporate Finance - Master Thesis BUS860, D-nivå, 10 poängFörfattare: Hedda Giaever, Tobias GabrielssonHandledare: Maria GårdängenFem nyckelord: Accruals, Anomalier, Hedge, Överavkastning, IrrationalitetSyfte: Undersöka om investerare på den svenska marknaden tar hänsyn till att Accrualskomponenten av företags vinster säger mindre om framtidig vinst jämfört med kassaflödeskomponenten.Metod: Vi använder pool data för att undersöka de prediktiva värdena hos företagsresultatets olika komponenter. Ett Mishkintest på paneldata används för att undersöka om investerare tar hänsyn till de olika prediktiva värdena hos kassaflöde och ?Accruals?. Vi använder slutligen hedge portföljer för att kvantifiera våra resultat. Teoretiska perspektiv: Effektiva marknads hypotesen, Hypotesen om rationella förväntningar.Empiri: Poster från balansräkning samt avkastningsdata är hämtad från Thomson Datastream.Resultat: Accrualskomponenten av ett företags vinster säger mindre om framtida vinster jämfört med kassaflödet från den löpande verksamheten.

Kan en periodiseringsbaserad investeringsstrategi effektiviseras med hjälp av fundamental analys?

This paper investigates whether the traditional accrual based trading strategy first documented by Sloan (1996) can be refined using fundamental analysis. Specifically, this is done by implementing the composite signal F_SCORE introduced by Piotroski (2000) to identify financially strong or weak firms. We find that by applying both investment models simultaneously, in a model we call P_KOMB, the mean market-adjusted return earned by an investor exploiting the accrual anomaly can be increased by 14.8% annually. This is achieved by taking a long position in strong firms (as defined by the composite signal) in the lowest accrual portfolio, while an offsetting short position is taken in weak firms in the highest accrual portfolio, repeated annually between 1997 and 2007. Consistent with prior studies, positive market-adjusted returns can be attained through assessment of Accruals as well as key value drivers found in historical financial data.

Prognostisering av räntabilitet på eget kapital - Förbättras möjligheten att prognostisera räntabilitet på eget kapital om hänsyn tas till earnings management

Prior studies have shown that earnings management can be used either to inform or to mislead investors about the future performance of a company. However, few studies have examined the impact of earnings management on forecasting return on equity (ROE). The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether the ability to forecast next year's ROE is improved when taking earnings management, measured as discretionary Accruals, into account. This is examined by comparing a forecast model that takes the magnitude of discretionary Accruals into consideration with a model that does not. The study is based on companies that were listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during 2002-2012.

Kapitalstrukturens inverkan på Earnings Management i svenska börsföretag

Syftet med examensarbetet är att tillföra ny kunskap inom den svenska earnings management forskningen genom att undersöka kapitalstrukturens eventuella korrelation med earnings management. Uppsatsen har en kvantitativ metodansats, paneldata regressionsanalys används för att genomföra studien. Arbetet grundar sig i tidigare forskning på earnings management området. Vidare prövas Debt-to-Equity teorin mot den svenska marknaden. Den empiriska undersökningen utgår från 231 företag listade på den svenska börsen under tidsperioden 2003-2007 och en negativ korrelation konstateras mellan earnings management och kapitalstruktur.

Big Bath Accounting och bonus i börsnoterade företag

A company may use different accounting techniques to adjust accounting information and thereby attract investors. Big Bath Accounting is defined as a strategy used to make changes in the financial statements and reduce the results further when the companies expect negative results. This phenomenon has been observed empirically and occurs when including CEO change and negative results. The aim of this study is to test whether there is another factor affecting Big Bath Accounting, namely remuneration of the CEO. The CEOs should, by changing the accounting information, be able to influence their compensation.

Ger en kvinnlig CFO högre redovisningskvalitet?

The executives of a firm possess considerable influence over a company's financial reports. The numbers can be adjusted in a favorable direction by engaging in Earnings Management, which harms the reliability of the financial reporting. Previous research suggests that Earnings Management can differ between genders. In recent years the debate about a woman's role in the business world has received generous attention in media. Moreover, the presence of women in leading positions has become a relevant issue for firms.

Marknadens värdering av redovisningskvalitet

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether accounting quality is a priced factor by investors. The event studied is the release of year-end result and the release of the annual report. To assess accounting quality a sample of 30 companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during 2003 to 2007 are studied. We assess accounting quality by the absolute size of discretionary Accruals using the modified Jones model developed by Dechow et al. (1995).

Längden på revisionsuppdraget och revisionskvaliteten : Finns det något samband?

This study examines whether there is an association between the length of the client-auditor relationship and audit quality, using absolute unexpected Accruals estimated by industry as a measure of audit quality based on a modified Jones model. The study is motivated by the proposal on mandatory audit firm rotation for publicly traded companies from the European Commission, which is based on the notion that longer auditor firm tenure creates a familiarity threat which reduces the audit quality. Both the relation between audit quality and auditor partner tenure and audit firm tenure is examined in this study, using multivariate regression controlling for auditor type (Big 4 versus non-Big 4), signing auditors (one versus two auditors), firm size, profitability, leverage and age. There is a significant negative relationship between audit quality and audit partner tenure when only companies employing Big 4 is tested, which indicate that auditors constrain managements extreme accounting measures with longer tenure. The results provide no significant evidence of an increase in the absolute unexpected Accruals with audit firm tenure, when only Big 4 companies are tested.

EARNINGS MANAGEMENT : Förekomsten i Svenska börsnoterade företagvid tiden av en nyemission

I denna studie undersöker vi om det förekommer earnings management i resultathöjande syfte bland svenska börsnoterade företag vid tiden av en nyemission. Studier om earnings management vid nyemissioner har gjorts förut av exempelvis av (Shivakumar, 2000). Han kommer fram till att earnings management förekommer tiden precis innan en nyemission. Vi hittar dock ingen studie utförd på svenska företag, vilket vi vill undersöka närmare. Syftet med resultatet av studien är att visa intressenter till företagen att de kan bli vilseledda när de ska investera sitt kapital när earnings management förekommer..

The Determinants and Impacts of Executive Stock Options

The thesis main objective is to establish the determinants for granting executive stock options and to examine their impact on performance for firms listed on OMXS30. The analysis is based on accounting data gathered from annual reports and Thomson Datastream. The empirical results display that firms grant stock options to mitigate the principal-agent problem. Furthermore, risk proves to be positively significant with executive stock options, implying that either executives increase the level of risk after being granted stock options or influence the decision of the remuneration towards stock options when the firm increase the level of risk, in purpose to boost the expected value of their options. No relation between executive stock options and firm performance could be established..

Resultatmanipulering : En jämförelse mellan olika ägarstrukturer

Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra hur förekomsten av resultatmanipulering ser ut i företag med olika ägarstrukturer noterade på de svenska börslistorna under åren 2005-2008. Vi har valt att definiera tre grupper av företag: familjeägda företag, företag ägda av investmentbolag och övriga företag. För att identifiera skillnader i resultatmanipulering väljer vi att jämföra medelvärden på godtyckliga periodiseringar hos de olika företagsgrupperna genom ett oberoende t-test, sedan utförs regressioner för att försöka förklara potentiella skillnader. Studiens resultat visar i likhet med tidigare forskning att förekomsten av resultatmanipulering är lägre i familjeföretag i jämförelse med övriga företag. Vårt resultat tyder även på att det inte existerar någon signifikant skillnad mellan företag ägda av investmentbolag och övriga företag vad gäller förekomsten av resultatmanipulering..

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