

3979 Uppsatser om Accounting by change - Sida 14 av 266

Insamlingsorganisationer - vad förklarar omfattningen av redovisningsprinciper?

The natural disasters of recent time have caused the people of Sweden to donate very large amounts of money to different fundraising organizations. With this in mind, we found it interesting to examine the extent of disclosure in the annual reports of the Swedish fundraising organizations. Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify which factors that influences the extent of disclosure of accounting principles in the annual reports of Swedish fundraising organizations. To fulfill this purpose we conducted a content analysis of 149 annual reports from Swedish fundraising organizations. To help us explain the levels of disclosure we applied stakeholder theory, institutional theory and legitimacy theory.

Kreditbedömning : -en studie om hur banker kontrollerar informationen från fastighetsbolagen

The new accounting standards IFRS and IAS was implemented in January 2005, the purpose was to harmonize accounting standards world wide. As a result of these new rules the real estate companies are allowed to appraise real estates assets at market value. It has long been debated whether this appraisal fulfils the requirements for relevance, reliability and comparability.The paper attends to how banks control the information given by the real estate companies in the process of credit granting. As an introduction we describe the purpose of accounting and the problematic´s about appraisals with market values. Further on there is a discussion on which factors are taken into consideration when banks grant credits.The study is built on interviews at three different commercial banks.

I Piotroskis Fotspår : Förslag på förbättringar av Piotroskis hög book-to-market investeringsstrategier

Vårt syfte med uppsatsen var att ta reda på om KASAM-begreppet, trots att det har några år på nacken, fortfarande ses som betydelsefullt. Vi utgick från personalens perspektiv gällande KASAM's betydelse för barn 0-12 år, placerade på institution eller med någon form av insats från öppenvården. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer tog vi del av personalens erfarenheter av KASAM's betydelse för barnen, hur de arbetar och om de metoder de använder sig av , ger möjlighet att skapa en känsla av sammanhang för barnen. Vid tolkningen av vårt intervjumaterial utgick vi från tre teman baserade på våra frågeställningar. Det som framkom av materialet var att KASAM har stor betydelse för barnens välbefinnande.

Hantering av risk i en Leveraged Buyout-miljö: Ägarförändringsklausulen, ett nytt fenomen?

The change of control clause is nowadays a well used covenant in the Eurobond market, with the aims to protect bondholders in case of a leveraged buyout. This thesis intend to evaluate whether the change of control clause is a new phenomenon in the Eurobond market today and to estimate what have been the driven force for the popularity of it. The thesis found that the change of control clause already existed before and thus it is not a new phenomenon. Several factors where found though to explain the extended use of the clause today. Starting in 2005 the LBO activity increased rapidly, exposing almost every company to the risk of LBO.

Eftersökta fördelar vid företagsförvärv : integrationsprocessens betydelse för måluppfyllnad

Mergers and acquisitions are a phenomenon which can occur for a variety of reasons. It may for example be that the organizations want to gain larger market shares or to complement and learn from each other and thus become more competitive. After the completion of an acquisition or merger, a process is initiated to create an affiliation between the two companies' employees. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether there is something that management can do to make the integration process as efficient as possible. The empirical research in this paper consisted of interviews and surveys with respondents from two accounting firms that recently completed a merger.

Vägen till icke kriminell.? En livsstilsförändring.

What is it that drives a person with criminal behavior to change their lifestyle? What are the obstacles to a lifestyle change? These issues have been guiding us during this study. In the introduction, we describe the previous research that has been done among crime in men. The themes that will follow us through the course of the study are as follows; cause of crime, Self-efficacy, social network and lifestyle change. The aim of the study was to investigate the factors that a former prison convicted individual believes has been significant, as they break their criminal behavior associated with a lifestyle change.

EN ANNAN RETORIK? Nationalistiska partiers anv?ndning av nationalistisk milj?- och klimatpolitik

Climate change is a phenomenon that know no boundaries. While focus on environment and climate change has become highly prioritized, nationalism has spread across Europe. Nationalism is by many considered to refuse action to combat climate change although some argue that nationalism could combat global climate change. Previous research on how nationalism is implemented in environment and climate politics has mainly focused on single parties. The thesis therefore aims to give a broad approach and compare how nationalism is used in environment and climate politics by analyzing 4 European parties with either ethnic or civic nationalism and different roles in their party system. With a qualitative content analysis on party programs and election manifestos the findings imply that parties use nationalism in the climate and environment discourse in a variety of ways.

Medarbetarupplevelse av psykosocial arbetsmiljö vid förändring på arbetsplatsen

Title: Employee experience of psychosocial working environment during change at the workplace.In times of change processes the working environment at the workplace may be affected. Lack of balance between demands and the ability to handle the workload can lead to reduced work satisfaction, which is an important component for an individual?s performance and commitment. The aim is to investigate experiences in the employee?s psychosocial working environment during change management.

Svenska börsbolags redovisning av pensionsskulder enligt IAS 19 : Finanskrisens påverkan pådiskonteringsräntan

Inledning: Enligt IAS 19 ska diskonteringsräntan för bestämmande av pensionsskulden bestämmas utifrån räntan på företagsobligationer. Om det saknas en fungerande marknad för företagsobligationer ska räntan på statsobligationer användas. Efter finanskrisen år 2008 ökade räntespreaden mellan dessa två räntor och det uppstod ett problem för länder utan en fungerande marknad för företagsobligationer, däribland Sverige.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur svenska börsbolags diskonteringsräntenivå har påverkats av finanskrisen år 2008. Samt vad detta har för konsekvenser på boalgens finansiella rapporter och dess annvändare.Metod: Undersökningen studerar korrelationen som sambandsmått för att mäta hur diskonteringsräntan förhåller sig till soliditeten i svenska börsbolag som redovisar förmånsbestämda pensionsplaner.Referensram: Denna del av undersökningen består av en genomgång av relevanta delar av regelverket (IFRS) samt centrala redovisningsbegrepp och principer.Teori: Teorin består av teoretiska resonemang kring accounting choice, accounting disclosure och earnings management.Resultat & analys: Undersökningens resultat visar att det finns en svag korrelation mellan och diskonteringsränta hos svenska börsbolag med förmånsbestämda pensionsplaner. Dessutom visar resultatet att svenska börsbolag inte längre har en diskonteringsränta i nivå med statsobligationsräntan.Diskussion: Diskussion förs kring hur svenska bolag förhållit sig till regelverket och redovisningsprinciper vid beräkning av sina pensionsskulder samt hur detta har påverkat intressenterna av den finansiella rapporten.Slutsats: Utifrån funna resultat kan slutsats dras att efter finanskrisen har bolag med en låg soliditet valt en högre diskonteringsränta.

Äkta dans : en studie av förändringar i konst och konstnärskap beroende på kulturbyte, fallet Abdul Rahim Ghafori

This study examines the nature and possible causes of the changes in the art and artistry of Abdul Rahim Ghafori, an Afghan artist who has migrated to Sweden. The premise of this paper is that over time a person who migrates to another culture will undergo change. In an artist this change should manifest itself in his art and artistry. The study examines this process of change and how it is manifested in the artistry and art of Abdul Rahim Ghafori. The study intends to increase knowledge and understanding of the changes a person undergoes when experiencing a culture change..

Möjliga strategier för Holmens framtida skogsägande : med avseende på virkesmarknadens historiska och framtida utveckling

The purpose of this thesis was to study Holmen?s possible future ownership, concerning their forestland in Sweden. We have compared the strategy of the present owning of forests with three different alternatives. These three alternatives are: 1) selling all the forestland, 2) establish a new company which owns the forest where Holmen is the major stockholder and finally 3) an alternative were the two northerly regions are sold. We used Holmen?s annual account from the year 2002 as a bare year and made a reconstruction of the annual account in the three different alternatives.

Generationsskifte i lantbruksföretag : en arbetsgång och fallstudie

The Swedish agriculture has gone through some changes and there are more changes coming in the near future. The structure is mowing towards bigger units. The average age for the Swedish farmer is high, and a great number of agricultural enterprises are going to get an owner from the next generation within the family. The aim of this thesis is through case studies examine the economic consequences of transfer of agricultural holdings. The methods in change of generation that this essay treats are changes of generation, in the form of gift and purchases.

Vad påverkar redovisningen av goodwill och immateriella tillgångar? - En studie om tillämpningen av IFRS 3

The first of January 2005 all companies listed on a stock exchange within the European Unionhad to implement International Financial Accounting Standards (IFRS) in their annual report.But is this regulation for the good or worse and does the benefits outweigh the cost? The goalwith the regulation is to make it easier for investors, shareholders and other stakeholders tomake financial decisions, compare domestic as well as international companies at the samecondition. One of the differences with the introduction of the new regulation is IFRS 3 thathandles business combination and how goodwill and intangible assets from the acquiredcompany should be accounted for. The objectives of our dissertation is to identify those listedcompanies that have made one or more acquisition between the years 2005 to 2006 andmeasure their level of disclosure concerning goodwill and intangible assets through theacquisition. We concluded trough the results that positive accounting theory and systemorientated theory didn?t explain all the verities in the companies? disclosures.

Beslutsfattande i säkerhetspolitiska kriser -En studie om press och politisk förändring i den ekonomiska krisens Thailand

This thesis is seeking to explain why policy change come about. This is done by applying a part of Karin Lindgrens dissertation Vad styr ledaren?. The research evolves around the term pressure and the hypothesis are that policy change come about when there is middle range pressure on the decision-maker. Low and high pressure results in no or small policy change.The thesis is done as a case study where the economic crisis in Thailand 1996-1999 makes my case.

Äktenskapet och det förändrade samhället : en kvalitativ studie om den förändrade giftermålsfrekvensen under 1900-talet

In the past, the meaning of marriage has been an agreement between two people to live together and have children in a legitimate manner. The marriage was not just to form a couple; it was also to merge two families together. From the early 1900s until today the allegation of marriage and its influence got a significant change compared to early societies which have aroused my interest to perform this into a research paper. My study is focused on marriage and social changes during the 1900s. Thoughts that arise now is that why there was a remarkable change in the marriage rate during the 1900s and whether there were any social changes had to do something with it.

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