

3979 Uppsatser om Accounting by change - Sida 13 av 266

Klimatanpassning och lantbruket i Värmland : Klimatförändringarnas upplevda effekter på lantbruket och olika aktörers åsikter om klimatanpassning

Climate change is a global and slow process that affects humans all over the world. Climate adaption within agriculture is important to reduce the risks that agricultures are exposed to because of climate change.  Through climate adaption you can improve the positive effects and take advantage of them optimally. How the climate change affects agricultures varies depending on regions and societies. The purposes of the study are to examine how different actors experience the impacts of climate change on the agriculture in Värmland.

Den tredje våldtäkten : En narrativ analys av fyra friande våldtäktsdomar

The purpose of this study was to create an environment that stimulates children?s communication via language in a preschool called ?The Flower?. The environment should encourage and challenge the children to interact and communicate more with each other. That in turn will further the children?s language acquisition.

Språkutvecklande miljöer i förskolan : En studie om hur barn tillägnar sig språket genom ökat samspel

The purpose of this study was to create an environment that stimulates children?s communication via language in a preschool called ?The Flower?. The environment should encourage and challenge the children to interact and communicate more with each other. That in turn will further the children?s language acquisition.

Svenska Basketbollförbundets Regionsutvecklingsprojekt U15 : En studie av förändringsprocessen för regionsutvecklingsprojektet och regionsledarnas attityder till organisationsförändringen

In 2009, the Swedish Basketball Federation started a Region U15 development project in order to change the structure of the regional organization to get into a more transparent and similar operations throughout the country. My purpose is to study the attitudes to the change among the region leaders in the regional operations and evaluate the change from an organizational perspective. The study is primarily based on the following questions: What are the experiences of the change process among the region leaders in the regional organization? How involved have region leaders been in the changing process? Which are the positive and negative aspects with the regional operation today? What can be done further to develop the regional operation and to what extent do the organizational change follow general organizational theories? In my study, a qualitative method was used in terms of interviews with 8 regional leaders to understand their attitude to the project and the changing process. To analyze the results of the region leaders ?responses, a transcription have been made.

Ledarskap i framtidens idrottsförening : En kvalitativ studie om samhällsförändringars betydelse för föreningsledare och deras förening

Change is a recurring element in society and for sports clubs. When there is a change in society, this change may have an impact and change the condition for sports clubs and its leaders. Changes can be degraded into trends. This study has been delimited to study four social trends that research shows may have an impact on sports club, which are; Increased commercialization, changing demographics, changing communication patterns and increased individualization. To help sports clubs in their development it is of value to find out how these changes are perceived.

Från främling till tvetydig svensk : En kvalitativ undersökning av namnbyte från utländskt klingande namn till svenskklingande namn

The essay, based on interviews with eight people, deals with name changes from a foreign-sounding name to Swedish-sounding name. The aim is to investigate the reasons behind the name change and whether experiences of ethnic discrimination were among these reasons. Furthermore, I explore the consequences of the name change, and whether the name change was an effective strategy to avoid ethnic discrimination. The study employs qualitative method; I carry out eight interviews with four women and four men, and analyze the empirical material by means of post-colonial theory in which categorizing, otherness and passing are significant terms. The results show that the name change takes place primarily to reduce a sense of otherness, and the discursively locked positions a foreign-sounding name creates.

Affärssystemens påverkan på ekonomistyrningen : En fallstudie på VIDA AB

Bachelor thesis, Controller, Program of Master of Science in Business and Economics, School of Business and Economics at Linneaus University in Växjö, Sweden, Course Code: 2FE13E:3, Spring 2012 Authors: Jacob Cedergren, Adam Pettersson, Hampus SkelterwijkSupervisor: Anders JerrelingTitle: The ERP-systems impact of the management control - a case study of VIDA AB Original Title: Affärssystemens påverkan på ekonomistyrningen - en fallstudie på VIDA ABBackground: New technology has given businesses new opportunities to use and store information and the current information systems has changed the way of working in more or less all sectors and operations. ERP-systems have been one of the most important IT innovations in the past decade. The potential of a properly implemented ERP-system is great because it has got the ability to link the company?s different areas together. Despite its many advantages, there are several examples of cases where the acquisition and implementation has been a total failure.

Går vägen till hållbar utveckling via hållbarhetsredovisning?

Bakgrund: Med eskalerande miljöhot är det självklart att alla ska bidra till ett värnande om miljön och en hållbar utveckling.Företag kan, frivilligt, utföra hållbarhetsredovisningar för attlegitimera sig inför sina intressenter. Ett bestyrkande frånoberoende part gör hållbarhetsredovisningen, som liggerutanför traditionell redovisning, mer trovärdig.Syfte: Syftet med fallstudien är att, utifrån en grundmodell och enutvidgad modell inom hållbar utveckling granska tre företags hållbarhetsredovisningar, för att i analys och slutsats urskilja om hållbar utveckling kan uppnås genom hållbarhetsredovisningar.Metod: FallstudieResultat: Med lagar som grund i all redovisning, tillsammans mednormgivande riktlinjer som exempelvis GRI, toppat med företagens vilja att konkurrera och marknadsföra sig via redovisning av miljö- och socialt ansvar, kan resultatet bli att en uppstramning av lagen i nuläget är onödig..

Från färdighetsträning till vokalt uttryck : Om sången i grundskolans läroplaner

The subject singing in elementary school changed its name to music in 1955 and with the name change followed a change in the content of the topic. In my study, I examine the perspective of how song as a subjekt has changed in the basic school curriculum texts. As a complement to text analysis, I used interviews in which two music teachers with long service in primary school were interviewed. My survey shows that there has been a clear change of the contents of concept song from being a pure skill where the aim was the vocal line benefits in different contexts and is today a vocal expression that can be embodied in many different ways. Curriculum texts have not been crucial to the changing content of the concept song.

Från Colosseum till Allianz Arena : En explorativ studie om processen att fo?ra?ndra ett fo?retags grafiska profil

The strategy when you change the visual part of the brand identity is often referred to as Corporate rebranding and is seen as a good way to show that a company has undergone a change. Despite high risks and high costs, this strategy has become more common and there are companies today who make the choice to change an already well-known graphic profile. This phenomenon is what underlies this essay?s problem statement: Why does a company with an already well-known graphic profile choose to change it and how does the process behind the change occur? In what way have the company?s customers recognized the change and how has the company?s image changed in this context? The purpose of this essay is therefore to explore the process that occurs when a company in the sport and fashion industry changes its visual identity and to explore how the company?s customers have perceived the change.To fulfil the purpose of the essay a case study was carried out on a company?s Corporate rebranding process. The company that was chosen was the Swedish sports retail chain Stadium Sweden AB who decided to change its graphic profile even though their logo was one of the two most recognized in their field.

Hylluppställning i förändring ? En studie över svenska folkbiblioteks alternativa hylluppställningar

The aim of this thesis is to study how public libraries in Sweden use alternative shelf arrangements that differ from the library?s original classification system, which in Swedish public libraries usually is the SAB-system. I sent out a survey to 169 public libraries, where I received 114 replies. 77 of these stated that they had some kind of alternative shelf arrangement, therefore these are the ones that are included in my study. I wanted to investigate in what way the libraries had changed their shelf arrangement and why this decision was made.

Skatterådgivning: En studie av skatterådgivningstjänster utifrån ett kundperspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to achieve an increased understanding of factors and considerations of importance to larger companies? purchases of tax consultancy services. Based on a qualitative case study, the thesis more specifically analyzes purchasing companies? perception of quality in tax consultancy services, how the companies organize their purchases of such services and the relationship between purchasing companies and tax consultants. The study suggests that tax consultancy services constitute a heterogeneous group of services which are normally purchased by people in charge of either accounting or tax matters in the purchasing company.

Det övergivna monumentet : Aveburymonumentets och landskapets förändring från ca 3000 f. Kr till ca 1500 f. Kr.

This master essay deals with the changes in the use of and the abandonment of the Avebury monument and the change of the surrounding landscape during the late Neolitihic, about 3000 B.C, and into the Bronze age, about 1500 B.C. The change in the way people supported themselves, the development of agriculture, brought along many other changes as well. I am in this paper dealing with these issues, how and what lead up to these changes, the peoples own part in the development, and I am also looking into the fact that these changes might not have meant an end of old ideologies, but rather a development in the expression of beliefs where the monuments of the neolithic no longer had a place in society..

Implementering av en ny chefsroll : Fallstudie av LRF-Konsult

As companies worldwide are in search of competitiveness and larger shares of the market, organizational change has become a key-factor to sustain a competitive edge. But as organizations consist of people, the human aspect of change is not to be disregarded. When change occurs, humans need time to find their new role in the organization, a process that takes time. In this thesis the authors ask themselves what an implementation process of a new managerial role looks like. To answer this question they?ve studied LRF Konsult.

Förstudie: Internt moln : En fallstudie för effektivare IT-administration

This is a report of a prestudy commissioned by a medium-sized Swedish company before an imminent major change in IT systems. The change aims to provide a simplified IT administration within the company through a cloud-based approach.The preliminary study provides an interpretation of the concept of cloud computing. It also covers a review of different models to use in order to achieve an internal cloud. Suggestions on how to proceed with the change process are also provided, and which models might be appropriate for the specific company..

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