

3979 Uppsatser om Accounting by change - Sida 12 av 266

Big Bath Accounting - Kan fenomenets förekomst bevisas?

Bakgrund och problem: Enligt IFRS Föreställningsram är Årsredovisningens huvudsakliga intressentinvesterare. För att attrahera riskkapital från investerare är det angeläget att bolagets finansiellaställning är god. Detta kan skapa incitament för bolaget att anpassa sin finansiella ställning för attmöta investerares krav. För att uppnå detta kan bolag använda sig av olika redovisningstekniskametoder, beroende på hur årsredovisningen skall framställas. Merparten av dessa metoder, vilkasyftar till att framställa den ekonomiska ställningen som bättre än verkligheten, går underbenämningen Designad redovisning, där Big Bath Accounting ingår som en del.Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka om det finns statistiska belägg för tillämpning av den teoretiskadefinitionen av strategin Big Bath Accounting på NASDAQ OMX Stockholmsbörsens Large Cap.Avgränsningar: Studien avgränsar sig till att undersöka företag, som per 2009-04-01 fanns noteradepå NASDAQ OMX Stockholmsbörsens Large Cap.

Avsättningar till pensioner : En studie om IAS 19 och konsekvenserna av dess implementering

Background: At the turn of the year 2004/2005, IAS 19 replaced Tryggandelagen (TrL) and RR 29 as the accounting standard in Swedish concerns. This introduction was associated with a certain apprehension for the possible changes in the companies? pension liabilities and equity.Purpose: To illustrate the difficulties of the introduction of IAS 19 by observing how it differs from TrL, and what kind of problems these differences can cause.Procedure: Individuals who are well up in, and work with pension liabilities have been interviewed. After this follows an example of the calculated pension liability of a company, to illustrate the differences between the calculations according to TrL and IAS 19. To conclude the chapter, a comparison between a number of companies from the Stockholm stock exchange is made to establish their various actuarial assumptions.Method: The essay mainly follows the qualitative research method, since this method is more appropriate when the substance in the matter is based on detailed differences and opinions.Results and conclusions: The introduction of IAS 19 has taken time and been an expensive matter, although the expenses weren?t as great as feared.

Komponentavskrivning inom kommunal redovisning : Nytt explicit krav från och med år 2014

Background: Several accounting scandals have caused a development from rules-based to principles-based regulation. Swedish municipalities follow the principle-based recommendations issued by RKR (The Council for Municipal Accounting). An explicit requirement of component depreciation has been introduced prior to 2014. The principles-based regulatory framework raises some choices regarding the introduction and demands that professional judgments are made. There is some risk that comparability decreases.

En studie om införandet av expected loss model : - En mer tillförlitlig och relevant metod för nedskrivning av finansiella tillgångar?

Accounting has been critized for being one of the leading factors in the latest financial crisis. One of the primary problem areas was identified as delayed recogonition of losses on financial instruments. Consequently, a new impairment model is being developed and is to be namned expected loss model. The difference from the present model, incurred loss model, is that it takes losses into consideration on an much earlier level. Even though the model may be theoretically feasible, in practice it may implicate a number of issues.

Den främsta förändringen i vardagsarbetet: en studie av bibliotekariers syn på förändring och stabilitet i arbetet

The main purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what librarians in seven public libraries experience as major change in their work tasks. We are also interested in exploring how these changes influence librarians? ways of working. In addition to this we want to explore if librarians have experienced change in relation to user?s expectations and demands and if so, how they are met.

Vad är rättvisande bild?"Man har väl liksom en helhetskänsla"

Background: Sweden?s membership in the EU affected the Swedish accounting regulation. Three EU-directives was implemented in the Swedish accounting regulation. This also meant that the concept "true and fair view" was introduced in the new "Årsredovisningslagen". The concept is not clearly defined and therefore the interpretation may differ amongst accountants.

Goodwill : En studie av företags transparens i redovisningen av koncerngoodwill

Goodwill är en immateriell tillgång som funnits inom redovisningen de senaste hundra åren. Hur goodwill ska behandlas diskuteras flitigt av forskare och yrkesverksamma. Från och med 2005 beslutade EU att alla noterade företag i unionen skulle följa IASB:s standarder vid upprättandet av sin koncernredovisning. Med de nya reglerna följde att goodwill ska värderas till verkligt värde och årligen testas för nedskrivningsbehov. Denna värderingsmetod innehåller subjektiva bedömningar av företagsledningen, vilket kräver transparens av företagen i sin redovisning av koncerngoodwill med information om hur nedskrivningsprövningen har utförts.

Outsourcing- vilka faktorer påverkar intressenternas förväntningar? En studie om ett förändringsarbete mellan flera intressenter i ett outsourcing sammanhang

The complex, ever growing and changing environment, requires that today's organizations are dynamic and willing to change in order to stand competitive.This awareness has made change number one priority in almost all organizations' agenda.We live in a world that is constantly changing, yet many organizations fail to change successfully. When a change occurs in complex environments with multiple stakeholders, it immediately increases the complexity and the challenges of the change process.A complex situation may arise when, for example, partial outsourcing of the corporate information system infrastructure. Two of the most difficult challenges that organizations face today is to conduct a successful change process and managing the effect of a change, such as arising expectations. It is very common for change in an organization not to achieve the desired result or that they even fail. There may be a lot of reasons for these failures.

På spaning efter den psykoterapeutiska förändringsprocessen

The aim of this study was to examine what factors experienced psychotherapists emphasize as central and change developing in psychotherapy. The intention was to highlight the therapists' personal thoughts and experiences of psychotherapeutic change. By personal interviews with three cognitive and three psychodynamic psychotherapists, data was retrieved and then analysed with a qualitative phenomenological and hermeneutical approach. The study revealed great accordance between the psychotherapists regarding the importance of therapeutic relationship, factors connected to therapeutic treatment and flexibility regarding to the method of treatment. Moreover, it has been revealed that psychotherapeutic change in both treatments of psychotherapy is due to integration between emotional and cognitive processes.

Motstånd till förändring

The aim of this study is to compare attitudes to change among innovation and economics students and teachers at one of the universities in Sweden.Data about students? and teachers? attitudes to change was gathered using a survey.Keeping in mind that knowledge can lower ones resistance this study is based on a hypothesis that individuals from the innovations program have a lower resistance to change. The study is also based on earlier research in regards to comparisons between students and teachers.The results of the study show that teachers have less resistance to change than students. Individuals in the innovation program are however less resistant to change than individuals in the economics program.One can discuss whether or not results of the study show that the hypothesis is correct.The difference between individuals in the economics- and the innovation program are statistically significant and has moderate effects in reality. The differences between teachers and students are statistically significant but only have a small effect.It is however a starting-point for future studies that will possibly explore the subject more profoundly..

Inramning av klimatförändringar : I svensk dagspress 2012 och bland unga vuxna

Something that all people have come across and more or less experienced is climate change. Climate change in itself is a very complex problem since there are no borders between countries that can stop the problem. The link between science and the public is largely in the hands of the media, since the media play an important role in defining environmental issues and to inform the public about research findings. In recent years, reports from the media showed a slightly skeptical and uncertain picture of this problem. This is despite the largely prevailing consensus among climate scientists that there is an anthropogenic climate change.

Med alliansen som utgångspunkt ? Behandlingspersonal och ungdomar om positiva förändringsfaktorer för ungdomar inom institutionsvården

The practice of residential treatment of youth has been up for debate for quite some time. The debate regarding institutional care has voiced concerns regarding the lack of follow-up and evaluation of treatment and its efficacy. It is especially important with additional research on residential treatment conducted from the perspective of those being treated, as well as the treatment providers. This study aims to add to this field of research. The study is based on two empirical studies conducted through qualitative interviews.


In the year of 2005 the international standard IAS 40 came in to use in Sweden, this lead to an opportunity for the corporations to choose either to evaluate their investment properties according to the historical cost accounting principal. The model contains the obtaining price with reduction for the planned writing off. The alternative that IAS40 offers is the fairvalue principal, which evaluate the investment properties by consideration of the income versus outcome and surrounding factors for every accounting periodSince the fairvalue is buildt on numbers the corporations them self choose what to publish and for how long the value depreciation should be lasting before it should be taken up as an unrealized value change in the reporting material. This means that there is a big chance that the evaluation can be distortedSince we just recently have had strong cyclical variation and are on our way from an excess boom into a weak economic climate, this will be the first study performed about fair value in a weak economic climate since the adoption of IAS40.The purpose of the essay is to find out how well the booked value of investment properties owned by corporations listed on the Swedish stock market accord with the fairvalue that the market and the Swedish property index indicates on. To be able to test this connection we gathered information from the corporation?s annual reports which we compiled to see how the market comprehends.

Ekonomistyrning i interorganisatoriska relationer

Background: Inter-organisational ways of working have become more and more common during the last decades. In order to attain efficiency and productivity, such inter-organisational relationships need to be governed and controlled. However, studies have shown that inadequate control is one of the main reasons for why inter-organisational relationships fail. One of the means that can be used for governing and controlling a business is management control. The use of management control in inter-organisational contexts is a quite unexplored area of research at the present time, which might seem somewhat surprising considering the fact that inadequate control is a common explanation for why inter-organisational relationships fail.

Finansiella analytikers användning av redovisningsrapporter : En studie av möjliga konsekvenser med ett utökat informationsinnehåll

The accounting of today results in reports that are valued according to one kind of value.There are advocates who recommend that the accounting should be expanded by one orseveral columns, which would enable that other methods of valuation could be used. In thisessay we examine how the ?multi column reporting? can alter the outcome of a financialanalysts? valuation procedure.In this essay we used existing theories about the financial analysts? usage of information toreach the lack of information we found and which we aim to erase whit this essay. To do thiswe studied decision theories and theories regarding information processing, and by interviewswith three financial analysts. After we collected the information needed for the analyses, wethen also compared the results of the interviews with related theories.The theories about decision in this essay concern whether a decision is based on rationality,bounded rationality or irrationality.

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