

362 Uppsatser om Accident occurrence - Sida 9 av 25

Djurägarbehandlingar inom renskötseln :

The aim of this study was to document treatments of sick and injured reindeer in Tornedalen and the area around Gällivare. I also wanted to find out the basis for the treatments, how they are considered to work and if they agree with established veterinary science. The occurrence of ?folk remedies? was especially studied. In all, 40 reindeer owners were interviewed.

Lugnet före stormen : En studie om hur Räddningstjänsten Medelpad arbetar med kommunikation och planering innan en kris

The United States use of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAV) or drones for targeted killings of terrorists has been on the rise in recent years and the method has become the core element of president Obamas strategy in the war against terror. This study examines the deterrent effect of targeted killings on terrorism using UCAV/drones as a method of counterterrorism. Building on the literature on counterterrorism, UCAV, targeted killings, deterrence theory and statistics on terrorism the study provides a case study of the CIA drone operations in Pakistan between the years 2004-2010. The goal has been to analyze drone operations and the extent of terrorism from the beginning of the drone campaign until 2010. This as a means of identifying possible trends in terrorism activity due to the occurrence of drone strikes.

Bristfällig tillbudsrapportering : En sammanställning av attityder och kunskap kring tillbud inom Peab

The construction industry stands as one of the industries in Sweden where most employees tend to encounter accidents. At the same time, the Swedish authority of work environment estimates that there are large numbers of hidden statistics with accidents and incidents that never gets reported. To prevent accidents, the Swedish authority of work environment has decided that every company have to, beside report every accident and major incident to the authority of work environment, keep statistics and evaluate every incident that happens at their places of work.The people responsible for work environment at the Swedish building contractor Peab, believe that it is only a fraction of all incidents happening at their construction sites that actually gets reported. The purpose of this study is to investigate the reason why employees of Peab do not report incidents. By an inquiry and interviews with both craftsmen and office holders at Peab Bygg Öst 1, the employees? attitudes and knowledge have been studied and evaluated.The study shows that the craftsmen´s knowledge of incidents is relatively low.

När pojkar betraktas som män : en kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om åldersgräns för tonårspojkar på Sveriges kvinnojourer

This paper aimed to investigate to what extent there is an age cut-off for teenage boys in the women?s shelters of Sweden and how a possible cut-off is described and maintained. This occurrence has not been investigated earlier to a large extent, which emphasizes the importance of this paper. A mixed strategy was used to cover both the frequency as well as the explanations to the age cut-off. The quantitative survey was sent to all women?s shelters in Sweden and the result showed that 56 % of the shelters had an age cut-off for teenage boys from 12 years of age and above.

Does nuclear power plants affect house prices? : a hedonic price model of Forsmark nuclear power plant

Nuclear power plants existences have been well debated since the 70s (Swedish radiation safety authority, 2014). Accidents, risk and presence connected to nuclear power plants have been part of many studies around the world. Recent studies have shown a connection between prices of houses and the distance and presence of nuclear power plant in a surronding area of the house. This paper uses Hedonic price modelling to investigate the willingness to pay for an increased distance to the Swedish nuclear power plant, Forsmark. For the dependent variable selling price was used and the independent variables were number of rooms, living area, other area, lot size, selling year, building year and distance to Forsmark.

Upplevelser av bannerreklam på en nischad hemsida

Title: Experiences of Banner advertisement on a specialized homepage Author: Marcus Westerberg Supervisor: Marie Hemming Department: Department of Business Administration, IEM Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, FEC 007 Purpose: Create a understanding for how the users on Internet pages experience the occurrence and the shape of the banners. Method: Methods used are quantitative and qualitative, and the facts and figures are based on a pop up inquiry and some telephoneinterviews. I elected pop up inquiry and telephoneinterview as my data collection. My inquiry had a high grade of standardization and the interviews had a low grade of standardization. Result: On the basis of the question of issue I have drawn the conclusion that the users feels that it is important with information in all advertising. It is also important for the users to create a value around the product. The users do not have the time to figure out the message behind advertising, the want simple and massive information about the product/service.

Great design experiences don?t happen by accident - En kvalitativ studie om design av upplevelser i Surface-computing system

Användarupplevelser är en gren inom användbarhetsområdet som på senare år kommit att studeras alltmer. Orsaken till detta är att ny teknik medför andra krav på produkter än att produkter som sådana ska vara lätthanterliga. Produkten kan likväl ha som syfte att vara rolig att använda sig av.Studiens syfte var att studera användarupplevelser beträffande Surface-computing teknologi.Företaget Interactive Institutes innovativa Surface-computing produkt Virtual Autopsy Table fick exemplifiera Surface-computing teknologi i publika miljöer. Genom att använda denna uppmärksammade produkt som underlag är syftet att undersöka vilka designmoment som kan anses vara kritiska för upplevelsebaserad design. Studiens frågeställning blev:Vilka riktlinjer kan tas fram för att vägleda en designprocess att bli mer fokuserad påanvändarupplevelser vad gäller Surface-computing system?Med utgångspunkt från studiens datamaterial, så var en del av studiens syfte att ta fram riktlinjer.

?Det är svårt att hinna med allt?- : en studie av synen på ett vidgat textbegrepp i samband med skönlitteraturundervisningen

The purpose of this study was to examine the usage and occurrence of media literacy in relation to literature studies in the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. The questions at issue were;How do teachers and students look upon media literacy and how is this attitude reflected in their education?How do teachers incorporate media literacy with literature studies?What attitudes do students have towards their teachers? education of media literacy and literature studies?The study took place in two cities in Sweden. It consists of eighteen qualitative interviews with six teachers and twelve students. The study shows that teachers have different attitudes towards media education in relation to literature studies.

Malmmineralogisk undersökning av Pb-, Zn-, Cu- och Ag-förande kvartsgångar i Värmskogsområdet, mellersta Värmland

AbstractPolymetallic (Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag-Au-Sb-As-Bi-Cd-Te-Se-Ge?) quartz veins occur in an area from Eidsvoll in southeastern Norway to west of LakeVänern in southwestern Sweden. They most likely formed during the waning stage of the c. 1 Ga Sveconorwegian orogeny. In Värmskog parish, Värmland county, several mineralized quartz veins of different types are known.

Arbetsskador som drabbar marin maskinpersonal : En kartläggning av skaderiskerna för marin maskinpersonal ombord på svenska fartyg, samt en jämförelse av skaderisken med liknande arbeten iland

Syftet med undersökningen är att kartlägga skaderiskerna med att arbeta som marin maskinpersonal och jämföra skaderisken med anställda som har liknande arbeten iland. Undersökningen inbegriper även att kartlägga vilka typer av arbetsskador, som ger de mest allvarliga konsekvenserna för den anställde i förhållande till hur vanlig olyckan är.Undersökningen är en litteraturstudie där Arbetsmiljöverkets arbetsskadeanmälningar utgör grundmaterialet, där totalt 198 arbetsskador behandlades och kategoriserades. Transportstyrelsens statistik för ombordanställda jämfördes med Arbetsmiljöverket och Statistiska centralbyrån statistik över anställda iland. Detta för att se vilken yrkeskategori som hade högst skaderisk.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att arbetsolyckor under kategorierna ?Bära? och ?Halka/Snubbla/Trilla? och arbetssjukdomar under kategorin ?Tunga lyft/Arbetsställningar? är de arbetsskador, som ger de mest allvarliga konsekvenserna i förhållande till hur vanlig arbetsskadan är.

Risken för översvämningar vid de svenska kärnkraftverken : en statistisk och historisk extremvärdesanalys

This thesis investigates the overall risks of flooding over the Design Basis Flooding Level (DBFL) at the Swedish nuclear power plants (Oskarshamn, Ringhals and Forsmark), using statistical data and methods, but also considers historical events which might affect the overall risk of flooding at the specified sites.Considering the nuclear accident which happened in Fukushima in conjuction with the earthquake and tsunami which struck eastern Japan on 11 March 2011, operators and licensors of nuclear power plants all over the world conducted reviews and investigations on the overall risks posed to the plants from external events. One important such event is extreme water level.One part of the thesis includes an extreme value analysis (using Generalized Extreme Value distribution and Generalized Pareto distribution) of water level data from SMHI (Sweden's Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) measured at stations close to the Swedish nuclear power plants. The results of the statistical studies indicate that considering the return period used in the thesis (100 000 years), the water levels at the Swedish nuclear power plants are not expected to exceed DBFL.The other part of the thesis consists of a historical study of extreme weather-related events. The results of this study indicate that no historical events seem to have occured which would indicate a higher risk of flooding than the one suggested by the statistical study. .

Bekämpningsmedelsrester i dricksvatten : En undersökning av bekämpningsmedel i 50 enskilda brunnar i Laholms kommun

AbstractThe knowledge about pesticide residue in private wells is not well documented in Sweden.Previous studies have detected pesticide residue in private wells, this issue is what made themunicipality of Laholm commission the study. The purpose was to collect water samples from50 private wells in Laholm and have them analyzed for traces of pesticides. The wells in thestudy are spread geographical over the entire municipality. The analysis of the water sampleswas carried out by the accredited laboratory Eurofins. Nine of the 50 wells in this studycontained residue of pesticides and two of these exceeded the allowed concentration of 0,1 ?g/l.Nine different pesticides were detected, among these were BAM, Atrazin and breakdownproducts from Metribuzin.

Ohälsa hos polisen : en explorativ undersökning av riskfaktorer och dess påverkan på mental ohälsa

Earlier psychological research on stress and its complex of problems has identified several factors which have shown a relation with the occurrence of a poorer mental ill-health. In this study some of these factors have been examined in 69 police officers from Stockholm, Lund and Helsingborg. In the study, police officers with high and low self reported ill-health were compared considering trait anxiety, alexithymia and posttraumatic stress symptoms.The results showed that police officers with poorer mental ill health had a significant higher degree of trait anxiety, the dimension of alexithymia difficulty identifying feelings and the PTSD-dimension avoidance and hyperarousal. The results also showed several positive relations among the variables that divided the groups. On account of the last-mentioned the results will above all be discussed in an integrating perspective..

Politiska beslutskedjors uppkomst och utveckling - En fallstudie av ett politiskt beslutsfenomen

This study aims to investigate the origin and the development of a certain type of decision phenomena, namely political decision chains. A political decision chain is defined as a seemingly rational decision being made, that is reverted through a new decision and this for other reasons than the original decision being regarded as having fulfilled its intended purpose. The essay attempts to explain the occurrence of these decision chains through a case study in order to thoroughly examine the complexities that surround political decisions overall. The essay concludes that uncontrollable factors and chance to a large extent affect the origin of these chains, allowing actors to change the political agenda according to their preferences. The relative weighting of these factors that is made by the actors, which exist within the decision chain, makes them underestimate the relative power of other actors that may have different preferences.

Framgångsfaktorer i ett fallförebyggande arbete inom hemtjänsten

In 2005 over 48 000 senior citizens fell so badly that the needed medical care and almost 1200 of them died. This makes falls in the elderly one of our biggest public health problems. Research in this area is extensive and although we know what causes a fall and how we in theory should work to prevent their occurrence, this is a problem that is increasing. There seems to be a gap between research and practice, and research into why this gap occurs is very narrow. The purpose of this study was to identify success factors with fall prevention from a staff- perspective.

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